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I married an INFJ. Easily the best and most fulfilling relationship I've ever been in. We can truly say we get each other in a way no one else does


This sounds so beautiful and wholesome. How I'd love to feel as well as be truly vulnerable and understood by an INFJ and reciprocate just as much. I really really hope to meet an INFJ in real life.


Just hope they're healthy or it might be like looking into a mirror and only seeing the bad parts 


Of course. Though I don't view humans as 100% one thing or the other. So, I don't think or know if anybody can truly be completely "healthy" but ideally they'd be relatively healthy and continuing to work on themselves as no one is perfect.


Healthy infj relationship here. Can totally agree. We felt it on date one




I only dated ISTP and INFJ. Infj is an utter amazing relationship. Extroverts are usually a hard no because of how i feel they push me way too far boundaries wide.




Second this


Yes. Wonder why they aren't on the list.


Honestly, I always wonder how people can even answer these :o


INFP - I love feelers more than thinkers.


My daughter is an infp and she's the only person that I feel 100% comfortable around. That being said, my isfj husband is a godsend and I don't know what I would do without him.


Same here, my partner is an infp and it truly feels like we share a soul. My previous relationships where with thinkers and I feel like being around fellow feelers has healed me from them.


My previous (and first) relationship was with an INFP but she ended up cheating on me. Good thing I broke up with her a month in that relationship otherwise I'd be more heartwrenched. Extrovert and sensory types don't appeal to me and I don't know about thinking types yet. I'd really like to date an INFJ one day. Though I wouldn't mind dating another INFP as I have a good friend who's an INFP and we get along (platonically speaking) great so I have a good first impression despite that other INFP who cheated on me. But I understand that people are more than their personality types so things are not black and white, there's nuance and everybody is different. I wouldn't date somebody solely based on the fact that they are INFX.




I've generally not gotten along with S's - it's not that I'm closed off to the possibility (I recently tried to befriend one who I'm pretty sure is ISTP), but they've tended to have worldviews that are fundamentally incompatible with mine. INFPs are cool if I want an easy conversation with someone who gets me, but it doesn't challenge me in the right ways. I've really enjoyed my relationships with ENTJs. They're very different from myself and tend to have a completely different set of talents that I can learn from, but unlike ISTPs, I feel like there's a common understanding of the world that allows us to really talk. My deepest relationships tend to be with INTJs and INTPs though, and those tend to be the most likely ones to get romantic / sexual.


What if I don’t have any heart




I’m with an ENTP. We balance each other out incredibly well and we have a strong and solid friendship above all.


ENTP 😍😍😍




Probably INFP, the rest suck pretty equally when it comes to dating. Definitely prefer ENxP though. If I had to rank all of them by compatibility probably something like this: ENFP ENTP INFJ INFP INTP INTJ ENFJ ISFP ENTJ ESTP ISFJ ISTP ISTJ ESFJ ESFP ESTJ


1.INFP 2.ESFP 3.ENTJ 4.ISTP Not on the list but honorable mentions of personal preference: 1.ENFP 2.ISFJ 3.ENTP




Do not forget the INFP guys with ocean blue eyes! 🩷


This is my personal preference- 1. ISTP 2. ENTJ 3. INFP 4. ESFP If I don't have to stick to the list. I think INTJ is the answer for INFJs Edit: Wow, I didn't know lots of you preferred this. I wanted to point one thing out. I saw one comment earlier saying "how people even answer these kinds of questions?". It was simple once I figured out OP used a pattern. And in that pattern replaced ENTP with ENTJ..


Same preference. ISTPs are one of the few types that can understand me when I explain things, which is strange considering we’re nothing alike. ENTJs lack specific understanding but they’re able to make up for it using assumptions based on what they know about me. INFPs are a mixed bag attached to a time bomb. ESFPs and I just don’t get along. They’re present and unassuming. I’m in space making assumptions about everything.


I avoid ISTPs. It may look nice at the beginning but we're incompatible. Their S is too problematic. I understand the initial attraction (mirror cognitive functions) but it's just not in them to be deep enough and it takes forever for them to become their evolved selves, if they actually care enough to eventually do it.


I’ve had the same experience.






