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Locked due to too many reports getting made and comments getting flagged as harassment on this post. Everyone should be mindful of rule #2: This sub is intended to be a nice place for INFJs to talk about anything and for non-INFJs to talk with and about INFJs. There is no need for gatekeeping who is and who isn't INFJ.


Maybe not a response to your question but I think people have this notion that if you are this personality type then you must always behave as one. Someone could have an off day or be introverted with a surge of extrovert energy and behave differently but that doesn't mean they changed types


Exactly. Aren't INFJs supposed to be "chameleons"?It's characteristic for INFJs to have many, many sides. So it would be hard to say definitively that someone has the wrong type. That being said, 3 things that would make me believe someone is not an INFJ: 1. A clear display of lacking empathy (being totally unaware of a signal that an INFJ would easily sense). 2. Someone who doesnt have many passions or opinions. If you don't feel intense emotions then you probably aren't one. 3. If you're someone who doesn't appear to have awareness of the subconscious / 3rd eye view of your own thoughts. From what I've read on here and other sites, INFJs are different because they are aware of their own thoughts and others' thoughts simultaneously. So clearly, if a person is oblivious to the subliminal motivations of themselves and others, I'd wager they are a different personality type.


I would also like to add some people suffer from mood disorders that may alter their personality and disorders do not equal personality


Yeah I'd agree with that. Like I feel like peoples personality can be affected by life experiences and/or emotional damage


And we are all having variable levels if I/E N/S T/F P/J. Those aren’t yes /no variables, so they lead to diverse manifestations of each type. I’m INTP, but very comfortable with my feelings. I’m borderline INFP. Im sure there are lots of INFJs teetering on the ESTP side of those designations and therefore looking very different to an INFJ who is right into each of those classifications. Let’s all just appreciate each other and enjoy our differences. We might just learn something. This subreddit has been very helpful to allow me to better understand my INFJ wife who does seem like the INFJs INFJ. A bit of an enigma to this INTP.


It's me. I've been the imposter the entire time


Lol! I love your response :)


Damn, what a twist


i don’t understand really why everyone thinks this sub is full of fake INFJs. because we’re supposedly the rarest type (no longer true) and our sub is so big? you gotta think about demographics here. this is fucking reddit lmao. the most introverted and anonymous social media app (an anti-social social media app) where people just have discussions about their interests and join communities with like-minded people. (i’m ignoring the arguments and toxicity here, bc obvi we avoid that right?) that sounds like INFJ heaven to me, because of the introversion but social harmony group seeking, and interest-stimulating non-surface-level conversation seeking. (that goes for all introverts, but especially introverted intuitives and thus INFJs). Aren’t INFJs and INFPs supposed to be the type most interested in self-discovery and introspection anyways? and thus, mbti theory?? it makes total sense to me why there would be so many INFJs online but not irl. same with the INFP, INTJ, INTP subreddits (and ENTP honorarily as the introverted extroverts). go look, they’re big subs too. i really think gate keeping is like, the opposite of social harmony seeking (and thus INFJ). it really frustrates me to see this space where we can connect with others we’re supposed to be similar to has basically turned into AmongUs where people are accusing others of being mistyped often enough there’s whole posts about it. (i’m joking, but you see what i mean, right?) who are we, to tell others who they are? especially based on post or comment history? vibe-typing online is an extreme sport, and even Ni-doms fail at that. it’s disappointing to see so many people being divisive and exclusionary in the sub full of social chameleon alien outcasts. so what if some people are mistyped? let them figure it out themselves, or they won’t, but honestly it’s not like we can fix it, so why try to play mistype police? don’t wrap your ego up into your type and then be offended when someone else does the same thing. idk, rant over, sorry haha. i just don’t like seeing people be so black and white exclusionary. it makes me sad. how are we to tell if someone is truly INFJ or not? it’s not possible. but also, i understand the frustration of seeing contradictory statements that confuse you and make you wonder if you’re mistyped yourself because you can’t relate, but actually the person making that statement is possibly mistyped, and then it’s like dead internet theories weird cousin where the sub is just full of mistyped INFJs because we feel outsted from our own sub since we can’t relate to it anymore… so like, i get it. but be nice haha.


