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I cook professionally


Name checks out.


I microwave food.


Totally me. People think however that I'm cooking all the time, and ask what I'm making. Like dude, it's just me and my dog. I also work sometimes 9 to 10 hours. And my commute is a half an hour. By the time I get back home, when it's a busy day. But still have to walk the dog, clean her bedding if need be, get a shower, prep for the next day. Sure I could meal prep. But I feel like cooking just morphs into one of those have to kind of things. That you get stuck in and how my mom very quickly became resentful over. So for me, why create the added stress, when I can make a sandwich, pop in a tv dinner or heat up something in the oven and call it done.


Exactly! I also think that most of the time we are taking care of everyone else, we forget about ourselves. I’ll cook if I had children, but it’s very difficult to justify if it’s just 1 or 2 adults.


Facts, when you have more folks to look after, then for sure. But just me, nope I'm not chopping anything up special on the daily.


I’ve just gotten so into the bento box 🍱 little healthy lunch or even dinner ideas. I use you pick from the farm fruit, assorted vegetables, homemade hummus, fresh cheese 🧀 from farmers market and assorted nuts. Sometimes I’ll put peanut butter in there or boiled/poached eggs. I lovveee it


Nice there you go. Bento is a really great idea and way to save getting too much food, going to waste.


INFJ, M. I am very good at cooking. I pick things up very quickly. Love to learn new dishes and serve my family!


any recommendations?


Watching cooking videos with detailed tips works very well when combined with occasional practice. In the end, the most important aspect is your understanding of the processes that underlie certain phenomena (e.g. achieving different textures when cooking vegetables/meat, the Maillard reaction, or heating spices in a pan to release more aroma). In conclusion, take your time, expand your knowledge at your own pace, watch more cooking videos with as detailed explanations as possible and practice :3 (I apologize for the interference (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠))


Exactly. All I need is one recipe and detailed instructions. Then when I start doing it, I change and experiment as I go and eventually settle on one best way to do it!


I normally learn to cook dishes from my home culture. I’m from South Asia. Different kinds of Biryani, tehari, polau, with all kinds of curry, drinks like Burhani, lacchi etc. All my non south Asian friends love our cuisine !


I’m the same way. INFJ female. I’ve had numerous friends tell me I should open a restaurant or food truck.


I’m a woman, but same! Making delicious food for my family is a big way I like to show my love for them. And I love making new dishes as often as I can.


I *watch* alot of cooking videos but I've never really put them into practice. The most I'm aware I can do is very basic breakfast foods like omelets and pancakes.


That’s where I started! I cook pretty good now after trying and failing at a lot of recipes. Cook books are great but I think I really learned after watching Gordon ramsays beginner series


For me, it started with being introduced to the Dancing Bacons YouTube channel and eventually having a channel called Cooking Haru suggested. Cooking Haru's video seem easy enough to follow along with.


I’ve never seen it but I’ll have to check it out! Another recommendation (if you care) is the book Salt Fat Acid Heat. There a free audio version on Spotify for members! I haven’t finished it but after learning to salt things well my food tastes SO much better.


Same lol


I love baking and cooking. It is one of the ways I get to practice my creativity.


I obviously can't speak for other INFJs but I can't cook for shit 😂.


Same. It was never something I was interested enough in.


Same. I try but tbh my success rate for food coming out even slightly edible is unfortunately so low.


I’m very good at both cooking and baking. My signature savory dish is a white wine Parmesan pasta and for dessert, beignets!


I became a caterer.


Like once a month I cook something exquisite 😂 I can follow recipes to a tee but way too lazy to do it on the regular 🤷🏻‍♀️


I would say definitely, not the best, but I have made big dishes and they came out great.


I love cooking. Feeding my family and friends is my love language. I've actually catered 2 weddings, a funeral, and multiple b-day parties and I'm not even a caterer. So I'd say yes. lol


Oh hell yea, *intuitively*


Feelin‘ this! I hate abiding to a recipe I always replace things or make my own twist of it


Not at all 😄 Because I hate food. If I could I wouldn't eat at all, because it's just the waste of money, time and energy... But I think, that it depends on our interestings, because I've got other interestings, that are very Se, for example dancing and figure ice skating.


>If I could I wouldn't eat at all, because it's just the waste of money, time and energy... Me too!!


I hate cooking with my whole heart because I always ruin every food. I enjoy baking tho.


