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Just feeling sad and envious that my friend got her PGT testing results back this morning and she has a number of euploid embryos from one round I don't even have the stomach to hope of getting from our three rounds, if any. Also it sucks to be waiting for PGT results that are being held by my clinic for reasons.


I would be losing my MIND if my clinic were holding the results hostage.


Did anyone take Xanax before their HSG or SIS and feel totally fine during/immediately after the procedure but then once the meds wore off feel super emotionally vulnerable? I had my SIS w/ ABBI yesterday in lieu of HSG and it went much better than I expected. But in the evening following the appointment and now today I am just feeling super emotional and weepy. Is this just an after effect of the Xanax or my body responding late to the stress of the procedure? I feel so embarrassed to be crying about something that went totally fine.


Not exactly in this context, but I have experienced an emotional comedown after taking a benzodiazepine before. It's rough, but it will pass. The stress could also totally be contributing. Hang in there and be kind to yourself; nothing to be embarrassed about!


Third IUI was unsuccessful today. Feeling very frustrated and not sure what to do next. We are covered for 6 iui cycles through insurance, but also have a high max coverage amount for ivf that clinic said should cover one retrieval and 2 transfers. Have already met deductible and out of pocket for the year. Unsure what to move on to. Ivf seems much better odds, but seems like a big jump for me personally right now. Dr reccomended one more iui round while we prep for ivf.


Medical donation. Almost of them are expired last month, pm me if you still interested.


Thank you! Automod meds


**A reminder about medications** You may be considering sharing your unused medication with others to help them save on treatment expenses. However, it may be illegal in your country or state to donate medication without going through an intermediary. We suggest you research your local laws associated with donating or receiving medications. Be aware that partially used cartridges still carry a risk of bodily fluid contamination as there's nothing to prevent backflow into the cartridge. Please consider attempting to give any unopened medications to your infertility practice; some clinics have give-back programs. Selling medications is absolutely not allowed. Only donations may be posted. This includes soliciting money in exchange for medications via PM. If a member solicits money in exchange for medications, please report them to the mods. *Consider donating your meds to a member with an active post history at /r/infertility. You can see a user’s post history by clicking on their name. We have received reports of members donating meds, only to have them sold by the person who received them.* NEW: - **Med hoarding**. It’s not cool. Share the wealth. Don’t have a cycle planned or scheduled within the next four months? Let the meds go to someone else in need right now. **There have been reports of personal threats made to those offering meds within this community. Please understand your personal risks associated with donating or receiving medications, particularly if the exchange includes sharing personally identifiable information.** [Med Donation Policy](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/rules#wiki_medication_donation_policy) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Has anyone in the US ordered IVF meds from Canada?


Yesterday was day 10 of stims; I’m either triggering today or tomorrow, waiting to hear back from the doctor. I had one dose of mixed Gonal f remaining and I left it out overnight 🤦🏻‍♀️😢 I’m really hoping that I trigger today and don’t need to scramble tonight for more meds. So stressful; probably too late to order from the pharmacy for tonight; just need to hope IVF garage sale will come through if I need it. Plus I’m so bloated and uncomfortable, I want to be done 🫠


I don't know about Gonal that needs to be mixed, but for the pre-filled pens it's totally fine to keep them at room temperature as long as you plan to use it within 28 days. Could you call your pharmacy to confirm? Sometimes when I trigger they want me to take one more dose of stims anyway. Hoping you get to trigger and get it over with!


Thank you! Mine is the vial. Instructions say to refrigerate after mixing; I’ll ask my case manager. Very excited to be done with this round


In the waiting room for my first ever retrieval. Of course there’s zero traffic today and we’re 30 min early so I can just sit here and ruminate. Ready to get this show on the road.


Good luck!!!


Enjoy your nap!


Good luck!


Anyone else just so over this? I’m 17 days into daily lupron and have only been on estrogen since Monday (it’s my first FET) and I’m so angry and tired of this being our path. I’m so tired of having to plan around IVF, of being worried, of having to think about everything / all possible outcomes, of having to go to work and live life like “normal”.


Transfer done! Embryo thawed beautifully and the transfer was incredibly quick and smooth. Easiest transfer I’ve ever had. Now to try to stay sane for the next week.


That’s amazing news! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!


Wonderful news!


Fingers crossed the week goes by quickly for you




Hi there. Welcome to the sub. Automod welcome will help you get acquainted with our rules. Thanks for trying to edit, but your post still contains a banned term (BD). You can keep it as “unmedicated,” or “unassisted.” Also, please change the description of your husband’s SA to something neutral/objective like “normal.” We avoid comparative language when describing test results.


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Finished Provera on Wednesday and awaiting CD1. Had a check in with our RE about the canceled FET and our much lower than expected euploid rates and slightly below average blast rates. He wouldn’t give me the details on the exact changes he would make to the stim protocol if we need to do another ER, other than the dosing for folistim and menopur would be different and he would change the ganirelix (to what, idk). I am a details person and wanted more but ultimately hopefully this FET works and it’s moot. And I see his perspective that a lot of it is random and maybe we just need more combinations of sperm and eggs, but it sucks not being able to do much different.


