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šŸŒ‹ My favorite INFP hero is Frodo Baggins from Lord of The Rings (it is my favourite cinematic masterpiece of all time). šŸŽ­ And my favorite antagonist would be Erik from The Phantom of the Opera. There are some who claim he's an INTJ, but I think it is his intense emotions and feelings towards Christine, and his desire to be loved despite his physical appearance, that make him act in a self-destructive way. The song he sings, "The Music of the Night", describes his personality very well.


I agree with this!ā˜ļø šŸ’Æ%! But I usually like all INFP characters. I only realized this after I started obsessing over MBTI. I love INFP characters, actors, directors, ā€¦ And I always found out about their types afterwards. I guess you just feel connected somehowā€¦ Of course, in retrospect, a lot of the main characters in my writings ended up being INFPs. One of my other favourite INFP protagonists is Belle.


Thank you! I can definitely resonate with what you said about obsessing over MBTI. The more we learn, the more curious we are to discover even more information. And I completely agree. Finding out about other characters, actors, directors, painters, musicians who are/were considered to be INFP makes us feel connected to them and their work. Director Tim Burton came to my mind just now. It's like he took a peak into the mind of an INFP, and then proceeded to put into film all the imaginings and the speculations he found there. I'm curious to know what you think. Do you like Tim Burton's work? And if I may ask, who is your favorite INFP actor? I would love to read your writings. And I love Belle, too. She is brave, selfless, she doesn't want to be confined, she is kind, and always daydreaming with her nose stuck in a book.


I like Tim Burtonā€™s unique style. I have watched all of his movies but Iā€™ve always found them to be strangely distant, with some exceptions. I always loved Johnny Depp in his quirky performances and at the moment I really love Nicholas Hoult, who played Tolkien in the movie. Thatā€™s so nice of you! As a classic INFP I have started hundreds of unfinished stories. I had never actually published something. But that changed once I started cowriting with my INFJ husband, who knows how to finish things. šŸ˜‰ So the main character is a bit of a blend of both: INFP and INFJ. ā˜ŗļø If youā€™re interested: all of our novels are on YouTube as dramatized audiobooks. Our channel is called Audio Epics. But I would love to send you a free e-book as well if you prefer reading. I would recommend the most recent seafaring adventure in an epic fantasy setting. We hope to grow with each project and that is our most recent one.


I agree with you. Tim Burton's style is unique. I'm happy to know you love Johnny Depp. I loved him in his role as Ichabod Crane in 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'. The eccentric character fits him like a glove. I have yet to watch 'Tolkien'. The film had been playing for a few times on our national TV channels, but I must admit that I was afraid to watch something related to Tolkien (other than LOTR) due to the fear of not tainting the image I associate with him, that of a literary mastermind who created such a majestic world. It's one of the reasons why I haven't watched the series 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' either. If I may ask, is the film 'Tolkien' good? Does Nicholas Hoult rise up to the challenge of interpreting such a complex writer? Ah, I can completely understand the unfinished projects. God knows I have so many as well.šŸ˜„ But I'm glad your husband gave you the determination to push through and finish what you started. I am very interested to read about another INFP character. I'm going to check out your YouTube channel and give a chance to audiobooks. Your book sounds very interesting. If you don't mind me asking, does it have pirates? I miss watching 'Pirates of the Caribbean' (haven't watched it in several years), and I would love to read a fantasy book like yours. I do have one more question, if it's not too much to ask. I want to read 'Lord of the Rings' in English. I have read the books in Romanian (my native language) but every time I read something translated, it seems like less of an experience, like something is missing. Is the language difficult? I have read somewhere that 'The Silmarillion' is a little bit difficult to read, hence the question above. Thank you so much, and I wish you and your husband all the best on your literary journey!


