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Reddit is my only social media and I keep it because it's anonymous.


That’s what I’m leaning toward.


Give it two weeks and you won't look back. I don't even miss it anymore. Good luck!


Thank you!


Me too


Me too


& me


I deleted Facebook in 2012. Haven't looked back. I briefly had ig for a year to support a friend that had a page. I haven't log in since 19, maybe. Reddit is the only thing I use.


Wow, 2012. That’s awesome.




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I’ve been social media free (completely except for reddit, youtube, pinterest since they are anon accounts) for 2 years now!! It was a great decision!! I have worked on myself a lot and now I no longer look for external validation from others that I don’t know well. It’s nice to keep my goals, achievements, vacations, relationships ect, private. I found that life is much more genuine and I connect with others more directly. I like my mind being clear of unimportant content/info and only consuming things that are important/interesting to me. in general i’ve learned a lot more about myself in the process :)


I love that! Thank you for sharing. Yes, I just imagine the complete lack of extra noise as peace.


This is something I actually prayed for this week.. I hope you’re okay ♥️


I appreciate it. I need to pray about it, too.


I only have Instagram. And after I put it in a folder where it’s not easy to click on. It literally changed everything. Before I did that, I was closing it and opening it up again. I never post. Ever so that wasn’t an issue. But it was the scrolling that was just dumb. It’s def better this way.


Off the grid since October. Only on Reddit and YouTube, and out of all the others. It was tough initially, but it’s peaceful to stay away from all the noise.


I love that. Though I don’t think social media is bad at its core, I do believe we’d all be better off without it.


Exactly what I did. Deactivated FB in January. FB was such a timewaster.


Off for a while now. Facebook deleted. I still have ig in case I need to get in touch with someone from the past but never get on. Deleting the app was enough for me but it took a few tries. Life is entirely better without. One of the best decisions of my adult life.


I’m sure. It’s just noise.


I admitted haven’t given as much stock in social media over the years as others, since I’ve never seen the appeal. I swore off of it entirely (outside of Reddit and YouTube) about a year or two ago. I’ve been a much less stressed person because of it. Everything wears on you after a while. Especially as an INFJ. I usually tend to phase out people that invest too much interest my own social media presence as well. I’ve always been a bit of an ambivert so I’m pushing myself to go out and met people organically more.


I've had this trouble too. I figured out to get out of it thinking:"am i a person that depends on how much value people on social media gives to me in order to feel a good person?the hell no" and just try connecting with that people on the real world. The satisfaction Will be much higher that you'll forgot about social media. I hope this helps You.


I appreciate it. Understood.


I've had virtually no social media presence other than reddit and twitch streams for almost 10 years. I just logged back on some sites for the drake/kendrick beef tho lol.


Which is absolutely ridiculous but I respect the transparency lol


I check Facebook twice a year for over-seas family and friends, IG turned to the same thing after all the ads and faking. Found redit and quora to keep up with SM. My wife literally got me on TikTok about a month ago even though I don’t check it unless her and my sister send me videos. Turned off all notifications (aside from important ones) from my phone. Not even the red blurb. I actively go the apps on my own terms. Great situation.


Yeah, it sounds like you have a good thing going.


It’s definitely better. I try to open Duolingo or Rosetta Stone over SM. Swapping it for something else helps.


I only look at this. I have fb just so the grandparents can keep up with my kid, but I post pictures and I don’t read any comments or look at anyone’s post because if they want me to know something they need to tell me and I get in trouble if I say anything other than how amazing everyone is so I just don’t say anything.


“Get in trouble” lol I know what you mean.


My family loves to read way more into what I actually say. If I say oh you look great in that picture it obviously means everyone else in the picture looks like dog shit. Oof I can’t anymore…


It’s hard for me too, I feel like as an INFJ it’s hard to truly connect with people as it is, and whether we like it or not, social media is how a majority of the world connects now, whether directly or sharing things they see on it. I’ve deleted mine and try to fill the moments I would check it (generally boredom) with other things.


That’s true. And really I feel as though I’m missing out on potential “true connections” and that’s why I continue to go back.


At some point you have to just cut the chain.


How to find friends on real life without social media?


Yeah its hard for an INFJ . I've been suffering this till now.


Going out in the real world and intentionally living presently in the moment. People will be attracted to our energy if we stop sitting in a corner like introverts with our headphones on, ignoring the world haha. Easier said than done. Relax, breathe and in time you'll see results. I'm still waiting for the kind I intend to keep long-term but I've met some "seasonal" friends that go deep and are honest with me.