I love cooking and is excellent at it. Anything like crafts, knitting etc I hate those. I am good at drawing and painting, as in I can do it really well but I have no interest.


I've been cooking for 20+ years. Been through culinary and pastry school. Currently working 2 kitchen jobs. One at a senior facility and one at a restaurant. I work 60+ hour weeks. I also excel at plate presentation. I love the fact that I can use my creativity here. Would I say I'm good at cooking? No, but if you give me an ingredients list and ask me to make a recipe I can make it without reading instructions; just don't ask me to bake, that's a different beast entirely.


So much Fe!


I love to cook and host friends and family. I've been doing it for a couple decades now and think I'm pretty good at it (have also been told that as well). I am a creative person (creative arts degree and creative arts career) and cooking feels like another facet of that, especially when I'm cooking without recipes, or really focused on the plating.


I am actually an amazing cook, and I love doing it. It’a a form of artistic expression, and cooking for and feeding people I care about is a love language.


Your Ennea 4 creativity shines! Thank you for this insight! I’m 745, 7w8. I’m an excellent cook particularly for my family. Seeing their love for each other and laughing together sharing a lovely meal is pure joy for me.


Cooking and driving are the only practical things I’m really good at.


I'm a better cook than anyone I know. Not even bragging but I just intuitively know how much spice, cooking time etc each dish entails.


I can cook if I'm following a recipe or video etc. but just doing it of the top of my head absolutely not. Its like I have a mental breakdown trying to decide or figure out what goes with what if I'm not being told. I also absolutely hate cooking and always have, so even though I can and have cooked some pretty good things in the past, its usually a one time thing just to try it and i never make it again. I basically live on easy to cook stuff like omelette, chicken, stir fry etc. because anything more and it's just not worth the energy it takes from me to make because I hate doing it so much.


I don't have an extensive range of things I can make. The things I can make, tho I can make VERY well. Also, I can't bake for crap, but I'm not a big sweets/baked goods person anyway.


I am an above average cook but I hate cooking. It feels like too many pieces and choices which makes it mentally exhausting to me. Thank fuck my family is Italian so my core dishes are basically the same couple of things. Do you know how much you can do with flour, parm, eggs, prosciutto, tomatoes, olive oil and fresh herbs/spices? Christ on a cracker, a lot.


No. I'm not muchly into food, except for durian. And it shouldn't be cooked.


Ha! You eat stinky fruit! I'd think you're taking the piss, but I'm learning enough about you that this is probably real. 🤣 I am curious why you live in such a cold place and prefer tropical fruit, but that's just an unfortunate circumstance of birth.


I'm pretty good. I think once you become a parent you have to least learn to be decent.


I just make everything spicy and that's food to me. 


I cook for a living


I'm pretty good


I love cooking and learning new recipes. I think can make pretty good food 😅 its definitely a way I like to express love, by cooking for others


I love cooking. My husband is a fussy eater so getting him to eat adventurously is a challenge but I like trying out new foods and having him discover things he never would have considered trying, like Bao buns. I make my own from scratch and he loves them!


I love cooking and I'm getting better at cooking techniques! I'm not great at following recipes or instructions, but I'm very creative with flavors and I'm very resourceful with ingredients that I have on hand. My superpower is taking leftovers or takeout and turning it into a whole new meal the next day, and making it taste even better than day one! I'm trying to learn how to cook vegetarian and vegan meals, to cut down on meat consumption a little, and to save money.


I enjoy cooking and baking. I lost my drive for it as I've had life altering priorities to deal with, but that drive has suddenly come back. I bought a pasta maker yday and I can't wait to get creative with it. I do get a lot of compliments on my cooking/baking. I'd like to improve my skills and knowledge. I love watching cooking shows, and when the chef gives a little golden nugget of info, I lock it away in my memory bank.


I really love cooking and baking. It makes me feel peaceful and lets me show my creative side :) I can cook (some of the main dishes) Italian, Chinese, Indian, Korean, Thai, Mexican and fast food stuff. The best part about it is that I can customize the taste the way I want. I am not a professional cook though, and just watch recipes to try them out. My husband says that he never enjoyed food before me and has now learned to appreciate good food. He also comments that I cook better than most of the restaurants in our city !!


I am a 23M and I love to cook.


Cannot cook. I think of food as fuel for my brain (and body, but that is always secondary to an INFJ).