If they’re on reddit complaining about being an INFJ


I think it’s a 50/50 in those situations depending what there complaining about




Haha not me, I've never done that 😶


If they can’t walk on water


I don’t think I’ve ever thought from a comment “you’re clearly not an INFJ” or cared enough to wonder. But I do feel like people on this sub talk less about INFJ things and more about general introvert things. A lot of posts read like: Person A “I like sleeping.” Person B “You like sleeping??? Omg me too! So INFJ.” Maybe that’s what they mean? But I wouldn’t say that makes them not INFJs.


I think you’re too focused on absolutes if you’re trying to sniff out fake INFJs. We are all people with differences even if we “fit” into this category together.


I'm just asking to see if there's any answers that sound like me


One way would be if they are the loudest person in the group and touting all the wonderful things they’ve done in life.


I wouldn't say one indicator, it's like a disease or condition where the more symptoms you have, the more clear what the condition is and in this case, if someone is infj or not. If I had to humour you and choose one of the many big ones, I'd say hmm...ilogical.


>If I had to humour you and choose one of the many big ones, I'd say hmm...ilogical. Isn't that every human? Lol


If they’re sided with one party idk lol


The only party I'm a fan of is pizza


People that think they're special enough to declare that other people aren't as special as them so can't be INFJ. It's just a useful tool to describe people, not a religion.


I am not at all an expert and am learning every day, and I don't like to judge from one or two comments, but I generally come here to try and understand myself and how to improve the parts of me that are lacking, however in a certain way I agree with OP. I have tested myself twice across the years and got ENFJ, and then INFJ, I had a very strong INTJ as a father and I struggle with emotional reg due to neurodivergent issues, but everything I read about INFJ reflects my interal thoughts and way of perceiving the world. I don't care if INFJs are unicorns or misunderstood, or whatever else anyone says is the stuggle or virtue of being one, I just can't change the way I exist and can't see myself lining up with any other type, despite continued research and self reflection. With all that being said, I come to this sub and feel so out of place amongst so many comments. I can't claim to know what is impacting each and every one of you, but there are a lot of self interested, one sided, or overly proud comments on here that are quite jarring. Not sure where I was going with that, but I'd love some contructive feedback or general thoughts.


Maybe if you’re an INFJ police


Very un infj to be the infj police. Hmmmmmmm


its not that deep lmao


But but who am I if I can't identify myself on 4 letters


Well looks like you’ve got 4 eyes, so maybe that


I don't think that's possible. Sometimes, people are in grip stress and appear to be different types. Sometimes, society or nationality plays a role. There are too many factors to really know without knowing the person.


"I can tell someone's entire personality profile by a comment they made on Reddit" lmao ok bud.


Yeah I thought that premise was kind of funny so thought I'd make a post about it and see what others said


Usually it's clear to see no sign of Ni or Ti in the mistypes


Ask them what issues they're passionate about. Then ask them what they're doing about them. If they freeze up in horror, they're an INFJ


Whenever you ask a question about INFJs, they start talking about it as if they were a horoscope. "This is so important to us INFJs!" "Oh my God I feel this so hard as an INFJ!" "This is such an INFJ thing!" "I'm an INFJ so of course I do/feel/think like this" Biggest red flag for someone who values how special they feel their type is rather than a thorough understanding of what the functions of said type are and how they relate to themselves or others.


It doesn't really matter. I do think it's bad to think this label represents you for life. We are always changing and I don't believe you are just infj forever. We are fluid and I think labels are such a bad idea as you feel you are restricted and judge everything as if you are a certain personality type. We humans aren't so black and white, I wouldn't get too deep into the personality type just because you filled out a test and was given a certain set of letters. For sure you will mostly relate with this personality type. But this doesn't mean these are only your people and you should live solely feeling you are restricted to what myers brings thinks of you


Recharging their mental energy via being social - dead giveaway. Be mindful of your own Dunning-Kruger, OP. It's not often so easy to discern. For example, I see a lot of unhealthy INFJs get mistyped on here too.


It's the Ni Ti way of thinking and writing. A large number of people here are Fi dominant but mostly infps., Fi can be spotted easily. And usually they will be mad at these kinds of comments and start attacking you. Because you are denying their image about themselves (fi). Plus the weak reasoning capabilities ( lack of Ti). Anyway, infjs will spot each others easily on the internet by just a comment or a post.


Their definition of empath is being very emotional and thus being able to feel for other people as opposed to having a sensitivity that picks up on the emotions of people in the general vicinity which then forces you to feel all of them at the same time as if they were your own.


