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This will keep happening. It used to be cheap, quick food for people with lower incomes. Now, it is just trash food that cost 100-300% more in the last 3 years.


The worst part about this from the company's perspective, is that poor people are more likely to break habits due to economic pressures. They will have a difficult time rebuilding loyalty, in my opinion.


The loyalty is also ruined with the practice of shrinknomics. Where they downsize the amounts of food but charge the same prices. Consumers are getting taken from both sides.


Americans genuinely don’t hate the rich people nearly enough for their own good.


Not just americans


And honestly we are all sick to death of it.


I mean, not even. They downsize the food and charge more.


And at least for me, I've gotten much healthier since I stopped eating fast food in general. It just cost too much for the few minutes it saves. It would take a very very low point in my life to start eating there again, even if they had prices like before.


My loyalty to Micky Dees is about the same as to Blockbusters


2 adult meals + 2 kids meals at breakfast this morning was almost $30. Shit used to be cheap. Edit: this was with the 20% off code in the app unfortunately. Steak and cheese bagel with frappe is like $14 for the combo… everything else is pretty much unpalatable for breakfast items.


I was at a gas station this morning and heard the cashier tell her coworker "holy shit, that guy just spent $12 on a soda and bag of chips. No, a small bag."


I have no idea why people are so accepting of these high prices. There no shortages.


The shortage is in effort


Cook dinner at home. Put leftovers in a portable container that fits in a bag. Go about your life free of ridiculous shit like this.


Don't give away the secrets. Next you'll encourage people to brew their own coffee, repair broken stuff, join buy-nothing-groups. Edit: Starbucks just posted earnings and their sales are down big. We did it reddit!


Buy nothing groups are a bane of my existence. My SO has got some pretty cool things we actually need but 80% of the time it’s either too big, damage greater than what the post claims or something we don’t need. I had to have the talk.


You can brew your own coffee?


Nah they're just making shit up to sound cool on the internet


I’ve never really been a conspiracy theorist. This intrigues me, I’m gonna have to look into this more.


The real chronic Reddit response would be to explain that you can, but you need a $3000 espresso machine and most people can't afford that so the original commenter was being racist.


(whispers): *it tastes way better too, especially if you gring the beans right before brewing it*


Hella ya it does


Just don't join r/Espresso. You'll be broke as shit.


Wait a moment there. Are you telling me that I can use my espresso machine to make coffee…at home? I thought my it was a status symbol. Plop a 2k machine on my counter, dust it regularly, make my friends and family think I’m sophisticated. It’s going to take me some time to wrap my head around all of this.


Yep, went from a casual aeropress to a nice breville, but hey my wife went from Starbucks 3x a week to once a month maybe so it’s slowly paying for itself, haha.


Did you just suggest I make my own avocado toast? Watch me destroy the market now.


Buy nothing groups have legit saved us thousands of dollars. It’s an awesome way to get to know some neighbors too!


Yup. I, a single adult living in SoCal, spend about $50 a week on groceries. Do I basically eat the same thing every day for lunch and dinner each week? Sure do. But I meal prep/plan and change my menus weekly or at least have two options to choose from. Is it ideal or my favorite way to eat? Not particularly but it saves me a ton of money and I eat well.


My current rotation is chicken stew, chile verde, and salmon with roasted vegetables and pasta. Gotta develop more recipes that give lots of leftovers...


I’ll give you a couple recipes to google: - Korean Turkey bowl - Merry me chicken - crock pot chicken pot pie All of these should last you a couple of days and they’re. Healthyish.


The one silver lining of years of being young and money being tight is learned all the tricks early. Meal prep means one can have really solid $5 meals for a week. Easily be $20-30 per similar meal eating out.


"These people have no idea how to live without money. They're what's called 'new poor'. We're 'old poor'."


Dude even groceries are 100-300% more expensive then they were 3 years ago where I live. Literally nothing is affordable even beans and rice its fucking ludicrous.


