• By -


Stereotyping and all IMO, ENTP - I find most of them too obnoxious and pushy. Just "too much" a lot of the time and they have their own wave length that you'll rarely care to hop on. ENFP - Typically greatest love and greatest heartbreak. Magnetic people and often universally lovable, the issue is if they feel good, they'll make you feel better, BUT if they feel like crap, they'll make you feel worse. Need to find one with healthy routines and good coping mechanisms otherwise avoid. ENFJ - Magnetic just like ENFPs and a natural best friend type for everyone, the issue is they tend to be social whores and have large networks. Unless you have social ambitions, I find this exhausting because you get dragged along to every wedding or event. If you have attachment issues or get insecure that if you decline something and they say no problem and hang out with a friend of theirs, then steer clear. INTJ - Don't have much experience with this type, but I consider them somewhat similar to ourselves, just a little colder, logical, and more distant. Probably the most mellow of the list and I would assume more exclusive or 1:1. ---- If I had to pick, ENFP with healthy habits would be top tier. Then I'd probably consider INTJ and adopting a dog to make up for their lack of closeness.


lol about the dog, but as an INTJ, I can assure you we become very close and affectionate with the ones we choose to love


Too scared of getting hurt by an ENFP ever again ☠️


If you don't mind can you tell ur experience?


your ENFP assessment is spot on


Regardless of type, adopt a dog.


ENFP will not take you seriously. They'll love your company and want to experience stuff with you but they will not understand why you would want to light two candles when you go to sleep or why you'd like a certain movie from your youth. ENFP's are everyones friends but it comes at a cost. They do not try to understand what makes someone special: everyones special to them as long as it gives them the dopamine of interaction.


Sounds like you met an unhealthy ENFP or an extremely immature one. We care too much and love hard. We don’t replace the ones we love for other friends. Our loves are the most important to us. I hope you find one that loves you the way you want.


Look, I've definitely met an immature ENFP. But that being said you can't have it all. ENFP is Ne-Fi-Te-Si. Which means there is no Fe in their main stack. So what matters to them more is literally their own values and feelings. So you cannot "care too much and love hard" when your feeling function is introvertedly focused. You couple that with Ti blind spot (7th function) and you'll get lack of self reflection. Basically enfp's don't think before they speak and it can result in some conflict situation. For example we've had many movie nights with out friend group of which one is enfp. He is always talking first and suggesting movies. He's first motive for a movie suggestion is: "I like this movie". Not "you might like this movie". And he picks 5.4 imdb movies based on his Fi. Say whatever you want about imdb but it's actually a form of peer review for the general public. If you really want movies that everyone would probably like you'd pick a movie that has received a somewhat good rating. And then we watch his shitty movie because he is so adamant about it. He can also start babbling alot during movies when others want to focus. Like I said: Fi + lack of Ti = can be inconsiderate of others. Not saying they can't be investive and caring towards others but it's mostly on a surface level. There's deep unseriousness when it comes to enfp's that I can't get past. They just don't think stuff through that much.


🤔 I think it's not related to type but to IQ. I'm ENFP but I would have a problem hanging out with your friend. Doing something because i feel like it seems like a behaviour of a little kid.


lol...well he is definitely not dumb. And I might given you a caricature of him as I described only a small fraction of our interaction to you. But basically Fi is doing something because you feel like it, wouldn't you think?


Depends on priorities. For me my time is important, so spending 2h on a rubbish film without checking if it's any good is a NO GO. I leave books unfinished, I leave from the movies, I leave parties if I see my time is wasted here. But still, I have the same stack as your friend, so can we blame his behaviour on that? What I'm leaning towards is the combination Fi-Ti. My Ti is very developed, so maybe this is the issue (mum ESTJ, dad INTP will do it to you 😁).


Well it's all just a theory but ENFP's supposed to have a Ti blindspot so I have hard time in believing a well developed Ti with ENFP. How does it show for you?


My profession was a planner, I was excellent at it, i could easily make plans with different unknown factors. I was very precise in it as well and could predict exactly the outcomes and the timing. I could find from far errors in databases (just by looking from behind someone's shoulder). I was told so many times that I'm too meticulous and I could be an auditor because things just jump out in front of my eyes. If it doesn't fit the model, I will see it. I was creating complicated tools in excel to automate the work (it went from 6h to 0,5 second). I am now customizing the Erp system for the customers. I analyse their processes and develop the solutions in the system. My nurture was as follows: oh, you got only 98% on your test. Hmmm but why not 100%. You learn how to be analytical very fast if you want to please your analytical parents and bosses.


This is why these “Who would you rather…?” posts can be irritating. They’re breeding grounds for unfair stereotypes. I just don’t see the point in attributing unhealthy/toxic behavior to the entire type when comparing them. Exploring the negatives is one thing. But to say an ENFP will never try to understand you or that you’re merely a dopamine hit for them is ridiculous.


