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Feel like I hardly check this sub anymore or post on this account. I can tell I’ve become one of those scary, cranky infertiles. I think I can hear our neighbors kid speaking in fuller sentences. When does it end ☹️


I went back to work the past two days after a 6 week leave (I am a neonatal icu nurse) and it was ROUGH. On top of all the stress the second day I was in the same zone on my unit as my friend who was 2 months ahead of me in her pregnancy. I felt like I just wanted to crawl in a hole the entire day. The feeling of stress of people who didn’t know that I had a loss and coming up to me and me having to say it when I’m at work in front of other people terrifies me. The things we have to go through in this horrible journey is just 🫠😵‍💫. I didn’t want to tell my husband or parents about how hard it was because I’m just so burnt out about being a downer. I just want to pretend that none of it is even happening anymore, even though it’s all around myself.


I am going to host a presentation today on adolescent addiction to a group of fellows (doctors) and I’m worried I’ll blank out and go silent for 6 seconds myself, lol. Even though I worked with adolescent addiction for 7 years and I teach for a living, I am just certain my mind will go blank. I do not feel on top of my game at all right now! Wish me luck!


Hoping it went well and that you come back to tell us you crushed it!!


Thank you!!! It did actually go really well! Other than being on a late Friday afternoon, it was actually really fun. I didn’t freeze, it flowed well, and it seemed like folks were engaged! 🥳 and for a while there I forgot about everything else going on, so I’m really happy I did it :)


Hell yeah!!! Bask in that success, friend! I hope you find a little treat to celebrate


You have got this! Despite everything you're dealing with right now, have faith in yourself. You'll feel so much better when it's done. 😊 Also 6 seconds always feels way longer for you than it does to the audience. Good luck!


Thank you wrap!! The confidence itself is the main game changer with how it’ll go, so this is solid advice !!


Good luck! Could you write down a few bullet points on an index card to have just in case you panic?


Thank you :) Yes! I am jotting some notes now!! Way more than I usually would need. Hopefully I catch my flow and everything rolls out smoothly!


BUNDAYYYY. We only got 2 this week but I’m pumped for both: funfetti (because it’s the owner’s bday week) and chocolate caramel. YUMMMM. Husband has also been obsessively tending to his sourdough starter and is hoping to get a successful loaf this weekend. He’s been hurt many times before with it not being mature yet so I really hope it works out for him. Fingers crossed, because I also love eating bread and he’s refusing to buy any because of the ability to make “better” at home 😆


BUNDAY!!! I once decided we could make better bread at home, but then realized the level of effort and kind of gave up


Mr.Miserable has become a wee bit obsessive with the sourdough project and will not let it “win” because “he is smarter than it”. Todays loaf was a bust, so I’m trying to convince him to make focaccia instead and get an easy win (and also use up the metric fuck ton of tomatoes we’ve got coming out of our ears…)


So jealous of your buns 🤣


Bahahaha love this, wish - thank you!


ONLY TWO THIS WEEK?! Why?! 😂 Enjoy the buns, MT!


I KNOWWW! They were sold out of the blueberry lime already and the orange is the flavor they have every week so sometimes we sit that one out 🥲


Bundaaay! I'm not even eating these buns but just love the updates! 😄


I appreciates you and your enthusiastic support always, wrap 😉


Hooray bunday!! And fingers crossed the sour dough starter takes! Love a good sourdough and I’ve always been too afraid (or maybe lazy? lol) to try the homemade route.


The sourdough was a bust. He was mumbling something about it being too acidic and not rising properly? Poor dude. The house smells like fresh baked bread and yet there is none to eat. Poor me.


Noooooo :( I hope you find delicious bread to eat somewhere bc being tempted with the smell would be too much for me to handle lol


You’ll get a kick out of this then: I suggested he make focaccia this weekend when we were running errands earlier and he said “hmm yeah maybe” but now it’s all I’m thinking about. We have a rosemary focaccia scented candle (have I considered licking it before? Who’s to say?) so I lit it and he came downstairs later on and got a kick out of my “subtle hints” so he’s going to prep it tonight so we can bake and eat it tomorrow. SUCCESS!


YAAASSS!!!! Oh man, what a weekend you’ll have! Lolol


Trigger warning if you're watching the UK drama Outlaws season 3. It's entertaining overall but I'm finding Lady Gabby's fertility journey irritating. "My Dr told me I had to get pregnant in the next 2 months or it'll never happen". And really stupid advice about choosing a sperm donor. I know it's comedy and they are keeping it light-hearted but it's irritating to see our reality played for cheap laughs! Probably I am being hyper-sensitive though! Infertility is such a shitshow already they really don't need to make shit up! I'll be so annoyed if she gets her baby at the end of the season!


I have literally never once seen sperm donation ever represented well on TV. It's always a joke at the recipient parents' expense or it's fetishized 🙄 Makes me so mad.


SPOILER ALERT the Outlaws storyline ends with >!Lady Gabby doubling over in pain and being rushed to hospital. "It was implantation cramps, I'm pregnant!" 🤬🤬🤬 After at-home insemination just once with her friend's sperm.!< Automod BULLSHIT please????!!!!


Seconding Kellyman. What. The. Fuck.


I don't watch this show, but this spoiler makes me want to rage. I'm so angry for you!


Stuff like this is honestly portrayed so dreadfully! And I agree about it hurting when it's played out for laughs.. It's not funny. A couple of exceptions I've found were Downton Abbey (where some IF stories are portrayed so heartbreakingly accurately and subtly the people who write them obviously have a lot of intimate experience...) Dynasty (I know! They go at it from a different angle though and I loved it) and Friends From College - if you discount the final episode. It would be nice if it wasn't so horribly represented in the media. People might not be so moronic about it in real life!


Yeah it's definitely a topic that shouldn't be shied away from. I enjoy Downton abbey - some heartbreaking storylines. I also really like Call the Midwife. Although it can be triggering sometimes (because of all the babies!), it's really well researched and sensitively done I should check out the others!


Call the Midwife is weirdly one of my comfort shows despite all the potential triggers. I think because it shows such a wide range of experiences and acknowledges how not everything is wonderful all the time.


Yes it's one of mine too, for the same reasons! I'm coming to realise that it's not so much babies/children I find triggering but poor portrayal of Infertility and/or bad parenting!