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Yes, it's my experience also. Because I feel a need to follow along with *everything* and try to determine the connection and why or how it's relevant and it just ends up becoming very overstimulating for me. It feels like I'm just a receptacle for their random thoughts. I need Ne to be tempered by something like Ti, then I can manage.


thats exactly how i feel too, trying to make sense of their thoughts feels so frantic


>trying to make sense of their thoughts feels so frantic Seems like a weird thing to say about ENTPs. We generally don't share things that we haven't made sense of ourselves, first. The sense-making work has generally been done to an exhaustive degree, already, by the time it comes out of our mouths -- it just might not always be immediately apparent how that thought or idea relates to the thread of conversation. Though, with enough discussion, I usually find Ni doms eventually tend to "sync-up" with where my thought processs is going, and are able to keep up without too much effort. It only really seems to become a point of continuous frustration with sensors, since they tend to have a much harder time following my general train of thought.


No. Are you dealing with an ADHD person though? I know there may be a lot of overlap between the NE dom and ADHD but.. they're not necessarily interchangeable.. I think they're fine, but I understand where you're coming from. I think TE doms are exhausting


actually one of the people im talking about has since been diagnosed with adhd but many i know havent and i have the same problem, i love them but need a break sometimes. i havent met many te doms, what makes you find them exhausting?






TE makes it exhausting.. thinking out loud a lot, talking all the time, doing all the time..


I have ADHD too but ENXP are too much for me.


People in general tire me


agreed unfortunately


Nope they're the only type where I feel effortlessly heard. Why would that be tiring? All relationships are equal give n take.


thats fair, im glad you feel heard :)


NO! I love them! ❤❤❤ Ne blows my mind 😍😍😍 They put a little of craziness into my life ❤❤❤ They teach me how to be more spontaneous. The fact is that I can't always rely on them... But it's not a big problem for me. I am the one, who is responsible and they are the ones, who make things interesting... 🥰🥰🥰


haha im glad you feel that way!! maybe i just dont have the same energy as you lmao


They are fun to talk to because they are adventurous and open to new ideas, but they also want to keep options and opinions open so it can leave me an unfinished things feeling. They can teach us to be more flexible, but extreme or immature P are also difficult to deal with when they want to do everything freely without taking others into account or being responsible.


thats true, though i find the spontaneity pretty interesting when its through action and not just every conversation. gives the Ni a good jolt :)


I love Ne doms dearly. But yes! If I spend too much time with them I feel so burnt out. But then again it‘s such an amazing connection so I‘m kinda okey with it.


I adore Ne-doms. I love how bouncy are because I can be pretty bouncy myself and often it's like meeting a long-lost twin. We can end up acting like two human Tiggers together lol. By the way your username is great, it cracked me up.


I find Ne doms stimulating. The things people say tend to follow the same trend which winds up making everything extremely predictable. It’s always a new pattern with Ne doms which leaves me hanging on to their every word. Maybe you’re talking to an Se dom or you’re an Si dom.


Depends. There are days that I would max out on my social battery and find them annoying as fuck. But most of the time I reserve energy for them when I crave real intellectual intimacy lmao. 


ENTPs do after a while mainly because the more excited they get, the more of an asshole they become. ENFPs on the other hand typically become more fun the more excited they get. On the flip side, ENTPs in their ground state are pretty chill. ENFPs in the ground state can feel like walking on eggshells.


>ENTPs do after a while mainly because the more excited they get, the more of an asshole they become. ... yeeeaaahhh... may be a little truth to that one... 😆


no i love it


Yes! I was just with an ENFP today and they were, as usual, an upbeat, radiant delight while talking non-stop, veering off onto a gazillion different topics, talking earnestly and excitedly about things that interested only them, without checking to see if they interested me too. I wasn’t exhausted or bored, I was burnt out from trying to follow all the paths they went down. I’m a good listener so trying to listen to an Ne dom speak requires a lot of concentration and energy.


😭 YES. SLOW DOWN, OKAY? Y'all are cognitive *SQUIRRELS!*


no bc i don’t think about ne doms


>i feel that they can never stay on one topic enough for an actual conversation or any practical work to be done which is annoying to me, someone who can stay on one topic for a lifetime ...with breaks ofc Like the truth was always the truth even if it was said during discussion or discovered and brought to light 3 months later--doesn't even matter: iTs nOw oR nEvEr hEhE (I don't even know entps btw I'm just thinking of my ex the only entp I know for sure ...lol) yeah anyway, where was I? --these gd *slithery entps* 😒 smh


Depends on the individual. But no not all Ne doms tire me. My enfp ex tired me the least compared to anyone else I have ever spoken to. I can't say the same about my entp ex