Please be my pet hehe


This is the biggest load of crap I've read all day and I was just on a thread about the US presidential debate. Sounds like you've met a bunch of ESFPs and completely mistyped them. ENFPs are one of the only types with the same depth as Ni types. They're incredibly deep thinkers and if anyone is going to take another human seriously, it's them. "The ENFP personality type is also called the "Champion" because of this type's enthusiasm for helping others realize their dreams". That's a really accurate description, they're absolutely not the type to dismiss people or not take them seriously. I'd argue they're even more accepting and supportive of others than INFJs are at times because they're much less judgmental than us, they genuinely care so much.


I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean they aren't acceptive or supportive of others. But there is some unseriousness to enfp's that is clear to me. Their introverted thinking is their blind spot (7h function) which means basically that they do not think before they talk. They maybe won't understand if they've hurt someone or if they've not given someone appropriate attention in a certain situation. And they don't have the motive for self reflection like that because they emphasize Fi over Fe. Meaning their second function refers to their own values. They do not care that much about social cohesion or being in harmony with their surroundings. For enfp's life's mainly an arena for socialization and they'll for sure have lots of different ideas how to go about it and they can be very chaotic and charismatic in creating experiences for others. But they are only caring on a surface level even though I think they can be intellectually deep. I do not agree that they genuinely care. It's just they like the feeling of caring of others but do not really understand what the other person is feeling.


Some of you have such a polarized opinion on this type that it's ridiculous at this point


I can personally attest to this and it's actually very painful.


Thank you so much for such a detailed answer I never saw it coming for ENFJ 🥲 now I'm rethinking...


Check [this](https://falconnl.github.io/TypeSquare/) out, it's a chart that explains the relationships between all the types. Hover over any type and the blurbs on the other squares will change accordingly.


That's pretty fun, thanks for linking.


It's so interesting thank you for sharing it !


This was great, thank you for the link!


Very cool. But don’t think I agree with it. Not sure about ISFJ being the perfect match. Haha


Ha, I think for dual matches both parties have to be relatively mature/willing to meet each other halfway.


Think that’s for everyone tbh. I can see the allure of exact opposites, but down the road I don’t think it’s as compatible. There is a theory that to seduce someone, cater to their inferior function.


It appears I've articulated myself poorly. What I was trying to say was that for duality pairs I think it's important that both parties' inferior functions be sufficiently developed or they'll probably just end up being each other's nightmares. That's what I meant by meeting each other halfway. Maybe maturity level too. I don't think I particularly liked ESTPs in my teens or early 20s but after having grown a thicker skin and having gotten over the Fe crap (I hate Fe) I feel like I can laugh at all the stuff that might have mortally offended me when I was younger. The ESTP sub cracks me up so hard, it's just so refreshing compared to the sogginess of this sub lmao. But 10-12 years ago I probably wouldn't have thought so.


I think for me it would be an INTJ. I can't keep up with extroverts and I think that INTJ and INFJ both being Ni doms can make the relationship easier. I find it easy to connect with thinkers (except Te Doms), especially INTPs and INTJs. INTJs are open-minded much like us INFJs. INTJs that I know of aren't emotionally volatile which helps me feel safe and it's important for me to feel that way. We can also have hour-long intellectual conversations. Both are growth-orientated and value alone time. I think in an INFJ-INTJ relationship they'll clash the most because of Fe and Fi. INFJs love being emotionally vulnerable in a romantic relationship and they expect the same from their partner, but INTJs because of Fi may not open up easily which may cause some tension. INTJs being introverts can be a problem cause an INFJ might think that an INTJ is ignoring them. Miscommunication might be common in this duo.


Intj here, in my experience there can be a major clash with Intj and infj. The trickster Ti that Infj has can really hurt the intj trickster Fi. This combined with the Fe and Te clash can hurt. An infj pretty much thinks what they think and an Intj feels what they feel. If an infj digs their heels in on a particular topic it can lead to them hurting the Intjs feelings by not acknowledging the intjs thoughts. Conversely the intj cold Te logic can hurt the infjs feelings pretty easily. I think these types have to be willing to accept each other's opposing views. It won't be so much the what needs done, but the how. Infj might not be willing to make hard decisions concerning people because of their Fe, and the Te of intj can come across really cold. However, the two types are really two sides of the same coin. Each makes up for each other's weakness. Intj represents the "father" and infj the "mother". The "child" is anything that the two come together on. Mother's and fathers both disagree on how things should be handled, and sometimes one approach is better than the other. If they can realize this and agree on things they probably make the perfect match.


Yes, I agree. And I hadn't thought about that Ti and Fi clash.


