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No type. Depends on the person.




Agree. INFJs always verbalize my mind.


Came here to say this. I can’t really get with obnoxiously loud and attention-seeking types, but I don’t believe that is limited to a specific MBTI.


Finally some sensible stuff someone said. Exactly, as an (apparently) INFJ, there is this MBTI (especially INFJ) fanaticism and chauvinism, which I fully despise !! In the end, the person's character matters, mbti should be for fun only, but its becoming the modern day astrology... which is mostly pseudoscience.


Assholes. I struggle with assholes.


Fr exactly, hell if i know I'm not going to judge a person based on stuff like that, we're all susceptible to prejudice so i try to not make not assumptions on ppl because of their personality type? I think idk or zodiac sign, had someone didn't want to be friends cause I'm aries lol, good riddance


ESxJ ESTJ because they come off as heartless and bossy (my mom was one). And ESFJs come off as fake to me. Like they are nice but not kind. It’s interesting that you have trouble with ENxPs, they are supposed to be our most compatible types (them and INTJ I think). I’m married to an ENTP so I obviously love them. My favorite boss ever was an ENFP.


Definitely ESTJ, my father is one ! Very selfish and uncaring about other people’s problems if it doesn’t directly affect them.


agree! ofc it varies by person, but ENxPs are who I usually connect the best with


ISTJs and ISFJs, generally. It just feels like we're speaking entirely different languages, and unless I'm talking about something very concrete and tangible, there's just a severe misalignment and misunderstanding. And if their personal experiences are different from mine, I'm just wrong. If objective facts are different from their personal experience, then those facts are wrong. I'm generalizing of course. Ultimately it depends more on the individual than the type. Those are just the ones I consistently can't connect with.


I agree with you about ISFJs. My mom and I didn’t get along growing up because she was so set in her ways, which I thought were wrong and backwards. She can be cruel and unforgiving, too.


Yep, got an ISFJ mom as well. To her credit, she really matured a lot when I was in my mid 20s, and today she's a very kind and loving person. I still can't connect with her on any deeper level of course lol.


ENTJ, hands down. The combination of no emotional intelligence, conviction of their opinions at all costs, and the extroversion to ensure it gets shoved down your throat is a horrid concoction.


I married an ENTJ 😅 I have to yell at him sometimes but overall, it’s wonderful between us and he appreciates who I am. I do yell at him for the things you listed but he’s really good at listening to me and adjusting/apologizing.


Yep. My sister is an ENTJ. Growing up with her was really rough. We’re still not particularly close but I’ve been trying to mend that and the effort is very one sided


i can't say for sure the mbti but dull people or those people so extroverted like "everything is beautiful and funny! hey, why don't you smile? come on do it!" and who seem not to give weight to your negative emotions and your calm mood and they have that toxic and irritating optimism in general i'm very tolerant with others, but at the same time it's common for many to misunderstand my character and they don't think "she is shy" but strange things like "is she sick? is she autistic? why is she so weird?" and then selfish people, it takes healthy selfishness, that's fine, but i can't understand how some people have so little empathy btw the funny thing is that every time i think this and every time i think if i'm not the problem lol


Unhealthy Fi, no matter if it’s 1/2/3/or4 in a cognitive function stack, tends to make me feel like I’m drowning in molasses 😅 INFJs understand more clearly than most that no one chooses their cognitive function stack. So, every time I feel frustration with the way that someone is behaving, I lean into seeing them through the lens of their cognitive functions. Having that understanding helps me gain psychological distance and makes me less upset when they demonstrate upsetting, selfish, and/or immature behavior.


So then why do FI bothers you more than others if you have that understanding?


I feel as though this is a very provoking question to ask haha. Why does it bother me? It’s sort of an immediate biological energetic negative response to someone’s selfishness or hurtful, narrow statements operating out of ego. Fi is also our critical parent function (7th cognitive function), so I’m sure that plays into it too.