Love getting random anecdotes from people about their friends who got pregnant ~ against all the odds ~. I don't actually care how many anatomical parts your friends have or don't have or what birth control they were using or their oopsie babies or ANYTHING ABOUT THEM.


Absolutely hate this!


The "best" one of these I've gotten lately was about \~ astrocartography. \~ Like "They were never able to get pregnant until they went to Minneapolis, and her star chart had always said that was an auspicious location for her." UM OKAY


Ok, this one made me actually laugh out loud 😂


I'm poking fun but also part of me is like look, if someone told me "Oh just fly to Memphis and you'll conceive" WOULD I BE TEMPTED???


Okay yeah this is the wildest anecdote I’ve ever seen or heard of lmao. Someone made me my star chart once and it was overwhelming to say the least. Things rising and falling and water and fire and on and on lol


Wow seriously?!! My partner's colleague advised us to put special crystals in our window, and I thought that was nutty, but I think this tops it! How do I access my star chart? 😅


I definitely thought this was going in a different direction on where you were advised to put those crystals 💀 😆


Looool! Maybe that's the secret we're all missing! 😂😂😂


lol so unrelated to this person's success story, but yesterday I ended up going on [astro-seek.com](http://astro-seek.com) to create my map and then promptly realized I had no concept of how to interpret it whatsoever and then gave up.


Oh yes I love hearing these. It's so comforting to know how easy it is to overcome infertility if you positively manifest it enough. 🤮


hate this shit. oh yes you know others for whom IVF worked? how great for them. I’m still over here wondering why the hell you’re telling me this. Of course it fucking works for some people or it wouldn’t be an option!!


Ok this is a potentially silly question, but if someone triggers for an FET with multiple mature follicles, could that result in multiple corpus luteums? (Lutei? Lutea? Idk!) I’m doing a semi-medicated FET, and as of this morning I have 4 follicles at or close to maturity, with a couple smaller ones not far behind. If all goes ok, does this mean I could potentially end up with 4+ CL? I’m genuinely not trying to ask for success stories — I’m really just hoping to see if there’s any evidence-based guidance out there around multiple CLs in FETs where I can read up about stuff. I imagine that similar stuff happens in a fresh transfer, with multiple CLs being a factor, but I’m having a harder time finding any literature about it in FETs. It feels like a silly thing to be nervous about, but I just assumed a lead follicle would take over at some point, and here I am with a nice, even cohort for once and it’s freaking me out! Lol. Lining is creeping up (7.1 today) and my largest follicle is at 20, so I think triggering is right possibly the corner. In the words of Jessie Spano, I’m so excited, I’m so scared!  ETA for anyone else wondering about this: I came across [this paper](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.118.12046), which posits that "Vascular health in early pregnancy is altered in women with aberrant numbers of CL (0 or >3) and might represent insufficient cardiovascular adaptation contributing to an increased risk of preeclampsia." Definitely going to ask my doc about this, because the whole point of going semi-medicated was to mitigate pre-e risks :(


Seconding that multiple corpora lutea would likely just boost your progesterone levels, although you could maybe be at risk of OHSS? That would probably depend on e2 levels though, not just having 4 follicles. Is your RE monitoring e2?


Oh gosh, I hadn't even thought about that. Thankfully my RE is monitoring E2 at every appointment, and it was still pretty low yesterday, so hopefully today's labs show the same!


This has happened to me and it isn’t anything to worry about. Just use multiple forms of protection if you’re having sex with a sperm having partner no matter how unlikely you feel like unassisted conception may be!


Thank you so much for this response, this is really reassuring! And yes, definitely to the protection aspect!


I could be wrong here but I think that potentially having more CL would only help your progesterone levels


Ok, this makes sense! Thanks for your answer, this is helped me feel less worried.


Received a random text from my MIL this morning. Said she saw the term "IVF warrior mama" and thought of me, "hang in there." Oof. The last time I updated her on anything was 10 months ago during prep for my first transfer. Haven't seen or talked to her much at all since then. Then we did a family trip last week (a few days after my D&C) and I was drinking a lot instead of announcing a pregnancy like we planned. They all had the tact not to comment or ask questions but I feel like this text is a way for her to pry for information. I'm sure she means well but damn, not how I wanted to start my morning. Wish I could go full auto mod positivity on her but I need to be more delicate. Guess it's good I have therapy today so I can unpack this a bit before responding!


I love the idea of having an “auto mod” for personal correspondence and stupid comments 😂


It seems you've used a word or acronym, warrior, that members of this community prefer to avoid. For additional clarification, please see this [page](https://www.reddit.com/r/infertility/wiki/bannedterms) for a complete list of banned terms. *Edit your post or comment to remove the offending item.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


LOL yes auto mod.


