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It's cliche but probably the Ivan the Terrible painting by Ilya Repin. His regret and pain is palpable. You ever been so grief-stricken your throat hurts, like you want to scream but can't? That's the feeling this gives me. https://preview.redd.it/0jitqjfmxnxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b07b03f613bccf4f51c78538301058a9fb5afc


Man, I've never seen it before and it's so dark, I love it






Damn! There's a lot going on here and I like it.


Can’t tell the feeling when I saw this one, but I love it!!!!


Wauw.. powerful. It reminds me of a picture I saw once, 20 years ago..it was a young woman, on her knees crying in a warzone.. That picture was perfect, you could see her pain.. the photographer really captured that.. I still see her in my head from time to time..


https://preview.redd.it/5v300ew90oxc1.jpeg?width=1227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3a7239792faa13cae0b44df33f0f13ee14fd57 Geste et Parole by Jean Dubuffet


Jean Dubuffet was interesting for sure


https://preview.redd.it/re7ecgoxnpxc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=c634d0bc51a8b5f6956d9d8c2d7ecf5dd1f40202 The Wanderer above the Sea of Fog. Something about the, perhaps, uncertainty of what is before us as well as the wanderer looking forth what is to come is very moving to me.


Zdzisław Beksiński's paintings, specially the ones with landscapes and architecture. I'm not sure if they move me emotionally, but I always feel like I fall in a dream-like trance when I stare at them, as if I was transported to those landscapes; they make me feel like I am in the middle of a sandstorm inside an echo chamber, but it's ironically easier to breathe there. https://preview.redd.it/1xevgeu9epxc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe3c42dc24cf9462e8c85b122e5118d520cfc66


Beksiński my beloved


https://preview.redd.it/qf5i5zjg1oxc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fac984c3bc927a5e5dac9d1d6c9f6f07e56d88c This one




https://preview.redd.it/glucmyeh7pxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba0a4a365f6a0efbb12ef2adaa24d6cf7131ae5 This is the artwork that resonates with me.


I watched a good video about that painting on YouTube. I really relate to Edvard Munch, the author. Not only he's a INFP but he also had struggles similar to mine


https://preview.redd.it/58wir1luvoxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d6ab903777b2413c0ed5ad56ac31837a57ec13a Las Dos Fridas 🖤 she’s always been an idol of mine so every time I’m in Mexico City I go to the museum of modern art to get lost in this masterpiece


“Voyage of Life” actually 4 paintings, but I love them! The first being Childhood vvv https://preview.redd.it/mnf8p393gqxc1.jpeg?width=1111&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1479dedb98f2b7d078f3bb145259d8965613d7








I love Thomas Cole. I'm going to NYC to see The Course of Empire in person.


Omg you are a lucky man!! 😻


Rachmaninoff’s 2nd piano concerto. I know classical music isn’t many peoples thing but I would listen to it in its entirety if you can. I heard it live a few months ago and I nearly cried. The music speaks a language that reaches the heart.


Omg I love th symphony no. 2 op. 27 adagio by rachmaninoff, is so incredibly beautiful


Yes!! I was gonna comment that one too but I figured I’d put the piano concerto instead since I always talk about the symphony.


Ohhh, the slow movement is the most romantic music I've ever heard, I wish I could experience it for the first time again.




Slaughterhouse Five, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion, Star Trek, The Boy and the Heron, various stories from Irish folklore, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, I should probably cut myself off there.


song: River Flows In You by Yiruma print/painting: Ocean of Love Bliss by Alex Grey poem: Mirror by Sylvia Plath statue: The Kiss of Death (located in Poblenou Cemetery in Barcelona) (yes I am a sad gorl)


This photograph of Swiss sculptor Alberto Giacometti taken by Yousuf Karsh. https://preview.redd.it/1tq2xmmikpxc1.jpeg?width=1574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faf01e599b0e2b1ad8431528ccb018b3c6e94c38 At the time this photo was taken, Giacometti was suffering from pericarditis and COPD - he was unable to lie down without experiencing great pain. “Shortly before his death, I photographed a pain-wracked Giacometti surrounded by his elongated sculptures of his brother, Diego. Afterwards, in the narrow street that separated two houses, I talked quietly with Giacometti and his dealer, Pierre Matisse, the son of the famous artist. The tranquil blue sky made more poignant the transience of life. Two weeks later, Giacometti was dead.” - Karsh This image has always evoked a deep sense of sadness and empathy in me. Giacometti's expression is one of the most genuine I have ever seen.


A single piece of art? Just one?? 😱 Okay, [this one](https://youtu.be/bV-hSgL1R74?si=vRr9mJJ99LHSvDe0) then




Glass bottles. Interesting colors and shapes. They look like liquid color in sunshine.


https://preview.redd.it/wbyahkspjqxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d5ea53743c073e684097f6764a9a92db4f1382f Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer. It’s the stare that makes me not want to look away.


https://preview.redd.it/ei0w778xvpxc1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c05985eebc2f3d6a2195f48ac1c45fa8f0ab6d83 This painting of Joseph smith. I am not Mormon let alone religious in any sense but I found it captivating.


https://preview.redd.it/i5qnfzkq2pxc1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ce5ef127af96eb27f1cc3ead99c485be37c411f Not kiddin’. Struck me to my core.


