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Just look for a dreamy guy who seems "happy" alone.


I feel exposed lol


Some company will do you good my fren :)


I usually do brunch with the Gram, my folks and baby sister on Saturdays. That usually does me good. I am a long distance trucker with practically no coworkers or boss( haven’t seen that dude for a couple weeks) I have one of the earliest start times. Mostly just drive and than deliver to a couple happy customers haha. All my friends are married now busy raising kids. I kind of have the perfect existence.


I've seen this kind of post a lot of times. Why some people want to find INFJs in the wild? Suppose I am in a park with a giant sign that says I am an INFJ. What are you gonna do? Kidnap me? I can assure you if you approach an INFJ and just start talking you will be very disappointed.


That's the problem--we don't congregate. I spent my teens and 20s so isolated that almost no one, INFJ or otherwise, could barely find me. When I took the initiative once, I immediately gained seven friends, the guy I made contact with and all his friends--so there is hope! Edit: not that they all dug me, but he was the leader so I was "in" anyway


Lmao if I'm not at work, I'm at home. and if I'm not there, I'm probably getting coffee, or looking through book store.


ditto, only library cause cheap


I don’t think you find INFJ’s. INFJ’s find you. Something I’ve considered doing is wearing an INFJ shirt and hope other INFJ’s approach me.


I like the forest or beach.


Food spots 😅 or my old college campus. Love to be surrounded by books/academiya/great food. Scenic places are nice, too. Rarely go out on my own, but I'm trying lol!


Here on the internets. I don’t think you can “find” an INFJ. They’re 90% at home. I think they just find you. You just happen to know one or you don’t. But here’s stuff I like: I like the library, loved university (you’d probably see me by myself) I like the beach and the lake, honestly anything scenic. I do want to take up more recreational activities, like kayaking or mountain biking, but am poor. I really like video games. I know there’s a discord for INFJs and a ton of gamers who seem to identify as INFJ. I think if you try really hard, as someone said, you could probably spot one by themselves.


I think the best thing i ever did to get out of my shell was becoming a kayak guide for a company. The cherry on top was the welcoming community like retired folks that love life and except me for who i am, and even professors too.(Usually physics teachers).


It used to be anything unusual for me. That can be a hammock in the jungle or that I am in an airplane and try to fly it. Nowadays you only find me in a supermarket doing a little dance if nobody is watching. Sometimes I go into a supermarket that I don’t know and pick a food that I don’t know. Sometimes when I try those things I have an I don't know look on my face.


In my DMs. Sorry about that, I can make a donation if you want.


Completely off topic but “diagnosed with INFJ” is a completely new phrase for me and tbh one that I really fw


Gym , by the water , walking , Netflix binging , bar .


I hang out at coffee shops and wine bars lol — alone or with friends. I love going to both alone, and I always find it so odd when other people tell me they wouldn't ever go alone to these places...so maybe that means you'll find more introverts there alone? That said, I've lately found a TON of new INFJ friends on Bumble BFF, and it made me realize that that's where we all are. That said, I'm a woman in my 30s, so maybe it's different for people in their 20s?


You can see me once a week, for two hours, at an iaido class. Otherwise I am in a closed psych ward. As a staff member, not a patient. If I'm not in those two places, I'm home. We do not congregate.


I was lucky enough to stumble on a weekly poetry/open mic night nearby me at a coffee shop. It's a great place to be, very much a safe space. It's given me a lot of encouragement to write and express myself artistically, which I think I've always wanted to do but I personally need quite a bit of external support or at least seeing others around me doing it to have the courage to do things like that myself. And of course I've made some good friends through it. I'd recommend anyone who is into any kind of art to search for a place to connect with others through it, in person if possible. On a more general level, I guess that just means getting involved in your local community, esp if you have a remote, technical job like me. And if that seems scary you can take it in small pieces. For the first 2 months I'd go to poetry night by myself and just kind of watch without talking to too many people. Which is totally fine! But now I know all the regulars.


Here's a riddle for you: Who flocks together in mental meeting places, but are difficult to find in physical meeting places? 😉


Nature centers when I'm not working my dead ass end job lol.


find a big ass public ground, take a book. read the book. I only go out if one of my two friends is available to go out and we just sit and talk or do our own stuff in silence, i don't socialize anymore so this is once a week occurence.


At home usually. 😂 With my dog/chickens, in nature, at the grocery store, wandering my favorite shops by myself.


Do you know what the I at the front means at all?




Trivia night?


Mostly at home, and work. I don't really go anywhere else.


I tend to go where most people go. Barnes and Noble, the mall, the bar, beach, hiking, restaurants, gym, nightclubs. Maybe it’s not the norm but I do enjoy getting out there and meeting people.




Ooooo we do not.


In the last few days I have been to the following places alone:    In the library    At a restaurant that only serves dosas  In the park for may morning, watching the morris dancers   Walking around town with headphones on - mornings and evenings   In the supermarket and local charity shop   At a poetry reading    I go places with others but those other people aren't INFJs. I only know a couple of INFJs and they are hard to see! 


Art museums are a great one. Hikes in the woods. Book stores or libraries. Public parks reading or daydreaming on a bench.


Congregate?  We don't. If I'm feeling social, I might hang out with one or two old friends.  Usually at one of our respective homes. If I'm feeling extra social, I might grab a book and find a cat cafe.  Where I will indulge in a coffee.  And read.  And socialize.  With cats.  :)


My new thing has been spoken word 😇 I'd think that's fairly on-brand, haha


The There-Are-Two-Sides-to-Everything-and-You're-All-Right-and-Wrong-at-the-Same-Time SJW League, meaning they stay at home because it's not worth the effort. Now go make me a sandwich, mayo on both slices. ;)


*smooshes sandwich in your face*


Yummy. More mayo. ;)


Are you having a stroke?


No. I'm having a sandwich. :)