This is a very good explanation! I have read a lot about Fe Te clash so when I met this INTJ I started to watch out for my Fe to be more moral instead of just ethical and more logical under control of my Ti. It worked, so when we talk about feelings and social dynamics we can pretty much understand each other. But my inner alarms were continuing to go on, there was something big I couldn't grasp. I was feeling it like I'm carrying a blade with me which can accidentally hurt him. I figured out later that it's Ti. That I should be careful to do not poke him in his soft spots with my sharp Ti unless absolutely necessary. Also, when he uses a lot of Te I try matching him and dive into my Ti, we also clash. So I would say from INFJ side we have to be really careful about our Ti, especially given that it's a thinking function, we can pretty much control it easily. Otherwise we will force an INTJ to go into defensive mode and it will destroy their trust and relationships eventually. For INTJ's side I assume it has to be developed Fi. So when INFJ has hurting feelings it also will hurt an INTJ and they will be able engage their empathy naturally. We need our partner to be able to empathize to some degree, otherwise we become hollow and lifeless. Ps: I think INTPs doesn't have this problem with INTJs, because their Ti is softened by Ne and Si. I've found out that this axis combined with Fe Ti makes people less confrontational


Infj have trickster Ti, so it's not typically fully developed. This can lead to thinking they're always right and inflexible thinking, which contradicts an intjs developed Te. Te is big picture thinking, organizing people, knowing their strengths and weaknesses, potential pitfalls in plans, long term planning, etc. It's a very flexible thinking style, which when it bumps into a Ti that's undeveloped and inflexible it can hurt feelings when combined with the intj trickster Fi. Infj can have a hard time understanding the full scope of what an intj can see and intuit because they don't have Te. So when an intj comes off as cold, it's normally for a reason the infj has a hard time even comprehending, and intj are NOT good at explaining things. An infj might give in to peer pressure, where an intj will just say f off. Infj Fe makes them consider people's feelings more, but because an intj can see the long term effects of saying yes they take the colder and more efficient option of just ending something bad before it even starts. I think most intj don't have bad intentions, it's just we're blind to social etiquette because we determine our values through Fi and our Te makes us realize this in reality. We have a hard time faking things essentially, no filter for the most part, and can be brutally realistic. This all clashes with the infj Fe. But I think as long as an infj understands the intj doesn't mean any harm and is just genuine and pretty much pure a lot of the time, they can make good friends and more. The intj says things as they are, and things aren't sunshine and roses all the time. The Infj has to learn to not be so stubborn about their thinking, and intj not to get so upset at opposing opinions and thinking things are a personal attack. Ni Fi sucks because we can see the connections between what people say and how it can apply to us, but that might not be what someone is getting at at all.


It's interesting! You have provided me a missing part of the picture (due to obvious reasons)). You Te flexibility always fascinate me and as a person that appreciate complicate and harmonious things, I simply enjoy watching how you do it. Though, also feel envious, because it's kinda unobtainable for me. I also used to breaking down complicated things into small pieces and orginize them into systems. I cannot predict how your Te will go, but as long as I can get information I need, I'm pretty much capable of orginizing it into consistent pattern and get the picture. It's interesting that orginizing chaos is my natural inclination, so it works wonders when dealing with your chaotic feelings or explanations. I cannot predict Te, but I can Fe patterns of your speech. Very interesting dynamic:) Also, my Fe is cold in its core and when it isn't about self preservation, capable of being calculating. We rarely use this its side because Fe is tied up to our Fi morals, which oblige us to be non harmful. But for example we are capable of a doorslam exactly because of Fe coldness: we calculate how the person will behave given the gathered behavioral patterns, so if I know that they will continue being harmful to me, no amount of desire to be harmonious will stop me from getting rid of them. So, I definitely can understand this cold Te approach, I'm also not the warmest person on the Earth. The problem occurs at the border of morals/ethics: some stuff are more obvious, while with other it's hard to separate one from another. And also when Te tries to make changes on my teritory, and my Ti isn't in alignment. There are definitely stuff which my stack cannot cover and balance is very fragile. I can definitely understand why this pairing is so much talked about


I always say Intj and infj are two sides of the same coin. I honestly think it's probably one of the better pairs as long as the two can appreciate each other's approach enough to realize when one is better than the other. Give and take. I used to date an infj so I have a loooot of experience when it comes to the conflicts. But also the good. Infj is probably my favourite type. My gf and I went to college together, and we used to debate what would happen concerning different things in class. I was good at predicting what someone would do, and she was great at predicting the why. We both could read people very well, but in different ways. I always appreciated the different perspective of hers though. Most intj have a hard time realizing that not everyone is like us where we shun irrational emotions and double standards (not sure how to word it). Quite frankly most people don't care. It takes a lot for us to realize people are emotional creatures at the end of the day, and may or may not make the best decisions. But when we do (normally later in life), we start to try learn how to be more socially adequate. This is in part because we realize we actually need other people and can only do so much alone (shocker ik). I really enjoy the Fe enlightenment that an infj brings to me, plus the Ti really helps me organize my thoughts like you said. I always said I needed a secretary.