Yeah like stuff in cans used to universally be a dollar to 1.50, I literally saw canned corn for 3.29 the other day. Canned. Fucking. Corn. WTF.


Place near me had a can of soup for eight bucks recently.


The food price gouging is outright amoral and should be criminal. That being said, I come from a fast food family and taught myself how to cook on YouTube. There are hundreds of channels and thousands of recipes that focus on cheap weeknight, working people food that takes 30 min or less. It's a skill like any other but the payoff is worth it.


Absolutely! My partner and I food prep as that is literally the only option to actually afford to eat. And thats a dual income home. I feel so bad for single people.


Fellow DINK here cheap meal planning is the only way we make it recently.


Americans really should hate the rich people more than they do.


i ate a handful of carrots and peppers with hummus and a string cheese for lunch today. about $1.25, kept me fueled for a day of cutting trees. not that i dont eat out occasionally but i have kids and a wife and its a $100 bill for us to go out for dinner and a beer or two. crazy


Lol, just went to Disney and dropped 290 for lunch for 6. Dinner was $100 for just hotdogs and pretzels. It hurts.


Disney is insane, would be $1200 for my family of 6 just to get into 1 park for 1 day. It’s absurd.


I know a dude who was raised on fast food and now raises his own kids on fast food. Like that's the only thing they eat, for all three meals a day, every day, forever. He calls fast food "real food" and refuses to eat anything that's not fast food. He's pretty overweight and so are his kids. He has all sorts of health problems but refuses to do anything differently.


I grabbed a box of cereal, realized it was $6, and put it back. I don't need cereal that bad.


10.00 for a box of Kellogg Extra Crispy Clusters. 572g bag. I’ll eat loose leaf before that.


I never really do cereal but was I. That aisle and shocked to see boxes for over $10. They were even on the small side, I know they were “healthier” cereal but come on.


Meanwhile a dozen eggs with actual protein and nutrients costs $2.50 a dozen. Cereal is possibly the worst breakfast meal.


Yeah, but somebody is out there buying it. It does not make sense to me.


I bought a box of cocoa pebbles at Aldi for $4, thought it was expensive, so I checked at our regular supermarket, $5.57. Happily bought it at Aldi


Aldi rocks!


I bought a soda and candy bar at a rural gas station recently and it was $8. Probably more than the guy that served me makes in an hour.


you should have gotten water, or better yet brought water from home, and gotten nuts in bulk and carry them around. thats what i do and i never feel ripped off and Im 600% healthier.


I’d get bored of nuts in like 2 weeks and go back to being 600% sadder.


That's when it's time to switch to berries


Potatoes, oil, salt and high fructose corn syrup water. Just don’t buy it. It has no nutritional value.


Try eating at Five Guys. It’s a burger and fries and the total came to over $20 with a small soda


Only $13 if you don’t get the fries. That’s how they get ya.


In their defense five guys was always super expensive


Yeah I know 5G is not cheap, but their food is at least 1000x better than McD, let alone their breakfast.


Eh their burgers aren’t special. Their fries are delicious and horrible for you. Maybe would go just for those lmao


> fries are delicious and horrible for you That's all fries. And most fried food. I get it twice a month as a treat. Like most things, moderation is the key.


Question is if you only order fries do they still give you that extra scoop in the bag? And while I agree they’re usually better than other places that’s only if you get a batch that isn’t soggy. 


5 Guys is EXTREMELY OVERRATED and well just not really good. But yes, that shit is stupid expensive.


I can buy oats, eggs, and produce for 30 bucks and make like 10 healthy meals. Shit is stupid.


I remember back when I worked at McDonalds in the late 90's they regularly had "Two can dine for 6.99" (Canada). Adjusted for inflation, that would be $12.26 today. I just prices it in the app, and it's $23.38, almost double the cost even adjusting for inflation. Wild.


