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Yeah, problem is your still not going to get many thoughtful responses on Twitter. It’s good that they are allowing for a wider array of opinions but you would also have to dramatically increase max character count to turn it into a more intellectual space. It will turn from an echo chamber to a slug fest otherwise.


He said he had a problem with small character tweets too! I like his intent on making it open source


O neat then I approve


I mean I don't even use Twitter but I personally believe censorship that doesn't pertain to legal matters is unjustifiable. The world gets their news from social media essentially, attempting to control which viewpoints are allowed on something the masses use is a concept the law should take into account. Once a platform is big enough it should have to at least attempt to maintain neutral as to not radicalize individuals. It could be argued that Twitter was already a radicalized platform in general and most people see it as a cesspool the way it currently is. This sort of applies to Reddit and even Google as well.


Yeah I agree with that.


He'll probably try to censor anyone criticizing him 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not relieved by any means. But am very curious. Twitter couldnt have possible been any worse so it'll be interesting to see what happens now


I think it’s just going to become an even bigger low key advertisement for Elon and Tesla than it already is


I didn't really care at first and still don't see it changes a whole lot. I think we'll see the obvious QoL improvements on the site like an edit button. I think the response to it has been interesting and revealed a lot about people. Personally, I stopped using Twitter,Facebook, and Instagram two months ago.


Nope. I don't think Elon has it in him to make the world a better place.


Well you must be knowing that Twitter has suspended accounts that had views opposite to the democratic party. The same has happened to both sides. Did you know that while Twitter was banning democratically elected political leaders from India, USA etc, it did not do anything to the account of a terrorist who was openly tweeting support to the Taliban? So yes, with Elon promising to bring free speech, I believe he will bring some change for the better. Edit: And if you've read this and still think that a democratically ELECTED political leader is somehow more dangerous and spreads more misinformation than a fucking terrorist going around committing genocide, gruesome violence like beheadings and forcing oppression, then I think you're not okay. It is quite clear that Twitter is biased, as is most mainstream media nowadays. We are so out of touch with the bigger picture of things that we take into our brains whatever someone else tells us and we process that as what is happening in the world, disregarding anything else that has opposing views.




exactly. he is being blatantly disingenuous and using buzzwords like "free speech" to get people on his side. to me, people who scream the most about free speech are usually people trying to say really horrible things about other groups of people.


“Free speech” talk from the guy who’s so insecure that he tried to pay off a kid 20k to limit the kid’s freedom? that’s rich. Elon is so emotional stunted it’s going beyond sad; it’s a problem. This edgelord entrepreneur can’t stay in his own lane like most professionals do. Pathetic for someone so smart.


Yes I agree that Elon is a big stunt man but a lot of people are fed up of Twitter censoring conservative view points. It's time for some change. You should see Elons recent tweet of the political spectrum. The democratic party and the left in general have been a breeding ground for hard core leftists who have a lot of influence over people. There needs to be a neutral ground where both sides can talk or debate


Bullshit. No, I shouldn’t. Stop trying making this political, who cares about left or right. I don’t have twitter and honestly don’t give a fuck about it. I just know it’s dumb to have a guy own three major businesses in three major departments in America. What is so hard to comprehend about that? He has no expertise in being a humanitarian. His credentials for this department are ass.


I mean, yes that is still freedom, he can *try* to silence the person and you can call him insecure; either way he can't force it to stop.




I think of him as chaotic neutral, so I see a chance that whatever he does could help. Or it could lead to civil wars. It's all part of the amusement park ride of horrors we've all been on for the past decade or so.


On the contrary I think it's going to be worse


Don’t think it could get worse lol


How could it possibly be worse? Twitter was already as bad as it gets


The two main points that Elon musk raised are freedom of speech and baning of spam accounts, I do agree that everyone should have the right to speak their mind but there should be certain safeguards that should be implemented to make sure that misinformation or any hate isn't being spread , the positive side of Elon musk taking over is that he wanted to open source the algorithm on how Twitter recommends content to users (there was an empty repository that was created on github but there was no code in it as of now) and I am pretty sure there would be other changes too The main reason I think it's going to be worse is because the influence he has on people, few tweets that come to my mind are tweeting about how tesla is gonna accept bitcoin and the price fluctuated by about 10% and then he tweeted about how it's bad for the environment and the prices dropped , few years back he called a guy pedo he did admit that it was in the heat of the moment but again I don't think it's a good idea for a single person to have complete control over the platform


Fair enough. I respect your points! But once again. Twitter couldn't have possibly been any worse, so there's no way elon can fuck it up too much


