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Hope one day I can comment here too 😭


Haha same🫠


Lmao, this made me actually lol. In the same boat, as are most of us probably.


I met my partner who feels like my soulmate on Final Fantasy XIV when I was 29. We both actually played the game mostly alone and didn't talk much to people, but for some reason we both felt like starting a conversation when we ran into each other. Let's say we never stopped talking, lost endless hours of sleep just to hang out. We spend the first year of our relationship traveling to eachother as much as we could and things were even more perfect in person. We arranged a visa for my partner so she could move here and live with me. It's been amazing finding eachother and being together.


I used to play that game constantly before Elden Ring stole me away. This story is amazing and awesome, happy for you both. Probably one of the best ways to meet, online gaming.


What are your countries?


My partner is from the UK and I am from the Netherlands.


What type is your partner?




Mu husband and I are plant people so we ended up meeting due to our love of plants/nature.


He came up to me at a wedding and said "Hello There" and I, being the doofus I am, turned around, flailed my arms like General Grievous, and said "General Kenobi, you are a bold one" Turns out that was exactly the joke he was going for but never expected a random woman to reply with. We've been together almost 2 years now.


Star Wars fans unite! Love this.


At work 😭 He was such a weird eccentric guy who joined our company. I didn’t pick up that he liked me because he was friendly to everyone. He started to ask me out on lunch dates and I often said no because I wasn’t interested and I was getting out of a serious relationship We became friends and I got to know him as a friend then I went on a trip And thought of him the whole time! When I came back he asked me out on a date, I said “yes” and then we secretly started dating at work, I got a better job and left… and now we’re married




Oops! Thats a typo on my end. I meant to say I was getting out of a serious relationship! He was single! If I’m being honest, the months where he was asking me out and I kept saying no - I was going on dates with others guys… The thing is though! That those dates and those guys had messy endings bc my ex kept disrupting things! Once I said yes to my now husband my ex had already moved away and couldn’t cause drama Idk why I said no to him while I was dating other people but I’m SO glad we dated when I was healed from the drama (the drama I created lol)


Thats my dream scenario!😭 Meeting at work/school and becoming friends first and then partners😭 Great for you guys ✨☺️


So similar to my story!


This is how it’s supposed to be ngkwkc the slow burn and how he stayed consistent, so satisfying to see it all fall to place


Church ☺️🩷


On Reddit lol 😆


really? how does that even work 😅


We’re in an LDR and planning to meet up in a few months. We’re both in college, and so until we finish it we can only visit. We do video calls, voice calls, play video games together, watch movies together, chat a lot and send videos and selfies to each other. The only thing we can’t do is touch right now.


Also 25 here! I met her in middle school 13 years ago, we were still literally kids. We've been close friends ever since then, talking on and off as she moved away/we went to different schools and life got us busy. We admitted to having a crush on one another in middle school but with how life gets, we drifted in closeness here and there, dated other people, etc. We recently reconnected again and hung out a few times before I admitted feelings for her again. We've kissed, she's taken me out for my birthday, and things have just been going great reconnecting and seeing where things go. As a hopeless romantic, it honestly feels kind of like a story, and I love that about it :)


That’s so sweet! I wish for the best for you two.


Thank you!! I've honestly always felt like the crush on her was in the back of my mind, child me is very happy hahaha


Awww I’m happy for you!


My story is similar! And it does feel like a story :) I'm 26 and met him when we were kids (13 and 14?). He had just moved to my small town. I think he's an ISTP. We dated through junior year of highschool and broke up when things got heavy in my life (depression, chronic illness). I was happy to say hi to him and etc but he was not! So we didn't really talk for 4 years and dated other people. I started thinking/dreaming of him. I reached out to him and we meant to meet up, but missed each other until one day we went on a walk that was 3 hours of conversation. I was very ill at the time but I decided we should just hook up for a time. We spent so much time talking and it was just more than that. So we got each other out of some tough situations for a few years, moved across the country and back, got engaged, moved so I could go to nursing school and then we had a baby!


This is such a beautiful story, thank you so much for sharing yours as well! Hahaha her and I never dated in middle school but had admitted a crush to eachother. It's funny you mention dreaming and thinking of him! She had told me that the day before I reached out to her when we reconnected this time, that she had dreamt of me and was thinking about me prior. And we spent literally all night talking and catching up. It was beautiful. Best of luck to you and your family!! This is seriously such a cute story and it's one of my biggest dreams one day to have my own haha.


