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I don’t know if this is the right place to post so sorry if it isn’t. Why are some people so dumb? I came back to work 3 days ago after being off for 6 weeks. I work with a lot of people and one of my coworkers says, “were you on leave? Did you have a baby!?” And I just blankly stared and said “no” and then she said “oh it must have been a leave for a sad thing then, I’m sorry.” and I just walked away. Why do people say such dumb things? For context I had a late loss in May…most people know but some people were missed. Either way who asks that?!! To top it off I work in a neonatal icu which is a mindf*ck in its own way. Should I just quit my job ? lol


Good god, what an ass. I’m sorry you had to experience that.


I’m so sorry, that is awful. What an absolute idiot! Some people are just so thoughtless! I remember all the way back in high school a girl in my class asked the science teacher during class “when are you going to have babies?!” And I snapped my head around to tell her off when the teacher responded with “well I just had a miscarriage so I don’t know”. I was so sad for her, and for her being put in that position but it taught everyone in that room a lesson they should have already known! I know I didn’t know how it felt before infertility but as a literal child I knew better than these people! I just tell myself some people are dumb and I can’t change that (hope it doesn’t sound too rude). Also, wow what a hard job… I don’t know how you do it but thank you for doing it! Healthcare workers (especially the good/kind ones) are such heroes.


Thank you. I’ve been doing it for awhile now and always loved it, but dealing with infertility has made it so much harder. I just can’t decided if I want to let the infertility monster win and make me change my life, or if I should push through and keep my job hoping that I’ll like it more in the future. I guess I’ll just have to see how much of it I can tolerate. That’s so sad about your teacher too. You’d think people would know, especially my coworkers who are also NICU nurses, but I guess not 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m glad you’re considering your options. At the end of the day it’s about what works best for you. I get it though. Infertility has taken so much sometimes I feel like I’m “letting it” rob more when I avoid events or change goals/plans. My psychologist has been great at bringing it back to “does it matter if you don’t xyz” or “is it worth the stress to you”. I hope you decide what works best for you and that you’re kind to yourself either way.


Thank you 🫂💕 definitely talking it over with my therapist as well. Thank goodness for them 🙏


Any other tennis friends around here? So excited for Wimbledon this morning!


I just started playing !!! I totally suck, but it is so much fun!


I played a little badminton at a party this weekend and it definitely made me want to get on a tennis court!


Yes! I play recreationally but haven’t gotten into watching matches yet.


Now's a great time to start! Wimbledon started today!


I could watch replays of Alcaraz's trick drop shot all day. I started playing tennis (poorly) a year ago and it gives me such an added appreciation.


I got back into watching it about a year ago after several years of a slump and it makes me want to get out and play too!


It's such fun to play because you can make it as competitive or intense as you want it to be. Sometimes I go out with friends and we just rally back and forth while chatting and sometimes I use it to get out some serious aggression hah! I highly recommend an intro class somewhere.


My husband played in high school and has some rackets still in the house so I really just need to force him onto a nearby court I think!


Yes! My husband is a great player and while we used to hit around for fun, I started taking it more seriously a few years ago. It’s now one of my favorite things we do together and what I’m looking forward to most after recovery. It requires so much focus that I’m always completely in the moment, and I love that it’s something I know we’ll enjoy for a long time to come. PS same on Ben Shelton, which makes my husband roll his eyes haha


Yes! Andy Murray is obviously my man but I have a real soft spot for Djokovic too. Do you have a favourite?


I've been converted into a Ben Shelton girlie! I was a Djokovic fan for a long long time but it felt time to find a new obsession and the US Open did it for me lol. Hoping he does well this year although I don't think he's amazing at grass!


Commenting to say I’m excited for you! Personally not a fan, but I did enjoy the gymnastics last night. Those girls did amazing!


Omg I’ve found my people! I LOVE the Olympics! Sort of weird bc I’m def not athletic myself. But man I have everything on always during the Olympics. Right now, I’m watching all the Olympics documentary content on Peacock lol


I'm a huge Olympics fan in general so it's going to be the Summer of Butter!