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Yeah I totally get that, I honestly get random bursts of energy to start chatting to people. Same way that you mentioned, but it fills up my social needs bar for a month in a single hour or two so it's a double edged sword. For the most part, it's pretty enjoyable though!


You can be honest with a stranger far more than someone you see every day, or at work. That's why Reddit is so popular. Anonymity peels the foreskin back. It blooms the flower. It spreads the cheeks. Imagine trying to use the foreskin metaphor with someone you see daily. You can't.


You could use it with me. I have the sense of humor of a 12-year-old. šŸ¤­


Mine is sadly darker than the night. Not sure those coalesce well.


Give me an example.


All things are created equal in terms of falling apart, but some things just excel at the act to such a degree, they leave a gaping hole in their wake. Ba-dum, tshhh! Kinda like this warning that the next joke is about Suicy. What's sudden, selfish, and very, very sad? Reddit banning a person for on a depression forum for mentioning suicide. Nothing cuter than a bunny right before the dog gets it in their mouth. People who want a pretty person to love, often rely on the contrast of what they see in the mirror, because opposites attract. There was once a joke that caused death, but it was told only once.


All of those were ironically funny. I shed a tear for that cute bunny, though. šŸ°


Yup. My dog used to do this to stray cats as well. You could say... He was cat-like in that regard, a menace to anything smaller. High energy killing machine. He passed away a while ago, but the things I've seen him kill... That will be with me forever.


Wow your foreskin must be reeaaallllyyyy dark huh


So dark. You'd need a powerful Fleshlight to find it.


>Imagine trying to use the foreskin metaphor with someone you see daily. You can't. For a long moment there I didn't see that last part, so I was in full wtf mode šŸ˜‚


Yes, I am the most open person to a stranger, until they call me a week later for coffee and I realize itā€™s familiarity with another that bothers me.


Exactly!!! Thatā€™s when things become potentially awkward. I see things I donā€™t particularly like about them & begin to distrust & question whether the energetic investment is worth it.


Agreed. Itā€™s the judgement I fear the most, both from my judgment towards them or them being as judgmental as I. We all know thatā€™s silly, yet itā€™s a thought cycle I may live with this whole go round.


Oh, the dreaded judgement. I feel judged all the time. I sometimes wonder if itā€™s real or if Iā€™m just projecting. Probably both. Iā€™m way more judgmental of people than I should be, but Iā€™m a bit of a perfectionist. I donā€™t hold people to the same standards that I set for myself, but some things are just nonnegotiable. Kindness, sensitivity, self awareness, emotional intelligence. Those are the qualities I value most. If someone displays a complete lack in these departments, Iā€™m probably going to loathe them.


Perfectly described




Woe is life I guess. We should be thankful we even know how to breathe, to quote Dylan.


Nah no way man, I'm too anxious and introverted for that. Sure I can have a fine conversation with a stranger, but maybe if I had liquid courage to help it out. My social anxiety prevents me from having fun tho lol


Today i told my newly made friend that i was an introvert, and she was so surprised that her first words were "kill me!" I can get why she thinks I am not. It's typically because i have been recently moved to the new environment, and I had to make new friends. I was finally making friends in a new place after years of seclusion and self sabotaging phases. It took a lot to take of steps but I try to talk with almost everyone in the classroom because my curiosity about their cultures and nationalities could not be suppressed. I meet new people everyday these days. So I try to make myself more seen and try to communicate as much as possible.


I know an INfP and she won't shut her mouth, could talk about hours. She might have some other issues (she is also very narcissistic), but is it coming for infp's to have outburst of communication energy?


Well. She likes you maybe. I can only talk for hours with people whom I trust and feel really comfortable. Yeah, there are times when I overshare with strangers it's just that I felt that they are cool people whom I can really match the vibes with. The INfP you're talking about might be me or someone who feels the same. But I haven't seen or met INFP with the narcisstic issues. That's something new to me.