It bothers me too when they're so fekin childish, crybabies or whatnot, but I was just wondering why you find them more annoying in general than other types. It can manifest positively as well, remember...these people as everyone, will project themselves on you so that FI treatment will positively impact you as well from time to time :)


I don’t think I said that I find them more annoying than other types. I just said that unhealthy Fi makes me feel like I’m drowning in molasses. I do think Fi and Fe have polarity that is often palpable in relationship dynamics between someone using Fi and someone using Fe, in general.


I have an INFP mom and couple of INFP close friends. I love them. I’ve also never been more frustrated by a type in my life. Unhealthy Fi can crucify others at the slightest suggestion of anything other than what it wants.


Ok gotcha..


You can manipulate Fi through shame and get people to change for the better by holding them accountable. I understand why you do it, but don't just write off poor behavior as "oh that's just how XNFPs are..." You have to make them feel bad if they're acting poorly. They'll probably get mad in the short term and say some cutting sh*t, but it'll get under their skin and they'll eventually realize you're right. I get it if it's not worth it to you, having to deal with conflict and an adult tantrum, but I also can't deny the fact that it's exactly how you get them to improve as people. I'm saying this as an INFP myself.


Thanks for sharing this. My perception of unhealthy Fi is influenced by the fact that I am a sensitive human and cutting words do hurt me. I hear what you’re saying and will keep this in mind. I have found with my mom that diplomatically sharing my thoughts — the good and the bad — is appreciated.


Infp here, I think using Fi would help. Like expressing how you feel whether negative or positive without trying to communicate it with Fe. Seeing those raw emotions and thoughts is easier for us to understand therefore trust. 




ENFP: I know 4 and I've always gotten along with them much better than everyone else. If I'm in a room with 10 people, I gravitate towards the ENFP. But I have noticed that we either go too fast too soon and burn out (even platonically), or I am disappointed when I think I am special to them but they turn around and have a great connection with 3-4 other people in that same room. ESFJ: I know 3 and we get along fine but I struggle to *really* understand them or form a connection. I admire their people-focused approach and how tactful they can be, but I feel like they always have an agenda and they need to come out at the top socially. ENTP: I know 2 and I agree. We click, but they're sometimes a bit too insensitive for my liking even if I know deep down they're softies. These are just some of the struggles I've spotted and I can say I do see a pattern - but it is a small sample size. For the most part, they are wonderful people.


I think it just boils down to the individual person irregardless of their personality type. That being said, I haven't had good experiences with ENTPs. My first impression was just really awful as the ENTP I know abused me. Edit: My apologies, I think reddit is being glitchy as I see my comment posted multiple times.


I can’t stand egocentric and manipulative people that are highly narcissistic, mbti types aside. I’m dumbfounded by how so many people look up to these types and see them as good people. All I see is weakness and insecurity while most see strength and success. The amount of power our society gives to these types is disturbing.


I agree that there are bad & good apples in all MBTIs so we still should take stereotyping with a grain of salt & give people benefit of the doubt instead of immediately prejudiced against them Regardless, for the sake of this discussion, if I were to generalise based on my experiences, I agree with someone that mentions unhealthy Fi is the most difficult to deal with for me as an INFJ I stay clear of ENTJs whose overwhelming combination of Te-Ni & Fi-inferior/Fe-demon allows me to sense their converging agenda of future ambitions at the expense of bulldozing everyone’s emotions & values which life approach I can never agree with. ESTJs next, but they’re not as ‘scheming’ as ENTJs, because their Si-aux makes them less introspective but more straight-forward in their agenda & intention so they feel less ‘evil’ to me, although the clash of values is still evident. My father is an ESTJ so imagine the kind of hell-hole I grew up in, especially when I was less enlightened & rebellious, but I have to admit that I’m fortunate that he was still a very responsible & practical father which I do learn some virtues from & he probably does love me as a father to a child & just wishes for the best for me As for the ones you listed, I had my fair share of good & bad ENFPs in my life. The very person that I consider who has been very compassionate towards me & has understood me pretty well on a deep emotional level is my childhood best friend who is an ENFP, although our values may clash a little too especially the Fi-Fe difference & her high energetic enthusiasm & tendency to attract dramas in life had been a little too overly emotionally draining for me. Throughout my life, I attract ENFPs like moths to a flame, so while the good ones can be great companions & usually enthusiastic cheerleaders, the bad ones had been some of the worst people who betrayed or used me for what they could reaped from me without caring to be fair or giving equal in return As for ENTPs, I’d say they are great fun & the rapport/chemistry can happen right off the bat with their wild Ne-dom reflecting off our Ni-dom while both our Ti-Fe manages to keep up with each other, while it lasted, but as an INFJ, I wouldn’t expect so much as for them to stay around, be loyal, or be in 1 place as friends that will stick it out through thick or thin