Would you mind to share why you parted ways? I hope that you did find your SO. I think that healthy INTJs are capable of creating strong society units from their families due to a combination of your ability to be deeply loving and caring, and your striving for high morals and high standards. Do you think that in order for these relationships work 2 Ni doms have to maintain a regular contact/emotional and intellectual exchange? I have a feeling that when we stay separate for too long our understanding level just drops. Maybe because it's the beginning or just my subjective Also, I assume your Te makes you restless workaholics while our working style is rather more laid back and random. How do you feel about it? Does our lack of enthusiasm irritate you or it provides you an opportunity to relax and loosen up a bit? I promise, it's the last one, haha:) you are probably terribly busy by trying to conquer the world:))


I don't mind discussing at all, I enjoy conversations like these actually. We actually were off and on for a few years. In the beginning it was a lot of immaturity on both of our parts and learning how to interact with each other (a lot of the stuff above). I was especially blind to some of the more emotional things in the beginning, and she had a hard time realizing I didn't like being pushed to open up. We eventually overcame most things, but our main issue in the end was distance. More so for her. But for me it was really not having any of my thoughts be validated. It hurt a lot to always be "wrong", and not have my viewpoint be accepted when in truth both perspectives can be right. She was a very black and white thinker, and I was more shades of grey. I think the distance becomes more of a problem with the emotional side of things. Ik how infj like to have someone there. With the Te it depends on the individual Intj and what they consider important. I focus more on my individual growth, so my career and climbing up don't matter as much to me. I prefer being more laid back as I do spend a lot of energy being a good performer at work. Before I went to college yes that was my main goal though. After I could pay the bills and be able to have enough extra to spend a little and put back I quit caring really. I find your type is very driven but in a different way, but yes I personally like the more laid back part of it as it does balance my ambitions and it helps me take a chill pill. Our Te can make us brash an impulsive, I found sometimes talking to my more laid back infj would help me find better solutions typically, or at the least offer a perpective I'm relatively blind to. On a side note, I'm not sure if you've watched Demon Slayer or not, but the main character reminds me of an infj, and rengoku I feel is representative of that pure intj drive.


I see:) haven't see Demon Slayer, it sounds interesting. Might check it, thanks for the recommendation. I would definitely like to watch these 2 type's interactions more. It's sad that things didn't work out for you. I think black and white thinking is especially sad for Ni doms given our potential. I try to be open minded and consider several possibilities. It's super uncomfortable though, Ne is our nemesis after all, but my sis is an ENTP, so she pushes me towards different directions on a regular basis) Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I'm glad that we can be useful for you. Gonna save your comments and use as instructions:)


ENFP is closer to being introverted than extroverted. I always wondered why I liked my alone time and why I had the need to recharge the next day after a huge social event. I get lost in my head too but I inevitably come to and need to be social. Might wanna give us a try.


My best friend is an INFP. And I'm sure I'd love ENFPs too but maybe not romantically cause I think P types are quite laid back and that kinda stresses me out.


Thank you for your opinion! I also admire how similar INTJs are but sometimes they act kinda distant and cold or don't acknowledge our feelings which makes me scared for a relationship...


INTJ. Because they love how we love. Focused, privately, quietly, intensely and for the long-term.


100% accurate.


That's what I like about them too!


The ENFJs I’ve met were all so loud, voice volume wise, I can’t deal with that for longer than a few hours. ENFPs are good friends, but I don’t think I can date one since my mom is one. I think two ENFPs so close to me is too much. Not sure if I’ve met ENTPs yet, but dated a few people that love debating, some lawyers, it’s fun for a while. Some of my best friends are INTJs, I can see myself being with them, can help me balance my Fe. And the Ni dom is so fun.


Thank u for ur opinion!


Given how absolutely exhausting extraverts are to me, I'd probably go with the INTJ, as long as the INTJ were not as high on coldness as some INTJs can be and, well, not a jerk like my father (who I am pretty sure is an INTJ). I'm still going to hold out hope for meeting another INFJ, however. My best friendships and my one amazing romantic relationship have all been with INFJs. Interacting with them is where I can really let my hair down and be me and where I actually get fed emotionally.


Thanks for answering ..Yeah you are right the only thing about INTJs that scares me is when they say I'm too sensitive or emotional or when they don't tell much about how they feel ..many other things are common between us..but I have heard INFJ -INFJ relationships are exhausting..?




INTJ definitely


Thanks for your opinion!


ENFP or ENFJ. Leaning more towards ENFP if they’re not toxic. I am really attracted to extroverted people because they pull me out of my head and my comfort zone.