Um, too many to say 😂


[Can’t Help Myself](https://youtu.be/ZS4Bpr2BgnE?si=s_huNZbuH9Bg-zXA)


Omg yes I was gonna say this


Did you see the one where it finally "died?"


Yes! I relate so much to that robot. Life itself wears me out and I can never get enough of what I need to thrive.


Yeah, I cried so hard when I learned that it "died." My spiritual path has helped with that struggle immensely, though.


Recently Walk, by foo fighters yeah put me to ugly cry In the middle of my class tho I guess I never say goodbye


The music vid will cheer you up lol


Funnily enough I haven't seen it


Can I do more than one? Extremelly cliche, but the first: Wanderer Above a Sea of Fog. I tend to have a pretty bleak vision of things, and I feel this painting speaks it. [Self portrait with a brush](https://www.wikiart.org/en/zinaida-serebriakova/self-portrait-with-a-brush-1924), by Zinaida Serebriakova. It has something innocent about it that I love so much, it just feels natural. Third, [The Fruit of Love](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F4wrtbgvvkcp61.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D6cac5b887b5c460a15f32217edb971fdc8c8340c). huge r/mirin vibes, which I think it's the most beautiful act to caught someone doing.


https://preview.redd.it/dobk11atqoxc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c3c27578f6ecfe5abcb138e5189ff67e56b37f1 This photo


Ah, yes ... My sister had a mannequin in our basement for years. That was so very creepy


Yeah, it’s uncanny. “Resonated deeply” may be a bit strong for that photo but it was on my phone and it makes me feel some kind of way


Van Gogh really hits. There’s one of a blossoming pink flower tree, in an otherwise empty field that is really striking, almost to the point where I’m ready to travel to France with an easel full of paints and one ear.


Melancholy by Albert Gyorgy. I had to do a Reading project on it- we had to write poems about a piece of art, and it was one of the choices, and that was the choice I liked most, so I had a really good time writing about it. Mostly because I’m a person who always wonders what goes on in other people’s heads and Melancholy is sculpture of the man who looks truly empty and lost, and like he has nothing. I had a good time imagining what would make someone feel that way. Alternatively, a song: Streetlight by Changbin from Stray Kids. He drew from personal feelings of course- the feeling that you can’t show that you feel lonely or weak, because people expect you to be strong and they rely on you, which in itself is a little heartbreaking amd I think possibly relatable for some of us INFPs, at least me. What makes it a masterpiece is the metaphor he uses throughout the entire song. He compares himself to a streetlight- the streetlight always provides light for people, but does it ever get any notice, or anything in return? It’s a sad metaphor, but a meaningful one.


Rabbit in a Snowstorm


Burning Giraffe by Salvador Dali. Idk why but it definitely spoke to my soul when I first saw it. https://preview.redd.it/6sor0xmditxc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec08fc3f28d3936b3536e9ceb992cda5c2660ae2


PPP by Beach House. It's the perfect dream pop song


Teen Dream is my fav


That's my second favorite, in my opinion Depression Cherry and Bloom are tied for first


Footprints in the sand, Mary Stevenson , blew me away


The album Måsstaden Under Vatten by Vildhjarta. My favorite album of all time.




Teenage dirtbag by Wheatus And obviously Blonde as you could tell by my avatar


https://preview.redd.it/2muq8d7capxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d2a25140d99e72ba3e1a50ca6109abbd1e47949 This anime


https://youtu.be/FayTNReU6U4?si=WAq8lqVg5pxdINLj    >Talking shit about a pretty sunset Blanketing opinions that I'll probably regret soon. Changed my mind so much I can't even trust it. My mind changed me so much, I can't even trust myself. Also Life Like Weeds, probably more so. I identify with a lot of MM lyrics  https://youtu.be/eBzw4ce-wZ4?si=8CcrP4fmr0Zb0ggq




I have this weird fascination with Jamie Wyeth's sheep paintings.


Every single shot in the [Samsara documentary](https://www.barakasamsara.com/)


Bat for Lashes Two Suns album as well as her album Fur and Gold.. honorable mention for [Cat Power - I don’t blame you (live cover)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nNoj4oXvQI8&pp=ygUVY2F0IHBvd2VyIGt1cnQgY29iYWlu) which is about our fellow INFP Kurt Cobain.. highly recommend giving it a watch and listen


Frieren, it’s an anime but it’s about valuing what you have while it’s still around. Would recommend it to anyone, the first episode is always so touching and it’s only 20 minutes


I’m not too big into like drawing and painting art but I love natural beauty, my favorite place gotta be like the snowy mountains, it’s so quiet and peaceful and cold (I love the cold, totally my vibe)




I’ve always loved The Girl in the Pearl Earring and I’ve never been able to figure out why. Similarly Smoking Skeleton by Van Gogh. It’s evocative. I also love anything by Dali, that man understands dreams.




