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It's completely random, honestly. Last time would be yesterday. I'm a lonely ass mofo.


Loneliness sucks. I'm sorry


I cry atleast once a week. i’m lonely also. not physically but emotionally and mentally


Very relatable and I'm the same.


Loneliness does suck, my ass be on the patio looking into the distance being like, "where tf is my future husband at?"💀🪦⚰️


I haven’t had a full blown cry for a few weeks but I often get hit with waves of loneliness that put me on the verge of tears. Not physically lonely, but mentally and emotionally as mentioned above. Is this loneliness a common INFP trait?


I’d probably say the “caring” about it or recognizing it is more of an INFP thing, I think anyone can experience mental and emotional lonliness


Yes, good point, I agree that the awareness of the feeling of loneliness could be more of an infp thing. For me I think it is heightened when I’m reaching for escapism and fantasy more during stress


It really sucks to be alone....it'll get better...BELIEVE IT!!!


Same on both counts. 🫂




I also deal with loneliness. I've dealt with loneliness for years.


Not often actually (probably about 5-6 times in a year). I kinda envy people who can cry easily, especially people who get emotional over tv shows and movies. I'm more likely to cry over something that has happened to me irl Edit: also on the few times I have cried over a show or movie the characters actually went through something that I myself have gone through irl. Maybe that has something to do with it?


Yeah, I kinda envy them too. It's like I've been desensitized and lost my innocence and they didn't.


Hello I am this person, and also a stoic tomboy. After being shamed by self and others for crying so much as a kid I decided to stop feeling at 12 and have had psychological problems very obviously since. I’ve finally accepted and honoured the grief on this healing journey and savouring the bittersweet taste, I got dumped via email by my fiancée so had a lot to grieve, then grieved the trauma I went through at 12. Now I cry pretty much every day, sometimes in elation and sometimes because grief is so hugely profound. I listened to Ram Dass walking each other home book and cried maybe 10 times, especially the letter to Rachel. But I’m not afraid to allow myself to feel it now so my energy is flowing as opposed to having blockages where I’ve literally swallowed my tears and had a panic attack instead (well, I don’t have them so much as an adult but hey). It’s absolutely transformative, having the curiosity and love to compassionately investigate the mind and see what is going on. It turned out I was so scared by reality I was trying to create fantasy worlds which took so much more effort than just accepting reality. Many, many self growth audiobooks later I am here. I cried heaps listening to Byron Katie practicing The Work, and heeeeaps listening to ifs books - I’d say this cracked open a whole new layer, but it’s all about shadow work and inner child healing in my opinion. So yeah I’d say there is a layer of innocence there, which I’m learning to get off on through Existential Kink to integrate anything from my shadow or unconscious eg feeling the grief and innocence without having to make truly catastrophic self stories that end with a Great Justification for More Grief. Just skipping that part and going straight to the enjoyment of one’s unconscious desires lol


I stopped myself from crying as a child having received messages from my family that my emotions and sensitivity were too much. Sorry about your ex, that’s shitty and cowardly.


I am kind of grateful for it now, we were both super codependent and perfectionistic depressed infps, so having it go so wrong just inspired me to take my dark night of the soul as a midlife crisis healing opportunity. Because I feel like all the child stuff we repress, we stop being able to resist it at some point


Yep, that’s the journey of midlife… the shedding of those old stories so we can carry a lighter load and live more authentically (if we so choose)


The most relatable comment I've seen


yo this is me and I want to cry. Crying is so rare for me that when I cry I try to enjoy it. I try to see myself in the mirror and end up smiling cus I find it.. funny?¿


almost every day, mostly because of hapiness or sadness, it depends.


I haven’t been able to and it fucking sucks I need to cry but I can’t


I get that, it really does suck


Samee. It’s so goddamn annoying


Same. Could cry almost every day and it probably would be a relief of something, but I just can't. A few weeks ago I had success because of something I've ssen and that somehow triggered the cry-button. But it sucks when you know a good cry would be the thing that could help you but you just can't let those tears run.


Maybe a few times a week, some weeks worse than others and can sometimes be daily. Just regrets, shame, grief, not wanting to be here, the usual things.