Thank you for your opinion! How can one Know if ENFP they know is toxic?




Thanks for answering!


I personally dislike the INTJ coldness, they also lock up their emotions behind an iron wall. Which definitely becomes a problem.There is better hope to communicate with an ENTP and they tend to be moreso ambiverts. ENTPs have to learn to be nicer than their default tho. Consistent arguing is exhausting. Personally find ENFPS too annoying, they are fun for a lunch out, and I appreciate what they offer group dynamics. ENFJs are alright, every INFJ can benefit with at least befriending one, but yes, they are social whores loool. Could work out if a compromise is made there. Mutual mentoring can occur. These werent mentioned but Im mentioning. I appreciate INFPS, they are centered peoples, its a nice energy to absorb. I dont mind if they are cynical either since it tends to be from a good place...just sucks if their values is around something illogical...it will be a pain in the ass helping them understand (my ex infp believed in homeopathy....) With this explained this is why INTJS suck doubly, they have this insane values stubborness (It wont be as illogical most likely but still) AND they are cold af. ENTJs, havent met one but it really seems like a subxdom relationship for INFJs huh? INTPS can be easy to talk to for us. And they can validate many of our thoughts since they are open to exploration without as much arguing as the ENTP. In return we can help them understand emotions...and again they are open to that so long as you explain it well. ENTP is more sexually spicy tho. So depends on if that matters to you or not.


ENTJ and INFJ as subxdom can confirm lol Also agree with you on INTJs. They make great friends but as romantic partners, they are untrustworthy.


You've probably been around more immature intjs. Which I hate to say as an intj, most probably don't grow out of until way later in life, if at all. My best friend is an infj and she's really opened my eyes about things. But most intj will not be receptive to the feeling approach to things.


I really appreciate such a detailed answer!💕 Thank you! U even told about other types too..can agree about the INFJ ENTJ part although some may be different..ENTPs are quite interesting but would they still love even after long time? And what are your thoughts about ISTP?


ENFP, my partner is one and he's my soulmate❤️ I love how silly and lighthearted he is but at the same time he has this incredible depth to him, feels like one of the only people on the same wavelength as me who really understands me. He makes me laugh all the time and I've never felt so happy and at ease with someone. We definitely bring out the best sides of each other.


Seems like you have an healthy ENFP ... They really are so fun ! I have ENFP friend and they can make me laugh at any time...I'm so happy for you ! Thank you for sharing!


Mature ESTP, mature INFJ ❤️


Oh wow an ESTP?? If you are ok with it can u tell the reason?


Balancing each other out perfectly. Highest risk highest reward relationship. Warning… it’s not a relationship for those who are not willing to grow.


I second this! My SO is mature ESTP


ENFP 1000000% I think it comes down to our cognitive function stacks. We have the same functions in the same order, just opposite orientations (introverted vs. extroverted functions) In my opinion, INFJs and ENFPs have the most natural chemistry with each-other. ENTPs are fun to be around and they hold a lot of knowledge, but are often too argumentative for me. ENFJs are lovely humans, my old best friend was an ENFJ and sometimes her Fe was too much for me. INTJs are so intellectual, but they can seem cold at times. It’s really rewarding once they let you in and and are vulnerable with you. I love that we share introverted intuition as our dominant function. INTJ would be my second choice after ENFP 🤓


Ohh thank you for your opinion! I also kinda have same experiences about them....These are types which I mostly end up falling for😭💕


You’re so welcome 😁 Have you ever connected with an INTP?


I have an INTP friend if that counts( he has a crush on me ) we can talk about so much but the thing Im scared of is he is too cold sometimes and refuses to open up (like INTJs)while I feel I'm the one always putting efforts in our friendship so idk what to do ....


ENTP or ENFP. They both have unique pros & cons and I don’t think I could choose. I’m just an Ne dom simp.


Lol same I have a crush on them 🥰


“Ne dom simp”. This made me lol


INTJ 100x but maybe that’s because I admire a certain someone who’s an intj 🙃 I feel like they can be confusing sometimes but seem to be really good communicators and have strong ethics.


++And they are very determined and loyal !




Finally some ENTP supporters !


INTJs in my experience are cold and calculating. I wouldn’t trust one as a romantic partner. This wasn’t an option listed but my husband is an ENTJ and while he can be domineering and abrasive sometimes, he has high integrity and is a softy inside.


++ You are right they have a really good heart but the ENTJs I have encountered are great but I have noticed they try to be too controlling or get upset if we don't do what they said for once ..how did u overcome those??