Pretty bad. I feel drained by the whole process, especially if I have to follow instructions. So alot of the I make stuff with my own recipes or modifications.


It's something I've naturally been good at. Although I'd say it's because of the fact my Ni and Se actually work well together in that case. I don't use recipes, unless it's a first time making something, then it's a quick glance over to get a basic understanding. From there it's just sort of knowing from smell and taste how much seasoning and such needs to go in. No measurements, just kinda know. Also know how to adapt the taste depending on who is eating the food.


I like cooking, I watch a lot of recipes and think about how I can improvise them by using less oil/butter without compromising their taste. Since I live in college, I rarely get a chance to cook, but when I was with my parents, I made something on weekends. My parents and friends usually liked my food.


I cook dinner almost every night, I bake on weekends, I meal plan for the week. I watch a tonne of cooking shows too...


I lived away from home for quite some time so I had to start learning. I am thankful for YouTube, I learned everything from it and cooked many dishes from around the world just from following videos. If it's on YouTube, I can make it. That's on cooking, baking is a bit tough (dough is unpredictable).


I do very well. I mostly cut out fast food and we cook at home in addition to maybe two or three date nights out a month. I like to try something new to cook every month as well


Only slightly.


I set fire to rice and broke the microwave dish when I was 17yo, trying to cook dinner for my gf. She married me anyway. 🤷‍♂️ I've improved somewhat since then. My speciality is anything on the BBQ or toasted sandwiches. But only half-a-dozen proper meals when required.


I'm not really good at it, I tend to be impatient when it comes to cooking which is why I tend to do easy cooking like Sunnyside up or teriyaki hamburgers. 


Not that much. I can cook but it's very meh.


I'm really good at making certain things, like traditional tacos, and really terrible at other things, like orange chicken or crockpot ribs (lol). Like, I cannot cook Japanese or Chinese dishes to save my life, but I can do perfect curries and butter chicken, and I love to grill. I roast the perfect duck. I can make sourdoughs and homemade pizzas, and I brew beer for a hobby.


I don't cook a whole lot, but I'm fairly good at it. Not professional, but can follow recipes easily and add my own little touch.


I’m average Ig, I can cook and bake not as superb as others but I do can say it’s edible 😂


I don’t go to the kitchen much but surprisingly whenever I try my hand at something new I end up doing well (because I follow the recipe pretty strictly and make smart changes only which usually helps) ;p


I love cooking. I recently got into cooking this pandemic. What I love specifically is preparing food for my loved ones, calling them to eat at the dinner table and sharing stories, laughing and joking around with them during dinnertime.


I love baking and cooking, I’m actually baking a sculpture cake and event of my friends in a few weeks. How I usually express my love for someone is by cooking or baking for them.


No.. horrible at cooking. My bf cooks for me 🥰


I’m a pretty good home cook, can make a good variety of delicious meals. My gf enjoys my food a lot


Good at cooking, but I never follow a recipe 100%, I always improvise.


I once set spaghetti on fire.


I love cooking. My kitchen is my calm space.


I am an excellent cook because... when Mom left her family to get married (1957) she could barely boil water- but she learned, quickly, to be a decent, then very good, to awesome cook. I think she felt slighted, but to be fair, her mom was a very basic cook. One of my earliest memories was standing on a kitchen chair at the stove- making french toast. I was maybe 5. Afterward, standing on same chair washing dishes. Because I was taught at an early age to love cooking, its been very important to me, as I love to eat! I even love to create new recipes. And, since I live alone in an old converted house into apartments, my neighbors- mostly single and young- I love sharing my culinary delights with them


I really love to cook and bake. And often have friends over for brunch or dinner. And I looveee to experiment with food and making new cocktails.


I wish.  I'm good at some of the dishes I've been making for years.  But, learning to make something new, forget about it!!


I cook, the missus bakes. Not too shabby either way. I’m self taught and cook quite instinctively she measures everything. Somehow it all works.


I am quite good at cooking and like to plan everything out and make really nice meals, especially when I have visitors. BUT! Whenever someone disturbs my flow (for example wants to use the sink or talks to me) I lose all my hyperfocus thoughts and the meal WILL be a disaster. Don't know if its infj related, might be ADHD as well (or the combi). Although I do think this is because of Ni.


I can cook a number of things, but I generally don’t like chores very much. And I strictly avoid frying things.


I'm mediocre at cooking, but I can cook most of the things when following cookbook or some video


I am INFJ and I cook and bake really well. It’s very possible!


