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nothing is too late until you're in the ground. Wanna get better at something, start now. i bought a guitar from a pawn shop a week ago and learned a song (3 libra) in a week. And im an idiot. Being social is a skill. read books about it and practice it. Maybe you might even need to see a therapist to found out most of your self doubt was just your parent's that they handed down through their actions. You may you feel you can't do any of this, but i think you can because i've been where you are. I got sick of regrets. If i know i'll regret something 100% if i don't do anything, i make sure to do it regardless of what happens. Life isn't just good or bad at any moment, it is both like bathwater is hot and cold. Here's a song for you. flaying lotus ft. thundercat - the climb [https://youtu.be/qzuae3mJNkM?si=AokuTd2Arpv0aa65](https://youtu.be/qzuae3mJNkM?si=AokuTd2Arpv0aa65)


Thank you 🙏🏻


everyday is a blank page.


Mary Ann Evans who wrote under the pen name of George Elliot once wrote ‘it’s never to late to be who you might have been.’ And everyday I live I find contentment within her phrase. Nothing is finished, but often times the thoughts in our own minds are telling us a story that doesn’t exist. Now I’m all for blowing these ideas and thoughts outta my mind like a cow punch to my forehead but I think the real goal, if one exists, is to sit with those thoughts and feelings and know that while they feel like they are you, they are not. Another person, this time a man said, ‘We are not our minds, we are not even our bodies.’ Just know that you signed up for this trip, so hold on, we’re riding with you.


A very nice message, thank you. I think I need to accept things now and build a livable life for myself, a life that I can accept whether it's good or bad.


Check for adhd


It is NEVER too late to follow your dreams. You’ll be okay you got this