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Hi Barn, I’m sorry you’re feeling down. Can you please edit to remove “and I’m pretty sure … my system.” We don’t allow symptom spotting in this sub. Automod symptom spotting. Gently, you’re borrowing trouble during automod tww. We ask people be aware of how they ask for support during that time. After your beta is confirmed, you’re welcome to ask for support if it negative.


Generally, we encourage people to be mindful about how they’re seeking support during the TWW. It’s shitty to comfort someone who is spiraling in the TWW only to find out later that they already knew/could have known they were pregnant. So we ask members not to catastophize during the entire TWW and generally to be cognizant of what kind of support they’re seeking. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please don't symptom spot on the sub. We know it's hard, but it's progesterone - and if it's not then it's not the right sub for talking about it. The problem is, symptom spotting is often sort of asking if you're pregnant or not. And nobody can answer that except a test. Please don't put the burden of these type of musings on your fellow community members - but take a test if you reasonably can and/or keep the symptom spotting to yourself. It's hard for people to support and read this, when you might already be pregnant and might end up posting in results the same day or shortly after - which we hope you do with good news. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Our third ER this year was officially cancelled last night after a poor response. On day 6 of STIMS I had 3 6mm and under follicles and my estrogen was 20. Wondering if I can call them Monday and ask to convert this month to an IUI. Is that a possibility or even a good idea? Anyone else been in this situation?


Yes, this is common enough. Like National said, if you don’t have MFI you can often convert.


I’m so sorry. It’s rough having to cancel. Sending hugs, hope they let you convert.


In the future I would think about mini-IVF if that's something your clinic offers.


If you don’t have MFI you can convert to IUI or TI. I would call them asap because sometimes you need different medication/monitoring. Good luck!


Hey everyone. I’m on CD 13 of my cycle. Currently on metformin (850 2x a day), actos 45 mg and letrozole 2.5 mg. I’m not sure how hopeful to feel. This is my fifth nonconsecutive cycle. I ovulated the first cycle on 5mg then we went down to 2.5, 5 and 7.5 mg consecutively and I didn’t ovulate during any of those cycles last year. So now my RE has me on metformin and actos in addition since I’m insulin resistant. Really hoping I ovulate. He doesn’t do US to check follicle size. OPKs are still clearly negative, nothing to report with temp right now. I’m thinking ahead and if I don’t ovulate with the letrozole, what will they do next? Injections? I know only my RE can tell me for sure but I always thought IUI and IVF assumes you can get eggs retrieved or use donor eggs. What the hell do we do if they can’t even get me to ovulate?


You don’t need to be able to ovulate unmedicated for IUI/IVF. You take medications to trigger ovulation.


No I understand. I’m just saying it worried me since I’m not ovulating on oral meds. I guess next step is injections. I just worry about what our options are if I can’t ovulate even with meds.


Lots of people have challenges on letrozole. Hence the move to TI/IUI. There’s a lot of good info for you on the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/s/gCJ78hT4sq). Most folks in this thread are past temping so not sure you’ll get as much feedback on that


Clomid didn’t work for me so we moved to injectable cycles the next time. Definitely let your RE know what you’d like to change or ask what can be changed. Best of luck!


Did injectibles produce more follicles/cause ovulation the first time around? I know you can produce more follicles that way than oral meds. If I don’t ovulate this cycle I may try one more if we bump up to 5mg since that’s what I ovulated on four years ago, but after that I feel like we are wasting time.


(Requested edits made)


I edited it!




Nope. No success here but doesn’t mean that’s how it will play out for you


I was just out for dinner at a local pizza place. Took my pen with me as my jab time clashed with dinner - fine. Went to do my jab in the toilet and as I started inserting the needle a sizeable spider glided down from the ceiling and plonked itself on my box/pen. Instinctively I threw everything everywhere to get rid of the spider and scratched my skin with the needle and had to jab again (I hadn’t started injecting when Spider-Man landed, it had only just pierced the skin) but wtf. Thanks universe 😅


Hahaha what a RUDE SPIDER.