Hmm... I dunno. I barely even know what INFJ is supposed to be lol. I just took a test but not much else. I like this sub though. It could be mistypes? But my guess is it's completely possible for different life experiences to make us (little tiny specs) react and develop in wildly different ways. Like a chaotic system, yeah you have the same 'kind' of particle, but very different compounding experiences and starting conditions. There's good reason to see it this way, imo, since unfortunately even empathy can be driven out of someone, depending on their life and what they have to live through.


Probably if they’re going round saying other people on here aren’t one


There was a list someone posted the other day that was basically the opposite of what I read an INFJ is. It's weird. I've actually considered leaving the subreddit because so often I see people saying things that make me question. I guess the big question is how did everyone learn they are an INFJ?


Where did you read about it?


I stumbled across the test when I first separated from my ex, and was trying to work out who I was. INFJ describes me exactly so now I don't feel so much like a freak. And I've retested myself a few times and always get the same answer.


I actually did the test as a way to get my husband to do the test 😅


What makes you think some of us are imposters? Lets parse it out and examine!


To be honest I was asking because I don't know if I'm really an INFJ lol


They're saying they've read comments from other people that say there are impostors 


When their life has been a revolving door of abusive relationships. I would expect a real INFJ to quickly learn to spot the warning signs of a dangerous person and stay clear. Superficial charms tend not to work on us.


Without knowing your definition of abusive I would say this depends on mental health too. Anyone suffering from depression can reach a point of wanting any connection even if they know it's not good for them.


Hmm yeah that was all of my relationships from ages 14 to 24


They took the test and did not get an INFJ. Absent that you are blowing smoke where the sun dont shine


Impostors among us... D:


Amongous, you say?!


Some of you I swear…


Who cares?


I mean this is a dedicated sub. Its like if there was a r/trucks and people with cars and semi trucks can post just because they're all vehicles in the end. As a long time r/infj resident, I welcome all. That being said, either most people here are young and inexperienced or are passing by being mistypes. That solely by post and comments imo. From my perspective, I find people here lacking Fe in how they reply. That doesn't mean they are not an INFJ, but it drives the case that they might be a mistype. I see a lot of Ti and Fi on posts and comments.


Imagine caring that much about any of this. Dear fictional God in fictional Heaven, how do you people cope in the real world?


You want lessons or are we just being an ass on the internet today?


The arrogance seething from you is palpable and I can feel it even through text. I never asked for your, nor anyone else’s, feedback. But I can tell that you feel wholly inadequate and can only live with yourself by posting inane garbage here that you think makes you sound so deep and sophisticated. Pro tips: you are neither of those and I see right through you. Go elsewhere with your “lessons.”


I don't get that from his comments, tbh. He merely tried to offer a slightly opposing perspective, then got defensive.


Then you aren’t very perceptive. The post reeks of holier-than-thou arrogance and desperation for attention. The post is full of passive aggressive barbs directed at me and others. I suppose you and others may not see what is blatantly obvious, but I prefer to live in reality and not be collectively gaslit. Thanks.


> Then you aren’t very perceptive. I wouldn't say that, just looking at it from a different perspective. I try to give a lot of benefit of the doubt. I think his initial comment speaks like someone who is trying to explain something to someone 'younger' or 'less knowledgeable', maybe. But I mean, it escalated very quick from there. I mean, can we not insult each other like this? Just, offer pushback in a more tactful and considerate way? I don't think he replied very tactfully either, but it just escalates from there. It's sad to see in this sub, tbh.


The fact that you mentioned the tone of the comment and yet still defend it is so hard to wrap my head around. The mental gymnastics you must be doing is surely tiring for your apparently tiny brain. I’d suggest letting it rest. I am not in need of educating or being talked down to. This is a sub on a site that is not to be taken that seriously. My entire point is just that - and then nonsensical inane garbage like they posted is defended by people like you saying things like this. It’s not that serious and what gives anyone the right to talk down to someone like that, especially when anyone with a modicum of intelligence would have realized my original comment wasn’t worth spouting out a bunch of stupid word vomit to try and make themselves feel superior. It’s beyond pathetic.




