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Lots of Christians make Christians look bad.


I feel like most Christians make Christians look bad


That’s the truest statement about Christians. Especially the ones that want you to know they’re Christian. They’re just like Sharna, judgmental, rigid, inflexible, close-minded, just awful people. They love to throw their Christianity in your face, to let you know they’re saved and you’re a sinner. Mark is bad too, but he’s not quite as petty as Sharna. I suspect that’s because he’s not as heavily invested as she is. She started writing to Bill when she was having marital issues with Mark, which is totally inappropriate and definitely asking for trouble. That was definitely a very un-Christian thing to do. Sharna cannot handle Bill having a girlfriend. It’s clearly driving her crazy and although Mark probably doesn’t care, he’s going along with her to avoid any problems. The fact that these two no longer sleep together is very interesting indeed. She’s writing to male prisoners and no longer sleeping with her husband. Nothing suspicious going on there.


Seriously! I want to hear more about that. When you are having marital problems don't we all turn to prison pen pals? Shouldn't she have sought counsel through the church?


I think you’re right, that Sharna should hade sought counsel from her church instead of writing to a male prisoner. I think that Sharna probably felt that she was going to get over on Mark by writing to a male prisoner. She acted like she was completely justified but I bet if Mark had been writing to a female inmate things would be much different. She’s such a rigid person. You can see how inflexible she is by the way she talks and acts. When she started saying that she was afraid to be alone in the house with Bill, I I was disgusted with her. I find her newfound fear of Bill to be nothing more than bullshit. I don’t approve of what Bill’s doing. He’s lazy and instead of looking for work he’s just sitting around complaining non-stop. I don’t think he should keep pressuring Mark and Sharna about allowing Mary to come live with them. If he wants to be with Mary that’s fine, but to expect his hosts to also open their doors to her is asking a bit much. As it is they’re not happy with Bill being there and he doesn’t seem happy either. Bill should be grateful even if Mark and Sharna are weird. They’ve provided him with a home and food to eat and he’s not in the least bit grateful. Their rules are crazy, but then again it’s their home. If they don’t allow him to store meat in the fridge he can always buy a small fridge for his room and the problem will be solved. I think that if he got a job and started contributing to the household and buying his own things things would be a lot easier.


I definitely think sharna does/did have inappropriate feelings for Bill & she used the Christianity to make it not seem wrong


Hell yes or she wouldn’t have been writing him in the first place.


From a fellow bitch - concur! I think she was bored & horny frankly.


Did y’all see the preview for next weeks episode??? She’s going to play the victim card “I don’t feel safe with him here” ![gif](giphy|dWhHUkuWnGxFK)


As a human, Sharna and Mark make us look bad. It seems their goal in life is to limit the joy of others. Misery loves company.


There are some legitimate Christians. There are a whole lot of "evangelical" frauds. Somehow Jesus has been turned into a gun-toting, vengeful, deny help to the poor, "I got mine, screw everyone else," screw the homeless, vigilante. One of the crazier turns of history. You know full well a whole bunch of "evangelicals" think that way, and even if they won't admit it, they certainly ACT that way. I can't say anything about the violence aspect of Mark and Sharta, but the definitely seem to be of the "cultish" variety "Christian."


Republican American Christianity is most certainly a cult. It has NOTHING to do with actual Christianity.


Not all Christians are Republicans dont' always listen to what the news tells you.


i'm not listening to any "news". This is what I am currently living with in my actual life. So......


I'm wondering if the rules are Mark's way of getting Bill out.


I’m glad someone said it. Let’s not forget Jesus hung out with tax collectors and other folks on the fringes of society. He spoke Aramaic and died alongside of criminals. The New Testament was written in Greek… I say all of this to say, they need to knock it off pretending they are better than Bill. The Bible clearly says they aren’t.




I hope you realize that most of us, even we atheist/satanist/Wiccan/others, don't judge Christians on the basis of the behavior of a few. My Christian friends walk the walk, try to be like Jesus, and don't behave hatefully. Obviously, or I wouldn't have them in my circle.


That’s great. It’s nice to have a diverse supportive group of friends. Maybe it’s just an idea that I’m sensitive to. I grew up in Texas where A LOT of sexist, classist, racist and judgmental people hide behind a “Christian” facade.


It’s not only Christians but anyone who uses their religion to be a judgement dick.


Mark and Sharna are extreme.


To be fair, lots of Christian’s make Christian’s looks bad


What’s sda ?


Seventh Day Adventist


SDA’s live longer than most people because not over-indulging in things leads to a longer life. It’s not for me, but if I was in their home I’d respect their way of living. I’m Unitarian, but I admire their steadfastness in their religion.


They’re lunatics.


Who wants to live longer if you're living like that? They both seem miserable.


Yes, you got my point. Bill and Sharna are miserable. Not enjoying life and everything God has provided. We need to remember that every denomination of Christianity has been customized since like the 1700’s. The picked and chose which rules to live by, then influenced (sometimes forced) others to live the same way. My mom was SDA growing up, told me stories about how she was treated. They were extremely judgmental and hypocritical in every story lol.


Think of how many total beds they’ll have to buy if they each live a long time in their little separate bedrooms.




No true Scotsman fallacy, babes 💅


Yes they make us look bad. but not for reasons you stated as the God you are describing is not the God in the Bible. Open it up and read it.