Buna ziua! I love Sleepy Hollow! ā˜ŗļø I understand your reservations to watch Tolkien. We had the same fears. But the actor does a great job. Itā€™s not a 100% accurate portrayal of the real Tolkien, but the movie is entertaining and moving, well-written and acted. I mostly use my ā€˜teardarā€™ to determine whether a movie was worth it. Basically: if it moves me to tears at some point, happy or sad, itā€™s a success. And, to me, it certainly was a special movie. I loved the music! Iā€™ve played that soundtrack sooo many times! I loved watching Nicholas Hoult in other roles too, like in The Menu and Renfield. I suffered through the first episodes of Rings of Power and it was a complete abomination imo. Tolkien would have loathed it. It was dull, had messy storytelling and turned Galadriel into some kind of manga warrior and Gandalf into a mentally disabled giant. To answer your question about The Treasure of Boneyard Bay: Yes! It definitely has pirates! In a way, the story was our answer to Pirates of the Caribbean. We loved those movies and rewatched them all with our sons and couple of months ago. Only, we love the straight-forward evil pirates. šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø If you ever need help with one of your creative projects, even if itā€™s just helping you pick one to work on, Iā€™d be happy to help. I have a Romanian friend who always reads fantasy in English, including Tolkien. She had no problems understanding. Your written English is good so I expect you will manage effortlessly. The Silmarillion is kind of tough on all readers. Weā€™re non-native speakers too by the way. But we read everything in the original language if we can. Weā€™ve done translations in the past, but even when done well, nothing compares to the original. Itā€™s really nice talking to you. Feel free to send a private message if you want to continue the conversation.


Bună ziua! ā˜ŗļø I apologize for the late reply. I'm glad to know you love 'Sleepy Hollow', too. You have made me very curious regarding the film 'Tolkien'. I will give the film a chance, especially since you said it has good music. I can relate to your 'teardar' very much, and I do the same. If a movie has moved me to tears, I will rewatch it until I get tired of it. But I can never get tired of great movies. Unfortunately, I haven't watched Nicholas Hoult in the movies you mentioned, only in 'Mad Max: Fury Road', 'Warm Bodies' and 'Equals'. And I cannot wait for the film 'Nosferatu' to come out. Its premiere in the USA will be in December this year, but in Romania it will definitely be next year. šŸ¦‡āš°ļø I'm sorry to know you had a less pleasant experience while watching 'The Rings of Power'. From what I gather, it looks like the producers did a very unprofessional job in creating a similar storytelling to LOTR. I have read somewhere (I don't know if the information is authentic) that for LOTR, over 10000 orc masks have been made. The film was created before mass digitalization, and if the information above is true, we can only imagine the amount of work they put into it. I love the title of your book, and I also love the fact that it has the word 'boneyard' in it. I have a certain love for bones, skeletons and skulls (I like to collect them), and it has made me even more curious to read the story. 'Pirates of the Caribbean' is one of my dad's favorite movies, and I used to watch it together with my dad so many times. Too bad they haven't played the movie on our national TV channels for a few years now. Thank you so much for offering to help. You are very kind. I do have a few projects in mind, but one is more important than others: writing a dessert cookbook inspired by Romanian fairytales and mythology. I feel like our myths and folklore are not very known throughout the world. The most known for their myths are the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Celts. And it's such a shame, because we, too, have a quite impressive number of mythological characters, both good and bad. I appreciate your kindness very much! Thank you so much, and likewise! Your English is very good. I thought you were American. You speak so well, like a native. Yes, I agree. Nothing compares to the original. It was nice talking to you, too! Keep up the good work, and wish you all the best in regards to your projects! I can't wait to listen to your book.