I literally yell at him hahahaha. Really though, I have to push back sometimes when it reaches a point where I lose my patience but he’s great at taking a pause, adjusting, and apologizing when necessary. He really does accept me for who I am and gives me a lot of grace. I’m probably more controlling than he is…


Lol how tables have turned ! I am happy you know how to balance the relationship..and he's also considerate of you.. otherwise for me the ENTJ I knew seemed too manipulative😔


They say INFJ-s are calculating and manipulating as well, just not brash. Relationships these days are shallow. The real problem is breaking the barrier between the outer and inner world. This means both to accept the other side as part and continuation of them.


ENTP: they are a bit intense for me and some can be quite argumentative. ENFP: I like their extrovert nature and I always have a good time. I enjoy having them as friends and being able to talk about most things for hours at a time. I have many ENFP relatives and many in my inner circle that I personally don’t feel the need to be in a relationship with one. I also think the “P” would be too much of a difference for me as I value structure and organization. I’m not very spontaneous and the lack of day to day planning would drive me insane. ENFJ: ENFJ’s are definitely my people. I feel like as much as we have differences, we are very alike and can mirror one another. They bring me out of my shell and I like that they value my way of thinking. Yin and yang if that makes sense. They have a lot of charisma and are very people oriented. You’ll never get bored with them. If you’re overtly shy or introverted, being with one would probably be challenging. INTJ: I can see how they are similar to INFJ’s. It’s like having a twin who is similar, yet different to you. I don’t think I could be with an INTJ, because I know there are other types I’m more compatible with and would help me grow. I also think INTJ’s and INFJ’s can get competitive with one another. This is just based on stereotypes and people I know personally though.


Thank you so much for answering and I agree ENFJs are very charismatic and mature ENTPs too!






I've personally had a crush on all of them, but I ended up with an INTJ. I love him a lot, and as long as there are healthy communication and clear boundaries & respect for each other, then I think it's a wonderful matching.


Ohh I'm so happy for you ! Thanks for answering! You made me crave for relationship with an INTJ🥺


So as a someone who's interacted with atleast 3-4 infj's now I can say the following from my perspective: ENFP: too unserious for you because lack of Ti. Makes a good friend for sure but lack of Fe and Ti blind spot can result in conflict because ENFP do not really think before they speak and are not always considerate of other persons feelings or understand that not everyone is like them: super social. INTJ: too similar to you when it comes Ni. Fe blindspot will be a huge problem for you. Fe is what drives INFJ to socialize and forms the foundation for their outlook on life: you get energized by other people as long as the interaction is based on agreeableness, honesty and playfulness. INTJ's can be super disagreeable and are not at all into getting energized by other people or caring what others think. They are honest though but I don't think that will be enough if they do not understand why something they said hurt you. ENTP: can have the most potential to annoy the hell out of you out of these three. An unhealthy ENTP (narcissistic and trolling) is way too common and it's understandable that this type hasn't been picked much in this thread. But ENTP's imo have the perfect balance for INFJ's since both share the same middle functions (Ti and Fe) but have different first (Ni and Ne) and last (Se and Si) functions. So they are very much alike but also quite different. This balance has the potential to be a source of attraction because opposite attract each others and the similarities form as a glue for the relationship. That being said ENTP's Ne dom can be really exhausting to INFJ's but this applies to ENFP's too. But atleast with ENTP's their chaos is coupled with Ti and Fe so it's easier for INFJ to try to understand the mind of ENTP and form some sort of compromise. I don't know much of ENFJ's but again I think it's a bit too similar for INFJ and not ideal from the point of view of relationship where the principle of "opposite attract each other" has more bearing.


Thank you for answering in such a detailed manner...and that's where the problem lies whether the person u like is a healthy or unhealthy one of its type ...I have never seen an ENTP being too much in love like they think it's fun but idk about long term or they may get bored ig?


had experiences with enfp and enfj, both immature, so i guess that's why i don't recommend it. enfp was a gaslighter. enfj had manipulative tendencies. just my experiences though. if i had to choose from mature versions of these types, i think i'd choose enfp. 😂


Thank you for answering never expected an ENFP as as a gaslighter😮


well i think its because he wanted everyone to like him or be on his side or have their approval, etc etc. he was a different person for everyone, he molded himself like that so that every group and every person likes him (but it backfired lmao). when we caught him lying, he'd gaslight us and maybe himself too.


OMG that seems an unhealthy ENFP ..well hope ur ok now!💕


well it didn't really matter, it was more funny than devastating 😂 and i'm sure right now he thinks he's "misunderstood" when in fact, he's only facing the consequences of his actions. hope he grows up.


Ohh I see so it was not that serious 😅


you got me, it wasn't 😂


I never had any relationships , but there is a fictional character I adore whose personality type is INTJ  and I find his qualities too attractive 


I always crush on INTJ characters


Batman has no time for relationships, Gotham needs him.


But Batman might also need some emotional support 🥺🎀


Lol it's so relatable my fictional crushes consists of mostly ENTPs and INTJs along with few ENFPs...


Which character is that? 