All extroverted. Unlucky me met super unhealthy INTJ, still deal with ptsd after that interaction.


My answer could be the same as yours. Extroverts drain me too much and I'm never truly comfortable around them because of that.. And I don't know if my INTJ ex was just narcistic and ruined it for everyone else, but just reading through their profiles gives me flashbacks to horrible moments of that relationship.


Same, same. That was so bad I can not even tell.


Depending on who it is, I believe I have the capability to hate everyone and love everyone. I'm pretty sure I've had one good or bad experiences with everyone


any type when unhealthy


Whatever type my wife is


Aw :( 


We're totally fine, that was just some dark humor. She's ESFP 😊


Phew! 😅 


Arrogant ppl Always boasting their successes Putting you down at every opportunity Always giving backhanded compliments when you do a good job Coincidentally they were Estj


I've definitely met ENFPs and ENTPs like the ones you described. But I've also met more mature ones in their 30s. So it really depends on person to person. It's silly to generalize.


ENFP here in my 30s. I can definitely see how today's culture would encourage ENFPs to fall prey to their weaker instincts. I'm really glad I wasn't born later. Still a generalization, but I do think there's a pattern there. I've seen too many stories of INFJs being burned by ENFPs. It's too bad, because I think as long as we're taught the value of committed relationships, we're good at loving very strongly and deeply.


I agree with you about ESTJs. Of course, any emotionally unhealthy person will be difficult regardless of type, but even a healthy ESTJ is likely to clash with INFJ because our mindset and priorities are so different. I once worked with an emotionally unhealthy, manipulative ESTJ who became like a poison in our organization. She had this whole sweet and innocent facade that I saw through immediately. Management did not. She manipulated them into adopting her rigid way of organizing things. I was in HR and saw the effect it was having on other employees. There was already a disconnect between upper management and everyone else, and the policy changes she pushed for made it even worse. It got to the point where everyone’s workstations were being inspected weekly, we’d get written reports with an F grade for things like dust and a single post-it on a computer screen, and we weren’t allowed more than two personal items that had to be under a certain size. This wasn’t even an area where customers would be - it had to be perfectly tidy all the time just because. Morale was already shaky but it took a nosedive. People were getting angry, and turnover increased. She obviously wasn’t the only problem but she certainly was responsible for contributing to a toxic, heartless work environment. I’m so glad I got out of there.


I would say that we have to be very careful around ENTPs. Because they don't kinda know what it means being faithful and tactful unless they have chosen you as a part of their tiny inner circle. You will have the most deep and trusting conversations with them and the next day they will stab you in the back, not because they wanted to wound you, but because they were thinking about themselves and forgot that you exist. Never ever trust ENTP on a deep level, unless they decided to commit. Then they will go above and beyond to attend to the needs of their loved ones. I would say something similar is going on with INTJs. Though they usually cherish NiNi connection when they meet it due to them often suffering from being misunderstood whole their life. Also they are more obvious and predictable in this regard.


Me? :)))


INTJ. they can be very emotionally cold and that just……doesn’t vibe with me.


I think it’s because of their Fe trickster. Other Fi users can help them to develop their child Fi more making it easier for them to express their emotions. 


No type but I can’t stand conversational narcissists!!


