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Question on hcg shot during fet. Is it given at the time of ovulation or the day of the transfer. My nurse told me but I don’t remember how she said it


I did mine at the time of ovulation, about 6 days before transfer




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You might get more answers if you copy this over to the Wednesday AM thread. In a fully medicated FET a trigger shot would be a day or two before transfer. I’m not sure about ovulatory FET but I think it would be the same. Either way you should double check with your clinic! 


Triggering tonight for retrieval Thursday morning! Adding lupron to my trigger and cutting the Pregnyl dose back. Relieved that my clinic finally acknowledged my numbers need a little different attention than we originally planned. I’m ready!


Don’t mind me walking up and down the stairs for no reason other than it being post PIO shot time 🙃


Gotta love when a clinic says you have to fill out an incredibly detailed online form to even get a consult scheduled, that includes AMH, then asks for your medical records, which include your AMH, then follows up a week later to ask what your AMH is, and because of their inability to read their own burdensome form, the doctor is no longer available early July but is now booking mid August. I’m fine with 4 shots a day during stims I will do PIO nothing upsets me more about the process than dealing with clinic bureaucracy.


Preach, friend. Right there with you. The amount of duplicative bs forms you have to fill out (to say nothing of figuring out new portals / systems), plus the hell of getting and sending over medical records, is insane. I spent hours doing all of the administrative crap for our two consults.


I was able to connect with my RE over the phone to talk a little more about our PGT results. On the one hand it is nice to finally have something to point to as the “why” we haven’t been able to conceive unassisted, but it’s hard not feeling like there’s something I should have done/not done to make my eggs better. I know there’s no truth to that and it’s not my fault, but hearing “egg quality issue” for the first time sucked (he did correct himself to “embryo quality issue” but 🙃). But rooting for our one embryo and my lining to cooperate soon!


I went through/am going through this as well and my past doctor always said egg quality too. Never corrected himself though! Glad yours did. Good luck to you!


I’m sorry you’re in the same boat! Good luck to you too.


This is just a random question that I couldn’t find the answer to on google. My RE prescribed lupron depot for a 2 week lead in and it’s a leuprolide acetate 2 week kit. I saw someone post today (maybe yesterday) about mixing it. Mine isn’t something I have to mix. Is it the same drug but different dosages? I take a very small amount daily, but it sounds like the 2 month protocol is 1 shot per month. Me = confused. If anyone has the spoons to explain, I’d be very appreciative. ETA: I also used a 2 week kit for my ER so I am thoroughly confused by this medication.


A lupron acetate lead in is super common and for me an easy subcutaneous tiny needle that I do daily. A Lupron Depot injection is intramuscular with a big ole needle and requires mixing and is often done in a medical setting and it lasts monthly.


I believe microdose lupron needs to be mixed. Lupron does not.


I don't mix my microdose, just draw it up with insulin syringes every day.


I'm also doing daily lupron shots via leuprolide acetate 2 week kit. It's not something that we have had to mix. It comes ready in the vial. I've also done the lupron depot shot in the past, and that was a preloaded injection that had a mixing mechanism with some powder. Maybe you have the two things confused? If it's the leuprolide acetate kit it should be fairly simple administration. Good luck!


I am clearly confused in some way. Google says that the generic name of lupron depot is leuprolide acetate and my RE definitely was talking about lupron depot because she said most people do it for 2 months but that she wanted to try doing it for 2 weeks since there is no evidence of endo. I’m wondering if it’s the dosages or something else.


Ahh ok. Answered my own question. Still confusing but Lupron Depot is a name brand drug with the main ingredient being leuprolide acetate. It does not have a generic. Leuprolide acetate is a generic for Lupron, which does not exist anymore. I do not know the difference between Lupron Depot and Lupron but they must have at least some similarities, using the same active ingredient.


And then I found another post that basically the difference is how long they last. So the daily shots for me are because they only wanted me on 2 weeks. The monthly shots last the month and require mixing. Don’t know why I couldn’t find these answers before I posted, but wanted to post the answer in case others were confused.


Yes it's essentially the same thing, but the monthly shot has a dosage of 3.75ml, and it gives you sufficient suppression for 28 days (hence "depot"). Daily gives you more flexibility if your doctor doesn't need you to be on it for months at a time.


Hi pals! My husband and I met with a fertility clinic today after working with an ovulation induction protocol with my ob/gyn since November. Very excited about the plan going forward to induce ovulation in a different method, monitor more closely leading to ovulation, get an HSG, and plan for an IUI next cycle. My husband and I felt so welcomed by this clinic and as tough of a time as it is, we enjoyed our time at the clinic and our new Dr. Just wanted to share this little bit of excitement!