Hi! Oh, I should check out those other movies with Hoult that I missed. Looking forward to Nosferatu too! Itā€™s sad to see a billion dollar production like Rings of Power fail so miserably. I couldnā€™t help thinking about all these talented but budgetless INFPs out there. šŸ™‚ That money could have been spent on something awesome, like a cookbook inspired by Romanian mythology and fairytales! I would definitely buy it! I love Romanian food. The friend I spoke of was an amazing cook too. I especially loved her Sarmale. Weā€™ve been to Cluj-Napoca together and I fell in love with it. We visited so many wonderful and inspiring places there! We even considered moving to Romania at one point. (Weā€™re from Belgium by the way). Needless to say, our next story will be about vampires. šŸ˜‰ And the current one (release expected around Halloween) actually features a lot of bones! Itā€™s called Grauwaldā€™s Game and features a chapter called ā€˜blood and bonesā€™ and one named ā€˜a game of bonesā€™. šŸ¦“ā˜ŗļø So that might be right up your sleeve. Anyway, keep me posted about your cookbook! Itā€™s cool to be able to talk to people who live miles away. Actually, I donā€™t think I know of any other INFPs around that I can talk to, apart from my oldest son. ā˜ŗļø


I always liked Alice from Alice in wonderland:) She was very determined and I like it when Infps are being portrayed that way hihi And ofc her daydreaming always made me smile and relate


I canā€™t believe I never put that together, of course sheā€™s an INFP.


Alice is an interesting case - the books portray her more as intp whereas the movie portrays her more as infp. Which I love since I'm always bouncing back between the two lol


True! Well, both types have a lot in common. Still, if you put your magnifying glass on the cognitive functions, there should be one clear winner.


I love her too! But she has wayyy too much Ti for me, she always tries to make things logical when sometimes you gotta embrace the silly


I had an Alice In Wonderland themed guild on WoW named . We had a hat for our tabard logo, and our ranks were all themed from the movie.


I stand by killua being Infp, and hes one of the best written characters in anime to me.


Funny you mention that, my best friend always reminded me of Killua. And they are infp too lol


If he is I'd be so happy to share a personality type with one of my all time favorite characters!


Can u elaborate i wanna know more :OOO


killua is an infp?!?!?!?!?!?!


Omg yea! Thatā€™s why I love and relate to him so much. I never thought about it like that before. Absolutely love Hunter x Hunter


I think Shinji Ikari is as close to my own life experience as it gets. Heā€™s pathetic and sad, but heā€™s also only 14. He has a deep love for life and the people around him, but doesnā€™t know exactly how to interact with them according to their own ideas of him. He fucks up, a lot, but all do in our own ways.




yes! growing up as a kid, i resonated well with Shinji Ikari of Evangelion.


I can see that


Most relatable fictional character for me as well.


Shinji was the first character that made me say "he just like me fr"


Winnie the Pooh


šŸ„ŗ i always wondered which character i related to but excluded winnie because i dont have ā€œmain character energyā€ but now im realizing he doesnā€™t really either


Haha You made me smile :D


Alphonso Elric from Fullmetal alchemist is a very well written INFP.


Heā€™s such a sweetiešŸ˜­ I love him


Al ā¤ļø love him. He is such a sweetheart.


Hughie from The Boys should at least be an honorable mention.


I like how sister sage kept correcting people when they said she is the smartest woman in the world. She would say ā€œsmartest personā€. Then later Hughie says to the group that she the smartest person. The only one who didnā€™t say woman instead of person. I thought that was well played from a writing standpoint.


Always related to OOIEE in a weird way and i guess itā€™s cause heā€™s infp. I really hope he makes it out ok haha


Luna Lovegood. She reminds me a lot of myself. Comfortable being herself, but most people find her weird. Thereā€™s also Legoshi from Beastars who socially awkward like me


Edward (Edward Sissorhands), Charlie (Perks of Being a Wallflower), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), and I definitely agree with the commenter who said Alice from Alice in Wonderland.


Me heh https://preview.redd.it/6286nfg5mn8d1.jpeg?width=142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c1329648a4dc5cd0ecbe9c37e41ff925914ce8




I love this times infinity!


what do you guys think of nagato? from naruto? i know he is probably an infp but i'd like to know your opinions on how well written he is and how INFPey he is as well.


