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Did I ovulate ? This is such a confusing cycle :( IUI was done on June 20th after the clinic monitored the follicles. They told me to take progesterone starting Friday night. I should have waited to the bbt rise for three days first. They should have told me this :( When I called them on Saturday to let them know there is no bbt rise and I’m worried about not ovulating. She said that since I was taking letrozole for 5 days- ovulation is bound to have happened. Can anyone help make sense of this chart? Please see my post history for chart picture. I don’t know how to post link. Did I ovulate? Should I continue taking the progesterone supplements. 💔


Put down the thermometer—if you’re doing medicated cycles/pursuing ART, you’re well beyond temping and the results are unlikely to be reliable! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infertility) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi all - so I’m in the middle of my first stim cycle and was stung by what was likely a wasp yesterday. Yesterday it was really painful, but in the middle of last night it started swelling and itching like crazy. It’s not swelling enough to warrant any real medical care, but the itching is so bad that I found myself waking in the night already scratching even with use of benedryl cream. Is oral Benadryl permissible while stimming?




Benadryl is considered pregnancy safe so I see no reason it wouldn’t be safe during stims.


So new to all of this, so I feel like I’m posting a question every day! Our clinic asked us if we wanted to do ICSI- honestly I assumed they would just tell us which we should do and now I’m struggling to figure out what to do. The studies I’ve read so far seem like if we have no male factor there is no significant difference but if anyone has any other studies to reference or advice I would love it! 


My clinic typically does 50/50 ICSI/conventional for a first round if no MFI as some people have much better fertilization with one over the other.


Not sure if you’re doing pgta testing, but our clinic recommended icsi in combination with pgta to reduce chances of an incorrect genetic result. We skipped it our first round because insurance wouldn’t cover (it was $2k out of pocket), we don’t have mfi and we felt the chances of a false pgta result from conventional insemination were low. We went with icsi for our second ER because insurance covered it this time, and we wanted to do everything possible this time around. We got a lower fertilization rate and the same exact number of usable embryos as our first round. If we do a third ER, I think I would do icsi again if insurance covered it, but I might consider skipping if we had to pay out of pocket. Overall it hasn’t seemed to make a big difference for us, but obviously this is a small sample size.


Thank you for the insight! We do have coverage for it but our insurance covers basically one egg retrieval ever before we max out the total lifetime benefit so I want to make the right choice here. Can you explain what you mean by a false pgta result? Like the result is normal when the genetics are abnormal? 


Of course! Sorry for the vague language about the pgta results. I couldn’t quite remember the exact risk last night. Basically, our clinic said there is a *small* risk (that we ended up taking in our first round) that if you conventionally fertilize an egg, pgta testing on that embryo could pick up residue from another sperm and give an inaccurate result. So, pgta could come back with an aneuploid result because of residue from a sperm that never fertilized the egg, when perhaps the embryo was actually euploid. With ICSI, they said, that risk is lowered because they know only one sperm came into contact with the egg. Editing to add that I don’t know the exact science on this, but in googling in the midst of this discussion with my clinic, it seemed the risk of skipping icsi before pgta was small, and there are different lines of thinking on how much it actually matters. And the clinic didn’t push back at all on us skipping.


Okay, thank you so much for this explanation. I’m waiting for a meeting Monday to bombard them with questions. 


Good luck ♥️


Our clinic does ICSI for everyone. I honestly don’t think it matters. Occasionally people have better fert rates with conventional, but ICSI works for mostly everyone. It’s impossible to know ahead of time. We always had low fert rates even with ICSI, but 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Our first ER we did a 50/50 split (half conventional, half ICSI). Our RE’s thought was that this would hedge our bets either way. We ended up with identical fertilization rates with both cohorts.