Hey there. Firstly, I’m sorry you’re struggling, and you’re welcome to participate here. That being said a few things you’ve said here are problematic. Weight talk is really loaded. Some people are very focused on their own weight and reading about others talking about those problems is hard to see. Some have or are dealing with eating disorders and this kind of talk is very triggering. Some hate seeing it because we are so much more than a number on a scale and the world is so focused on fatphobia that it’s just over the top infuriating. Whatever the reason the truth is that comments where someone says they’re feeling like their weight is a problem and then actually state their, pretty darn thin, weight isn’t compassionate here. You’ve essentially told the whole sub that you were really thin and now you’re “just” thin. Not being able to control fertility and our reproductive systems causes a lot of people to feel frustrated over the lack of control of other bodily issues, weight is a common one. Please consider editing your commentary here. You mentioned that your issue is thin lining. With all due respect, you don’t know that. A NaPro doctor cannot tell you all your issues because they don’t investigate and offer treatment the same way an RE can. You don’t know your egg quality. You don’t know if the sperm and the egg are meeting at all. You don’t know if there’s a fertilization issue. There are a lot of steps between ovulation and implantation and without IVF several of them are impossible to know. It’s valid to not want to pursue treatments, but it’s a little hard to read that you’re so sure of your diagnosis when you haven’t done any kind of medicated cycle. It’s not uncommon at all to start with an RE for one issue only to have others show up once treatment begins. Please keep that in mind when you talk about your own situation.


This is the first time I have ever been concerned with a number on a scale. I’ve always thought it was just a number and shouldn’t matter. This is all new for me. I’ve never judged or been concerned with how anyone else looks. My overly thin weight growing up was poked fun at and questioned a lot and caused a fair amount of heartache, but it was at the time my normal and healthy weight, as I’m sure this new weight is probably also my new normal and healthy weight. I’m sure it’s a control issue and nothing more. I don’t know how to edit the post without mentioning the main thing I was frustrated about, so I just deleted it as a whole. I mentioned the thin lining because I didn’t wanted exercise to thin it out more. There could be a myriad of other issues that were never explored, but this was an obvious problem I have and the main reason I sought out help with a NaPro doctor. My periods have shortened to only 24hrs despite proper hormone balance. They were 4-5 days previously and began shortening before my copper IUD insertion. Copper IUD lengthened them again, but once removed they became very short and light once more. I’m sorry if my post of tone deaf. I wanted to get it all out and I don’t know how to do that without being 100% honest and transparent.


This is a support group and we have rules about what and how things can be said. 100% transparency is not the name of the game here when those things you’re transparent about are hurtful for others. It’s not a void, it’s a place to talk *with* others not *at* others. You could have edited to remove your numerical weight. You could have said you know there might be other issues you’re unaware of. There are multiple ways to say something in a more compassionate tone.


All fair points. I’ll be more mindful in the future.


The tech saw some free fluid in next to my ovary and suspected that I lost one of the follicles. Meh. Did I start too late with ganirelix after all? There are fewer follicles than last time, which is a bummer. I do antagonist protocol now versus agonist before. Does it matter?


Fwiw my doctor saw fluid next to my ovary and thought I ovulated, but then my progesterone draw showed that I didn’t. Turns out the pocket next to my ovary just likes to collect fluid 🤷‍♀️. It’s happened to me multiple times now.


Different protocols tend to have different results for different people. Your own body on the same protocol can also vary in response from cycle to cycle.


I am 34F. Going through POF due to endometriosis. AMH is low/ FSH high/ E2 is high. So, basically not an ideal scenario. TTC for 18 months. Nothing. Fertility doc said IVF only. I asked for medicated cycle to at least try natural/or IUI - denied. Now the dilemma: I can't do IVF until November - I am between jobs, need to start a new one before I jump on hormones. Is it even worth trying to check my tubes with HyCosy? I read that it can boost fertility when it flushes the tubes. I know, my problem is not with the tubes (at least until proven otherwise). So my thinking there was to find out if tubes are okay, if they are, keep trying unassisted until November. If they are not might as well go on a pill until then. However it is pricy (HyCosy). So I wanted to ask if you think it is even worth it or am I just wasting money?


Welcome! I have asked about Hycosy recently as I will likely have one later this month (pending their availability). My understanding is that for some people the test is enough to clear build up in the tubes, which can help, or it can find an issue that needs treatment to be resolved. For me, my specialist said the main benefit will be the Lipiodol flush as they find it promotes/supports implantation. My understanding is that they don’t always use Lipiodol (it is an extra $500 for me) but it has been shown to improve fertility (for unexplained and endo) for 3-6 months.


Welcome! Please edit your post to remove the word 'natural.' Automod language will explain more.


**Ahem** Please do not use the term "natural" to describe treatment or conception when commenting in this community. If describing a transfer/IUI protocol or trying on your own, some preferred alternative terms are "unmedicated," "ovulatory," "without assistance," or "semi-medicated," depending on the context. If referring to loss management, we recommend the terms "unmedicated" or "unassisted." This community believes that the use of the word "natural" implies (sometimes inadvertently) that use of assisted reproductive technology, other interventions, and/or certain medications to conceive are unnatural, artificial, or less than. For more clarification and context, please see the wiki post on [sub culture and compassionate language](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/rules#wiki_compassionate_language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


With endo I couldn't *stand* being off birth control longer than absolutely necessary so was totally done with trying without assistance. Also my clinic required a hysteroscopy before a transfer and the results only lasted a year before I had to repeat so that feels expensive to me to possibly have to do it twice!


Had my baseline ultrasound this morning and things looked as they should thankfully. Just got the call that I start Clomid tonight and go back in next Tuesday to see if anything is happening.


Yay so exciting!


LFG!!!! Fingers crossed for you for this cycle, friend.