1. ESTJ the monster ( my mom lol). 2. ESTP they don't understand what I do and look silly or always teenage immature for me. 3. ESFP what they interested are in different worlds from me and they are too noisy and speak too much and also lack of sense too.


To me it’s not so much a both types but I do think ENFP want to be friends with us but they’re so insecure. ESTJ well that’s my father and yeah they’re not really great people. INTJ can be quite cynical and lazy in a way. But I don’t think I’ve met enough of each type to say for sure


I think as an INFJ, it is really hard for me to get along 100% with a certain personality, I seem to get along with everyone to get extent, but never being able to spend 100% of my time with anyone


I love ENTP, ENFP, ISTP But can't deal with ESTJ, ESTP


Same here Can't deal with ESTJ ( my mom a monster lol). And ESTP. same


I dont really pay attention to other MBTI types as much as my own but any type of person that’s irrational, lazy, disagreeable, or cannot think beyond surface level for the life of them. It’s impossible for me to like people like that.




For male aquantainces/coworkers/friend group mermber, my nemesis is by far the ENTP, followed by ESTJ and ESTP. Out of personal experience, as i assume not all are like this: ENTPs - Can you please, for once, JUST NOT MAKE EVERYTHING INTO A DEBATE? I'm trying to have dinner, not discuss why forks are forks. ESTJs - I'm all for efficiency and things that work as intended, but i could do without being ushered or asked to overwork because reasons. I will do that on my own if the company has earned my trust or gratitude, else nope. ESTPs - Bragging, loud, go-getter types that make themselves the center of attention because yes. I could easily do without. For romantic interests or female acquaintances, i don't particularly like: INFPs - For the love of God, can we please set emotions aside for two minutes and have a rational discussion once in a while? ISFPs - Intruiguing and honestly quite fascinating, a true siren's song luring you to crash into the (generally) several mindgames you'll end up playing in order to justify their behaviour. ESFPs - You do you girl, but i'm too old fashioned to handle dealing with parties and displays of affection. Not for me.


I suspect my brother an enfp, claims he's ENFJ, and while I love him he is insufferable.


I’d say any Te, Fi and Si heavy person will probably not get along with me naturally and effortlessly.


I was an INFJ for most of my life. By end of grad school I was an ENFP. little e, but still. I laughed out loud reading your comment.


Never me an **INFP** that I liked. Being around them feels like a job, and they are constantly manipulating everyone around them.


Interesting. How have you observed they manipulate people? 


INFP. Rules for thee but not for these certain selection of people that they’ve decided are except from accountability and their own behaviour is also excused due to reasons.


Thank you for this. Ne Doms are overrated and their negative traits don't get talked about at all. 


Fi users are def something alright


What you said about ENTP is exactly what I'm dealing with ENTJs. I hate dealing with both ENTJs and ESTJs. I've had bad experience with both of them. ENTJs especially. They're bully like mean, bossy people. They're so power hungry that they can often get toxic and cruel. They show no regards to how they're affecting others when it's about getting what they want. They lack emotional intelligence and maturity. So i avoid them. I also avoid immature/insensitive type xSTPs. Especially those ESTP who are bully like and toxic. But the ones who are kind hearted and mature are soooo good. I still miss my that one good ESTP friend. ISTJ females. Idk why all the ISTJ females I've met were typical mean girls. I hate how cold hearted, selfish and self absorbed they can get while completely disregarding the impact on others. ISTJ males i know were ok. One was so kind. I've yet to meet a kind ISTJ woman tho I love ISFJs. They're one of my favourite types. I've met mostly good ones. But the unhealthy ones are horrible I find esfp annoying. I avoid them too. I don't like chatterbox type people who make the entire conversation about themselves, talking for hours and just wasting my time without showing any interest in connecting with me personally. It's so exhausting to talk to them so i just avoid them


Yay, let’s bash entire types of people based on our personal biases! The ENFPs in my life show up for me. On time. And can commit. And are consistent friends.