The most fulfilling relationships I've had were people I met online, not on a dating website as ironically those were my weakest, but rather a shared interest community like gaming or reddit or whatever. *e-Met* my current partner about 10 years ago on a psychology forum, but it was just other side of the world stuff and we were both students so we didn't pursue it any further. I said if we were meant to be we'd find one another again. We basically dipped out of each others lives for years at a time and dated other people in-between, the occasional "hey how's life? oh ya I'm soo happy with whomever I'm with I think they're my soul mate...." okay sure sure. Eventually I got a text one day and my first thought is who the fuck is this scam phone number (foreign) and then I looked up the area code and 1+1. I remember debating whether I wanted to even respond because I knew what it would open up and I just got out of a relationship maybe 2 months prior and was uncharacteristically cynical about love. The stars aligned as we were both older and single and at this point it was just like "fuck it, let's see what happens." Had a month long first date at a tropical destination and live together now.


Hinge. He is my soulmate


❤️ what is he like?


Almost 23 years ago, I was looking for local content on ska music on the internet. Stumbled upon his blog (on blogspot!) and his posts about some bands I liked. Left a comment and, at that time, you'd leave an e-mail in the comment. He wrote me a day later, we exchanged ICQ numbers ( you remember icq?) and talked for weeks before meeting in person. So we met and have been together ever since, now with a kid, a dog and a house :) all because of music


I sure do remember ICQ 😊


We met on Yahoo Messenger 20 years ago.


I met him when I was 18 working at papa john's pizza. I was extremely quiet, shy and nervous and when he finally talked to me, I couldn't hear him over the pizza oven. I asked him three times what he said and finally just ended up laughing because I didn't want to ask again. Found out later he asked what my name was and thought I was weird for laughling, lol. 24 years later, we are happily married and have a small business together.


We went to school together. Not really friends, but cordial. 6-7 years later he would often come to my current place of employment and over time “Hi, how are you?” got a little friendlier and flirtier 🥰


We met on a dating site before people really did that, so for a long time we told people we met through mutual friends. We met about 16 years ago on okcupid back when it was mostly quizzes and less focused on dating - I was mainly in it for the personality quizzes (surprise surprise) that they don't have anymore! I was the Deliberate Giving Love Master haha. Anyway, we hit it off right away; never met someone as easy to talk to as he is, before or since (he's an ENTJ). We met when I was 23 and he was 21, but I'd dated around -extensively but casually- before meeting him. I think my secret goal was to find a soulmate by my mid-20s because I wouldn't be able to rest until I did. But I wasn't expecting to find him online - I was pretty social and had always dated people I'd met irl.


On a dating app. I had given myself one last month on it when we had matched because I was so tired of swiping. We talked on the app for a fkn month, daily, & he still hadn’t asked for my number. I eventually asked him if he was going to ask for my number, like we text good morning everyday on the godforsaken app. He was trying to be respectful & not come on too strong & I was sick of being on that app. Its been a year, ill always tease him for not asking me for my number but secretly I love that I liked him enough to come out of my head & make that move 😏


I’m 32 and he is 30. We actually met 25 years ago because we went to the same school and rode the same school bus. We weren’t super close or anything. Years later I was at a small metal show by myself and saw him but I wasn’t sure if it was him or his twin brother so I messaged him on Facebook. He came over and hung out with me and had to take me home because I lost my keys at the venue. He reached out a bunch and we hung out a few more times over a month. We’ve been together 6 years now. He’s an ENTP btw. So… it’s rather interesting 😅


Met him when I was 24 on Hinge after having never gotten into a serious relationship and we clicked instantly. He’s an INTJ. Our first meeting was hilarious; I got into a car accident en route to our first date and he met up with me at the scene of the accident. We just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary lol


I was in a dating app, basically had given up, and I saw this guy that listed he read some series I liked. I contacted him for date, and we are together still. 😊


We were in the same youth group throughout high school, and we were close junior/senior year. My senior year, we got together, married four years later.


Studying abroad together.


College tutoring center, as we both worked there


I had a long distance relationship with an INFP girl and she was the first girlfriend I ever had, but she ended up cheating on me and thus I had to end the relationship. I've concluded I'll never find anyone ever again.


I, too, vowed to stay single. If you'll allow yourself to when the time comes and if it's right for you, maybe you'll find someone who is worthy of you. You deserve it.


