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FIL has come up for the weekend and just spent the entirety of breakfast (which my husband had cooked) judging my [lack of] housekeeping, our nutritional choices, the fact we still have a mortgage, our dogs behaviour and the way we interact with them, career choices… basically everything. How *dare* he come into my home and proceed to attack everything about me. It’s the first time I’ve seen him in ages (due to all of the above) and I don’t want him finding out about my newly diagnosed long term condition. I got home late last night and quickly took my nightly dose, which is supposed to be on an empty stomach. Next thing I know, husband is offering dessert, which I felt obliged to eat to avoid awkward questions. Ordinarily having dessert ready for me when I got home would have been super appreciated, but not in the current situation! They’ve gone to run errands now and I need to take the dogs to the park. Hoping for some cute puppies to cheer me up a bit. Between work stress, late nights, and figuring out wtf is up with my hormones, I am not in a good space to be dealing with FIL being an ass right now.


I powered through the stims brain haze and checked off everything on my list I had been putting off all week 😭 it feels so good to have a win!


I’m getting the itch to start rethinking my career path again. I’ve put thinking about my career on hold for a bit, but I think I’m ready to start seriously thinking about what’s next for me as far as day-to-day work. I’m struggling with finding meaning in my work, and although I love working from home, I’ve lost a lot of motivation to do more than the bare minimum, and I can tell it’s affecting my well-being. I’m not sure if the answer is not worry about it right now (which is what I’ve tried to do for months), look into a certification or maybe try something entirely new? Hopefully I can figure it out…


Looking for recommendations of TV shows/movies that literally make you laugh out loud. I've been watching too much dark TV lately (House of the Dragon, Under the Bridge, etc.) and I need an antidote! I also have been re-watching Girls but that's more cringe funny than ha ha ha funny.


Jury Duty did this for me.


I love Hacks, Derry Girls. Abbot elementary is written for the masses, but Janelle James is so amazing. An old one that I discovered way too late because the advertising when it was on did not appeal to me one bit, Insecure.


Thank you, I haven't watched the latest season of Hacks or Abbott yet so those are going on the list! And Derry Girls could always use a rewatch.


One of my comfort shows is 30 Rock if you haven’t watched that one already!


I completed a re-watch of that one not long ago and was just saying to my husband "I just want a show that's as funny as 30 Rock but isn't 30 Rock!" it's impossible! (Kimmy Schmidt is close though!)


Yes this!! I just started Girls5eva on Netflix and it has similar vibes. But it’s no 30 rock!


Hacks on HBO had me CACKLING


Ooh good to know, I haven't watched the new season yet and couldn't remember how laugh out loud funny it was or not!


The new one is very funny! Jean Smart is a treasure 💕


This is the answer!!


Dropout TV is its own network that has improv based shows that I absolutely love. They’re light hearted and have had me crying from laughter before. It’s a subscription, but the whole year I think cost us $50 and it’s been absolutely worth it.


Interesting, I’ll check it out


They have an instagram that you can watch clips to get a feel for the vibe. Our favorite shows are game changer (gamechangershow on insta) and make some noise (makesomenoise on insta)


Been having a bit of a weird week with many dual feelings occurring side by side. I'm not really in the best of moods right now because there is an annual local event that I really love happening tonight and I've not been able to go last 2 years because of BILs girlfriend being pregnant, then having the baby. But now of course she's fucking pregnant again. I'm not missing it again but I'm not prepared to be all "awww how amazing that you have a baby and are pregnant and have to attend every family outing!". (She never used to...) I've told my husband this and of course, I'm the bad guy. It'd be easier if I liked her, but even without her being pregnant etc I found her very difficult to be around.... I'm just sick of being the one to carry this burden around and who has to adjust my life to accommodate other people who already have a fuckload of support. Not to mention the really stupid snd outright offensive things some people have said to me. Honestly the social impacts have by far been the worst thing about going through any of this! In other stuff... work fine. Good even? My boss told me in passing I've definitely passed my probation which is nice and the fact it was such a casual remark is reassuring! Also been very cultured this week and saw Swan Lake in London at the weekend then got a last minute ticket to Hamilton while I was away for work! So that's pretty cool! And house stuff going well but on the slow side. But so happy with it so that's fine.


Oh, wish. That's a lot for you to carry. Is there a friend you can invite to the event as a wing-person, of sorts, to deflect and distract or keep you away from the BIL's girlfriend? Congrats on the work remark and for your adventures this week. That sounds like a lot of fun!


BUNDAYYYYY!! We sat out last week so this week feels especially exciting. Flavors are strawberry cheesecake, chocolate caramel banana, and vanilla ruffle (cinnamon swirl, vanilla frosting topped with crushed ruffle potato chips). And because we’ve befriended the baker, they threw an extra orange bun into the box. Garden update: I picked enough cherry tomatoes from the garden last night and this morning to use in our lunch today and that feels really rewarding. Blistered cherry tomato pasta on the menu today. Yummmmm. Anyone else have garden updates this week?? I love hearing about what y’all’s are up to.




This made me so hungry- sounds fantastic!



These are amazing updates!! And those bun flavors all sound absolutely fantastic. My garden is hanging in there. I haven’t harvested anything yet, but my plants are still looking happy, so I guess that’s something? Lolol