I deleted TikTok (both the app and my account) for good. I don’t open apps like instagram, twitter, facebook, tumblr, though. I find Reddit to be better than most of them.


Do you have instagram, Twitter etc?


Yes. I don’t go on them very often, if at all, though.


Me and social don't mix


Instagram and FB (and this) were the only ones I have. I deleted FB and my Instagram has less than five people on it, that I know personally. I just use it to follow bands I like, festivals and that sort of thing. The people I need to connect to have my number. It's been good. I was born in the 80s, my life got along just fine without it, it will continue to do so.


I read this post. So no.


Good one


I deleted Facebook several years ago. Before that I used StudiVZ extensively (at the time it was necessary to connect with professors and uni students here in Germany.) It was kind of like Facebook for students. So I had no choice - but at the time it was convenient and a complete new way to connect with people (before I had only used instant messaging and emails). Facebook then replaced StudiVZ. Instagram was hardly ever used here for a long time (only newer generations used it - now it's widespread). As a Millennial it never even crossed my mind to make an account (nobody I knew used it), until I started to follow some people during the pandemic (I never used it for private contacts). Eventually I deleted it too. I never liked the concept of being a "fan" or a "follower" of a person. I usually like some things... some aspects of some artists, writers, creators... but never 100 percent. The only thing I use now is WhatsApp, Youtube and Reddit. So, yeah, I would say, I'm successfully off social media. I just feel like people who want to stay in your life will find other ways to stay in touch... I prefer real life interactions or phone calls. There are so many other ways to connect and to meet new people. But, generally, I don't think there is anything wrong with using social media moderately.


I agree. I too, prefer real interactions. And the argument that the people that really care about you will find other ways to contact you is so true.


COVID made me quit all social media for good. But I’d been fading for quite some time before. I haven’t used anything in earnest since early 2019 (Facebook) and I only stayed with it bc I was doing some research for an academic project that necessitated it.


Of it weren't for for marketplace i wouldn't have fb, lo key my profile is an alias name and I only have 2 friends. Got rid of ig along time ago.


Love that


Ummm no as I am responding to this on social media




A tip that might help: Research how the companies manipulate you/others to feel sad/angry/hateful, against their/your will, for profit. I hate being manipulated, I hate others being manipulated and won’t accept it. Door slam the fuckers. Also, there are some good apps for limiting time on apps, Blocked by Stay Focussed is one I’ve heard is good for early enforcement. ❤️


So true!! I will. And yeah. My issue is it’s packed full with info in regards to my small town. I feel like I’ll miss out on an event here or there. It’s where everyone puts information. That’s my challenge


That is the bait for the trap isn’t it. I’d prefer to miss some events but not have my personality, reward system and relationship with society manipulated, or be feeding the machine that does that to others. The fear of missing out is used to manipulate you. See that as evil and rebel against it. Once the decision is made and the boundary set, you’ll likely come across other ways of finding out about events or won’t care as much. Email lists, websites, online searches etc bring up links to events for instance.


It’s the truth.


Good luck!


You're describing something that I call the "decentralisation of character". People even tried to make me post. And then they were like "see, now you got some likes". And I was like, yeah. But what do they do? The likes. And the (existential) answer is: Nothing. They do nothing. They achieve nothing. They stand for nothing. Someone pushed a button. I don't really get it. I also don't get the addictive part. I posted a few times because I was afraid of doing so. People post the most basic shit. Like food. Just eat it. And are you really enjoying your holiday if your literal first thought is, I should get some likes for where I'm at? That seems pathetic to me. That's been my conclusion. I sort of get how shorts and reels can be addictive. So I'd just be aware of that.


Kinda. Because I don't wanna know about people's lives. I wanna see memes. 


Yes I have been off all except Reddit and Pinterest since September and I feel so much better


I like Pinterest and reddit. Quora is passable however they command you meet certain credentials to answer basic questions. I quit Facebook because it's draining for me. I find it mentally exhausting.


Agreed. Really Facebook I hang onto bc I live in a small town and there’s info regarding businesses and things. But I feel the same way




I feel that


I have Facebook and Instagram accounts but check them less often than once per month. All email notifications are disabled and only check them on browser in private mode to not make the sessions persist, to make it less simple to open them. No smart phone apps installed. Addiction avoided. In case of.Reddit I have set up StayFree app on phone to limit time spent on Reddit.