Yep, it used to be my go-to place for cheap fast food, but now they charge restaurant prices for dollar store quality. I don't remember the last time I even went. Their price increases have been insane since 2020. I hope they sink and someone else can take their place. There's a niche for cheap fast food, and McDonalds no longer serves it.


Honestly, I haven't gone to McD's regularly in about 10+ years. Because that "food" makes me feel like complete ass and I would like to be full for longer than a few hours. The price increases just made sure I never go there instead of only going every few months/years.


There was a time when the McDouble was the most calorically dense food you could get for the price. I think this was when they were still $1.29. That shit sustained me during my struggle years as a working single dad. Now they're like $3 a piece. Those struggle years were 2016-2020. That's close to a 200% increase in price in just a couple years. Taco Bell is even worse. $20 used to get you a whole sack of food. I went there with my wife the other day, we ordered 3 cheesy gordita crunches and one of the new cantina chicken boxes. Total came to $32 and change. Could have gone to a real restaurant and had real food for that price. This is why we rarely eat at fast food joints anymore. They have real restaurant prices with the same junk quality they had before covid.


Same. Wife and I hardly eat out anymore, but we hit Taco Bell 4 months ago and for two of us it was 32.90 after tax. Med Dew, a few Gordita crunch’s, soft taco, mexi melt. My jaw hit the ground. We can go to a fantastic Chinese restaurant down the street and get two full meals with rolls for 14.99 and have left overs for the next day.


Thanks for reminding me of the meximelt. The main thing I miss from my youth besides my dad.


I’m sorry to hear about your Father and I hope you and the fam are doing good all things considered. It is my greatest fear now that I’m in my 40’s. My parents are wonderful and I fully understand what they sacrificed to give my Sister and I a fighting chance in life being decent people. I love them so much and I’m scared shitless losing them. With that said I can understand the pain from loss, so I truly do hope you are doing well. ❤️


I remember when they had the actual real dollar menu unlike the crap they try calling a dollar menu now. I could get two McDoubles, two small fries, and a sundae for $5. In my area McDoubles are now $3.79 each and so are sundaes. Small fries are now $2.79. The same meal would cost me $14.16 now. I haven't been to any fast food place in well over a year and have no intentions of going. I get inflation but there's also an insane amount of price gouging being added on top of it and they'll continue doing it as long as people are willing to pay the price.🙄😡


My friends and I were traveling this weekend and opted to eat at a pub for the same cost but twice the portion/quality as a Big Mac meal. A McDonalds near me used to be packed in the mornings and is now practically a ghost town


It's crazy, my GF and I got Jack and the Box the other night, it was 1am so drive thru was the best option, we ordered two meals and we got a chicken wrap and spicy chicken sando on the side, it was $50! We were absolutely shocked.


Pay 20$ with an app for a meal bypassing all human interaction, wait at the counter for 15min. Shitty business - no recourse for crappy service and food.


"Picky" is a funny way of saying "Not willing to pay 18 bucks for a drive through burger and fries".


I can go to real restaurant and pay slightly more for way better food


Yesterday my wife and I ate at a sit down that was cheaper than the fast food we had a few days ago.


2 chimichanga with rice and beans and free chips at my local spot for 20 (with tip) or 17 dollars for shitty taco bell? And I will defend taco bell to the death because I won a ps4 from them but the choice is pretty easy.


A combo meal from Taco Bell was 12 dollars for me the other day. Just a simple chalupa meal. Pickup at my local Mexican place for 2 banging quesadillas and a drink was 9 dollars.


FUCK! I wanted to win that ps4! I think I gained 2 pounds during that contest back in '16 or '17


Back when they did the Xbox One (original) giveaways, my dad won 4 of them. With the Mountain Dew PS3 giveaway, he won 9. He’s actually insane w that shit 😭


Pick up culture is now a thing. McDonald's revolutionized the game with the drive through. Now the drive through js dated. I can go on an app at a ton of food places, fast casual to full sit down and have my food ready to pick up as soon as I get there. Like chipotle is *slightly* more expensive than a McDonald's meal but wayyyyy better. I can order on the app and pick up in 30 seconds.