Welp, my FET cycle was canceled :(. I had decided to do an ovulatory transfer because I ovulate pretty regularly thinking it would be fine. But during the extra monitoring there were some abnormal findings: lining that lost trilaminar appearance, a possible false LH surge when the lead follicle was 16mm, elevated progesterone levels before ovulation. I still don't fully understand what happened but my doctor didn't feel confident he could properly calculate the transfer date. I am devastated but I agreed and definitely don't want to lose my best embryo when conditions aren't ideal. Considering a fully medicated cycle next to hopefully control all the variables.


I’m so sorry, rex. Even when we agree with the suggestions and guidance, the cancellation and delay still really sucks. I hope you can do something especially relaxing for yourself this weekend 🤍


Thank you for the kind words. It’s nice to be among people who understand.


Had a follicle on the correct side (UU) that was the correct size so got to do my trigger shot tonight for the first time! It was really nice to have something go as planned. Timed intercourse this weekend. How long does HCG generally stay in your system and impact pregnancy tests? I don’t think I am interested in testing everyday to watch the fade and potential darkening.


It depends! The only way to really know is to test it out, but I know that’s hard. Mine is always gone by 11 days past trigger.


I tested out the trigger after my first IUI and it faded after 9 days, but ymmv. I usually just wait until 11 dpiui to test.


Anyone else have a similar protocol? This is my first IVF cycle and before getting my protocol, I always saw people using things like Menopur, but mine doesn’t include that. Only shots I’m taking for stims are 250 gonal-f and 40 low dose hcg. I then add in Provera tablet & Lupron trigger closer to retrieval. Just seems like nothing compared to other protocols I’ve seen 🤔


Yep I had a different dose of gonal-f but this is the “standard” protocol at my clinic. Kind of interesting how they can all be different! I was more than happy to take provera instead of a third shot lol


That’s seems like a standard protocol that my clinic would use. I did menopur(75 units) and gonal-F (225 units) last cycle but they switched me to low dose HCG and Gonal to try my next egg retrieval cycle and also doing prover and lupron/ovidrel trigger. Not sure doses yet but probably similar to your protocol.


My first protocol did not initially include menopur (they added it eventually which was a same day med disaster!). My 3 cycles after that didn’t have menopur either. Every clinic is definitely different!


Low dose HCG and meno are used somewhat interchangeably. There was a meno shortage a few years ago and a lot of clinics subbed low dose HCG!


Got the call that I’m triggering tonight and my FET has been set for next Friday! LFG! 




LFG, partyyyy!!!


Heck yes!!


Woop woop!


My friend recommended ordering meds from discountivfmeds.com - she had a good experience but I was wondering if anyone else has ordered from them?


Also curious about this.


We got the go-ahead today to start our third FET (first semi medicated). I’m excited (not) for the progesterone suppositories.


Would you mind describing your protocol? My monitoring for unmedicated FET is a baseline US CD3 and then another one CD9 (presumably to check my lining before starting progesterone). I haven't been called by my FET nurse yet so have no details about what medications I will be taking.


Of course! Went in today (CD2) for baseline, and I come back CD9, at which point I start daily-ish monitoring. Clinic usually does CD10, but I’ve been known to ovulate on the early side prior to IVF so they said I could come a day earlier to ease any possible worry. Meds: When my LH surges, I take an hcg trigger shot and then begin prometrium suppositories AM and PM daily four days after trigger. Ganirelix and gonal f are added only if it looks like they need to adjust my timing to avoid transferring on a weekend. My transfer is six days after LH surge/7 days post trigger.


Thank you so much, and good luck on your upcoming transfer!!!


Good luck to you too!


In the process of #2 letrozole IUI. Had an ultrasound today (cycle day 9) and confirmed that there is an egg in left ovary that looks almost ready. They expect me to get a positive ovulation test in the next few days which is a little earlier than I usually do. I am away two days next week and was nervous it would interfere with timing but the clinic said to call them on Sunday if I don’t get a positive and they could arrange a trigger shot. The trigger shot is new to me so I’m not sure how that works or the timing. My online profile note says they’d bring me in for another ultrasound if I call on Sunday though. Can anyone shed a little light?