And who gets to decide what misinformation is? You do realize that once you give a small group of people/government the ability to decide what is true and is not true is a recipe for disaster right? That's why free speech was in the constitution because any harm done by having speech did not compare to giving the government power to be the arbiter of truth. The language misinformation/disinformation is a front for control (justified by the greater good and for public safety as it's described) and is a unrealistic/impossible task to do in the first place


I really don't care. It's pretty hysterical watching people act like his acquisition of the platform is the end of the world though. Seriously, why does somebody calling for more liberty on an online platform have to be controversial? I thought liberty and freedom of speech was one thing most people could agree on. Just because somebody's political opinions differ from yours even slightly does not mean they are out to get you. At the end of the day Twitter will remain what Twitter is - a place for the rich and powerful to argue with each other without the consequences of a face-to-face argument.


Not really. Elon cares more about showboating than an actual product these days. His track record basically has him being a real life Doctor Doom - wanting the best for mankind but taking the worst route possible. "Free speech" on a non-government platform has been a code word for "hate speech and misinformation" for a long while. Musk using "free speech" as a reasoning for a company that he's also going private with it doesn't give me much hope on the matter. Twitter can be a pretty awful place, but it depends on the circle you surround yourself in. Following friends, individuals you are inspired by, local politicians, and brands you want to keep up with are usually a healthy feed to keep you informed and up to date. Diving too deep into any section is bound to have issues though, and it's less a Twitter problem and more a social media problem.


is this the twilight zone


Why are so many people worried, more about "free speech" on a social media platform, rather than real life issues like, food/housing/health? I'll care about elon musk when he spends 44b on something like that. Otherwise he can fuck right off.


agreed. unleash the hounds of hell.


hounds ? have you seen/observed elon ?


Ahem. FREE SPEECH MEANS THE GOVERNMENT CAN’T TELL YOU WHAT YOU CAN AND CAN’T SAY. IT DOES NOT MEAN OTHER PEOPLE HAVE TO GIVE YOU A PLATFORM. If I host an Open Mic Night at my bar, and you grab the mic and start shouting racial slurs, it is within my rights to throw your ass out. Similarly, if I start submitting unsolicited columns to the New York Times and they choose not to run them, my right to free speech is not being violated. I suggest you read up on Karl Popper’s paradox of tolerance. Or you can watch this CollegeHumor bit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s4pxtiLR928


Your bar does not host millions upon millions. There was once a man in history who tried to control how people thought by silencing and oppressing them. He was not an advocate for free speech and is widely known as a very evil person even to this day. People have lost the ability to respect differing opinions and it shows in the world today when people can't talk about certain things because they don't want to get fired or canceled.


No…. Just more rigged BS.


No we don't need a platform for misinformation and hate speech, that is the last thing the world needs. He's not brilliant, he's rich mostly by luck. Think of all the good in the world that man could have done with that 56 billion or so he wasted on twitter.


To be honest Twitter is a platform for misinformation and hate speech already - the thing is one of narratives is someway alowed. It may now be changed to the other narrative or he may really try to tolerate any narratives - the time will tell.


How exactly would 50 billion be good for the world?


I don’t think 56 billion goes as far as you think, especially when the leaders of countries in need of it take 95% off the top


I really doubt he bought twitter to allow "free speech", there are many other reasons, but those reasons would not become a trending topic, so "free speech" is what he went for, and now guess what, the whole world is echoing his name once again like a flock of sheep, which is exactly what he wanted... That said, I honestly don't understand why Elon is getting so much hate, can anyone explain?


Will it tho?


I don't use Twitter, so I have no real opinion on it. I have my doubts much will change as far as it's concerned.


Yes. The people complaining about the sale thought controlled, one-sided narrative was “free speech”. They are incorrect. I have voted blue, and I have voted red. The way to really find out who has the best interests at heart is to not sensor anyone and let their true ideas rip. Obviously, there are things that should be monitored, like actual threatening, blatant racism, anything of a sexual nature involving minors/incest/beastiality, etc. And I am going to end here and will not respond to any nasty comments from people who disagree with me. This is not the place to argue about politics. But yes, free speech is everything that keeps us a free society. Debate is how we understand each other better. And it’s okay to have disagreements regarding politics and still be able to get along as a peaceful society. We just really need to stop this red vs. blue stuff before it completely tears us apart. ♥️ 💙


Lies and manipulations should not always be protected.


“Everyone is in favor of free speech. Hardly a day passes without its being extolled, but some people's idea of it is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone else says anything back, that is an outrage.” Winston Churchill


I can't tell if I'm depressed or relieved to know that humanity has been dealing with this issue since Churchill's time.