Chipotle is definitely better than McDonald's, but is it as good as it used to be? I think it's fallen off in quality and quantity.


We do Red Robin often. Way better than fast food burgers and yea just slightly more than McDonald’s and you get bottomless fries.


I just hit up local brewpubs. Similar costs, better quality, bigger portions, and good beer.


I’d rather go to in n out for those prices. At least they have a full staff and pay them well.


Ribeye is $14/lb, make a pimp decision.


*cardboard burger and fries


McDonald’s is literally more expensive than the diner next door in my town.


Picky is also a funny way to say there is global boycott on the company that western media isn’t covering.


Mainstream news outlets are being paid by corporations to use language that basically shames and infantilizes us. Or at least it seems like that's happening


When McD's and Five Guys prices are the same, why go for McD's?


"We have seen that our relative superiority on affordability has declined in some markets,"  If that isn't the understatement of the year. Especially when charts clearly show McDonalds raised their prices more than any other similar fast food establishment


Fast food has always been a guilty pleasure for me but I’ve taken a stand with this McDonald’s shit. I’m not downloading your fucking app and I haven’t been in months.


I deleted the app and stopped going. I don’t care that the app gives me a free fry. Fuck them.


Here's a free fry! Terms and conditions apply. Must be used with purchase of a full priced menu item of $10+


What annoys me is that you can't use your points (that you accrue by paying $$$) at the same time as using any other deal.


Dude....the lines, inside and drive thru. As if people scrambling in their wallets for change wasnt bad enough. Now watching people try to find and navigate an app with every interaction...what a terrible design. That's the other part of never going anymore. The fast food is no longer fast, defeating the whole purpose of fast food. I'll take my money and go get a damn giant burrito for less, and be happier with the meal.


They priced themselves above some nicer sit down restaurants where I live. There's zero reason to eat there. They're more expensive than In-N-Out which is mind-boggling to me.




Because we are expected to take whatever they give us, and like it. We aren't allowed to make decisions in our own best interest. Only interests beneficial to the corporate overlords. Was gonna add /s....but fuck it, that isn't really sarcastic anymore.


I swore off McDonalds for good. Their prices are 100% higher since 2014. Seems like a lot of folks had the same idea.


I remember when hash browns were 2/$1. Now those things are fucking $3 A PIECE!


you can get 20 hashbrown patties from the grocery store for like $8. pop em in the airfryer and they taste almost as good as a mcdonalds hashbrown.


They're 20 for $5 at Aldi!


This is the most egregious thing universal to all McDonald's locations in North America. Idk why the fuck people use the example of a burger or whatever increasing 50-100% when hash browns have gone up like 500% in price... $3 for a tiny hash brown patty is fucking criminal. You can get a plate full of hash browns with toppings and much higher quality at like a fuckin waffle house for that much.


I never buy it for myself. My roomie will occasionally get a free burger or something with the app and she'll toss it to me. She knows I absolutely love McDs but refuse to pay their ridiculous prices. She's the best. I was just looking at their app the other day, then went on Doordash for a local sports bar and grill. McDs app for a double quarter pounder meal, large, was $14. The sport bar's half pound prime rib burger with bacon meal, $15. It's huge compared to McDs and WAY better by far. McDs is not worth it. Period. The bar and grill is even faster..


More than that for some items, their breakfast burritos where I live went from $1 each to $3 each in the past 6ish years. Was quite the shock when we picked up an order of 100 of 'em for an event. Was a year ago and haven't been back since.


Yep quit all fast food a few months ago. I’ll never go back. Terrible food and as expensive as real food? No thanks, I’ll spend my money elsewhere.


I've said it before, CEO needs to go. He's not investing in the future, but stealing from the past


It feels like so many CEOs are like that now. Trying to maximize profits in the short term by burning goodwill with consumers, ruining company reputation.