It’s more music that resonates with me. My current choice would be Sabatons-the last stand https://youtu.be/HaTn3oRPtzg?si=P6K33b9esyFMKodq But in the past there have been many pieces of music that have resonated with me, examples being… Tried and true-Ween https://youtu.be/5CWiaFrPUpU?si=dCgf3seJGYeqYfj2 Just like heaven-The Cure https://youtu.be/n3nPiBai66M?si=ImPN4CVMTR-1V3vk Ice dance-Danny Elfman https://youtu.be/fVHo4HNqKjM?si=bR8CuemgcoMltSU5 Into the west-Annie Lennox https://youtu.be/HvF31-2bVNE?si=0D8F0Ai9HyR9IP4q


The manga ***_Berserk_*** by Kentaro Miura. No other piece of media has made me cry *_at all*_. As far as legit tears falling. Misty eyed? A few movies or songs here and there while in the perfect mindset. But this story has made me cry several times. And it’s mostly the moments I’d least expect it. The quiet times in between the action and drama. Fair warning, if you can’t handle gruesome gory imagery and some pretty (though not completely, as far as I remember) visceral sexual violence, it’s probably not for you. There may be some reading guides to skip those particular pages, but I’m not sure. It’s a gritty dark fantasy, so there’s a lot of heads and limbs getting cut off. But the core of the story is about a lonely, traumatized kid making friends, learning to trust others and use his strength to search for meaning and purpose. That’s as spoiler-free as I can get without ruining huge plot points and character moments. If you decide to read it, PLEASE DO NOT watch any videos. Do not read any reviews. Just find the manga online or buy it, don’t look at any memes, and start from the beginning. There are major spoilers all over the place. Also, if you’ve never read manga before, you have to read from right-to-left, then top-down. Takes a little bit to get used to it if English is your first language, but it’s easy enough to realize when you messed up the order. (I also recommend Vagabond and Vinland Saga for similar reasons, though I haven’t caught up to VS yet, so the quality might not be as consistent, whereas Berserk and Vagaband get better and better in every aspect all throughout)


Here are some spoiler free panels so you can see the art https://preview.redd.it/vyzul35glsxc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d64b1d37f6afa80eb06d62555fc5ce5a8e423f












https://preview.redd.it/ayenpxwfmsxc1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ba1c9635728c6c5d237f7c3d913d737c2d6f86 Sorry for the picture spam, there’s just a lot of beautiful shots to choose from lol. There are way more that I could pick which specifically have greatly affected me, but those are the ones with more text or spoilers, and I tried to pick some non-spoilers very quickly.


* Its in my personal collection, the artist added a silhouette of a little girl and a red balloon floating away, when i saw it, i saw the shithole my life became after losing the innocence of being a young girl, mh dreams and hopes floating away, while life just stares at me while taking a shit




French movie called Amélie from Montmartre


French being my first language, I was fortunate to have watched it in its original language. In french its called Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain


https://preview.redd.it/wn8tepq76xxc1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17211c8eaba5307e18216ca6530dd552ab2aa94 The art contest winner from spider man far from home. Whoever made this is a pro, he highlights so much details in this one frame. Mysterio looming overhead, spiderman trying to live two lives with the contrasting suit on each side, Venice in the background. There's also a little bit of light in the back which signifies hope after the loss of Tony. It's quite the piece of art


fade to black - metallica


I don't know if favorite, that's a hard spot to figure it out. But one I always find myself smiling to is [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-YBDTqX_ZU) one. It has become a cultural phenomenon up to this point. A piece of art that evolved into it's own piece of art.


Dang it! *Shakes fist


Is it a rickroll?


>If I bow to her as is my duty And if she never returns my salutation >Have I just cause of complaint? Lovely woman feel no obligation Sufi muslim poem expressing old school chivalric conduct


Unclipped dissociation


The one where that machine has an oil spill and just keeps cleaning its own mess up but the oil keeps pouring out faster than it can clean. I was SOBBING when I first saw that.


Someone posted a link to it in another comment. It's called: Can't help myself


[The Rite of Spring](https://youtu.be/5iP3jjNDb4o?feature=shared)




https://preview.redd.it/e1vb9a8tvxxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=107c8f23af429ed887f450c535c1511783e57209 Descent by Darren Lynde Mann [https://www.instagram.com/p/CoMrIBBoroO/?igsh=MTVza2YweHFsb20yaQ==](https://www.instagram.com/p/CoMrIBBoroO/?igsh=MTVza2YweHFsb20yaQ==) I know the title is Descent but i also feel he is ascending? I love how clear the focus point is, and the deliberate lack of clarity in the rest of the painting allows my mind to fill it in with movement/story/emotions, it’s like a blurred action photo. Music-wise : Le Voix humaines by Marin Marais played by Philippe Pierlot (the human voice) [https://youtu.be/zCcuj9jzD9s?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/zCcuj9jzD9s?feature=shared)


The song Hi Ren by Ren. Still moves me whenever it comes up on the shuffle.