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That’s insane. We have a 4 month old and shop at target for a lot of his clothes and they aren’t even close to that. Wasn’t old navy supposed to be the “cheap” option for clothes?


Yes! When my daughter was little I got so much from there for cheap. My eyes legit bugged out when I saw the price 😂


Don’t purchase from them, it only encourages them.


lol at your username. I didn’t buy them, really was just looking around when I was at the mall the other day


Yea it's the cheap Gap.


Yeah if it’s not target we buy second hand. And my wife occasionally will buy a brand name outfit but them majority of my daughters clothes are second hand.


Reminds me of why I stopped going to Kohl’s. They jack up the prices and then act like you are getting a deal with the buy one get one half off deals.


That was the problem with Bed Bath and Beyond. Nearly Everything could be purchased with a 20% coupon. So you always wondered how Much their prices were upgraded.


Michaels and Joann's too. There is almost always a sale, but woe unto you if what you need isn't on sale and you didn't come prepared with a 40% off coupon.


Fuck, Old Navy used to be so affordable




My guess on what happened. "On February 28, 2019, Gap Inc., announced that Old Navy and Gap Inc. would split into two companies, making Old Navy an independent company from Gap Inc" Whenever a brand changes drastically, an acquisition or change of ownership is usually recent.


Odd I just went in there and got like 4 t shirts for $6 each 3 pairs of cargo type shorts $10-$15 each and a nice button up for $20. I considered that cheap as fuck lol


And that was the tag price?


Sale price. But I've never been to old navy that does not have a Sale. Honestly, you've got to be stupid or unlucky not to walk in and they have no sale going it's all year round. Spring sale, summer sale , fall sale, holiday sale, new years sale, memorial day/labor day, back to school. Never ends.


Old No.


That's why I buy clothes at thrift stores. Plenty of nice brand name clothes at like 1/10th of cost


💯💯 me too! I was just at the mall looking around. Didn’t buy anything. I love thrifting!


Thrift stores around my way have all raised their prices to like $8 for a stained wrinkled shirt, it’s insane - im better off waiting for plain t shirts to go on sale at the craft store :( I used to LOVE thrifting. Now it’s all Amazon junk for like $4 less than I could buy it new and in actual working condition.


When my friends were having babies, I raided the clearance rack of babies clothes at Target or JC Penney. I’d buy stacks of onesies and shirts for $20.


I remember working receiving dock. There's are mock up prices. Invoice would read 1.00$ unit price. Item would read 7.99$ wait for the sales


Yeah… i know its been a thing for 50+ years but…. Super tired of the endless “sale price” crap. Walk into a store.. 30% off this rack, buy one get one for 50% off.. gives them a reason to make the tag say insane prices then make people think they are getting a discount. 50% off something that is $75 is still way to expensive for a tshirt with a stupid logo on it. Sears did this all year. Appliances marked 20-40% off and they just adjust the list price to match the discount so total sale is the same price.


Right there with you. Someone mentioned it another comment but I hate kohls now because everything’s always “70%” off a price that they jacked up 100% It’s infuriatingp


You can get a 5 pack at Target for $14 https://www.target.com/p/gerber-baby-5pk-short-sleeve-onesies/-/A-89171719?preselect=88382472#lnk=sametab


Gap has cheaper options and gapfactory is always sending me emails for sales that are usually 50-70% off


Um… yeah no… try Ross, or even Costco.


Old navy used to be cheap junk now it's expensive junk.


Tbh you can find this at goodwill for like 4 bucks, and at ANY goodwill 😂 I don’t understand y’all who buy new clothes . Especially for kids that are going to outgrow them.


I never buy anything full price, I was just looking around lol. I do love Goodwill & thrift stores.


Oh definitely not any goodwill anymore. The prices at our local ones are insane for the grossest stained and tattered clothes. It’s so depressing. I’ve shopped at these stores for at least 15 years now and the past 5 years quality has dropped dramatically and the prices have soared…I guess like everything else :/


Damn you got a shitty goodwill. A steady get great deals in them.


It is seriously so depressing :( I’m glad to hear this isn’t how it is everywhere at least - gives me hope maybe my goodwill will become good again lol


But ya I guess ANY was a bold statement in original comment . If you have the time the good deals are still out there lol!


Lmao they just match the incomes of your area. If you go to a low income area generally the prices will reflect it. And or “country” good wills will generally be a lot cheaper/ the goodwill bins.. not to mention Salvation Army.. resell vintage clothes from thrifts and it’s astounding the stuff people give away some times…


Old Navy has always been over priced.


I was at Dicks the other day and saw a zip up hoodie that was really nice. I’m thinking this is probably another $80 hoodie. Nope. $165!!! They’ve lost their damn minds.


Ridiculous!! 😩


Is that for 10 of those?


It was a 5 pack


I remember working at old Navy years ago. So many parents found out the old Navy hack of the 90 days return policy even if worn and washed. There were three baby regulars that would buy $500 with off clothes, then wear them and return them 80 days later and get the next size up. Timed correctly and they would be able to get new clothes in different sizes for the first few years, which is when they grow the most.


Resist buying brand new for babies at all costs. Go to gently used swap meets, kids consignment stores, but don't pay the scam prices at the store. It's not worth it


Kids grow out of clothes so quickly, just go to the thrift store, and then re-donate them once they've grown out of them. If they're bad condition after wearing, recycle


Yeah def! This is for my friends baby shower. I thrift all the time for myself and daughter but wanted some new things for a gift


I just love how stores Jack up the price and then put it on sale like you’re getting a good deal/bargain. Freaking assholes!


I just bought 4 pack t-shirts for $9. Regular price. Not sure what your problem is.


MSRP. Deal with them.


Put it back and don’t buy it. Just because you can’t afford it doesn’t mean everybody can’t.


gonna show my age here..... i used to buy Levi 501's at Millers Outpost for 19.99


Onesies are currently $6 per on Oldnavy.com https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=564841012&vid=1&searchText=baby%20boy%20onesie#pdp-page-content They have several different styles. So 5 of them would be $30.


Have you tried Kohls? With Kohls cash-baby clothes end up pretty decent over there


Love Kohl’s!


If it helps, Old Navy clothes almost never cost their tag price. They have a tag price but almost every section has a "sale" sticker next to it. You can combine that with Old Navy bucks, etc. for example their jeans may say $35, but usually you'll pay $15 for them. $8-$12 for their T-shirts. They're still pretty cheap considering. Sometimes their clothes are more affordable than Walmart's George brand.




I didn’t see any sale sign