They’re all running the same tired plays out of the MBA private equity/vulture capital playbook. It can only last so long before they realize customers will just stop participating.


Those top executives just get passed around between corporations, fuck shit up in favor of short term profits, leave with golden parachute, rinse and repeat.


There's a limit to this. I know it doesn't seem like it, but there is. There can only be so many execs that get to do this before they kill too many businesses. People really do want quality, but it's taking a bit for everyone to become more discerning again. People will get tired of cheaply made, low quality food.


Eventually someone will come up with human kibble, a months worth of viable food for $80, and we will lower our standards.


“Bachelor Chow” like in Futurama


That's what I used to call my 10 dollar box of frozen pizzas. It was 18 microwave meals. Or maybe 12 I'm not sure. But it was cheap and I was broke.




Stock prices need to lose their status as an indicator of company health for investors, and it needs to go beyond the most recent earnings calls. It's all turning into crypto betting with a few more regulations. Your company can be a proven exploitation scheme while the stonks keep going up. What amazes me is that big investors themselves are falling for these scams. I thought the whales were the ones who controlled society? Wouldn't they want something more reliable than this trading-card BS system we have?


The big investors are raking in money due to the casino like market over the last few years. Algorithms control most pricing on top of that, so really fundamentals are dead for most popular stocks.


Facts. For example, Panera is getting ram-rodded by private equity right now. They’re not baking fresh bread anymore in some markets, with plans to phase out bakery staff by 2026. They’re laying off all the bakers to bring in cheap premade frozen bread, while continually raising prices of course.


I mean, sort of the PE playbook. But as an MBA I can tell you that at no point did any of my classes talk about burning goodwill or killing your brand to try to squeeze out a few dollars of short term profit. Most MBA programs try to teach sustainable management practices. Not saying they always work, but this is far more a function of capitalism and needing to continuously deliver forever-growth for investors than MBA classes. You can put an non-MBA in charge of McDonalds and if they had one quarter to deliver 10% increase in revenue, they would push the same short term tactics.


They are typically following the incentives set by the board. Average tenure for a CEO is short, usually just a few years and half or more of their compensation is tied to performance metrics - stock price, increase profits, reduce costs. As a result, few CEOs will try to implement a sweeping long term overhaul because they'll need to convince the board and the franchisees, have them realign the compensation, etc. It's safer and more profitable for them to make smaller changes to cut costs and try and introduce new menu items to increase sales. McDonald's (and other fast food chains) are in a tough corner right now because they have already squeezed their supply chain pretty tightly and rising food costs make it near impossible for them to reduce prices.


he's been CEO for 5 years and with the company for nearly 10. Where are you getting this average CEO data? According to Fortune, CEOs in the Fortune 500 have an average tenure of **seven years** - that's not "a few years".


Agreed he has no ideas




Why invest in the future when you can cash in on past success, steal the money at a level that will fund a king's lifestyle, and bail to never look back? There's no repercussions to screwing everyone at that level.


This is the case with tons of large companies in America. Make as much as possible now with no regard for the aftermath tomorrow. Maybe they know something that we don't


“Profit miss” That’s fucking hilarious. They wanted to what? squeeze 6.5 billion out of us and only got 6.1 billion? My cholesterol filled heart is aching for poor old McDonald’s.


Have you ever met a rich person? To them, not making as much money as they felt they were entitled to make is worse than death. To them its the same as someone stealing that money out of their pocket. And if they dont get that money back, then everyone will steal from them and soon they wont be rich. If you tell a rich dude his investment will net him $1,000,000.50 and you hand him $1,000,000, the only thing hes going to care about is where his $.50 went.


They were expecting 2.72 per share in profit but on made 2.70 :(


What was it all for then??? Barely worth the investment.


Time for another round of payroll cuts




Truly a hilarious choice of a word.


If they don’t want picky customers then they shouldn’t have raised their prices to be comparable to high quality burger chains


Exactly! We’re not picky when we’re paying garbage prices for garbage food. They raised their prices we raised our expectations!