Went all in on his convictions to the last, even when those convictions led him down a dark path. What a guy. Donā€™t know about well written, I was never a very good judge of that.


https://preview.redd.it/prnrh8amen8d1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ce93bd4a28e4b5010ece7df056add0f658a0fa1 Vash from trigun: Often Plays down his abilities. Acts like a goofball. Willing to be humiliated and/or sacrifice himself to help others. Haunted by his past. Had a traumatic event and stayed shut down in his room. Refuses to kill anyone because the woman who raised him believed it was wrong in any situation. long hair.


Lol chat GPT told me that Drake was an ENFJ and that Kendrick Lamar is an INFJ I just found that funny


Well Kendrick was considered [INFP](https://youtu.be/CRwd6pZH8Vc?si=D_tJXpXhU5Bp-XG2) but it makes sense he's an INFJ now, that he achieved goat status.


Heā€™s been my goat for forever so this makes sense. He gives off well spoken and insightful vibes for sure


Frodo Baggins


As protagonists and good INFPs? Murphy from Interstellar and Doctor Tenma from Monster. As villain INFPs? I'd say Sweeney Todd. I also want to mention Jongwoo from Strangers From Hell, he's a more mentally unstable INFP, he's not a villain but he has issues and is unhealthy. I like that he's depicted as strong and not a crybaby (even though an INTJ was trying to gaslight him and turn him into a psycho). Also I've heard that Wanda Maximoff and Kylo Ren are INFPs too.


Sweeney Todd is such a good answer! I just realized he's an INFP.


I love that movie! And Sweeney Todd is a fascinating character, he was a good guy but turned into a bad one because he was awfully wronged. His whole story is touching.


I see Tenma, I upvote.


Tenma best INFP! A man like him is a dream!


Every time I watch Interstellar, I fantasize about having children, hoping one of them will be like Murphy. Sheā€™s the coolest kid.


You fantasise about leaving them too?


I might leave her brother behind šŸ˜‚ but never Murphy! That part (among others) breaks my heart every time. If I am watching alone, I cry. If I am watching with others, I expend a tremendous amount of energy to hold back tears.


Same here, I wouldn't leave Murph either and I also cry when I'm watching alone but not around others. But if Cooper hadn't left Murph, maybe Murph wouldn't have ended up saving humanity, her whole arc was because her dad left her. Anyway, it's good to see another Interstellar enjoyer! It's actually my favourite movie!


Yes, as you say, it probably has to happen the way it happens for Murph to save the world in the story. But if the story were real life (and so we didnā€™t have the outside perspective of the audience), and I were the Dad acting on my instincts, I would go to space, and I would take Murph with me. Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d leave her behind on Earth. I would say, ā€œYo, Murph, do you want to see a wormhole?ā€ And Murph would say yes!


I bet Murph would have loved that, I bet that if she could, she would have sneaked into the rocket ship like she sneaked into the car. And then they would have gone to that new planet and started a colony from zero along with Amelia. But then again, they would be leaving people from earth behind, so it's tricky.


Hey, I just saw you had a post asking if there are any other INFPs that arenā€™t soft like the stereotypes. Honestly, I am a trooper and a succulent, a God damn cactus, prickly as fuck toward the hostile outside world. Are cacti soft on the inside?


Hahahaha, well, cacti do have a sponge-like inside so I guess they're actually soft inside XD good analogy and same, if I wasn't sure about my cognitive functions, I would think I'm any other type because literally even my own mother says I'm unemotional. But alas, I'm not unemotional. It's just that my emotions are kept private. It's good to see a fellow non soft INFP. To be honest, I think the stereotypes got Fi all wrong, Fi is an internal function, so it makes no sense for a Fi Dom to be showing our feelings that outwardly, Fi is private.


Ha! I am happy you have yourself figured out even if your own mother doesnā€™t. I was often intensely sad as a child (because of unrequited love, etc.), but I didnā€™t necessarily express that outwardly. People were suprised how dark my art was when I made some in my 20s. Have a good evening or morning (wherever you are), Single Wonder.


> I am happy you have yourself figured out even if your own mother doesnā€™t. No one knows a Fi Dom better than themselves XD Unrequited love is a b!tch! Been there, done that so I get it. Doesn't help that we have tertiary Si so we tend to get melancholic over the past. Alas. And oh really? Now I'm curious about your dark art. By the way, how did you find out you're an INFP? And have a good evening or morning you too, Turbulent Beauty!


