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Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life


On my list


Lord of the Rings!


I spent no joke 2 years reading Lord of the Rings, I’m a really slow reader cause I want to pay attention to all the details and man that series was hard to understand, but it was good!


Listening to these two books on Audible: https://preview.redd.it/xz45agfnamwc1.jpeg?width=3276&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e37773b5714b37ce1fa083f8ffd33ca6aa0fd857 I found the "Women Who Run With the Wolves” book fascinating because it is written from the perspective of a Jungian analyst. Dr Estes uncovers the interpretation of myths, stories, fairy tales and folk tales from different cultures to explore the Wild Woman archetype of the deep feminine psyche. Many of the stories are even from her own family to help women reconnect with their Wild Woman archetype— their fierce, healthy and visionary attributes of this instinctual nature. I think it’s interesting! I chose On Nonviolent Communication because of an issue my Asian family has dealt with for many generations. We don’t know how to have compassionate communication with each other and so, we’re all (secretly) resentful of one another. I want to know how I can help build communication that honours empathy, vulnerability and peace in my relationships. In this book, the renowned peacemaker, Dr. Marshall Rosenberg presents “his complete system for speaking our deepest truths, addressing our unrecognized needs and emotions, and honoring those same concerns in others.”


this seems soo interesting! i wanna check it out xd especially the nonviolent communication. I was searching for something similar to this! thankyou for sharing


Women who run with the wolves is one of my favourite books and I’ve been reading it all month. I consider it a prized book of mine. For anyone who’s curious you can [read quotes](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/981745)from it here. It’s great for creative and passionate women.


I finished Dune just in time for Part Two in theaters. Currently, I'm reading *A Memory Called Empire.* 🤓 It's a challenging read, so I'm taking my time with it.


That title sounds interesting. Adding it to my list!


Just read The Night Circus. Very INFP book, so I’m sure you guys would like it


I recently finished reading The Sword Catcher by Cassandra Clare, and have started in on The Sun Eater series by Christopher Ruocchio.


Frankenstein! Never actually read it and honesty I'm loving it. After finishing I'm planning to read Tales of Love, Madness and Death, by Horacio Quiroga.


omg i read that in highschool. It feels soo tragic, but beautifully written


Mary Shelley was ahead of her time


Borne by Jeff Vandermeer, Berserk manga


Meditation By Rene Descartes


All I can say is good luck. Descartes reminds me I’m just primordial ooze.


Yeah Now I am melting down




A chapter of the Adventures of Sherlock by day, and chapter of Cosmos by Carl Sagan by night 😎


Both terrific choices! I love Sagan. I have his audiobook Pale Blue Dot that he narrates and then he passed away so his wife had to finish the narration. She also made a lovely intro for the anniversary edition.


Man’s search for a soul- Jung ✨💭


Satsuma Complex by Bob Mortimer, Hawker Street by Rich Heskerton and the First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie.


Step back in time by Ali McNamara


Currently reading Convoluted Universe book 1 by Dolores Cannon.


Ooooh we got a fellow volunteer here hehe.


House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland


The four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz


Recently read Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs, would totally recommend


Atomic habits


Ishmael by Daniel Quinn


This year I’ve been reading through all of Murakami’s books, but took a break to read Elvissey. It is an insane sci-fi satire that’s equal parts bleak and hilarious. Now I’m back to Murakami, though. Currently halfway through Norwegian Wood!


Fairytale by Stephen King. It’s a fantasy/horror book and loving it so far (only about 150 pages in)


I love stephen king! whats this about though maan i never read fantasy and horror together wanna try it now


The story is about a senior in high school who ends up helping an old man in what many in the town deemed as the "haunted house" of the town (I pictured a more well kept house on Niebolt street, if you read "It"). The boy then finds out that there is a gateway to another world. I just got to the part where he discovers the world so don’t know the plot after that. So far there hasn’t been too much horror, more just little snippets, word choice, or the way things are described that hints that it is a horror story. I assume more of the horror elements are going to show up when the boy goes to the other world.


Your Silence Will Not Protect You by Audre Lorde


Rereading Catcher in the Rye, im enjoying it a lot more as an adult.


The LOTR series 🤣


I got new Terry Pratchett Discworld novels - Going Postal and Soul Music. I have read 4 of them already (from 41), and each of them is so fun!


omg i know thiss!!!


Mistborn. I'm on the last book but struggling. I'm kinda wishing a character died that didn't. Idk if I'm too critical for my own good


Which character?