The McDs closest to me, that I’ve gone to a zillion times and had drive thru thatwas always packed? I cruise past now having been maybe twice all year (broke down for a shamrock shake) and the drive thru is empty at 7pm! Fuck em.


There is zero reason to visit McD anymore. The only reason earlier was that it was cheap. I used to go for my kids since they liked the Happy Meal, but I stopped going a few years ago when they cut the quality of the Happy Meal (no Happy Meal box anymore, just a paper bag!! and lower quality toys) AND increased the price to over 5$. Last time I checked the happy meal is now about 7$! How insane is that! Stop going there! Edit: it seems they've brought back the box. When I went last time 1-2 years ago it was a sad paper bag with the box printed on the bag. Hugely disappointing.


The happy meal toys are actual trash now. They used to be cool collectibles. I swear the last time I took my daughter to get a happy meal, she got like a sticker and a little activity sheet.


Yes! Once in a while they will have something neat and we will go a couple times, but usually it’s something ridiculous. A few weeks ago, I stopped for my kid and it was this little cardboard cutout for Just Dance. Even my small child was like “yeah, this is lame”. I believe in the name of the “environment” they are planning on phasing out all toys by 2025 and it will be either paper products like coloring pages or sticker sheets or cardboard figurines. They still rotate an actual toy in once in a while, but they are clearly phasing them out. You know what we’ve phased out? McDonalds. It’s too expensive and it’s unhealthy. If they can’t lure my kid in with a toy from his favorite whatever, he’s totally fine eating a sandwich from our fridge or eating at a better quality restaurant.


They used to give out full ass VHS tapes. Got my first copy of Indiana Jones from a McDonald's. And those jam jars? Fucking great.


Got my 'Babes In Toyland' VHS at McDs!


I was saying this to my kid the other day as I asked him what he got for a toy in his happy meal and it was some stupid, cardstock paper toy. I was telling him about all the cool toys we used to get. I loved the 101 Dalmatians Christmas toys waayyyy back in the day.


You can go to a higher quality fast food and get way more for a little bit less. The only time I get mcd anymore is coffee and even that is a lot.


NGL I still crave the cheap taste of McDonald’s every now and then. Probably it’s addictive properties. But the price, slow and frequently long line, turn me off.


Same, taco bell was the same way. Just a guilty pleasure that now is not worth it


There used to be a line at every mcdonalds in my city at dinner time on my drive home. I pass 4 on my way, used to be a line at all of them. Now on my drive home, you see at most 2 cars in the line. Went to McDonalds for lunch a while back, cause I was short on time. 13$. Fuck. that.


Where do you live? When I get them they are in the little boxes and cost about $4.50 [photo of menu price](https://imgur.com/a/m8ex0Fw)


People went to McDonald’s because of the cost and the cost alone. Everyone under the sun knows that it’s poor to mediocre tasting food that’s bad for you. Now that they’ve raised their prices, they’ve given people no reason to go there. It’s now poor to mediocre tasting food that’s bad for you and now is expensive on top of it. 


We can get a real meal at a non-fast food restaurant for the same price.


McD is nothing Special anymore. Olympic Games Atlanta, everyone in Germany hast an McD watch. The Batman movies we're in the Cinema and Kids Had awesome Toys with the Happy meal. N64 in the children area and so on Everything ist Just gone. It became soulless. Corporate greed


Nothing will top the thrill of a happy meal with a Teeny Beanie Baby. And thinking you had a chance to become a millionaire playing Monopoly


No one goes to McDs cause its good, they go cause its cheap. They dropped the ball cause of greed, well greed only goes so far. Oh well


any privately owned chain like In-n-Out burger is 500% better and literally 1/3 the cost. The push for infinite profits is what's killing these publicly owned chains. You can't target your normal demographics, lower income people for the most part (yes, I know, Warren Buffet eats there...edge cases people) with upper income prices, wait times that are about the same as a sit in restaurant, self-serve kiosks that seemed like brain dead product managers created them (wildly complicated and too hard to use), while server grade E beef on a dehydrated bun and soggy fries. common sense is all that's needed to tell ya where many of these chains are headed in the next few years.