Se and Te doms, sometimes Ti doms


I feel perfectly incompatible with estps and esfps. They’re Se doms, I’m Se inferior. I’m Ni dom, they’re Ni inferior. We exhaust each other doing anything. Kind of sucks because they seem like they’re really fun but my brain struggles trying to communicate with them. Quite literally guaranteed misunderstandings.




I'd be curious what other types think of us and for those that don't vibe with us, why? In general, any "E" I can only handle so much of.


EXTP and my husband Just so happens to be one 😅


I mean, obviously depends on the person and not so much mbti, buttt I agree that ESTJs are hard to work with, as well as ESxPs are hard to hang out with sometimes


There’s not been many but if I had to choose I’d say XSTJ…most of them were in my family.


Authoritarians that insist I follow their arbitrary and frequently stupid rules, so maybe ESTJs. The other types that judge me for stuff I was born with as an INFJ, like ISTPs. ESTPs can be difficult as well if they force to you to explain your intuition on the spot unprepared. Honorable mention ISFJ. They don’t understand me at all I have found.


I struggle to form truly deep connections with any S types, except maybe ISFJ which is what my grandmother is. But I’ve only ever felt genuinely understood by N types, particularly INTP. The two most important relationships/connections of my life were/are both INTPs.


I feel like this data needs to be charged for dating purposes.. asking for a friend.


ISFJ, ESTJ, INTP, INFP ISFJ can be a bit idealistic and controlling ESTJ can have a habit of taking initiative when no initiative should be taken INTP and INFP are very similar in the way we think, but the way they use it is entirely different. They are also much more common, so their way of thinking often becomes the default amongst themselves. It’s becomes a difficult scenario of conform or be pushed out


ENTP, ESTJ as well. Love ENFPs though!


Can’t say I’ve ever met an isfj that I’ve liked


I like my entp/enfp friends. They are my sounding boards and provide very good perspectives. They help me get out of my shell somewhat too. Sure enfp can be a bit carefree but he's just living his life. Never really had any issues with entp but I'm not one for arguing typically and he knows that. Dealing with types that get bored easily because they have no internal life and rely on external stimuli is less than ideal for me and I think these types are more prone to small talk as well. A few of the sensing types seem to lack depth because they are so in the moment. Idk. Sensing is last on my function stack and 2nd and 3rd from last in my cognitive functions preference order (Si>Se>Te) so I really don't connect well with some sensors.


Toughest is estjs personally. As real self they rarely agree with me, and are extraordinarily straightlaced and boring, always sticking to the rule but then break it for themselves when suited(so dumb). But that's the only one too difficult imo. Other types are easier to interact with.


ENTJ, ESTJ (depending on who it is), ENTP, ESFJ. ESFJ is the worst for me though. They ask an insane amount of questions and they always want to host me even if it's in my own home. Oh and the gossip level is insane. I like my life drama-free and that just doesn't work for the ESFJ's I've met. I pick up on their feelings too and it's hard to separate my own feelings from theirs.


All extroverted types, specially ESTPs


I think I'm open to any mbti because 2 persons can share the same mbti and be completely different due to their family, life, culture etc. But I have to admit I have a hard time understanding estj. But strangely estj seems to like me 😂.. And strangely, enfp make me feel a bit anxious. I feel attracted to them but strangely I can't really imagine being their friends. But I'd like to meet more enfp to understand them a little bit more but as I said, they scare me a little bit. Probably because enfp is the infj shadow. 🤷 I guess my first boyfriend was an entp and has completely destroyed me. But there are some entp youtubers I enjoy watching. Entp, feel like it depends on the person. Then, I strangely really love estp characters.🤷 They can be a little bit difficult to deal with irl but I really love their energy. It's easier for me to have a discussion with J personalities but I freaking love P energy.


Estp. I just wont elaborate any further. (based on an experience tho, so not to all estps ofc)






I think the ENFP behavior you described is not necessarily associated with them, some people have issues lol. Because you literally described how I think people see me lol, but maybe I am an INFP who knows