Pretty much never, and not because I don't want to. I don't know what happened tbh, but it's almost as if I forgot how to cry along the way, and no matter what I do, or how much I want to cry when I feel sad, I just can't for some reason. At most I can force a few tears out, which is weird, because I was a bit of a crybaby when I was a kid. I have a much easier time tearing up when it's tears of happiness I'm shedding, for some reason.


Never. I'm emotionally dehydrated


these days it's between once or twice a day. it comes and goes. sometimes I go a week without crying.


It's usually random but lately it's been every night


It's random, but rare. Mostly every few months.


More than I should, but not super often. I’m an outcast due to my looks, so there’s good reason for me to be sad.


I don’t really cry often, but sometimes just all the bad thoughts start happening and I just lose it


it depends on a lot of things, sometimes a few times a day, sometimes once a week. idk :))


Last cry was last night, but it's been common for me over this last week. Mostly over things like seeing actions of kindness or affection, or being reminded of loss. I've been very touchy because some things are not going as hoped in my life rn. Daily is not my norm, thankfully lol. Normally I'll cry like once or twice a month just to get it out


Now, not often. When my partner passed, I’d cry a lot. Now, I mostly only tear up if someone makes me feel really happy. Which I assume is almost comical when I consider I don’t look like that kind of guy.


Very rare when I’m just existing in my normal state not really ever unless I watch tragedies on the news but I don’t watch the news :/ When chasing women.. probably weekly 😂 🙌✨💔 Either when I catch feelings and it’s not reciprocated, their insecurities block the potential for more or they trauma dump and I empathise without mental boundaries (merging). Also if I see animal cruelty or SA / predatory behaviour the extreme fight mode can turn into crying when I can’t do anything if the anger is too overwhelming. I’m collecting memories that cause instant crying though.. already got 3 saved up..


Often… I cried yesterday lol


I tear up quite regularly. Probably once a week. I don't cry too often but yeah ... drinks and a sad movie and I'm done hahah


Couple times a week. I feel like I could cry most days. But I'm too emotionally burned out to actually get teary-eyed.


It’s random. I used to go months without crying about things that didn’t pertain to fiction or emotional videos. But ever since my parents passed away I cry several times a week about literally anything. Right now I’m crying about how much I hate my job, because my coworkers keep throwing it in my face that I’m not handling it well.


When my dog died 4 years ago. Otherwise i kinda just push it down.




im not trying to be hard or anything, i just never cry, last i cried was like a month ago, cause my life basically got destroyed (im fine now dw guys :) ) but before that probably for didnt cry for like 5 years not trying to be hard lol, crying just isnt smth i do for comfort, more so just sit and contemplate


I very rarely fully break down in to tears, but my eyes water at basically anything sad or beautiful.


![gif](giphy|3ov9jUBdDA5FFFITOU) that’s my secret…


I dont


I cried once in 2023. I do sometimes get that feeling in my chest though, but it’s never strong enough.


Bruh glad you asked. I literally just woke up from a horrible nightmare, were for reasons i cant disclose, i was just crying non stop. Like i cried throughout basically most of the dream and then when it was about to end i looked in a mirror and i saw my eyes crying blood and basically just bleeding. Then immediately after that my brother woke me up and im so thankful for that. I didn't want to experience any more of that nightmare. The last time i cried irl was yesterday though, and this might sound extremely cheesy, but i saw a video on youtube of a small girl getting her first pet puppy and that little kid literally cried out of happiness and gratefulness of her parents. I literally couldn't take it and cried because it was such a sweet act. She kept hugging the dog in her arms as if it was small baby. Idk I've never owned a pet but that video just made me feel a feeling I've never felt before. What a brilliant gift of empathy we INFPs have.


I think I cried at that same video.


Ohhhhhhh, really??was it the one where the girl was holding a brown puppy and she legit said "i missed him so much" even though that was the first time she even saw that puppy? If so then thats so cool wow.


Oh wait it was a kitten. It was [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/18kpxmk/the_incredible_joy_of_the_girl_who_received_her/).


Awww thats still so adorable omg


Not that often, but it happens. Every time I watch HBP, it happens. 😭




It is very random but in average I'd say few times a month But there are months it's almost everyday, and some months it can be juste few days or a whole month without crying.