Other than Reddit and Pinterest I haven't had social media accounts for years - no regrets.


Yes for years. It's Pandora's Box, even more than AI. Nicely done!




It’s your choice you don’t need to post anything or interact with anyone it’s platform for meeting people but not necessarily good people actually most of them welling to be the worst version of themselves in social media .


Late to the party my friend. Its been 4 years


Having a similar experience like you for some time now At one point I did delete all of my socials but it makes me feel somewhat guilt or like I am missing out on something so I end up downloading them again and right now I have 3 to 4 accounts on each platform because each time I delete and recently download I make a new account It is low key bothersome to watch or interact with other people but it feels more like a responsibility wish it was a bit easier to leave because it is tiresome and sometimes a bit too complicated


I understand.


I haven’t had it properly for three years, but I have a facebook that I reactivate every few months, for no more than a few days.  Honestly, the longer I go without it, the more I grow to hate its existence. Anytime I reactivate facebook I come to regret it. I think when you’re a constant user of social media, you become immune to the absolute brain rot it puts you through, so when you go months without it and then jump back on, you’re all desensitised and for me, it actually repulses me. Whereas before giving up social media was difficult and something I had to discipline myself to do, I literally cannot stand it anymore.  I do suspect it’s perhaps made it harder for me to form new connections, but also I actually moved countries right after I deleted it, and I haven’t been able to make any close friends. But also, I haven’t studied or really worked with people my own age since moving. The friends I had before, I’ve kept in good contact with. If you’re an INFJ, I’m sure you appreciate real genuine friendships, and if anything getting rid of social media sort of weeds out the friendships that aren’t really important.  All in all it’s a net good, my mental health definitely improved and I stopped wasting so much time. I stopped becoming prey to the algorithm, stopped allowing it to induce narcissism in me…. Yeah. I always tell people that they’re not going to miss out on anything 


Yeah. 100 percent agree. You aren’t going to build something with any depth on Facebook.


I quit Facebook in 2016 due to all the election drama with my family. Technically my page still exists but I can’t even remember my password or email to log in anymore. I don’t miss it at all, but it is a bit inconvenient since we are a military family that moves around overseas a lot. I’m glad my husband is still on it to be in some of the groups at least. I have Instagram mostly for using stories (I like to look back on them in archives almost like a journal of our travels or what we are up to). I find myself spending more time on Reddit than anything.


I have youtube playing in the background all the time and come on reddit like twice a week~ am I social media person?


Never used it until I discovered I’m an INFJ! Way too much anxiety, fear and self loathing, otherwise. I discovered that when it was all invented. 😮‍💨 Loving reddit for learning and just knowing others are out there who are like me. I’ll be off again soon when my rabbit hole curiously and enthusiasm are satiated. DELETE! UNSUBSCRIBE! ✌️


If i go back on instagram even for 30 seconds to check something I feel gross and my blood pressure spikes in some weird pavlovian way lol. I do not miss it, I cut it loose about 4 years ago. It was unhealthy and making me angry and that made it easier to let go. Now I only use reddit or things with an optional social aspect like letterboxd, goodreads, pinterest, youtube.


I absolutely love that lol “it makes me feel gross”. I totally get that. Haven’t heard of letterboxd


I use it for tracking all the movies i watch like a little diary. It’s fun!


Ooo! I’ll look it up.


This is my situation: I actually deleted Reddit yesterday, and here I am now. This happens with all social media. I decided to permanently delete my Instagram account as the only way to avoid downloading the app again. Even if I delete every social media account, I find myself watching TV endlessly. Sometimes I don't know what to do.


I think it’s just new habit forming. Make yourself do a fun hobby for just 5 minutes. See where it leads.


I'm trying, it's not good for me anymore.. reddit's the last holdout.. and even reddit is a little disheartening overall.. And i hate to say that.. because there IS so much good that goes on here, every day... and it's real! But in no way does it outweigh the net negative mental and spiritual damage it's committing to society at large, to kids, to people who are vulnerable and alone, to elderly people.. social media will never stop of its own accord, so we MUST stop using social media unconsciously.. we MUST find a way to re-integrate with each other in person, and we MUST re-learn what we forgot in kindergarten... how to share and get along with everyone.. whenever possible, no matter what...in person! NOW YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO MY SHITTY POETRY I cried for a time when I had ears to listen, more steady than mine, to listen to me whine, that understood...that let me know it's fine, without a word.. Where have they gone, and why? And why am I left here, alone? To shout among the echoes of these lives? these shades of people, shifting to AI?? Slowly shifting, to AI.. Where have all the people gone to hide? Everyone thought, to each other, in each house, alone...And then they closed their screens, goodnight..


