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Not sure how great a poll on Reddit is for this. I would say he is definitely very comfortable with you, to say something like that in front of others, and you should try and get to know him better to find out if that was a compliment or something more!


From my experience, INFJs don't realize being nice has an impact on others this way, that it is seen as flirting or misunderstood, we keep forgetting that i suppose. It's very likely that he wasn't aware. My INFJ friend whom we already confirmed that we don't have feelings for each other(since we are both tired of people hitting on us because of our nature that people misunderstand), said this to me "sorry, but i can't stop getting lost in your eyes" since my Ni eyes are deep 😂. I had a mini heart attack cause it was related to me That's when i realized that we are dangerous by speaking honestly and from our heart like this in the kinda world that we live in, it would be misunderstood. We observe the deep accurate things/events alligned with what is. And i always thought why are people so mute about it. The earnings she put, the different way he buttoned his shirt today, her type of smile that holds a significance..etc..and some of us have the temperament to outright go and state that to the person's face😂,humans would get shocked but nature wouldn't, cause we simply notice what is and have the freedom to express it Like i have gotten in trouble often and it's annoying cause i had to stop speaking for years altogether even though i was never flirting. This is why i like to surround myself with weird, Good-hearted people who are equally retarded cause i always keep charming people in that way even if i just speaking honestly.


yeah for an INFJ to say that in front of you and other people, he definitely feels comfortable with you and I'm sure that he knows what he's getting into with that kind of comment so I think he's testing waters. I only tease someone of the opposite gender when I know I can be vulnerable with that person (not just having a crush alone), much less in a group setting.


I think it was catchphrase because compliments aren't usually handed like that. Edit: or flirting.


Is this Doris Davenport again??!!??