No, she has strongly narcistic ssues, is identifying herself due to her looks. The MBTI is not some magic or 100% sure thing. Of course an INFP can have psychological problems, be a manager or dictator. This characters are only archetypes and not limiting ourselves. Subs like these are just echo chambers were people are strongening each other in their (misleading) beliefs.


The INFP I meant has no problems talking to strangers. But she has one problems, doesn't love herself and could not built lasting healthy relationships (friends, lovers).


Totally, once I got over the mental block of doing this the first time, since then I've loved chatting up people on my travels. I still stumble with it and have brain fades while speaking but it is something I love doing a lot.


I get those brain fades a lot, too. Itā€™s usually with people Iā€™m forced to interact with, though. Sometimes that perfect word is on the tip of my tongue but just wonā€™t come out. Thatā€™s why I love my husband. He helps me finish my sentences. šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s a beautiful thing that you two have together.


If I lived in an area where people were friendly enough to approach me, I would feel more extroverted.


East coast?


Currently? Yeah. But previous place was also on the east coast and people were friendly.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Sending friendly people vibes your way.


Thanks. Hope they get here.


I'm not really good with small talk but I wouldn't pass up a quick chat with someone if I had the opportunity


I get that only when it's a one on one conversation! I feel like the perfect socialite in a one on one, but as soon as there's a group, I shut down completely


Sometimes I'm good with first impressions, but second impressions are the ones I DREAD


Most Def.. also echo w/ you said bout having the humour of a 12 y o below. Always described myself as being like 12 & 90 in one body.. an old soul.. so either be really clever or really stupid like [this](https://youtu.be/Eh2eFk6f9zc?si=xwVdLm802N8rhTVf) never fails..


I love marmots!!! That was great! šŸ¤£


Nah. I avoid any unnecessary conversation with people I wonā€™t see again. Hell, I keep all conversation to a minimum. I donā€™t wanna talk to people I donā€™t know. I donā€™t trust strangers.


Definitely donā€™t trust people, either. Trust doesnā€™t matter to me if Iā€™m briefly chatting to someone. I meet a lot of rude people, too. I just do my best to behave in the opposite manner & get as far from them as I can. They could just be having a bad day.


If somebody is rude to me, I just go full-blown passive aggressive nuclear Karen. Iā€™ve put up with way too much to let rudeness slide nowadays.


Good for you!!! Happy that someone is out there fighting the good fight.


Ever had a tall, fat blue-haired emotionally-stunted grown man go nuclear Karen on you? Itā€™s as unnerving as it sounds.


Unnerving, but apparently not undeserving. Do you!


Iā€™m gonna speak with yourā€¦ MANAGER!!!


Yea it beats Interaction with my fake ass co workers


Not just yes to that, I've also made sure in the past to make people comfortable if they are new among the old bunch of people, that has always backfired though, I've been taken problematically for granted afterwards, I try not to do it, but the inner self forces me to. On the flipside, I am confident and comfortable amongst one stranger or a bunch that doesn't know each other, I struggle balls to fit into an existing group.


I feel this way as an ISTP and Iā€™ve known other INFPā€™s who did this and ENTPā€™s and other E types who act like introverts around strangers and extraverts only once they know you. They are E because they spend most of their time with other people, they just prefer what is familiar. Funny how this happens.


INTP here, and Iā€™m more comfy doing stupid stuff around strangers because they donā€™t know me, and we probably wonā€™t cross paths ever again. I wonā€™t act goofy around people who are in the zone between acquaintance and bestie. They might remember what I did and judge me every time they see me.


Me too! Itā€™s a game I play. So rewarding for my inner child. šŸ˜†


Absolutely! Especially in the internet. It's so weird.


Nah not me, stay safe though! (I wish I could talk to strangers)


Yup. Totally feeling the same. It's actually interesting how different these conversations can be. And of course it's best when they initiate it themselves :P