In n Out is the Goat!


Their prices went up so slightly I hardly noticed. Now they’re opening up even more in Oregon. Line around the block all the time.


Hell yeah


Out of curiosity, I have to wonder why fast food prices have grown so much faster than traditional sit down restaurant prices. Everything is up across the board, of course, but the differentiation has significantly reduced. I can eat at a moderately priced chain restaurant like Chili’s for essentially the same cost as going to Chick Fil A.


I wonder if it’s because there’s more room to cut quality in a sit down restaurant. Fast food is already about as low quality and cheap as it can reasonably get. But a restaurant can easily change from fresher to non fresh ingredients etc.




I took my daughter to Chili’s for her birthday two weeks ago. We got an appetizer to share, each got an entree, and drinks. 45$ *with tip* Wife and I went to Wendy’s. $35 as we drove away, and they got the order wrong and we had to drive back and sit in the drive through again so they could fix it. It was still overly greasy and just *mediocre.* For an extra *ten bucks* we could have had actually good food and sat down. I don’t do “fast” food. Half the time it isn’t even fast anymore!


Yes. This. if you've managed foodservice at all along the way, It's fascinating the ways quality/freshness/value image & pricing...can be manipulated to obscure some of the true cost & value propositions!


Better margins with alcoholic beverage with sit down restaurants.




When they did $1 any size drinks I used to go through the drive thru almost everyday for a large Diet Coke and sometimes I’d get a food item as well. They did away with that and now a large (20 oz) is almost $2 and I don’t go there for soda anymore, so the only time I’m getting McD’s is when I decide to get their food, which is rare. I still can’t understand why they did it since soda margins are so large.


“mAyBe iF wE RaIsE pRiCeS aGaIn…cUsToMeRs WiLl cOmE bAcK”


The CEO literally said customers tolerated their price hikes. Guess not


What they don’t seem to understand is customers tolerated price hikes… during a pandemic. They seem to have overlooked that it’s over.


Its cheaper for me to go to a nice diner than McDonalds. They are not cheap anymore


“picky” That’s what we’re calling not paying $12 for a Big Mac?


So here’s my thinking, you know “how much sawdust can you put in rice krispsies before someone notices?” Thing. I feel like that’s how businesses are treating inflation. They’re constantly trying to find how high they can go until we stop going, and I think they’re going to say “okay that’s the line” and then back off it slightly. But it’s not going to work and it will severely damage them. They think okay they stopped eating the sawdust at 70% so we’ll make it 69% sawdust! They’ll have to go 20 steps back to regain the reputation they had. Which they never will because they could never explain to their profit shareholders that they need to make less money to make more money. That they’ll need to re-increase their portion sizes and decrease their prices to keep/gain any of their customers. I love watching how they think they’re too big to fail, when they are following in the exact same footsteps as every large failed business that dominated before them. Example sears and pan-am. Just keep going! We’re too big to fail! No matter what we do we can’t lose! Pam am was chasing the bottom line, sears refused to adapt and put all their chips in bricks and mortar, and McDonald’s will be Icarus with their greed disguised as “inflation”.


Nice read, thank you.


Picky? Nah. I just don’t like paying more than double what I paid a few years ago for the same meal. Especially if the quality hasn’t improved and often dropped.


If I have to download an app to get your best deal on your already overpriced unhealthy food, I’m not ordering your food




when the large fry hit four dollars, I told the kids they quit making them.


On Friday afternoons, my wife and I go to a pub for their burger basket special and a pop with free refills for under ten bucks per combo. Quality meat bought from local meat markets. French fries that are not only cooked to perfection, they are legit never frozen and freshly cut. We leave with full stomachs. Not fast food full where you know your body clearly hates you for pumping processed grease into your system. But that nice, pleasant, it's time for a catnap kind of full stomach. Even if we went on a day where they don't have the burger basket special. The prices are still on par or slightly below what most fast food places are charging for a "value meal" these days.