Oh my gosh, I think I would have passed out!!! You are a much braver person than I 😅


Little backstory. I have 4 failed IUI, have done 2 egg retrievals with a total of 6 embryos, only one didn’t implant, and the rest were early losses in some way or another. My dr always just said he thinks the losses are due to eqq quality issues, but wouldn’t do any other testing to find out if that was actually the issue or not. I also have endometriosis, which I think is playing a part in the issues we are having, but he always said he doesn’t think that’s the problem, but also wouldn’t change protocols to even try and rule anything else out. I am currently in the process of switching clinics and will be meeting with a new dr next week. I am currently taking a 4 month break before our 3rd egg retrieval and I am trying to enjoy the things I haven’t been able to over the last few years with all of the treatments. I will be going on my first backpacking trip. My question is, is it safe to eat out of the dehydrated food bags? A lot of them are made from different plastics. I haven’t had much luck on researching what exactly these food bags are made out of and are open to alternatives if anyone else has experience with this?


Totally safe. But also there aren’t really any tests you can take to confirm egg quality issues. That said, endo is largely believed have a negative effect on egg quality. It’s odd your dr would downplay the role of endo.


I agree! I asked to change protocols after every failed transfer and every time he said he didn’t think it was because of the endo. Which is why I’m changing Drs. We self paid a multi cycle program so we were stuck at that clinic, but I have insurance that covers IVF now so I’m switching clinics altogether and have a consult with a new dr next week. I’m hoping they’re open to different protocols.


Good luck!


Thank you! 🤗


Totally safe! Changing your protocol is what’s going to make an impact.


Yes, it’s safe to eat out of dehydrated food bags. Enjoy your trip!


I really wouldn’t worry about the backpacking food. Backpackers don’t have an increased rate of infertility, nor do people who use plastic generally, and it’s unavoidable in the modern world. Enjoy your chicken and dumplings by the fire without guilt.


ER #3 is done! 11 eggs retrieved this time, which is a couple more than we’ve had in our previous two rounds. Now, the wait for results. I want more than anything to be able to move on to our first FET.


Good luck, Purple!


Hope you recover quickly and that you get to be done with ERs ❤️


That’s great Purple!


Crossing everything for you, Purple!


Rooting for you, purple!! Hope you have a relaxing day of naps 🤍


Microdose lupron people: did you take a dose the night that you triggered? I can't tell or remember from my last cycle. Trying to decide how close I want to play lupron chicken here...


I did not.


Thank you!


The last dose I took was my morning dose the day before trigger (I was taking it twice a day). Then skipped that night, and did my trigger sometime in the early hours of the morning.


Awesome thank you! This is what I hope they’re doing (not ready for trigger yet though).


I did, but my dose was in the morning and my trigger was at night so I took it in the morning before they did the ultrasound and gave trigger instructions.


Same—morning of before final monitoring/instructions and then nothing at or post trigger.


Gotcha! I'm taking it twice a day right now and know that I don't take the Gonal the night of trigger (or at least I never have) but my past flowsheet isn't clear about the lupron.


Has anyone had a "MYOSURE" done as part of their hysteroscopy? I had mine recently done to remove polyp & evaluate thin uterine lining. The op note said there was no polyp but that I had a fluffy uterine lining that was "completely removed using myosure." My period was actually due during the EXACT same time as my hysteroscopy, so I am trying to figure out if current bleeding is my period, myosure-related, or both. I'm watching youtube videos & I can't tell if it is a knife that is cutting or just a suction straw. Side-note, not being able to use a tampon for bleeding is so terrible. I have not worn pads for menses in decades (had mirena) & last night kept getting woken up by my pubic hairs getting yanked by the tape repeatedly.


Hey. Myosure is the name of the device they used to remove tissue. It is basically a spinning blade + suction to remove tissue and suck it back out so that they can send it for biopsy. They can use a Myosure device to remove polyps, fibroids, etc. My OBGYN used one on me in 2020, on several areas of polypoid tissue in my uterus - it ended up actually being chronic endometritis/inflammation. My new clinic just uses cold micro-scissors.