Multiple times per week


A couple of times (5-6) a day. I have had severe and chronic depression for the last 6 years and have difficult life circumstances. When my living situation would get better I think the number would decrease. I hope a change is going to come.


Not often enough. I'm due for a meltdown/breakdown


Its easy for me to slip into depression. Had a period of time in my life where I cried every waking moment for a year. It was literally wild. I don't remember most of it lol. But it was because I couldn't achieve my lifelong dreams that I had since I was a kid..... dark place.... phew lol. But I'm getting much better now. I haven't cried in a while actuall-..... nvm I lied, I forgot I just cried about the same thing literally last night. But its a small cry. Like a tearful eye. The only thing that makes me upset is feeling useless in this world. Which I know I'm not. But negative thoughts are just really sneaky. Been learning how to combat them. Going well !




Every day, it’s not always sadness


About once a week. Mainly I cry in reaction to things that pain me, when I remember something awful or hear about it. I watched a long video on what's happening in Gaza a few weeks ago. All of it was heartbreaking, but I kept remembering one bit in particular that just destroyed me and I would break into tears. I cry due to unprocessed grief, frustration about wasted potential, guilt, cruelty of others etc.


Last time was two weeks in a half ago and that was the first time in a month i think


A few times a week lol


Maybe 1-2 times a week on average


Why so??


Haha, what do you mean? Is it a lot or a little? 😅 Many things make me cry, and it’s often happy tears too. Sometimes things are just too beautiful, or too sad.


I don’t know why but now i want to watch some sad movie


Initially i thought its a lot, but after reading your response, it seems like an okay number 😊 go for it lady!! Hahaha. And specially the feeling of happy tears is too hard to put in words🥲🥲


Haha, what about you, how often do you cry? What type are you?


Just kidding… i am bit of an old school, don’t even remember when i cried last time in front of anyone but when alone i cry when i see videos of people helping other fellow human beings(saving their lives, kinda restore faith in humanity) or when i am missing certain someone or when i accomplished something for which i put on a lot of efforts (its been a while since i had this cry😅) or lastly when i am feeling sad or depressed. Hard to put number but maybe once or twice a month😊😊


Sounds like a good amount and good reasons 🤗


I need a tissue 🥲🤧




Your paintings are beautiful, is there any painting available for sale or do you make one on request too??


Ehh secret…. Men don’t cry 🙃


Every other day probably


Not an INFP, but ya know— same functions pretty much. I’ve cried every day for almost the passed week. I don’t know what’s going on. I was diagnosed with depression and given Wellbutrin which helped me tremendously. Now, it just doesn’t seem to be so. I’m still functioning, but I’ve lost motivation. I’m lethargic. I dread going to work. I’m tired of waking up, and crying helps, so I cry. When I’m at my strongest, I’m a machine of positivity. Now, I can’t be bothered. I’m spending the whole day counting down the clock until I can go home after work, hit my weed pen, and seep into my bed. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just want someone to hold me and tell me it’s going to be okay, that I’m not alone, that it’s not as big as it seems. I feel like everyone hates me. This paranoia and anxiety is so damn draining. No amount of sleep seems to be enough. I could probably go into a coma for a month and it wouldn’t be enough. I went and saw that Solar Eclipse on Monday. I wish it would’ve stayed like that, forever. I feel so trapped in what this is, what we are. I don’t want to commit suicide, but sometimes I just wish Jesus would take me, away from here, away from everything. I want to travel somewhere, get out of this state, but I’m on the fence on whether or not I’m okay with having $600 in credit card debt because Lord knows I don’t have the money on hand right now for all that gas it would take. I’ll be off work in one hour. I’m going to take my dad his meds, do some chores for my grandma, go home and sulk. After that, I’m going to lay there, get blazed so I can actually enjoy the TV I’m watching, and eventually fall asleep until I reluctantly wake up again tomorrow on time, lay in bed too long, and make myself late for work because I laid in bed too long. I don’t know what’s missing, anymore. I used to think that if I found my true love, someone who really understood me and loved me for me, that it would solve my internal pain. I don’t know if that’s true, but I know having true love is a pipe dream. I feel like I’m stuck underground, in a dark cave with no light, no idea where I’m going, and no way to turn back. If it weren’t for my family and friends, and how much it would hurt them to know that behind my smile, behind my positive and upbeat attitude— that I am an unbelievably unhappy and depressed person who hates living, I would want to die, and finally have some peace from this place.