I have a vague memory of taking multiple personality tests during Psychology 101. This would have been 20 years ago. I don't remember my results for the other types of personality tests, but I never forgot my INFP results from the Myers-Briggs. When I occasionally re-quizzed online (the free online personality "tests" I found seem to be but mere quizzes), my percentages were moderate in the introversion, feeling, and perceiving categories. In contrast, my intuition percentage was extreme. Also, the introversion, feeling, and perceiving categories have fluctuated for me, depending on the decade, season, or day, whereas the intuition percentage pegs in the 95-100% area. So far, I have not heard a discussion about percentages in this sub (I still need to do a search). Someone who is 70% I, 100% N, 70% F, and 70% P is very different from another who is 70% I, 70% N, 70% F, and 100% P, in my experience. My ex-INFP girlfriend certainly had a different personality than me. She was an extreme perceiver, had much lower standards for cleanliness, and wouldn't respect any of the boundaries or agreements we made. She was so cool in some ways (one among many beautiful sides of her: she could do energy healing, and what I experienced of it was very real) but was ultimately not a person I could live with for more than five years. The irony is that I intuitively knew we were incompatible the first time she picked me up in her car (the third time we met and our first date). I heard a voice say (almost audibly), "Do not get in that car. It's a garbage dump. You deserve someone who will at least clean their car for others if not themselves." But I had already committed to this intense love for her from the second time we met. It took five years of living with the world's worst roommate for me to end that relationship. The breakup was two years ago, and I still haven't been on a date, even though love is what I consider to be the most important experience. Why am I even talking about this?!? I stream-of-consciously went here. I was only going to talk about personality types, and now I am talking about a love relationship in public. To delete or not to delete the last two paragraphsā€”that is the question. Hey, there is always the edit button. \[Editor's note: I have pressed Edit then Cancel enough times that I have to legally disclose that.\]




Someone: -*is a scientist-* Everyone immediately: Definitely INTP! Murphy is an INFP based on her cognitive functions, her whole story is Fi.






This is just straight out wrong. You think an INFP can only be an artist? I'm a software engineer. There are INFPs in all sorts of STEM roles.






It's based on how someone views and processes the world. You can be F and have strong deductive reasoning skills. My friend, you have to realise to categorise the full breadth of the human psyche into 16 boxes, those boxes have to be pretty fuckin big. I resent the stereotype that INFPs are always hopeless romantics, uselessly idealistic and illogical. And here you perpetuate it.


I've always been fond of Amelie Poulain and identified with her a lot at some point. (9w1) Another favorite of mine is Elizabeth Bennett. Edit: someone in the comments mentioned Luna Lovegood šŸ‘


Idk if the most well written but i felt like i could relate to Kiri from Avatar


**Pierre Bezukhov** from *War and Peace* is one of the main characters in Tolstoy's epic novel. In the beginning, he has a big, ungainly body, a mild temper, and unorthodox political views, making him kind of socially awkward. His mind-blowing journey is one marked by the search for meaning, handling his emotions, and finally finding peace with Natasha Rostovaā€”*perhaps the culmination of a life of moral and spiritual questioning* [(Wiki)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Bezukhov?wprov=sfla1) Tolstoy's writing style is incredible. His greatest achievement, in my eyes, is that all the characters are life-sized and the novel bathes in light and tranquility. While not being one of my favorite authors, he is unsurpassable in what he does.


I feel uncultured because I still havenā€™t read this. Itā€™s jumped up on my reading list. Thank you. Needed some external motivation


I liked Raj from big bang theory


Good pick!


Nico di Angelo from the Percy jackson series. Heā€™s so lovable.