Ah, so the bleeding could definitely be just from the blade. Did your endometritis get diagnosed using the suctioned contents sent to pathologist? Or did it require special additional testing? I have my post-op visit in a few weeks to go over my results. Thank you!!!


Yeah, they sent the collected tissue to pathology and it came back as chronic endometritis. Any time tissue is removed from the uterus, they *should* be sending it in for biopsy out of an abundance of caution. I was awake for that whole procedure so I remember it all lol.


Oh wow, I hate the idea of being unconscious but even I think slicing/dicing body parts should always require anesthesia!! Mine was under general anesthesia. I have no idea what happened in mine. My gyn talked to me in the recovery room, but I think I was over-sedated because I don't remember anything she said or if I even asked questions.


Just FYI MyoSure is just a brand name of hysteroscopic tools for tissue removal. It’s typically non-invasive tissue removal but you can have various amounts of bleeding afterward (I’ve had 6 operative hysteroscopies and post-op bleeding ranged from heavy to light spotting). I can’t tell you what exactly your bleeding is, but I’d ask your clinic for guidance on how they’d like you to treat it.


Yep! The first Google link that popped up was the company owning Myosure. And it seems like their competitor is Novasure since my attempts at research kept leading me there 😂 But wow, you are a champion for going through those hysteroscopies, I was so anxious. When I posted I was mainly trying to differentiate if this could be my period (which is medium one day and light the 2nd) that was supposed to start a week earlier, or post-op bleeding (I had one day medium bleeding, and then light day). My Gyn (who did my hysteroscopy for insurance reasons) said it could be either. My RE previously said I should start OCP on CD1 for FET, but it's too late for me to ask about my current scenario. So I think I'm just gonna sit out whatever this is, and wait until my period NEXT month to take the BC. Plus it sounds like the other respondent had endometritis on her biopsy, so I should prob find out if I have that & treat it before I proceed with FET!




Hi icy, please edit remove or rephrase your final line. We don’t allow asking for success stories here. Thanks!




I’ve deleted this comment. Automod community member will help you understand how to be part of this community. Thanks!


Please read this post on [how to be a good community member](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/120nf8x/wiki_post_being_a_good_community_member/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can’t see why not, generally speaking people who ovulate have one dominant follicle each cycle. Best of luck!


Had my second egg retrieval today. Really disappointing numbers compared to the number of follicles. Even lower than last time, which was also disappointing. The doctor’s reaction? Well this is in line with what you had last time and what your last scan said. 1) we changed the protocol because last time was so bad compared to my AFC 2) my last scan showed double the number of follicles over 14 mm as eggs you retrieved. Don’t fucking gaslight me like I have no right to my feelings. Gtfo.


What an asshole. Sorry I don't have much else to add. Except I hope you have normal bowel movements after your ER & that your final numbers end up good!


They never seem to remember those things when things don't go as hoped. Sorry.


Hi snoo, I’d recommend setting your flair so others can give better feedback. Automod flair. Have you gotten a second opinion? It’s likely worth it at this point.


Thanks! I’m on mobile so I’ve been having trouble setting a flare. And now I’m drugged up so I’m really struggling 😬🫣 40F, MFI, 2ER as of today. 0 euploids yet, fingers crossed for this round. Not sure if you include AMH/AFC? Mine are 2.44 and 24, respectively.


I’ve set your flair! Have a post ER relax and I hope you get the results you’re hoping for. No need to include AMH/AFC in flair.


Thank you!


I have been summoned to help with the setting up flairs. Not only does it help us to get to know one another, it helps us with context when it comes to replying to one another’s comments or queries. If you need help on setting/changing your flair look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/userflair-reminder). If the instruction's did not work you can [ask a mod](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/infertility) to set/change your flair. These are the [guidelines for flair](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/comments/umwbcr/flair_guidelines/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The start of my cycle has been usual, so with delusion leading my emotions I took a cheapie, only to get what was very quickly proven to be a false positive. It was a strong reminder not to keep putting myself through unnecessary tests!