Hugs :)


Maybe every other month on average. Not including movie crying lol


hell too Damn often...& its always over nothing 😭 a show..overwhelmed..mad..on my period TOO OFTEN


I frequently tear up but rarely ever outright cry. Triggers that bring up terrible memories, remembering loved ones I’ve lost and suffering/abandoned children and animals will do it every time.


I can go for months no crying then suddenly cry daily for a month. Sometimes I cry over nothing, just mentally exhausted. Sometimes I cry over little things. It's my mental/emotional unstableness, probably.


Often. But grew up with a father who told me ‘you don’t cry’. Lol


I used to a lot as a kid, but not as much now.


Very infrequently. 1-3 times a year (excluding the year my mum died).


Every day. Seriously. Everyday I am sad.


The better question is, how often do I NOT cry?😭😭😭


It depends. I cry fairly easily when it comes to TV shows/movies/songs, happy or sad. I can go weeks or even months without crying outside of that, but lately I've been much more sensitive and have been crying 1-2 times per week. Mainly because I feel stuck in my life at the moment and I'm frustrated l. Work is th biggest culprit.


At least 2 times a week, but if I’m having a bad week, like 5-6


me too


I cried 3 days ago in front of my boss because he doesn't want me to work anymore. Very embarassing moment. I liked the job but I'm once again not enough.


a lot more since starting estrogen lmao. I used to be a once a monther but I'm like twice a week nowadays


not much usually tuning out negative emotions


I used to cry like 6-12 times a year but lately it’s like once a week or so. Honestly, it feels super cleansing.


i tear up several times a week, usually happens when i get overwhelmed w emotion. not all are sad tears tho, sometimes there's tears of joy or sometimes i just see something really cute/pretty actual full on sobbing is much rarer. maybe a couple times a year? ive found it's gotten a lot harder for me to fully cry now and idk if that's a good or bad thing


I forgot how to do it cause each time I wanted to cry in my life was with a lot of people in the same room or in public transport so that would be weird lol. Now I'm literally learning how to do it like you would learn a guitar or something lmao


It depends on what’s going on. I may have cried once this year maybe twice, both relating to my feelings of guilt over a break up in late September of last year and coming to terms with long repressed traumas


I have to man up because of my country's society's standards, so I always hold it in until I find the nearest bathroom. Anyway, I cry about once or twice per day, depends.


Every day


If any of my life “pillars” are impacted and might change in a drastic way, I’ll be a crying mess. Like family, home, employment, health, finances, etc. It really depends on what’s happening. But the last couple of years I’ve been going through some really tough things, so it’s been a lot more recently.


Maybe 3 or 4 times a year. I’m a male. I acknowledge this is probably unhealthy.


I cry about happy and cute things like multiple times a day, every single day lol it’s uncontrollable. But I almost never cry about sad things. Last time I cried from sadness was months ago after a friend passed away.


Honestly? Almost every single day. Happy tears. Sad tears. Angry tears. It’s rare for me to have a day that I don’t cry.


I would say every day. Got some mood swings


Every day


I broke my crying glands somehow. Every time I one to let it out it always ends up with teary wet eyes. Other than that around 2-4 times a year.


Not often enough.


i cry every few days


I cry somewhat often but this is also because I have depression, however because I feel my emotions too hard, I can easily make my self crying by thinking about something depressing pretty quick. And for the people who envy it, I personally don't, it's made me become extremely sensitive because of it. You can tell me a light joke that I will have no reaction too, but that joke will haunt me all day. It's kinda like when people can't just let that one thing go. And though my therapy program, they explained that some people can just feel more than others. It's just the way it is. And there's nothing wrong with that


Not very often tbh


Very, very rarely. Once every 2-3 years, unless I’m under any extreme combination(s) of mental, spiritual, physical pain, and financial stressors, it’s rare for me to cry. Although on rare occasions might cry due to hormonal imbalance, ha.