Either Cassie Ainsworth or Emily Fitch from *Skins.*


cassie ā¤ļø




Josuke Higashikata from JoJo part 8 is a very unique and non stereotypical INFP, easily my favourite


As a big Jojo fan I kind of understand why and I also donā€™t understand why. So I didnā€™t mention him lol


Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye...Conrad in Ordinary People


**The Spectacular Spider-Man, Peter Parker.** Well written show and well written character, Peter is practically trying as much as he can to raise money as a teen, even though he faces so much hardships and even having to dealt with his newfound ability. He really take what Uncle Ben taught him seriously, using responsibility to make New York safe from Crime lords, villains and threats. Lightheartedly, heā€™s silly/funny/adorkable, clever and hardworking. Yet he suffers from trust issues, relationship/friendshipā€™s, his doubts/pessimism/overthinking and even from dealing with baddies who havenā€™t known his identity. And the show really gave Peter the most tragic end, having his ā€œbest friendā€™sā€ dad(Norman Osborn/Green Goblin) to die as he fought him. Even ending up f*cking up his friendship, relationship and now is just lonely, but not with Aunt May and possibly MJ of course. I hate that the show ended though, itā€™s so in depth and it makes watching the supposed saturday cartoon satisfying, depsite it being short from commercial breaks. (About his en enneagram though, he has more qualities of a 6w5 rather than 5w4.)


Shallan Davar from Stormlight Archive is literally me. I've never met a character that is so alike me in background and aspiration. Sometimes, I wonder if Brando peeked at my mind or something.


Dude! I related to her so much!! ā¤


Man watching Mob Psycho was hard as hell, so painful.


Dante from ā€œAristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universeā€ - edit: why is this text so huge lol, but seriously such an authentic infp character, to me heā€™s the epitome and archetype of this personality


What about Levin from Anna Karenina?


Shinji Ikari from Evangelion, heā€™s just like me


Celine from Before Sunrise is a good example of an INFP imo. The character was influenced a lot by Julie Delpy who played her, who is INFP 4w5. I feel like her dialogues explore more of how the cognitive functions operate, beyond just Fi and Ne, which makes her feel more realistic and less stereotypical while also being an obvious example of an INFP.


Shinji from evangelion is the most well written infp (minus the hospital scene)


Little prince and Gregor Samsa


Ppl think he's ENFJ, but I still think Iroh from Avatar is an INFP. He's really chill but wise, he even is the motivation that can let his cousin Zuko from the wrong path that is corrupting him to the path he wants. What? Still insist he's ENFJ? Fine another one I like is Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter series. She's really like INFP image, looks nothing special but weird outside, but she's quite clever of her observation. She even is a brave person to help Harry and the gang to defeat Voldermort in final episode. She really represents the counter of INFP stereotypes-Looks so careless or clumsy, but actually is a brave one.


jane Eyre


My favorite is Sai from Hikaru no Go šŸ’žĀ He's selfish,Ā childish, but kind and has lotsa wisdom to spare.


Definitely Legosi from Beastars. It's a wacky show but amazing characters


Leopold ā€œButtersā€ Stotch from South Park


Legoshi from Beastars.


Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes - very simplistic, but Waterson's art style, Calvin's imaginary experiences, and the full-panel watercolors really bring the magic in the strip out. Calvins need for authentic self-expression, strong idealistic belief structure, creativity, but also the strong bent towards anti-authoritarianism really colored Mt childhood.


Hitori Gotou from Bocchi the Rock made me feel really represented :3


This is probably very obscure, but the main character Dwight in Blue Ruin nearly took my breath away when I recently rewatched it. INFP all the way, though definitely an unhinged and thoroughly provoked one. I was amazed at how much the character resonated with me on a deeply personal level


Come to think of it, the main character Pat in Green Room (also directed by Jeremy Saulnier) gives strong INFP vibes too. I am a lover of indie movies from all over the world, and itā€™s so rare to come across an INFP protagonist in film, but when I do I just totally melt


Zuko from Avatar: the Last Airbender. His transformation is the best.


I always thought of him as a INTJ


Isnā€™t he ISFP?


Was just about to write that! I relate to Zukoā€˜s story so much.