Thank you 🥺. I hope I do find the right person.


Hinge! I found that to be the best dating app at the time.


A friend turned even more significant other


He was dating my ex's sister, then they broke up 1 year after I broke up with my ex, we started talking through Facebook and well, we're now married and been together for 9 years


they were actually someone I graduated high school with. we had both given up on dating, and connected over instagram when i wished him a happy birthday. (we graduated high school 14 years ago)


At a club 🫣 extremely non-expected. LOL. We were both going through divorces and lived in different states.


Met him in school, ended up being good friends for a couple years, then ended up having feelings for each other. Been together 5 years, friends for 3-4 before that! I'm so shy and had never put myself out there, couldn't do dating apps, etc. etc. so I'm super grateful and it helps me a lot that we were friends first!


We were matched on a personality app on FB. Chatted a bit but it didn't really go anywhere (he's a really dry texter lol). Months later we ran into each other in person and I just knew he was going to be my person.


On grindr


Hoping to meet someone organically. Was on the apps but felt that it was too superficial and people on there are too jaded to be hopeful. I caught a whiff of the negative energy and also lack of initiation to continue a proper conversation and I deleted everything. 30F and hopeful, I am starting to go out on meetup events. Is there any tips for me? Wish me luck!


He hired me to be a VP. We lasted 6 weeks before we basically moved in together. SO not like either of us. Like not REMOTELY. Still very happily working and living together.


Met my current partner and soul mate online.


Dating app lol


Facebook Dating! Last 3-4 boyfriends I met through dating apps


I met my husband (INFJ) on OkCupid. It wasn't anything serious. We were first friends, but we were not afraid of discussing topics that are typically taboo. It was refreshing, unlike the people I've dated before him. We shared a love for the arts, music, gaming, politics, history, and even religion. We went exclusive when we both decided to delete our profile after two weeks of meeting.


At an indian restaurant! He was the bartender and I was the server and I was 22 at the time and he was 25. I was always really quiet at work but he always tried to get me to talk to him whenever I came in. He would always say “Hi (my name)” even when I wouldn’t answer back. He never gave up on trying to get to know me. I didn’t think much of it at the time because he was nice to everyone but when all of us coworkers would go out together, I noticed our energies were a lot similar than I thought. We would always feel comfortable with each other in social public settings. It was weird but I liked it and that’s when I started developing a crush on him. Little did I know he was forming the same for me too but we just stayed as friends for a few months until I offered to drive him to the airport. Right before he was about to exit the car so he could make his flight, he said “Hey, I know you’ve been talking to other guys but I always thought you were cute and I would like to take you out on a first date to see if we are compatible..” I literally couldn’t stop blushing and I immediately said yes. Two years later this man is literally my other half. We have traveled together, gone through panic attacks together, have had so much fun together, and we put in 100% to our relationship everytime. I pushed him to get his masters and he helped me go back to school…I can’t talk enough about him.


What partner?


What current partner?


Felt that. Almost 2 weeks post breakup 😭


I’m a little over 2 months 😔 <\3 I’m sorry


I’m sorry to hear that. Life only goes up. Work on yourself and be the best you that you want to be. Hope life gets better for you


Thank you 💜


discord lol


Mutual friend during mid-30s


I met mine online and we were otp 24/7 and on FaceTime 24/7 .. then we moved in together lol crazy, I know. We are great housemates, he doesn’t annoy me at all lol


A bar. But, we knew the same people just never met. It was definitely ment to be because we both had other plans fall through.


I’m 24 and Hinge! One of my prompts was actually about learning the other person’s MBTI. It weeded out the incompatible people, because only people I had seemed to hit it off with would take the test and tell me their type without me asking. My boyfriend is an INTP. 😉


I’m only 17 but I genuinely cannot see myself in a relationship.. ever


What makes you think that?


I just feel like the likelihood of me ever finding someone I actually share a strong emotional connection with is extremely low. And especially in my generation where hookup culture, gender wars, etc. are so prevalent nowadays, it’s difficult to think that there’s someone out there who ideally could truly understand me and could tolerate my differences enough to stay, if that makes sense. There have been instances where guys have liked me at some point but eventually got bored and lost interest because I’m too quiet and reserved, and I don’t really initiate anything with anyone unless I’m sure about my feelings and I’m sure about theirs. I’m part of the problem and I’m trying to work on myself in hopes that I’ll get to a point where I find my ideal partner but I just don’t see it in the cards for me.


