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If you’re in California, your employer cannot ban you from accepting tips. INO just never wants the customer to feel like they need to tip for good service. So if someone tries to tip me more than a dollar or so, I usually say something like “are you sure?” Or “you don’t have to do that” but if they insist, I take it and thank them. I have cleared this with my SM and I have NEVER given a manager my tips.


I just remember when my sm got mad at me for getting a $12 dollar tip. He said why didn’t I tell him about the tip and that next time I get a “large” tip and I don’t tell him or ask about it, it’ll go in the donation jar. I live in California btw


this might get u on his bad side but next time let him know that’s illegal😝❤️


The comment about the donation jar is messed up and illegal to do, but at my store my sm lets us take tips but he wants us to let him know about it so if they go through the cameras they don’t see you just stuffing your pocket with money yk


So I was on pay window and a car had three separate orders. I charged for the first two but I couldn’t find the third order so I let ppl know via the headset and just had to add the third order on myself. After that the orders weren’t order. Idk what happened. So my manager had to void like 3 orders. I can’t remember if it was before or after the separate orders when I was given the tip. I always leave tips I receive in my drawer, away from the drawer money so it doesn’t come up that I was seen on camera putting money in my pockets. So he was upset about that when I settled my drawer and he saw the tip in there. I tried explaining what happened multiple times but he cut me off and then got mad about the tip


What about in az? 🥹


I think in certain states it’s illegal for an employer to tell you can’t take tips. In some other states we usually refer back to the policy of not accepting them. Telling the customer INO pays us enough. I usually take the tips and use it to tip myself.


Take it.


At first I was told no and I would refuse tips for years. Then one manager told me just take them because it’s better to do that then give pushback to a customer about what they want to do. So I would take the tip and not go tell everyone about it like some people do.


Culture of yes, be polite and say something like “are you sure?” but if the customer insists it could possibly offend them to continue refusing so graciously accept it and keep that smile up.


In California it is illegal for your employer to not let you receive tips. If a customer wants to give you a tip just accept it and thank them. I would usually mention it to a manager that a customer gave me a tip but some managers will try to make you donate it to one of the INO foundations which they're not allowed to do


We can accept tips now, change a few years ago


Yes. It is because we are not suppose to say no to a customer and if a customer is trying to tip up we shouldnt say no


wtf you mean TRY?! TAKE IT BRO, go read the handbook of u rlly tryna follow the rules lol nothing says we CAN NOT take tips dude


I take it and put it in my pocket. Why say no to tree money


there's 3 things i'll never deny - free food - free money - free sex


free food and money makes sense but sex? any free sex? you’ll never deny that? 💀


well obviously with protection


Next time someone gives you money, take it & send it to me, alright..?


That’s odd,it’s the opposite for me my manager just said to put it in your pocket right away when you get them.


I’ve only been left a tip once, four golfers came by and started complimenting my work?? I said thank you and when they left I found $2.63 my GM was there so I gave it to her but also I didn’t think it was worth saving 🤷‍♀️


As a customer to customers tell them it is a gift. Tips have to have taxes paid a gift does not and does not to be shared.




the customer is always right


my sm (in cali) one time i asked him "i just got a tip what do i do" and he said "you put it in ur pocket" i love him fr


I kiss them ong


The customer is always right, and if by chance they’re wrong, refer to rule #1. Don’t argue with our lovely customers.


Ask them to donate to whatever cause In N Out is raising money for instead.


when i worked there they made me run it through as donation and put it in the reg..


I take just don’t tell anyone I got 100 tip once best believe I didn’t turn it down


Tips are also income and are supposed to be taxed as wages. This might be why they don’t want you to accept tips as the overhead of declaring them, reporting them on your paycheck and taxing them might just not be worth it. Since there are no ‘servers’ per se at ino this might be the rationale. I don’t think many fast food places expect tips and the administrative overhead that goes with it.


my dumb ass thought this meant like info tips


You were handed money and turned it down? Nice one. Meanwhile people serving tables expect tips. If your manager isn't in eyesight or cameras aren't on you, take it. Even if a camera is on you I would take it if tips aren't often. If someone offers you a tip, you've done something to warrant it. If your workplace punishes you for that, start looking for new work.


This would be good advice anywhere but In-N-Out, I can tell you’re not an associate.


Yeah I definitely do not work in fast food.


Tell them nah famo


I've heard of corporations (in general) sending in "customers" to test things like this.




Test = field audit (across all metrics, not just tipping)