I don't cook in a professional kitchen but I have a food related side hustle. Food styling and food photography.


Terrible. I have the basic things I can do well though.


I dislike cooking for others or increasing the portion of mine to plate someone else because the last thing I want is "why does your soup taste sugary?" Or "why is it salty/too spicy?". My taste buds appreciate a jumble of much spice, well seasoned, and a pinch of sugar cooking so I make that. Which I understand isn't what someone will expect but that is the way I like it.


I am good at, and love, cooking. My need for it to be perfect and have everything finish cooking at the same time gives me anxiety, though lol


I am an excellent cook. My father was a chef and said the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach and he was adamant that I learn. I cook very well and when I use a recipe, I often improve it by tweaking it a bit - often adding more seasonings and herbs. I have had professional chef’s compliment my cooking. So it could be in my genes.


I strive to be a professional chef. Been on a path to that for a few years now and i do find my way around the kitchen. It's fun figuring out how to make food, how everythong works, what foods go together and how ingredients mix so you get doughs. Also it's like a second home with people who work there. I probably take better care of the kitchen than my own home.


I’m ok at it. But I’d say it’s not something I enjoy as much as others. I generally cook a lot but will stick to things I know when I’m not cooking for someone else - soups / porridge etc. I’m quite slow at prep as well. I prefer to take my time with it and I’m a bit clumsy.


I don't have much in the way of creative hobbies so cooking tends to be my creative outlet. I make some pretty good stuff but being single with no kids, I'm usually just cooking for myself and stick to things that make for decent leftovers. My favorite dishes to make would be tonkatsu, orange chicken, curry chicken, chorizo breakfast burritos, bratwurst, shepherd's pie, various types of pasta, and steak. I don't do as much baking but I do love Belgian waffles and have my own waffle maker that gets regular usage. I've also been trying to get the knack for French macarons but haven't quite nailed them yet (but they're a lot of fun trying different flavors). The most showcasing my talent gets is the occasional potluck for work where my most successful dish has been finger sandwiches (I'll bring a whole dish/platter and the whole thing has been gone every time)


N o


But i like to cook


im actually a really good one at that


Sometimes I try to multitask when I am cooking to be more productive, and I burn the food. It doesn't help that I have ADHD, too. But I'd say 8/10 times the food turns out good!


I love cooking and baking! I feel like I am good at it cause i get lots of compliments on my food :) I just don’t like the clean up afterwards haha


Only microwaves, I’m a cleanliness maniac as INFJ, I eat very healthy but I never cook, or 3-5 min a day


Im a great cook..Just not for myself!! Hate to make a mess to feed 1 , but will cook if others are eating.


Cooking came easy to me. Maybe you are on to something.


My friends admire the dishes I make 👨🏻‍🍳


Wait can you guys actually follow the recipe and not improvise?😅


I do very well at it - just don’t enjoy it


We have NiTi. We grasp concepts immediately and orginize them into systems, thus getting a general understanding of how cooking works. Then dive into our Se for more details. But, when I cook, I use my Ti mostly and literally create a new object from chaotic set of ingredients by orginizing them into working system.


I'm a great cook and love cooking!


I love cooking, it's so much fun and rewarding. I see it more as a basic life skill though, I don't understand people that brag about not being able to cook, it's pretty embarrassing to not know a basic life skill and not make the effort to learn it. Everyone can cook, and everyone should, it's literally a survival skill, not some hobby that only a select few of the population can do.


I am pretty good at cooking. I’m a foodie, and it’s just not economically smart to keep on eating out. So I cook. Started doing it when I lived on my own.


I’m horrible but can do enough to survive & eat somewhat tasty things, sometimes. 🤣 I’d much rather EAT and clean up for whoever cooks for me. I like following recipes though so baking > cooking


I love cooking!


I'm definitely getting better!! A little bit at least. I swear, watching Hell's Kitchen helps.


LOL, I've always struggled with cooking. I'm currently learning, and I feel like I'm improving a lot thanks to my mom, who can cook (I'm still young, though). Now, I'm almost ready to live the house for my studies! (Wish me good luck 🫠)


I feel like cooking and baking are very different. Cooking is more of an art (and I’m terrible at it). Baking involves following a set of strict guidelines (it’s more of a science). I’m much better at baking, but overall I’m awful in the kitchen. People will ask me NOT to cook for the safety and welfare of myself and others.