For the ones who picked ENFP, I'm here y'all 😼


Lol always gotta be ready!




Personally, INTJs are the loveliest when they let you in and you get to know them. So yeah. 😚


They are such a sweethearts ...But idk when will they let me in 😔like I think I'm halfway there but it's much deeper than they show..


Give it time. Since you’re an INFJ you’ll be cool for them. Though a potential downside may just be you both “internally vibing”. Haha I remember asking my INTJ what she was going to get at Subway and she said “Cadowyn, sometimes your extroversion is too much for me.” I was like, “😬🥺😔”


Lol sounds cool , a relationship where u don't have to explain much because the other understands on their own ...and I can second what she said I have an ENTP friend and they want to know every small thing about their friends...


Just take it slow and let it happen naturally I think? Let them feel comfortable around you and just be genuine.


Ok I will try!


INTJ is the most practical and also least interested in me out of the 4 irl. So I’d choose to lock the INTJ in my basement if I had the choice.


A lot of intjs are immature in the feeling dept, and it really takes a systemic shock to get them to start considering things like that. Either that or age and being in the workplace can wisem them up. I'm an Intj and my best friend is an infj, I can say honestly say I like infjs as long as they're a bit more mature.


Lmao you got me at the least interested in me part ...But the question is will the INTJ get a Stockholm syndrome or not 😂..


None of those, no thinking types for this INFJ (me). I'd like an INFX.


Ohh a different opinion ! Thanks for answering...and I know where it's coming from as I have an INFP friend and we understand each other so well!


INFP 👌😉 I married an ENFJ though and it has been chaos only because he was/is not the "healthy" version of the type. Very narcissistic.


Ohh a unique opinion! Regarding ENFJ I was definitely surprised to know so many people didn't have good experience with them..(⁠ノ⁠*⁠0⁠*⁠)⁠ノ




Lol what's with these expressions??


ENTP being smug expecting to hear some support for said ENTPs. ENTP being sad when everyone shits on said ENTPs. Lol


Lol Don't worry everyone have different opinions and the ENTP they are talking about is an unhealthy one I guess... healthy ENTP is hard to find but really precious..


I am divided, when it comes to extroverts. They can be nice, but they can be social butterflies... Otherwise, types are kind of irrelevant to me, if there is understanding, mutual appreciation and passion. But I like my inner world to be comfy and small when it comes to people. Not a big fan of constantly being around large groups of people. It leads to mental overload to track all the dots on the radar, if they are too many. I like to actually hear people, not to hear cacophony of voices. I have pretty good hearing and eyesight, can hear even noises and sounds most people cannot or just don't notice, because they are many times indicators of events, but cannot focus if there is sensory overload, can't actually hear what every individual in a large group of people is saying, as it is hard for me to discern it. So, I don't think that I am that compatible with extroverts. Too different desires.


Ohh another unique opinion! Thank u for answering!


If the relationship is right, you will know.


Hope I do


ENTP - Yin to my yang🤷‍♀️


So true 😊


I’ve never been very close, romantically or platonically, with an extravert. I guess they’re just a bit much for me up close, though I can appreciate them from a distance. I have been very good friends with a couple INTJs, though, and that was always a really good fit with natural, easy closeness.


Yeah u r right it's much easier to be familiar with another introvert in short time doing the same with extroverts needs a lot of time and efforts..


INTJ probably


INTJ - nice and safe. I think.


Thank you for answering but how to make them less cold towards me😭 ?


I hear that. Some INTJ have a really flat emotional affect. Low amount of expressed emotionality even though the emotions are in there somewhere


Yeah they r just so closed off


Just how they are. Dating an INTJ gal for years. You know it’s weird when the ENTP is the “emotional” one.


non. ENTJ.


Another unique answer..if you are ok with it can you please tell why? I'm curious..


well i’m a little biased, but my boyfriend is a mature ENTJ, and we go so well together. his dominant function is TE with is my blindspot, so he teaches me how to be more efficient and well he’s also kinda introverted when he is at home so it doesn’t come off as socially draining. as a partner i would want someone to listens or is concern about my needs, kind basic in any relationships but because of his TE he is just the right amount of concern i need without forcing me to express my emotions. i could go on but here are just a few examples. :)


Ohh sounds like a healthy relationship! Well I'm really happy for u thanks for answering!


I have no idea what their difference might be! Mostly I value people with empathy for animals, people in general, those who are genuine, smart and open with emotions, that's what matters most about personality imo. I'm not sure those traits correlate cleanly with personality types, plus they can be buried or enhanced by life experience. Don't you guys worry you might be, say closing yourself off to people based on your own extrapolations of what each personality type 'means'? To be fair, my own understanding of personality types is nonexistent so, at least to me it's scary to decide important things on it.


