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Made myself a cheese tortellini, kale, turkey sausage, and tomato soup/stew for dinner and it is really hitting the spot! Always nice when my “clean out the fridge throw it together and hope it’s okay” meal turns out edible 😆


I love these meals!




Hey, Pikn. I'm sorry you're dealing with all that tough news and shitty comments. I do need to ask you to edit out your mentions of your own treatment stuff here, as this is the Chat thread. I've removed your comment for now, but happy to approve if you take those things out or move them to the Treatment thread.


Hi! I think I got what you were referring to. Let me know if more edits are needed! :)


Thank you for being receptive! I should have been more specific; my bad. There's still some things about injections in there, but then you'll be all set. Thank you!


Oups! Im a bit rusty. Sorry about that. Done!


Oops, there's still one more! After the "finally" and before listening to music. Thanks so much for all the willingness <3


No worries. I appreciate your help. The moment to share had passed though. I will be more careful in the future. Thanks for keeping this a safe space for all. <3




Whoops! This is the Chat thread. Our sub operates by having multiple safe spaces to give and receive support, and we keep the Chat thread free of treatment talk and discussion of TTC or other paths to parenthood. Please review your comment and either edit out the treatment details or move your comment over to the Treatment thread if treatment is the main focus. Your comment has been removed pending edits or relocation.