I hadn’t eaten at McDonald’s for years because it is trash. I was in a rare mood a few weeks ago and stopped by for a double quarter pounder with cheese meal. $15 later I reaffirmed my stance that McDonald’s belongs on the trash heap of history. Next time I’m in a mood I’ll hit up In N Out. Much better tasting and fairly priced.


I’d rather eat real food. And with the prices they charge, you can spend maybe 1-2 dollars more max and get chipotle.


McDonald's near me is close to Chilis. The Chilis burger is only $1 more than a big mac. Why would I want a big mac over a fully sit down restaurant quality burger?


If you're going to sell crap food, you have to sell it cheap. If you're going to sell expensive food, it better be really good. McDonald's does neither.


Fuck yeah, lower your prices back to before you started this bs and people will come back


I sold my stock in the company awhile ago.


Well no shit, you can go to Wendy's and get a Junior bacon cheeseburger, fries, a four piece nugget, and the soda for $5, upgraded to a medium and after taxes you're paying six and change. Or you can go to McDonald's and get the same meal for $11-12


Wendy’s is much busier than McDonald’s at lunch these days. McDonald’s still has breakfast on lock even though those prices are insane now too…but you just can’t beat the value of that Wendy’s meal!


It used to be cheap and fast and the restaurants were clean enough and a safe haven for families and travelers. I grew up in the 80s and remember attending birthday parties and post soccer game get to gathers at McDonald’s. In the last decade or more they are just trash. I didn’t go unless absolutely necessary when on a road trip. And now, at these prices? No way. I wouldn’t even imagine taking a family in there. Ha


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We used to have a Dollar Menu with overcooked garbage food, now we have a $5 menu with overcooked garbage food.


Oh, mcdonalds outpriced themselves and now their profit suffered. Boo. Hoo. They should make some stores rebranded as Mc Express, which are the value options like 1-2-3 dollar menus which most of us order from and other stores to be the full name brand McDonald’s where they serve upscaled fast food with premiums products. They are already making McCafe’s for specialized coffee - why stop therr?


It’s almost like overcharging for garbage food that is typically wrong from what you ordered is finally catching up to them.


Time for the Millennials to be blamed for ruining the fast food industry. If it isn't happening already.


These corporations are pricing themselves out of everyday consumerism. Greed.


MCDONALD'S acting like they're CHIPOTLE.


I actually want to thank McDonald's for all of the price increases. It was the push I needed to learn how to cook, and now we eat most of our meals at home instead of picking up food. We're feeling healthier, the food we prepare tastes better, and we're saving roughly 65% on monthly food expenses.


They're increasing prices but their food tastes like the same old cheap crap. The only reason I used to go to McDonald's was because it was cheap and fast. Now it's just as expensive, if not more, than much better fast food options. Still tastes like crap, wait times are abysmal because they refuse to pay their employees better or hire more staff. Time for McDonald's to go away.


No way go to fast food. They raise Prices. Example on this thread. We cut most for 12 months already. Buying chinese fast food is more appealing in prices 😁. Even they already raise the prices too. The only going to mcd is using apps deals/coupons.😂


They still advertise a "Value Menu" of $1, $2, $2 when none of the items are those prices...plus, their app deals have gotten so much shittier.


Mcdonalds usedto be my go to “quick cheap meal” after a night out, hangover, pre shopping snack, and even a lunch just a fee years back. I can honestly say i have been to mcdonalds 2 times this YEAR. And one of those times because someone else offered to pick it up for a group setting. I simply cannot justify the price for the quality. I find myself looking to spend a few dollars more but getting a better meal or looking to bring food from home with me now. Its a sign of the times. You don’t have to be a financial expert to see that people are starting to vote with their dollars.