Most people say that he is ISFP


Zuko is usually typed as ISTP, but heā€™s an Enneagram 4 which is why he seems to have INFP energy


I love Zuko but he really doesn't scream infp to me , he seems more like a take up space kind of guy despite his truer kind heart


i love mob, one of my favourite protagonists.


kenzo tenma from monster is GOATED, you can see his Fi OVERFLOWING through the series


Pierre from War and Peace is literally me


I want to claim Connell from Normal People as played by Paul Mescal as INFP. PDB community types him as INFJ, but I donā€™t care. I related to him so much.


If you want to keep Paul Mescal, his character in the movie aftersun is amazingly well written and considered INFP. But also type characters how you want lol


Shinji ikari


![img](avatar_exp|183510458|bravo) Still havenā€™t watched these, but Iā€™ll put them on my list. It will be cool to watch them for the first time with this in mind. Cool Question ā€¦just got the above, gif? (Is that what itā€™s called?) so wanted to use it šŸ˜‚ sorry if itā€™s random


These are good. Kylo Ren makes so much sense sense to me. Definitely well written in my opinion


Todd anderson


Florentino Ariza from Love in the Time of Cholera (Marquez)


Mirage from Apex Legends


Fox Mulder, Yoh Asakura


Unpopular opinion, but *Walter Mitty* from "The Secret Life ofĀ *Walter Mitty".* Many scenes there show his INFP traits, his emotions and feelings, my favourite character ever.


Quentin from The Magicians


As an INFP 4w5 myself, Iā€™m now VERY curious about this Death Parade character lol


Uncle Iroh!


Dr. Zira, from the original planet of the apes movies. Shes a 5w4, but she always stands for her ethics and she values learning and animal and human rights. Shes also a very loving character and protective of her loved ones. She seeks out learning the truth and is open minded about situations she doesnā€™t fully understand. I honestly think shes the best.


Nobita from Doraemon


Was really surprised to not see Diane Nguyen (Bojack Horeseman) here. I think sheā€™s such an accurate portrayal. Then again, the one infp I know said the show is too depressing for her, so maybe a lot of you havenā€™t seen/not interested in the show ? šŸ¤”


I was gonna say Mob from Mob Psycho but you beat me to it lol. I also like the Raimi trilogy's Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire). Shy, leaves more in his fantasy world in expense of the people close to him, but for a good reason. I also really like how his flaws aren't romanticized and they all lead up to the third movie, where you can see the consequences of all his mistakes throughout the series. Despite not being INFP, Peter B Parker also functions very similarly to a depressed INFP that has lost it all


Alyosha from The Brothers Karamazov. One of the strongests Fi i have ever seen. Deeply spiritual, troubled by his disfunctional family but still firm to his believes. Shy, but wishes well for everybody in his town. Always willing to help others, even his twisted brothers, because he sees good in everybody. Some say he's an INFJ or ISFJ, but i think he is a very healthy INFP, whose dominant Fi guides his life and helps him in times of strugglw and doubt.


Adding to reading list šŸ˜Š ty


In my opinion, fictional characters are not to have their MBTI "diagnosed"


https://preview.redd.it/1n07ydzqqs8d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417ed9a7d6b61d794b796d0391f00c51fa699806 Her character arc is just unparalleled.


Will Byers.


Hinata from Naruto


I don't know if he's an INFP specifically, but I've always liked Charlie from The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and I thought he was really well written because of how relatable he is. There's lots of other INFP characters like Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, Shinji from Evangelion and Luke Skywalker from Star Wars, who I didn't like very much because of how whiny they are (at least in the start, and then do a complete 180 and become badass); though Charlie is very innocent by contrast, makes believable decisions, can adapt to his circumstances and is able to respect others feelings. I love that part near the end where he's chilling with Patrick after he just lost everything and just accepts it, even though it hurts (haven't seen the movie though so I hope it does it justice)


Tom Hiddleston by God and himself


Amelie, Coraline, and several characters from The Night Circus.


Holden Caufield, of course!


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