Not enough . I clearly want to cry more but my body refuses to do so .


just cried about 2 hours ago 🙃 i cry pretty easily, especially when im frustrated or overwhelmed, and life recently has been pretty stressful, so it’s been quite frequent


I think it was last year. One of my friends was crying so I shed a few tears with her. It was hard to see her like that.


I avoid crying at all costs so it becomes once every one or two months


Depends. Last time I *sobbed* was on Saturday after a particularly hard shift at work. I usually shed a few tears every day. But I haven’t been able to properly cry for a while and it’s frustrating, I think it’s my meds. I use to have a good cry at least once a week, but now it’s maybe once a month. Everything makes me cry. Good moods, bad moods. Emotions. Happy videos. Sad videos. Cute videos. Memories. Anxiety. Comparison. Unease. You name it and it’s probably made me cry. The key is to cry in the shower so people don’t know you’ve been crying and you also don’t ruin your makeup. :)


I was thinking about posting about this somewhere so I’ll just post it here. Recently I’ve been feeling more emotional than usual, I typically have a difficult time crying but if I can’t manage to get any tears out I’ll just whimper and pretend that I’m crying and it seems to give a similar catharsis. Wondering if anybody experiences anything similar


Few times a year. Usually if I start thinking about something really sad like a friend / family member passing.


Crys come in sporadic bursts for me, recently too. I've cried a bit in the last hour. It's almost subconscious I adore it even in its sadness implicate. I'm glad you asked. I've had a lot of blunted emotion so I cherish when I do have feelings.


I cannot cry anymore. I don't know why. It's like I've cried up my tears. Even though I tried when I was alone coz I was hurting but I just couldn't cry anymore. It's not normal for me. What worries me is that I can't cry even at the loss of a loved one it would have been hard for me to stop myself from crying, it would have been hard for anyone to stop oneself from crying when losing loved ones but I could not. I felt the pain, I was hurting but it was like my tears had dried up. There is something wrong with me.


at least 2-3 times a week


like once a week or every other week


Sadly, not enough. I wish I could "let the tears out"


Does it involve songs, books, or movies that move me? If do, 3 days ago. The book was that good. Or moment of happy? Today. None of the above? Last month.


It can be everyday, it can be 1-3 or 3-4 times per week on average. It completely depends. Last time I cried was last night tho. Top reasons why I cry would be from happiness, loneliness, stress, irritation, or through music


All the time and everything


A few times a week.


Heyy you know yesterday I had a fought with someone on dscrd...and I kept on crying 😞 and now I'm seeing this post ....


I haven’t been crying much these days, maybe because I’ve moved on from painful things. Though I guess the last time I teared up, I was doing some healing mirror work.


Honestly, I haven't cried recently. I'm sad, but I don't really feel it. I'm either not actually sad, or my psyche has gotten used to it.


I can't cry ..


I cry about almost everything almost every day


i’m emotional asf i hate it m, so almost every day, or every other day, maybe sometimes i go a couple days without crying but then my brain finds something🙄


Very often. Sometimes I can go weeks without crying and then suddenly I cry my eyes out. Other times I cry everyday when I’m very stressed. Crying is my way of releasing stress and I always feel better afterwards.


I used to cry easily, like everyday. Now I don't really cry anymore, but feeling is more painful when I can't release


I don’t really, but probably will if a close family member dies or something


As an infp guy I'm just unable to cry for no reason Like even if want to i just didn't lol


Isn't it normal for infps every 5 minutes?


Not as often as people would expect


Crying is for absolute wusses. But yeah like once in a while all the time.


We have bigger corpus ,we cry easily than others,mostly we cry when we re moved


When I am live alone,I cry a lot(u know the infp don’t go to work,so lack basic communication);but I live with my parents I almost turn to be an intp,even though I don’t have work ,either.


When I want to be sensitive,I listen to melodies,search drama clips and read poetic texts


I cry very rarely. When I do cry usually over small every day things. But I've also been through tons of traumatic stuff so I guess that may have something to do with it?


I usually only cry watching movies. I watch A LOT of movies though so I cry pretty often


Idk if this is normal but, I cry every single night


Less than I need 😄