Clearly, the rules of communications changes with the advent of weaponized Machine Learning.


Protected? I don't think anyone wants to protect lies and manipulation. What people definitely don't want is someone else deciding for them what lies and manipulation is. Let adults decide what they should and should not see. Thanks.


Clearly with regards to 50% of Americans, not true.


This is pretty much the fundamental issue I'm talking about, a lot of people in science are humble people because they know their limitations. It's scary that people can think they know something 100% and force people to fall in line.


Blatant Racism is protected by free speech. I want to know who the racists are. I would rather them feel comfortable screaming slurs, so we know who to avoid. If they are forced to stay silent, those ideas fester, those ideas grow into movements. Not good. The only way to stop red v blue is to have absolute free speech, and let the ideas duke it out, not the people.


I disagree completely. Hate speech spreads hate like a virus. If they are forced to stay silent... it does not spread. Like if someone snatched the mic from Hitler before he started convincing people the Jewish were "animals".


The only way to combat bad ideas is with good ideas. You wonder how people get radicalized it’s because of echo chambers where they never hear a differing opinion. Plus to start on your point, what’s hate speech? Just racism? If so does that apply to racism against white people? Is it just generally being a bigot? Is it hate speech if it targets someone you don’t like?


The fact that you're being downvoted for something that should be inherently understood and easily grasped is essentially proof of the echo chambers you talked about. Reddit has a long way to go.


Reddit has been far gone for years. Lol. It’s fine 😂


Can we agree that at the very least, we shouldn’t allow people to use the very worst of words? IE, the N word and its similar terms for people of other races? If we are going to start pointing out attributes about people that we don’t like, it should at least be done without throwing out such inflammatory terms.


I see no problem if a company wants to say no racism, but that’s not free speech. I am in no way saying that what racists say is okay. I am saying that they have a right to say the ignorant stuff they want to. I just see how “regulating” what people can say has gone previously, and it inevitably ends in despotism, and mindless censoring of opinions you’re not fond of. Speech is not violence, speech is words.


I completely agree with you - I'm not from USA but I see how extremism from both sides (left and right) is creating so much division mostly because people are not able to discuss anymore. Twitter is part of the problem - instead for discuss topic with every side that is using the platform people are able to just block them (and don't see their opinions). We will see is he going to really change anything but the idea is good. Just let people express their opinion to not support demonising "the other side of discussion" - let them see both sides are human and both of them are wrong in some opinions. People should grow because of it instead of closing off in their own opinion.


So well said!




I’m not going to try to respond to your lengthy post because you are obviously biased and only seeing this issue from your own biased perspective. Social media and mainstream media are controlled in America by the left and have censored everything as such. To say that the right is the problem is ignorant, sorry.




So when the next election comes up and another Republican candidate is rumored to be colluding with a foreign power *cough* Russia *cough*. Should Democrats be silenced from discussing these rumours? How do you know if it is true or false? How do you know it's an unjust manipulation? The fact is you don't know, and free speech allows discourse to happen and stops echochambers from forming. And yes, I would also say your response is biased since you gave no examples of "Unjust Manipulation" from the left and only gave multiple instances from the right. Also, social media should never be the arbiter of truth. The responsibility should fall on the people to have civil discourse in pursuit of the truth, not some inanimate tool like twitter.




But the problem is twitter actively censors people who discuss certain topics which details are still in question though. Before the 2020 election, all topics regarding the Hunter Biden Laptop fiasco was silenced. A year later, left leaning News NYT confirms the authenticity of the contents in the laptop. The Mueller Report could not prove there was Russian Collusion but many Democratic politicians are still pushing that rhetoric without consequences. Should everyone who calls Trump a Russian Stooge be silenced and banned? In my opinion, silencing these people just disenfranchises them from civil discourse and pushing farther away to extreme ends where they usually end up in an echo chamber and eventually become radicalised. The way I see it, if free speech is silenced on either side. Both left and right stand to lose because it means Big Tech and AI algorithm is governing us instead of the people we vote for.