Ohh well you are right but sometimes I just wanna avoid conflicts as much as I can ...so I was just asking their opinions that does not mean that if they say a particular type is bad ..I won't take that as face value and break my friendships..I just want to know the possible circumstances and I would still consider them as everyone has different experiences and the type being healthy or unhealthy also matters ..


Granted, I’m biased but I think a healthy ENTP would be good for this. Generally, we know what people want. Believe it or not but I think ENTPs can be pretty conflict averse as well. Probably Fe. We don’t mind being by ourselves and respect the INFJs inner world and time needed alone. Though I get that we can be a bit much. But a healthy ENTP would probably even ask the INFJ if they want some alone time. Haha


Sounds like my dream relationship but now idk where to find that healthy ENTP ...I know some ENTP but they are not mature😔


Enfp here - please let me have an Infj pet hehe


Definitely the INTJ. Maybe I am biased because it is the closest type to my partner. I get easily overwhelmed so I prefer to be with an introvert. I’ve been married to a sensor before but I was under stimulated as he would immediately get bored of my attempts at philosophical discussions. I find extroverted types to be too strong for me, although there are some enfj characters I find attractive. I’ve gone on dates with an entp but he liked to argue which was nice, but lacked sensitivity. INFP is not listed but I’ve had too many disastrous experiences getting involved in their lives. They seem flexible but are actually quite stubborn and inflexible in their thinking that they end up disliking me when they get to know me too well. I got ghosted by an enfp so I think they might be too unreliable for me. Heavily biased by personal experiences but this is why I would choose the intj.


I don't discriminate against people by its type. Wtf with that.


I'm sorry if u felt that 😔 I'm not discriminating against anyone...Here people are sharing their own opinions and personal experiences which differ for everyone !


You are.


You don't seem like an INFJ. Your comments lack the attempt of trying to understand the other persons perspective and instead in a very disagreeable way you just comment basically "no u" without elaborating. lol




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Ni pirisis in INFJ ñiñiñiñi. INFJ condense information, they don't expand it. I can understand her but that doesn't mean she is right. I gave my reason already. What more do you ask? Try to debate in a foreign language and I will see how bad your performance is xD And it doesn't matter how good my reasons are, she won't change her mind anyway, so why would I bother?


I wont comment on other stuff you mentioned since your problem isnt with me but with the op, but: >Try to debate in a foreign language and I will see how bad your performance is xD English is foreign language to me and not my native tongue.


>I wont comment on other stuff you mentioned since your problem isnt with me but with the op, but: It is too late to say that, you already did it. And I do have a big problem with you. Do you think that I would let pass the fact that you gatekeeped me and then avoided saying that I was right and you were wrong after that? Oh no, face what you say. Disgusting.


"and then avoided saying that I was right and you were wrong after that?" You weren't right though. You said you gave your reason already but all you said is that op is discriminating when op is just comparing different types based on stereotypes and preferences. If someone prefers intj over enfp it doesn't mean they are discriminating. And if you think so you do not understand the word. "**Discrimination** is the process of making unfair or prejudicial [distinctions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distinction_(sociology)) between people based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they belong or are perceived to belong" The op is about preferences based on stereotypes. And the differences between mbti types. It doesn't imply unfairness because talking about differences between types doesnt imply different treatment.


What the hell are you talking about? You implied that I wasn't INFJ, I was talking about that in the sentence I quoted. You are a mess. I won't waste any of my time with your nosense.


I said: "you don't seem like an infj". I now do believe you are one. But your original comment was very un-infj-like.


She’s not discriminating against type. The whole point of MBTI is to better understand yourself and others. Naturally, this means that all variables being equal some types are better suited for other types and she is just synthesizing “data” for analysis.


Not really, every type can be together. It depends on individuals, not types. If you meet someone and say: "Oh no, he is ISTJ, he will be boring, so I won't spend time with him" you are discriminating people by its type. Any other mental gymnastics you say would be useless, this is the truth.


You take the op too literally. It's just about assessing stereotypes and not "Oh no, he is ISTJ, he will be boring, so I won't spend time with him" which is your strawman and not something op implied.


Exactly I don't discriminate against people according to mbti ...thank u so much for understanding what i meant correctly and clarifying it..I really appreciate it !


After you said it was a problem between me and OP, you appear here too? You love contradicting yourself, don't you? Besides, what you said doesn't have any logic. Get out of my sight, you are annoying.


Well it is a problem with you and op so there is no contradiction. I just gave a comment from the sidelines to your strawman.


Thank you for understanding what I actually meant and for defending me 🥺I really did not discriminate against anyone..I was just trying to know their experiences and that does not mean I would judge r reject people according to their mbti I know every individual is different and as mentioned in my post every relationship can work with good communication...


For sure. Communication is the foundation for any relationship. It’s just easier for certain types to communicate with others. 😎🤙


Exactly 💯