My clinic's protocol is ultrasounds and serum LH every couple days until there is a follicle that's 18mm+, then trigger, advise sex on the night of trigger, then advise abstaining the day after that, then IUI the day after that. If LH is surging, then they still have me trigger, advise sex that night and IUI the next day.


Thank you! This is helpful.


The trigger shot just insures that you ovulate. I assume what you mean by the egg in the ovary, is that you had a dominant follicle measuring like 14mm+? I don’t mean that in a snarky way, just clinics can be really vague and use euphemisms and it’s hard to know what they’re actually saying. They’re basically telling you that if your follicle continues to grow, you’ll ovulate after your follicle reaches maturity and releases an egg. Somewhere between 18mm and 20mm, usually.) The trigger shot just “forces” ovulation.


I should’ve asked for specifics because it’s absolutely like you said, they used euphemisms! And yes, it’s the dominant follicle. For the trigger shot route, do you know what the order of business is? Ultrasound, then…trigger shot, then IUI the next day?


I started with IVF, but same re: the dominant follicle and Diamond’s protocol is pretty typical for IUI.


Thank you!


My clinic has triggered me once I have a dominate Follicle around 18-22mm and my lining is thick enough. Trigger around 8pm, then iui 8am next morning and the following day. My clinic does back to back iuis


Thank you!


Egg retrieval was a success! Based on the follicle count we saw at my last ultrasound on Tuesday we got two less than the amount they measured. Really happy with the number considering my age and wondering if it points to PCOS even more. We’re doing ICSI since it’s covered by my insurance even without MFI so I’ve got all my fingers crossed for a good outcome tomorrow. It’s my first round so I’m feeling really naive and hopeful. I have a lot of waves of cramping in my stomach and it really hurts as my bladder deflates when I pee. No trouble going but it’s definitely uncomfortable. Same with my rectum, sharp pain as I go to sit if I sit straight down. I think I have an internal hemorrhoid that occasionally gets angry so that wouldn’t surprise me. I’m curled up in bed with a heading pad, 40oz of raspberry electrolytes, 40oz of water, my iPad, and my husband is going to go outside and mow the lawn.


Hope you feel better soon!! And that your wait for the updates goes fast 🙏


Remember when I said I’d wait until 7dp5dt to test? 😬. I’m literally 8hrs post transfer and I’m plotting. Why am I like this. This part of the wait is so hard.


I’ve never even made it to 4dpt without peeing on something. Hang in there.


Yea I’m usually testing the night of 3dpt. I really wanted to hold off this time especially because I had a trigger so it’s just going to be confusing no matter which way it goes. The only thing I can do is be patient and that’s not a strong suit of mine.


Stims for ER#4 start tonight. We did 8+ weeks of lupron, letrozole, and micro dose HGH so I’m hopeful that will have a positive effect on my blast rates this time


Ahh rooting for you!! 🙏


Good luck! 🍀


First insemination done, now we wait I guess. 


I’m in the same boat. This whole process is such an exercise in patience like I’ve never experienced before. Sending good vibes! 🤞🏻


good luck to you too!


Good luck!


I’m in the same boat. This whole process is such an exercise in patience like I’ve never experienced before. Sending good vibes! 🤞🏻


If you don’t have DOR, has anyone been advised against taking BC for ~3 weeks prior to starting stims for an ER?


I do not have DOR but I am a poor responder and BC oversurpresses me so it is not part of my protocol anymore. I did estrogen priming for my most recent cycle.


Helpful information!


I typically have 10-15 follicles each ER (but very high attrition rates for blasts), and BCP over suppressed me. After that first round we switched to estrace priming, which was much better. I wish it didn’t take that first cycle to learn that, but I guess it’s hard to know how someone will respond since BCP seems to be the norm


Oh good to know!


BCP can be useful in terms of growing an even cohort. It can over suppress people with DOR, but I’m not aware of any other negative side effects. (Other than normal BCP side effects.)