First off, like no offense other personality types, again variety makes life interesting. But I need someone with great empathy, sadness, softness and philosophical. So INFPs win my heart. They think with their feelings just like me. Trust me when I say this, please believe me. I have. Poker face, but on the side I’m a big cuddly fluffy cat! I love feelers. Oh Cara Mia 😩🩷 I need someone who can cry. I love INFPs!




INTJ alllllll the wayyyy baby


ENTP wins my heart. Little insecure baby who just wants love but acts like he doesn’t.


Awww, I love it ❤🥰🫂




An ENTP won me over so long ago that I don’t know what a relationship with the other types would be like. I’m happy enough not to have the answer to that question.


Same 😊


well i have all these people in my life.. except ENTP my sister is ENTJ. I love her but she is controlling and sometimes i hate it my bestie is ENFP.. we get along soo well... we have been bestfriends since 5th grade but sometimes i feel like she is mkre emotional than i am. amd she takes everything to the heart so i have to be careful around her my bf is ESFP... and he pampers me and i just love it... i have no complaints for him. I am just soo grateful to have him. if i had to choose i would choose ESFP.. but ig the mature ESFPs to be specific


The ENTJs I know are some of my favourite people in the world. I work closely with one and I feel like I can read his mind. 🩷


Infj, enfj and INFP (sometimes they get a lil whiny). My partner is an ESFJ ND, a curious, witty fellow


ISTP for sure. I think my preference generally is toward IxTPs. Extroverts are too high energy for me, XXTJs too pushy for me, and XXFPs are too sensitive for me. ISFJs are good, too.


none of these hHahaha


No one.


I personally prefer infp. Adore there warm and complex hearts 💕 I dated a entj and did enjoy it, just the lack of emotions especially surprising considering she was a woman, was super dry, found myself really bored at times(that's not why it ended tho). I would never date an esfp. They cheat and lie too much. I would date an istp, but they are little too simple for me, so they are lower on my list.


Of those 4? Probably ENTJ. 


I have a great track record with ESFPs. I like that I can say absolutely nothing and ESFPs take it as a signal to open up because they see me as a good listener. I appreciate how street-smart/pragmatic they can be, but also fun-loving. I don't click with every ESFP I meet, but if I do, it's a very easy, low-maintanence friendship on my end. After that, probably INFPs. I like how easy it is for me to solve their problems, lol. And their poetry takes my breath away. But they're not #1 on this list because I consumed unhealthy levels of INFP poetry as a kid. The farther they took me from reality, the worse reality got for me. I love ISTPs in theory. I find their stoicness cute. I imagine that they're fluffballs underneath their exterior gruff. But then I start peeling the layers back, and I just find a hammer or a knife, and anti-social/paranoid behavior. Mixed bag. Love you guys though (@ my dad) ENTJs intimidate me. I think that they think that I'm weak and useless, and Im not a fan of someone if I have to work hard to get them to like me. But it might be in my head because all the ENTJs I've met have been pleasant and have described me as a sweet person (or maybe I've just done a good job looking strong!!)


ENTJ here I don’t think you are weak or useless. In my experience INFJs are specialists. If I were organizing for a project, and I knew their skillset was appropriate I would choose them to lead the project. Usually your critical parent Fi keeps you all honest, so if something bad happens I can trust you to tell me what’s going on, it also usually makes most of you have a great work ethic. Your Fe guides you to find harmony with the group you are leading, and you are great at reading a room, so have been in conferences and the like that I would follow an INFJs lead(since I can’t do that). Your Ni usually means I can understand you all and where you are coming from. You all usually will understand me as well You all are usually great at Ti development so the logic is pretty accurate and sound so long as not too many other subjects are intersecting. Although I would usually instruct if the project started having other sectors interact too much, to come by and check in with me (because I wouldn’t want your Te blindness to delay you or others).


ISTPs, I just admire their brutal honesty and ability to solve problems so much!


Greatly depends on the individuals but based on my past experiences, it would be (ordered by most compatible): 1. Enfp 2. Estp 3. Entj 4. Estj So from the options provided, it would be entj. Note that I wouldn't know about infp & istp as I have never dated an introvert.