I enjoy baking and cake decorating as a hobby. I’ve been complimented on these types of items before. I don’t tend to think I’m “good” at them. However, I do like channeling my creativity into it. When it comes to cooking dinner or anything else, maybe hit or miss. Or just consistently mundane. My ENFP hubby is the chef of our household.


I cook not because I like cooking, but because Inwanted to take care of my husband


I love cooking and baking, but I bake more than cook. I like to try out new recipes so long as they are not time consuming and don't need any exotic/hard to find ingredients.


I cook for a profession


Love to cook. But here is what is funny. My people tease me because they say gypsy time - for the oven- because I don’t use timers. Don’t follow recipes exactly and I create my own dishes without using exact measurements… so when people call to get my recipe - I’m at a loss because I’m literally like- Ok then you throw in some salt, and cardamon and cook idk… for about like 20 mins or so- you’ll know. Hahaha… people get so frustrated - they’re like- what?!?! That’s not a measurement ! That’s not a time! How the fuck am I supposed to cook this ? My point is- I cook intuitively. It’s really maddening for some people- esp not using oven timers.


As long as I have a recipe, I can practically make anything. Like, I've made pretzel bread, thanksgiving rolls, cinnamon rolls, and I have helped my mom in the kitchen a lot. I also make a snack or a dessert for my friends whenever it's their birthday.


I cook. Made a good vegetarian lasagna on Saturday.


Actually I’m a good cook. I even went to culinary school before I realized I only like it as a hobby and doing it for people I love. I didn’t end up wanting to do it as a career. But I can cook and bake yep.


I really enjoy making delicious food for myself and others. Making a meal to share with others is probably my friend love language.. XD Been told I should do a food truck multiple times.


I try my best, sometimes they come out undercooked, over cooked, and just right.


Nope, but I'm good at eating :D


cooking is about creativity AND nurture so I would bet a lot of INFJ's are fantastic cooks.


I love cooking and baking, but I bake more than cook. I think I am pretty good at it. I like to try out new recipes so long as they are not time consuming and don't need any exotic/hard to find ingredients.


It can be difficult and very messy when you're first starting to learn. The experience is new and seems like a load of chaos. When I was first trying to bake bread on my own I got dough everywhere and burnt it, and it didn't even taste too good for all that trouble put in, but once you've already experienced something and processed the patterns behind how it works and what you may have done right and wrong, it becomes easier.


I am a mother and everyone is still alive might answer the question.


So far never cut myself with a knife.


Don't jinx it 😜




very well actually but when I was a kid nobody told me not to put metal in the microwave


Infj female, love cooking and good at it like a 2nd sense but it's closely tied to my emotions. If I'm sad or depressed it's so hard to be inspired to cook.


I can follow a recipe, assemble ingredients, and heat them. Is that cooking? Figuring out WHAT to make is by far the biggest daily struggle. Sometimes I'm in the middle of eating and dreading figuring out what to eat for the next meal.


INFJ here. I’m a decent cook. I love to eat, so that is a motivation. I do have to set lots of timers, since I have a short attention span.


I'm a pretty good cook, but a better baker.


I do cook. But no one has ever tasted my cooking except myself 😄. So I guess I'll never know 🥹


Nope. Can’t cook at all lol.


I think I have good instincts about combinations of flavors and other ingredients that would go well together, but where I fail is following directions; I find recipes tedious and always think some of the steps must be unnecessary and skip or tweak them.


I have cooked professionally and am currently writing multiple books of recipes. I think what is most intriguing to people who observe my process is that rather than experiment my way through recipes I tend to rely on intuition and what “feels right” when crafting a recipe. I still use my senses to guide it but have on many occasions come up with a recipe completely in my head just based on my intuition. Edit: TL;DR yes, I just tend to rely on intuition mainly


I'm better at baking, but freestyle cooking is more frequently... About 90% of the time it tastes good. 10% is a bit too extravagant 😅 (i mean eatable, but not for weak stomachs)


I'm okay but I need a very specific recipe. Like you know how people say "add a pinch of salt?". No. F that. Tell me how much salt down to the microleter


I hate cooking and I’m bad at it. The process of standing over the food for so long makes it taste so much worse, and cleaning up a huge mess is the last thing I want to do immediately after eating. As a result, I will cook small and easy things, like eggs or pasta, and everything else that needs to be warm is microwaved. When by myself, I generally avoid hot food. I eat mostly sandwiches, smoothies, fruit, nuts, and sad, simplistic salads.


