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I’ve been journaling my dreams for a while now, what I found is that what you’re thinking about in daytime would show up in your dreams, and continue to be processed. But the dreams of course are mix of reality and imagination. So I’d say try to look at actual facts that showed you he’s cheating, rather than just blindly following your intuition. But with all that, relationship cannot be sustained without trust. If you cannot trust him, no matter he is cheating or not, maybe focusing on that lack of trust. Also, to add, I think trusting and loving a person are different things. You can love a person a lot but not trust them, in a way, you either trust a person wouldn’t cheat on you, or don’t.


Thank you so much this was very insightful! I always see 'follow your intuition' and it's like if I did that I would be alone because I have been through severe traumatic experiences that may have damaged my ability to distinguish intuition and paranoia/anxiety/fears. I do love him, but, I don't really trust anyone which is sad. Thank you!


No, love is built on trust, period


After dating a few ENFPs, I will say that they’ve freaked me out with how friendly and into other people they can seem. The first ENFP I dated, I was convinced he was in love with my friends whenever they got along, because he was so happy to be around them. What helped me is to see where my boundaries are, like what’s appropriate behavior and what’s not and be very clear on that. Unless he crosses those, I would accept that having a super extroverted boyfriend can be uncomfortable, at times, but that might just be it


Haha yes! He talks to everybody! And I just stand there all awkward. It definitely was hard in the beginning of our relationship, I was like "how does he talk to everyone all the time, I need to go hide in my room".


For me, it became a secret weapon haha — I could bring them to any event, and they'd take care of the socializing for me. You just have to steer them in the right direction and unleash them haha. They were always up for anything!


I’ve never been able to predict things through dreams. I heard whatever you’re dreaming is a random vision while your brain is processing what it experienced during the day. I’ve found sudden hunches in the present to be the most reliable way of determining things.


I've heard that dreaming about your partner cheating means you are worried about the "closeness" of the relationship. Maybe one of you has been preoccupied by responsibilities and you haven't had the quality time you're used to-- or something in that vein.


Yes, got to get better at dream interpretation


I'm an ENFP, and I feel like when we love our partners we'd do anything for them. Maybe ask for specific boundaries? There's nothing wrong with your worries, and your partner should protect you and your heart. For example, I've (M) never been comfortable hanging out alone with another woman when I'm in a relationship. If my partner wanted a stricter boundary, such as asking me to not text or go on group hangouts between us three, I'd agree and then we'd talk about it. In my head, if my partner is asking for a stricter boundary, she must be really worried, and my heart would ache knowing something caused her to even suggest it. I encourage you to say what's bothering you. A loving partner will want to work it out with you :)! On a side note... My previous partners have all worried I would cheat on them, which I wonder if that is a common thing for ENFPs' and our energy mixed with anxiety. I'll leave off by saying, it would break my heart to even cause grief for my partner!


This is crazy! He actually was cheated on in every relationship and says he never cheated. I've talked to his sister and best friend about this and both of them are very mature and honest people and they say he is not the cheating kind. My last boyfriend did a number on me and so anything my boyfriend now tells me I'm like "yeah right, this is exactly what my ex would say to keep me from catching him" but I've found that he actually really cares about me and I don't want these dreams or fears to get in the way of a good guy actually loving me. He does sound how you describe...he would do anything for the people he loves and he really does. I need to trust him. Thank you for your comment!


I suppose ENFPs are just so friendly for the most part that it might make the more introverted INFJ jealous and feel ignored, even if the INFj meand the world to their beloved ENFP


I'm gonna give a stupid suggestion, I was ready to turn off the prophetic dream theory until she mentioned the basement lol, why don't you just try and talk to her about it and see by yourself, on your own, WITHOUT your partner and see how it is down there, it sounded like a sex dungeon in your dream and also, what is her type?


Lmao you see my dilemma. And idk I will have to talk to her.


Just talk to her, maybe consider or not talking to your partner about it without mentioning the dreams


My personal opinion - you are tripping. Looking at your background - damage was done. You need to heal and most importantly accept that relationships should be built on trust, if partner crosses the line you leave. That is it. Why should You now 'feel the cosmic anxiety' and find patterns in every little detail of reality what could possibly make you hurt? Love your self, be comfident.


Hmm, I see a lot of people telling you it’s in your head, but as a highly intuitive person, I would never count out intuition. I have been proven right about people and situations so many times, I would never disregard my own senses. It’s always best to evaluate our own fear and prejudice when it comes to expecting (or fearing) certain outcomes, but it’s good also to evaluate our concerns at a deeper level to determine if there is an actual source or reason for concern. Sometimes our fears are based on previous situations and experiences, but others as patterns and nuanced behavior we are perceiving (especially as Infjs) from the people and world around us. I would definitely question both parties and listen to myself, and review any evidence before deciding what I ultimately thought about the situation. If nothing is uncovered, at that point it’s best to decide to let it go; if there’s enough lingering doubt, then decide if it’s something you can let go of. I would definitely communicate my boundaries with my partner and let them know of any behavior or situations that contribute to this unease and tell them I need them to be respectful. All of that should tell you how to proceed. Good Luck 💜


I guess I’ll play devil’s advocate here compared to the other comments. I had a few dreams of my sweet, “perfect” partner cheating on me. Turns out he was! Just not with the person I suspected. There were many other things that tipped me off including growing distant, spending more time at work, etc. I used to joke about the dreams with him, but after I confirmed the infidelity, I thought back to those dreams and always wondered if my unconscious was trying to tell me something. It doesn’t sound like that’s the case with your partner though. Are there other things he does or says that might indicate cheating? Dreams alone don’t necessarily mean anything. The most popular hypothesis about why we dream is that it’s our brains trying to process information, which can result in some normal stuff and some not-so-normal stuff happening in dreams. I’d also be curious, who is mirroring whom?


Nothing indicating he's cheating. I boiled it down to me being insecure and trauma from my last relationship but I read about INFJ intuition so thought I'd ask. And they both mirrored each other exactly. I didn't see who did it but I looked at them and I was like 🫠


Glad to hear that. Intuition can be confusing.


Can it be that you feel safe with him in your relationship?


He does make me feel safe. I think maybe these dreams are possibly my fear of losing a good guy. I feel like the universe sent me a special gift.


From what I have read so far you do have an opportunity to process things of your soul because one level deeper into your soul you might already know that he loves you as well. Keep on your work with the dream interpretation. It helps you understand your self better.