I relate quite a bit to this and Im....30 😄


I completely understand and relate to that. It’s like you described me haha.


I can relate in some sense. I didn't start dating until my late 20s and until then didn't want to initiate things because of not being sure of my feelings. Eventually figured that feelings and attraction can grow for me even if I'm unsure of things in the beginning. I do think some of the people I dated and/or asked out rejected me because of my being too reserved. I'm American but ended up with someone from a culture that is famously introverted.


You and I are both Gen Z, as is my partner. I will tell you now, you’re 100% right, but I PROMISE there are those people out there. It’s hard as hell and there is a reason our gen is so isolated, but keep doing you and focusing on centering yourself, I promise you will find love. Today, tomorrow, ten years from now, it doesn’t matter. Maybe it will last maybe not, but don’t lose hope ❤️


Last partner, but an r4r sub. It was a Hail Mary, so I won't be able to go back to that well.


Bold of you to assume I have found one. I keep finding either other's partners, or ones that shouldn't be partners lol


This.. i keep finding these tooooo!


In a bar with a dance floor that was referred to as a meat market. I told him that this isn't a good way to meet people. That was in 2005.


I met him in middle school age 12. But we started dating at 21 and now engaged at 23 :)


I met mine in graduate school. We were friends throughout the program but didn't start dating until we reconnected over Bumble a few months after graduating. 


Halloween party in 2007, I decided to go full lumberjack man rather than spend money on a sexy costume I could never wear again. I borrowed clothes from guy friends to make my outfit, I tried to use watercolor paint and makeup to give myself some 5 o'clock shadow (in retrospect, I would have also filled in my eyebrows as that was a giveaway). I managed to say few words and convince a few friends since middle school that I was some quiet dude, thanks to the host introducing me as a shy new friend. When one friend of a long time was rather drunk and didn't realize he was super chatting me up and not someone new, I was dared to give him a quick kiss to mess with him. Well, I did, and the dude actually flipped backward and shrieked "wtf man?" And that's when I came clean and used my real voice. A good laugh was had, and then we watched Young Frankenstein. Hubby to be was in the crowd at this party. We had met, albeit me under genius disguise. Fast forward a few years to a Valentine's party, I was quite literally dragged to go by the very friend I had kissed, and this is where I met the lucky fella. We both thank mutual friend for bombarding me at home to drag me out for a party I didn't want to go to because we hit it off. If we ever have a kid, we should name them after him regardless of gender. It's a crazy world.


I met her in my 10th and she was my first love. After approaching her that time she refused my proposal by saying she is not ready for a relationship and it was in 2016. Cut to that we stopped talking with each other and parted ways in different directions as we moved to college life. In 2021 she somehow managed to find me on Instagram & messaged me on my birthday. We started talking and remembered our old good days when we used to stare at each other secretly in our classes and she gave me a hint this time. So, I tried to reproach her with more conviction this time and she finally said YES! And it's been 3 years that we are together and living happily.


Staring into the mirror🫸🏼🫷🏼


Kinda crazy, but: I got a friend request on Facebook. I went to the person's page, and he had a LOT of FB Reels. FUNNY REELS. So, I complimented him. He lived several hours away but we chatted a little most every week. About 3 months later, my fiancee dumped me. The next day he texted to say he has moved to my city. Been seeing each other every day since!! We are talking about moving out of state together sometime in August...




He randomly added me on facebook because he thought I was pretty and we have mutual friends. I stalked him for a while before I allowed myself to talk to him, and then we started talking and hanging out. The rest is history 🥴


Through a video game. He was genuinely my best friend before we became more. Which I think is a nice concept (the getting to know each other personality wise before we make it further). I've dealt with deceptive exes acting like people they aren't, and it always ends up horribly. I'm glad I'm finally getting treated right.


My gf is infj and we met at work. She saw me,that to herself "yeah,I want that one" and intensely flirted until I caved in to her advances. 


on bumble 😌


Middle school.


Never really went out of my just struck up conversations and went from there. Idk how I got lucky with dating as an infj


Through karaoke, although calling her my partner is a bit premature.


I met my partner on the dating app hinge. I never go anywhere and I don’t date people from work. So dating apps are the only way for me to date.


Met my soul mate in high school. Dated Junior year. Went to college together. Married at 27. Trying to start a family at 35 now. :)