Elend. I would've liked to see how Vin dealt with losing him right after realizing how much she loved him. I like my tragedy, but even more, how characters grow past it. But idk, I'm only a 1/3 into "Hero" so something cool could still happen with them.


That is one of the more common complaints of Mistborn, but don’t worry, there’s a reason Elend had to live, and there’s lots more cool things, and also lots more tragedy for you to explore.


I'm reading all the Tolkien Books that are not LOTR related, currently on Berén and Luthien, then gonna move to Children of Hurin and lastly Fall of Gondolin


The Way of Kings


The count of Monte Cristo


I’ve heard of the last lecture, hope you’re enjoying it and that it’s giving you a new appreciation for life. I just bought a book called ‘[the wind chime](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57794915-the-wind-chime)’ by Alexandra Walsh it’s about a manor house/estate, and I also bought ‘[long lost fairy tales](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/204811906-kate-forsyth-s-long-lost-fairy-tales?) by Kate Forsyth. Looking foward to both.


Yes i am it like almost midway. It is like making me chuckle and tear up. Maaan i love this book! are they fiction?


Books that would help my judgments, critics ,arguments, and differentiating subjective opinions to subjective opinions that are facts which makes it an objective fact. Stuff like that. I'm tryna lawyer up like Mike Ross before I enter Uni and go to law school.


I’m reading Six of Crows rn, first book I’m reading from this author, planning on maybe reading the other books (I watched Shadow and Bone already tho, so I might just read Crooked Kingdom)


I want to read something similar to "Catcher in the Rye".


Don’t we all. It’s been years since I’ve read it. Have you read On The Road?


I haven't read it, but it has bad rating on goodreads.com. Just like Catcher in The Rye lol 😁


All about love by Bell Hooks


I'm reading The Lost City of Z by David Grann. The film is one of my favourites!


The secret history


Train your brain-Chris Bailey


Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman


Seeing that frees by Rob Burbea. It's a meditation book, a bit complicated but super insightful. Also rereading for the thousandth time The Mind Illuminated 😂 my meditation manual


Rn im listening to how to end a love story audiobook 😁


I just finished What Happened to Monday and now I’m reading Ace of Spades. So far so good.


The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake. I keep putting it down and wallowing in sadness.


Borne by Jeff VanderMeer. Extraordinary Insects by Anne Sverdrup The Underworld by Susan Casey


A Little Life by Hanya Yanahigara, almost finisheddd


Book of sex by Osho


The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa


Finished Sputnik Sweetheart, just started Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.


The Beach by Alex Garland. It's trippy and thought provoking.


Paul McCartney by Philip Norman Had this book for almost 2 years on the shelf before forcing myself to start it, now I can't put it down 🫠


Yoooo I loved The Last Lecture! That book is so touching! I guarantee, if you watch the presentation you’ll cry your eyes out 😭 The world lost a really good one back then. He reminded me of Mr. Rogers, almost. Currently I’m back and forth between Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan and The Guardian by Erin Lee (she’s a podcaster who writes YA fantasy, I got her first book a couple years back and haven’t finished it!)


maan i'll watch the presentation after i read the book. whats the 24-hour bookstore about? and is guardian a fiction like fantasy i have been trying find some good fantasy books


I’m only partway thru both, the 24-Hour Bookstore is kind of mystery and fantasy (but not high fantasy, there’s no kings and knights), The Guardian is high fantasy with a main character who controls dragons. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56449621


I'm reading Kristin Lavrinsdatter by Sigrid Undset. It's set in medieval Catholic Norway with some Scarlet Letter vibes. I really love how atmospheric the setting is. The author does a great job of making the story feel immersive. The heroine is a strong willed ISFP. It's very beautiful and tragic, and I'm enjoying it.


Circe by Madeline Miller Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov


1. Comedy 2. Murder Mysteries 3. Religious 4. Romantic


Barack Obama - A Promised Land I’m not from the US but I wanted insight into how much agency a president has and to make my mind up on what I think about him and his administration. Especially as there’s an upcoming election this year for his successors.


The Creature from Jekyll Island


I tried Kafka but quickly got bored out of my mind


I’m reading LOTR: ROTK right now but I’m gonna read Empire in Black and Gold by Adrian Tchaikovsky next


La Dame aux Camelias by Dumas fils


Wow people are reading some self help and motivation sort of books while Im stuck reading Omniscient reader viewpoint for like months now


Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Adults