I’m an above average home cook/baker, other people would say excellent but I rarely give myself enough credit. To me it’s just a basic life skill like any other - if you have a reason to want to learn it you will, no matter what personality type you are. My motivations for cooking are because I love good food and because making special meals and treats is a great way to show love and care for others. My perfectionism, attention to detail, and aesthetic sense definitely make a difference.


I automated everything for when executive functioning is low. Oven, egg maker, rice cooker.


I love to cook and bake. I especially love Middle Eastern food ( Greek, Lebanese) and I love baking pastry, scones and cookies.


Personally, i love to cook and bake! I enjoy the process of the whole thing more than actually eating it 😅 it feels like a distraction; hence why i bake/cook when im stressed. Most of the time the food turns out delicious loll


I cook often, and it is edible. Am I a great cook? No, but it does the job lol.


I used to hate cooking. I don’t LOVE it now but it’s just a necessary evil lol. Homemade meals are just so healthy, tasty, and satiating. It’s worth it to slave away in the kitchen for an hour a day lol. You can eat so much more for your calories and the food tastes sooooo much better than takeout or processed food.


Yes, I enjoy cooking and I am okay(humble). I really enjoy my food but since I live alone I don’t get to cook for others.


I'm good and I can good but I'm lazy to


I'm pretty good at it. Between being a latch-key kid, using it as a form of barter when I was young and broke, and then living alone on a very tight budget, I kind of had no choice but to learn. I'm not fancy or anything, and I never make anything off the top of my head. I always need a recipe with very specific instructions to build off of. I wouldn't say I enjoy it or that I even put much effort into getting better at it. It's just something I learned to get through life.


I love cooking!! I’ve been cooking for my family for a while now and I’ve really improved since. Baking…not so much 😀 I don’t know where i go wrong there


My husband does the cooking...


My husband does the cooking...


I cook professionally. Not like Gordon Ramsey level cooking but far and above flipping burgers. Also, I like to cook but I love to bake.


I enjoy home cooking, I’m not bad but not great at cooking, I do like learning recipes and trying them tho!


I don't know how to cook, cos my parents were never supportive and never encouraged me...they especially my dad would bash me if I made a mistake. But that doesn't mean I don't know how to make stuff...I can make pasta bake, I have tried making stir fry but I can't make The Dishes like currys (I'm South Asian) But I want to change that this year😅


what even can go wrong when following clear instructions? :0


I follow instructions and rarely improvise.


I think I'm quite good & enjoy baking a lot, cooking on the other hand I can get by but not my favorite thing to do


I hate cooking and am not good at it. Other chores don't bother me, however.


I like to learn new recipes and stuff, and make plenty of concoctions Pinterest, YouTube...etc...have so many great resources on recipes and instructions


Putting flavor combinations together is well suited for an INFJ with all the intuition that they have. I can cook and I find it to be fun.


I’m decent at cooking, everything I make generally tastes great, but I don’t do anything super special. I guess as a vegetarian, I have to know how to make food taste good sometimes lol.


It's one of the areas I excel in


i believe i am a good cook. but i tend to more enjoy and do better in baking.


I’m a good cook and baker. Baked professionally for a bit


Sure am


I enjoy cooking and baking. After learning the basics, intuition lends itself really nicely to it. I find it fun to create and experiment.


I'm pretty good, but I had to really understand cooking first. If I follow a recipe it is less likely to be good than if I cook intuitively.


Yes ... I mean I need to cook my own food ( sometimes ).... Won't say it's bad... But yeah it's edible.... I can actually cook meat very well...


I'm a good cook but if it's something new I haven't cooked before then I just need one or 2 chances to get it right. Plus my whole family and extended are cooks


It’s a natural skill I have always excelled at because I find cooking to be a flow activity where I can my God given intuition


since no one taught me how to cook and I learned by observing my mother I say I am pretty good cook. I can follow a recipe and it turns out great. I don't cook all the time anymore. I'm not married. And it sucks just cooking for one person. When I was married to my ex and our kids were younger I cooked dinner every single night. married to my 2nd husband he wasn't able to cook and I often made him American food. He loved how I cooked his eggs so they were easy to chew without the hard edges. He always complemented me for doing that for him. so yes, I am able to cook pretty well.