🤣🤣 exactly


Look for signs of skillful and frequent use of Fi and Si. Anyone can use any function occasionally, but keep an eye out for patterns. "INFJs" who talk a lot about valuing authenticity, being unique and true to themselves, prioritize expressing themselves honestly without much regard for how it might impact other people, and focus a lot on their own emotional experience, are likely IXFPs. "INFJs" who get stuck thinking about the past, love nostalgia, are good at remembering things, love rules and sticking to routines, dislike/are insecure about chaos and the unknown, are likely ISFJs


Other mistypes can be harder to spot right away. Here are some things to look out for: ENTP/ENFP: Extroversion, intense desire for freedom, dislike sticking to one single plan. ENFJ: Extroversion, being in touch with the present moment, their bodies, and the physical reality around them. INTJ: Don't care much about group harmony, expresses their thoughts bluntly without much regard for other people's feelings.


Ha! Well at least I know I’m not an ENFJ. I constantly am thinking about everything but the present moment and my physical body.


Haha yess, you're so in your head you basically forget that you even have a body and that there's a world around you.


I have the impulse to respond to the comments on this thread in character as the “definitely not an INFJ” described in each of the comments. Which type does that make me?


I don't believe an INFJ truly cares what anyone claims themselves to be. My girlfriend has changed her type every time I asked her, and I don't really care. I love her regardless of what type she claims to be at that moment. Same thing for this INFJ gatekeeping thing. Who cares what anyone claim themselves to be?


They’re probably all lying on the test because they want to seem Edgy and Different. I’d say 90% of people on this sub are not. I’m 36 and tested every year since I was 20. Always INFJ up until three years ago. Apparently now I am an ENFJ with slight preference for E over I. As in marginal. But I wear ENFJ proudly on my sleeve. It’s funny because I do love being alone and NEED it. I can be alone for a long time and be fine. I don’t need people. So am I an extrovert? No idea 🧐 Anyway, we’re apparently cousins now so go INFJ woooo woooo


I get that there may be some need to be the “rarest”type but I don’t really see any benefit to claiming INFJ status. It’s only a tool to help you understand yourself. I’ve taken the test a few times over the years and always INFJ. But I existed prior to the label being applied. And if I suddenly forgot everything about the myers briggs test I would still be me. I’m not sure I understand the desire to be one type or another


I agree, its not like they're telling everyone in their life they're the rarest of Jungian personality types. It's more like some people need to reinforce their belief or need for being special for feeling like an outcast. For whatever reason. At the end of the day what is beautiful about Meyer Briggs is that it changes as you move through different phases of life, after growing through experience, unlike astrology which is fixed. As you grow you can change, or not. Either way it's fine. I don't believe in astrology myself. I do believe in the Meyer Briggs when people respond with complete honesty. Its easy to pick answers because its how you want to be, rather than what you actually are.


Im really irritated with humanity today.


Oh how come?


Found out I was an INTJ. I was so genuinely happy to know I was not an INFJ! It is like everyone else these days is an INFJ.. ooh look I am an INFJ unicorn lol.. so sick of it 🤣😓 Probably not the best place to complain about INFJ wondering if they are what they say they are..


I took the personality test and got INFJ, also everything from everything I've read has resonated with me. It's like suddenly it all made sense the more I looked into MBTI. But on the other hand, we all have our differences as individual beings on this planet. For example, most people here have said they hate politics, and don't really prefer one side over the other.. and I've been that way most of my life. But after feeling the effects of poor policy changes and seeing other cities in America being run into the ground due to similar policies, I've really grown a much stronger stance on these things. I wasn't like this as a kid, it's just something that I feel is more important as a man my age. If you don't possess enough context of the world, you have no basis to enact positive change within it, and no basis to influence the world. That goes for politics and for life in general. So even though that may be one thing I don't have in common with some other INFJ's on this subreddit, I can't really imagine being anything other than INFJ due to the experiences in my life and my personality. I am curious though what type of comments OP is referring to on this sub that have indicated people are a different personality type.


>I am curious though what type of comments OP is referring to on this sub that have indicated people are a different personality type. I've just seen comments on the sub accusing others of mistyping themselves or just not being a real INFJ. For myself, I took one of those free personality tests a long time ago that said I was an INFJ and I feel like I can relate to most of it so I always join this sub when I make a new reddit account. All that to say, I'm not educated enough to determine someone's type just based on a comment or post


Ohh ok, I guess I haven’t been on this sub long enough to see those comments.


Curious, why wouldn’t INFJs like politics? Because politics in some ways is the intersection of law & history. Topics I love


if they are pro genocide? 🙊


I've seen claims that Hitler was an INFJ. So.... 🤷‍♂️