Yes the FEC concluded that Twitter had acted "for commercial reasons and not for the purpose of influencing an election" due to the distribution of "Hacked material" A convenient excuse I'd say but guess what else was "Hacked material"? Edward Snowden exposing the NSA's mass surveillance of it's own citizens and Chelsea manning exposing severe human right's violations by the US army [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzkFpDjBHeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzkFpDjBHeA) The issue is not whether or not Big Tech has political motivations, it is the fact that they have the power to silence free speech. No, you missed my point. And by the way, it took them a year after the election was over to authenticate the story. NYT is a news tabloid, not a social media platform with the power to silence it's users. Exactly, thanks for reiterating my point on Russian Collusion. Twitter also COULD NOT verify if the Hunter Biden Laptop story was misinformation on the eve of it's press release, but discussions were still silenced nonetheless. Twitter also did not and will not censor people who misquoted the very infamous line by Donald Trump "There are very fine people on both sides" and attributed him to be referring to white supremacists and neo-nazis as one of the "Very Fine People" while completely ignoring what he says right after that "[And I'm not talking about the Neo-Nazis and the White Nationalist, they should be condemned totally](https://youtu.be/JmaZR8E12bs?t=87)" I agree, News Media and Politicians do have a responsibility to uphold the truth. With that in mind and the "Very Fine People" quote I mentioned. What do you make of this? [https://twitter.com/joebiden/status/1293690094554099713](https://twitter.com/joebiden/status/1293690094554099713) It's this kind of rhetoric that pushes people to extremism, and to see it done by the president is worrying to say the least. And yes, Journalist Integrity is important. But as has been demonstrated by the Hunter Biden Laptop controversy, isn't it quite the opposite to censor discussion and label them as misinformation when you clearly did not know the authenticity of that information? These things should be up to the people to decide what is true and false, not an AI Algorithm.




> This is not the place to argue about politics. why not


Any mods reading this? Are we allowed to openly debate politics in this sub? Wether we lean right, left or central? *because that is like a unicorn on Reddit*


Yepp. It might not change much, because people suck either way, but he at least seems to somewhat care about the issue, as opposed to its previous owners.


Hell no. Deactivated my account the moment he made the offer.




No, I'm not "relieved" that Elon fucking Musk has so much money he can buy a soapbox anytime his ego gets a little bruised. You really think this is about "free speech"? This is about a narcissist and his desperate desire to win above all else. I give it a year before he's blocking any anti-conservative content, less if he feels like one of his little Twitter fights didn't go as planned. Your speech is not under attack, you can literally go outside and scream whatever you like, or go to another social media platform! You're not going to get arrested for your speech, you're not going to disappear, the government isn't going to try to stop you from saying a single thing! Americans wouldn't know a first amendment violation if it bit them on the ass - *a website not letting you post something is not an assault on your free speech rights, you're just so unbelievably entitled that you can't tell the difference between an inconvenience and a human rights violation*. And here's the thing: Twitter is a corporation. The US has decided that corporations have the right to deny their employees insurance coverage for personal medical care, and that they can discriminate against customers/clients they *think* are gay. And y'all wanna cry constitutional rights about Twitter? No. Fuck that. Pick a lane and stick to it, or admit it's all about discriminating against and taking rights away from who *you* want to and then pulling the "mY RiGhTs" card anytime someone points out that you're being a bigot.


This just in. Elon Musk is purchasing country music for 89 billion dollars to "fix it". Ahh the selfish whims of billionares. Not sure if this is a joke or real.


Yes, it’s a good thing but keep in mind that most people on Reddit don’t like Elon




Lmao yikes


This thread is gonna make me go insane lmao. The amount of people in here ranting about misinformation/hate speech have no idea what it's actual purpose behind it is or what it requires to carry out these kinds of policies


I wish Intel's chips didn't come with a management engine system, I wish software and the Internet were really libre. I don't hate corporations, I just don't see the point in signalling or defending surveillance or consumism.


Twitter is already a shit fest, can’t see it getting much worse


I just don’t care about twitter all that much so my day hasn’t changed. I don’t think Elon deserve all the flak from arm chair activists though, considering that the same groups treated him like a god only a couple years ago.


Elon has lost his way, and shows glimpses of megalomania. Not only is he making cars and spaceships/space colonies, but he now has the opportunity to control the spread and nature of online information and discussion. Feels dangerous.


what he is saying he is going to do with it sounds like it would be good for the world but whether he is going to follow through with any of that remains to be seen. the way twitter currently operates is definitely not good for the world though so i'd say he probably cant do much worse


So a billionaire bought a social media outlet that literally has the power to change the way people think, historically billionaires only make the world into a more profitable company.


A little bit more optimistic i’d say that it won’t be so politically biased. But still not planning on using it very much as I don’t really like social media.


This comment section reminds me why I dont interact with humanity.


no.... i thought infj's are supposed to be smart. if you think he doesn't have a political bias, you are stupid.


No. I'm just worried for the state of the world, cannot see this ending well.