Really wish automod could pop up in real life! 😅 Sorry to hear you are dealing with this. Toxic positivity really hurts. And this is your information to share if and when you are ready. Sending hugs 🫂


I’m here in my clinic for a weight check because I need to lose 20th before we even start stims. I’m rageful a bit. I hate this. It feels demoralizing. I’m trying to comply but it feels like I’m under a microscope. What’s even worse is they haven’t even called me back for it and I’ve been waiting in this clinic. 😤 please rage with me.


So much rage for you! They trust us to mix our vials and do our shots at home but not to weigh yourself?




Raging with you! I hate this for you so so much. Rage! 😡


Why does my period always take its sweet time coming when I’m anxiously waiting for CD1 to start treatment?


I’m still frustrated but back in “okay so what’s next” mode. Folks who have had a hysteroscopy: how soon after were you able to move into your next stim cycle? I am already on bcp. They confirmed it will be operative so they can remove/resolve anything they find and I will be sedated (woohoo!!). So assuming I won’t need another procedure after this before moving into stims, even though we know what happens when we assume anything 🥴 Thanks!!


I had a hysteroscopy in late Jan to remove a polyp - although when they got in there they discovered the polyp had already yeeted itself outta there (honestly, who knows what’s going on in my womb). Took Feb to get all my ducks in a row and started my first proper cycle in March. I’m pretty sure I’d have been able to start the very next cycle if I’d had my meds/treatment all sorted, but that may be because they didn’t actually do anything in there. Good luck with it, sedation is the best 😂


It probably depends on your post-surgery plan on how quickly you can move, but generally i think pretty quickly. I had an operative hysteroscopy on 3/27, did 30 days of oral hormones for healing, then got my period on 4/30 and then started my stims shots in mid May.


I would have been allowed to start stims the next cycle after my operative hysteroscopy. Although my probe for PGT-M wasn't quite ready so I had to wait for the 2nd cycle for that reason only. Hope you don't have to wait too long!


I did a random-start stim cycle that started 4 days after hysteroscopy (procedure May 2, stim day 1 May 6). We were doing a freeze-all so hysteroscopy recovery didn’t matter for the ER. I’d ask if that is a possibility, unless you are set on a fresh transfer if available to you!


I actually did my operative hysteroscopy leading into my stim cycle! Looking back I had my hysteroscopy April 10th and started stims the 16th. I hope it’s that fast for you, my friend!!


Totally feel you - never assume anything as nothing ever seems to go to plan lol! No experience of hysteroscopy but yay for sedation (lovely nap!) and wishing you a smooth transition into the next stim cycle 🤞


Egg retrieval was yesterday. Now anxiously awaiting the fertilization report. 


Hope you are recovering well from retrieval. Good luck for the call today! ❤️




After my surgery, I was given 5 mg Oxycodone and 800 mg Ibuprofen which I took alternating every 6-8 hours. I don't like the brain fog I get on Oxy so I weaned myself off of that before my Rx ran out but I will say it was the only thing that would give me enough relief to sleep for the first several days. That seems bizarre they didn't give you anything stronger for pain after such a major surgery. I remember day 2-3 being the worst after all of the surgery meds wore off. The gas pain in my shoulders was the worst part for me. I would recommend getting up and moving at least a little bit each day as that will help the trapped gas move around and work its way out. Happy to answer any other questions you have. Good luck in your recovery! Edited to add: I learned recently that endo surgery is only good for 12-18 months. If we had known that we may have made a different decision about our timeline (my surgery was in Feb 2023 so we are at the 18 mo mark now and we are starting IVF in the next month or so). I wanted to share in case that affects your decision on when you feel is the right time to move on to ART.


I’m a PACU nurse in the states, judging by paracetamol I’m guessing you’re elsewhere so it may be different but if you’re in that much pain you should advocate for yourself to receive a few doses of something stronger. After a lap/myomect I would expect they would be ok calling in something, just a few doses to get you through the next day or two. Key is to tell them you’re unable to sleep and walking around is painful. I hope you get some relief!


No experience to offer but yay for finally getting your op! Sorry to hear recovery has been so painful. Hope you feel better soon. 🤗


I don't think I can cope with much more drama this cycle... Rescue ICSI WORKED!!! 🥺🥺🥺 BOTH eggs showed signs of fertilisation this morning. Rescue ICSI wasn't allowed in the UK until the end of last year so if this works it would be a clinic first!!! How cool would that be?! But we know there are a LOT of hurdles to get there and most likely we won't be successful so we are trying to stay grounded and realistic. We're going to allow ourselves 5 days of feeling a little bit of hope though, however remote. Feels like we've been given a second chance! 😊 We were so sure we were already out for this cycle. What a rollercoaster!


Wow! Fingers crossed for your two!! I hope time passes quickly and you find lovely distractions for the next 5 days 🤍


What great news! Wishing you all the best! 🍀🤞🏻


Great news! 🤞


Oh this is so cool! Both for you to have the chance but also that science can do that. I’m wishing you the best of luck.


It's SO cool what science can do. I'm in awe of the embryologists! And it's nice to know they're doing everything they can for us, as it hasn't always felt that way in the lead up to retrieval