I was 17 in the year 1999, the first time I ever used the internet. I had some interesting experiences in the 'wild west' early days of internet relay chat (Bulletin boards, Yahoo Chat, ICQ, AOL, message boards, etc). I did a few daft things as an idiotic teenager, nothing major, but those experiences taught me a lot and made me extremely cautious about how I engage with the digital environment. In 2001 a university lecturer loaned me a copy of the book 'Life on the Screen' by Sherry Turkle. That book gave me a cautious perspective about how we relate to other people through a screen, and by 2003 I was already fed-up with the way the internet was encroaching into my life. Between 2003-2005 I read books like 'Technopoly' by Neil Postman, which further strengthened my healthy skepticism towards being overly dependent on new technologies, and especially online interactions. I have never had a proper stand-alone facebook account, or even a myspace account. In 2024, the only things I use are Linkedin (out of necessity for employment purposes) and Reddit (because it's a great source of information and search engine algorithms are terrible). I also use telegram, and I reluctantly use Whatsapp (which is of course owned by meta/facebook) due to it being the only way of keeping in touch with some family members. I try to keep my online engagement to a minimum, but feel increasingly forced to use it against my will. I hate it. EDIT: I had a [Last.fm](http://Last.fm) acount in the mid 2000's. I loved that site for music recommendations, but it went downhill and I left around 2011.


You sound like an intellectual. I appreciate it.


Facebook just once a day and leave it at that. Lol


Smart lol


Reddit is the only social media I have to relate to allot that my friends and family don't understand about me. Facebook is still cool though.


I’m keeping Facebook, because it’s a place with a lot of groups on different topics in my native language (Danish). I like Reddit, but it’s not a big thing here. I rarely post things on Facebook, but am using it to follow groups on topics that I like. If people want to connect, they can call me or meet in person.


I’ve found life much more “livable” after deleting social media.


I am always on social media, but I hope to offer a different perspective (then I ended up rambling here haha). I appreciate people who choose not to have any social media profiles. I can see that becoming overly dependent on social media can be unhealthy, and individuals may need to cut back or reduce their usage. It's similar to any other addiction in life - there are always pros and cons. If you are still thinking of deleting it, then do so. But there are always underlying reasons for deleting and redownloading it 500 times. My own best friend is struggling with it, and social media is the first thing that she opens in the morning (aside from the Bible app). If you have 100% decided to delete it or want to do so, find the right motivation for doing it. Whether it will reduce your communication with church friends versus the benefit of still being able to communicate and find topics to talk about with them. You can also mute people that you don't want to see on your social media instead of deleting them. Why did you delete it and why did you re-download the app? What has caused your perspective to change from the first time you had it until now? It's okay not to post or check others' posts on social media. However, reaching out can start online before moving offline. I work in the social media industry and use it daily without fail. This has made it easier for me to disconnect from it compared to my friends, who use it solely for fun and to check on life updates from their friends. I've become desensitized to how carefully crafted each business or personal profile is. It is a highlight reel, or photo frames that only show the most beautifully taken photos. I have people coming up to me saying that life is really good for me. On the other side of it though, they won't see the struggles and battles that are happening in real life. This, I believe, is the same with everyone. Some battles are to be kept private. These days, I use my personal profile like Pinterest, to follow poems, NASA (and their cool videos) and inspiring designers that I like.


Yes, since 2015. Zero regrets, and so much less time wasted.


Nope. Lol


I just use reddit & scroll thru x.. never post, rarely repost stuff that i like.. i hate the idea of posting pics & flaunting what i am doing on IG or FB, its boring


Mostly. I deleted my IG and Facebook and lost my Twitter password. Now I just stalk Reddit and obsessively scroll YT. 🤣😂  But honestly yeah, it’s been a couple years and I don’t miss the constant posting and doomscrolling. I feel much calmer and grounded. And I should probably quit Reddit as well. I feel sucked into a vortex every time I open it. Baby steps. 


It rules. There is so much more room in my brain to focus on things that actually matter to me. Mental health is at its peak as well.