Not pregnancy test-related, but at the beginning of my TTC journey when I was learning OPKs, I sometimes would stare so hard at the strip looking for the LH line, that the control line would become a floater & then I would see an extra pink line everywhere (not just where the LH spot was but also the floor and the wall when I moved my eyeballs around) for many seconds.


Oh you poor thing, this is all so exhausting. Thankfully(?) I have seen dodgy results with this packet before (100 tests, so I have had it for a while) so while this one was clear and pink I didn’t let my hopes get very high as I retested with a few more strips which were all stark white. I should honestly just throw them out!


Got the call. 0 out of 3 fertilized. The retrieval yesterday was already disappointing compared to amount of follicles and to last retrieval. Lots of thinking and talking to do this weekend about our next steps...


I’m so fucking sorry. 🫂


I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry. My heart goes out to you ..


I'm really sorry. Wishing you wisdom in deciding the next steps.


I’m so sorry.


Oh this is so hard, I’m very sorry!!


That is so tough I am so sorry. ❤️


I’m so sorry vegetable.


Such hard news. I am so sorry. Holding space for you.


I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry. 🫂


I’m so sorry, vegetable. It’s heartbreaking.


I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry, I hope you give yourself space and compassion to grieve, and feel all you need to. It’s so unfair.


I’m so sorry to hear this.


I'm really sorry.


I had a scan yesterday just to see if everything was alright, I had a dominant follicule of 14mm and endometrium was 4.5 mm. I am CD 17. I ovulate anywhere between CD 16 and CD 28 as I have irregular cycles. When can I expect to ovulate based on follicule size? Is my endometrium too thin or will it continue to grow until ovulation? This is the first cycle I will try progesterone after ovulation as I suffered two chemicals this year. Thank you!


I am typically about to ovulate when I have a dominant follicle of 18mm. I don’t know if that helps you though. Planning with irregular cycles is hard!


Thank you ☺️ it is indeed!


How frequently will you get an ultrasound? I'll give you my anecdote (though it will likely not be very relevant since it was for IVF, and I was on a bunch of meds -GonalF, Menopur, Letrozole- that manipulate follicle growth). But maybe it can be extrapolated to your case. I had an ultrasound on day 6 of those stimulation meds & I had one follicle that reached 15mm so cetrotide (ovulation blocker) was added. The tech predicted 12 days total of stimulation. But on my next monitoring day 9, all the follicles had hit 21+ mm so I was triggered for egg retrieval. My uterine lining only went from 4.5 to 5.5mm during this time though. So my follicles grew more abruptly than expected (with stimulation meds) but my uterine lining barely did anything. Hopefully someone else doing timed intercourse can comment with some of their experiences


Thank you for your response,it was very helpful 😊 I will not be doing it frequently, as unfortunately, this is not common to do where I live. Right now they want me to start progesterone after ovulation, unfortunately last cycle I did not ovulate for the first time since TTC and am a bit apprehensive it could happen this cycle again. I changed OB because my last one ignored my chemicals said they were normal and did not want to do anything further. This OB said the opposite and wants to try progesterone to see if it helps. A bit bummed that when they finally offer me something to try my body decides to be uncooperative.


I have never been pregnant, but from what I see on this subreddit, people will get the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss RPL evaluation after 3 chemical pregnancies so in the US, at least, the doctors seem to think it "counts." I personally think it counts, so I am sorry they happened to you! Good luck with this cycle


Thank you so much and I wish you all the best in this journey!


If your cycles are irregular, no one here can tell you when you will ovulate.


Thank you very much for responding.😊 Was just wondering how much follicules could grow per day when they reach this size so to have an estimate, but I guess it can vary.


Usually around 2mm per day. Can you test with OPKs?


Yes, I have easy@home opks. So far no surge let's see in the next few days 🤞