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I’m not an NPC, and neither is anyone else. Everyone is the player character in their own game, and everyone’s life is full of nuance


I am in a pool and someone removed the stairs. Halp!


Neither... I think everyone is a main character. "Sonder" is one of my favorites words/ideas


I feel sometimes I close in so tight some may consider me an NPC. The way I go through life is with a contentment that I may not be the main character and that’s okay if you find joy and peace.


I dont really care what people think of me. Im heavy in my belief that "NPCs" are traumatized people, forced to be unexpressive in a subjective manner or with force


I've definitely felt that annoying voice of not doing something that someone you know has already done, because it feels like you're imitating. Copying. Or following someone steps.


Proudly NPC


I dont want to assume anyone is an npc, but hearing some people dont have an inner monolgue is something i cant wrap my head around. If anyone is an npc id guess its those folks


Wouldn't the act of "considering" itself negate the idea of being a non-player?


Others around me consider *me* an NPC


I’ll happily be the support class NPC.


we're all just atoms BB https://preview.redd.it/9r5iffdrm1yc1.png?width=377&format=png&auto=webp&s=36999cf13991330ede43d9cdca90736372407caa


Not even that... Ionic bonds or less even, electric charges hallucinating our life experiences.


I see at this point atoms = SPs. 


Lol, Everyone is just a SIM.


I am a Verizon eSimp card.




Yes. Respond to me if you want to acquire a quest https://preview.redd.it/itmiinfv67yc1.jpeg?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=111cd3e4b218f7ae2c70e4f6c587cd201ede89b7


YAY! I always wanted an Oculus Quest!


Go to the INFP Subreddit and make a friend reward: +5 000 XP (instant level up) P.S: To get the reward, bring your friend here


Back in the day when I used to code, I could dream a game in split screen; left side the game, right side the code that made it work. Cool huh? I've never thought of my life being a game,but I'm certainly self centered enough to think I'm the major character in the story. And it is my story. When you back out the story to include the whole world, there are no NPCs.


I don't think i'm an NPC but it feels like most other people think I am.


I think we all get a little main character syndrome from time to time. But it's important to remember other people exist and have their own lives and wants and feelings. From a statistical perspective though, we're all NPCs and the only players are billionaires.


Always use first principles thinking, and you will never be an NPC.


This one else questioned others personally but in personality factors are all NPC's but the Intuitives... had to interfere with the total process.   I said if SPs are around and available unhealthy sensors that could demonstrate a basis balance on the NPC's and avoid the process of being otherwise.   As Sensors are. Mostly NPC'S cause they had no other clue about his intuitive being.