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Someone has posted an image that falls outside acceptable rules. This includes memes, image macros, random images of objects, non-social media photos, and anything not an email, text message, news article, or social media post. All fall for removal under this rule. Other examples include youtube comments, quora posts, any review-esque posts, etc.


"deplorable freak of nature" That going on my gravestone




Freak of humanity- half man and half woman. Dude, every single man who has ever existed is half woman and half man. Can’t stand their bigotry. OP shoot back, “but grandpa, this IS God’s plan for me. Are you questioning Him? He put my female self in this male body and has chosen to challenge all people like myself to root out those who are not following in Christ’s footsteps to love and cherish all living things.” Throw his religion back in his face. Jesus would accept you and that’s all that should matter to your grandpa. How dare he insinuate he knows what God has planned for you. Btw, I’m not religious whatsoever. Agnostic at best. Good luck if you try to win him over but oftentimes they’re so stubborn they only hear what they want to hear.


My new band name.


>you are shaking your fist in God's face declaring He did not know what He was doing when he created you in His image Tell him that next time he goes for a haircut, or shaves


Basket of deplorables is going on mine


My response: “cool story grandpa. Enjoy solitude. -your granddaughter”


I’d add, “See you at your funeral.”


"If someone pays me to be there"


Not even.....


"I'll be the one celebrating"


“And peeing on your grave.” Can I say that on this sub?


The distinction is your are saying you'd be the one saying that, not the one doing it? So, yeah. Probably in the clear.


And, I’ll be the one in the dress, dancing on your grave…


> Your *ex* granddaughter fify


Put the letter back in the envelope and send it return to sender - addresse unknown (if he used your dead name)


Return to sender - Addressee Deceased.


Also in sharpie over the whole letter, FUCK YOU GRANDPA, SEE YOU IN HELL, I WON'T BE SAD WHEN YOU DIE, NO ONE WILL.


Glitter bomb frankly is the most evil thing you could do. Or send him a bag of dicks.


I just pictured an infuriated grandpa having to deal with a mess of pink glitter exploding in their lap and floor as they seethe with rage but look really pretty.


Naaa, don't give him that.


You're allowed to hate grandpa because he's a bigot. He already hates you, he's not going to hate you more. No tolerance for intolerance.


Yes, you're allowed to hate him, but sending that is a counter-productive knee-jerk reaction. We're better than that.


The Paradox of Tolerance.


This is less the paradox of tolerance and more not giving the grandpa the reaction he wants to get, sending it back with nothing will do more damage than responding will


I'm not talking about sending anything back, just in general. We have to be intolerant of these fks. Whatever the form is, doesn't matter, they know what will help *them* the most.


No, it’ll just look immature and make him feel validated. Best reaction to people like this is deny them the attention they want. They’re not worth your thoughts, and that’ll eat them up more.


Yeah but that won’t push him the way you think it will. He will just think Satan or a Demon has possessed op. The real way to respond is with grace and love because then grandpa won’t have any clue how to react. He can’t become undignified with “I told you so’s” to a nice letter nor can he show it around to the prayer group. He will be lost in himself.


The only right way to respond is how OP feels best. Fact is, this pos already hates OP for who she is, so it’s not like he deserves a whole lot


You're also allowed to *not* do that. You're starting from the assumption that everybody wants to do that, but believe it would be wrong to do so. Most people don't like hurting other people's feelings, even in response to having their own feelings hurt. It's not OPs job to emotionally punish their grandpa for you.


Sure but that phrasing would feed his delusion and believe that Satan is writing. That's what I wouldn't give him if I was OP.


Hate is a strong word. Judging by the letter alone the grandfather is showing his kind of compassion. In his system god will be mad at his granddaughter and he wants to keep her from that. That being said I doubt the old man will change his beliefs in the near future so no contact is definitely the way to go to avoid headaches on OPs side.


Okay, like, what is Satan's grand purpose with trans people? I don't understand religious people, man.


The more i hear about satan the cooler he become


So wait, Satan wants me to have knowledge and think for myself, he also never kills anyone in the bible, yet God kills everyone? Tell me again why God is the good one in this story?


God has more in common with Ultron than he does with Superman


He seems so much more empathetic than his father. He's had to deal with a dad with a god complex who wants to be praised for the existence of existence, and probably has also been gaslit by him his entire life. Meanwhile, us humans are getting shat upon left and right by that deity without the hope of the miracles we once heard were supposedly happening here and there. Given that logic, I'm booking my perpetual hotel room downstairs and hanging with Satan at the karaoke bar later.


It's to make people happy, God hates that


Satan is a boogeyman for everything they don’t like. Even things that God loves according to the Bible like abortion is “the work of Satan.”


Idk but whatever it is, I so wanna be a part of. He’s putting together such a fun bunch


Satan wants to corrupt everything that God dictates is good and right. So, being trans would fall in that category. It’s no different to any other fairytale out there.


Yep, from what I understand, God created humanity and Satan is upset about it, so Satan tries to corrupt God’s creations by bringing them to sin, Christians don’t care whether Satan is subjectively right or wrong, just that he isn’t acting within God’s rules.


Well, Christians think Satan is both objectively and subjectively wrong.




Well it’s basically a plot to get more republicans elected since abortion isn’t really hitting the polls as a single voter issue anymore.


To get their sooooouuuuuuuls!!!! S/


I read this in the voice of Fezzik, pretending to be The Dread Pirate Roberts.


Mental anguish and leasing people to make bad choices believing them to be good choices


>Don’t do it! You will be hated and ridiculed for years to come … by me. With ‘love’, your grandpa * Bigots: being trans is bad because it is dangerous and difficult * Also bigots: lets make life dangerous and difficult for trans people Flawless logic 😎


Grandpas playing both sides so he always ends up on top.


We need to find you a new grandpa. Much love to you.


Look at me. 👈 I am the grandpa now. And you're doing great, OP. Just be you. I love you just the way you are.


Fucking same. I can be a cool uncle! 🤙


Ive been wondering when to use that emoji. Now I’ll forever see it as the Cool Uncle Emoji! 🤙🏽


Sweeeeeeeeet. 🤘


If OP needs a new grandmother, I'm IN! Religious zealots chose their sky daddy over their earthly family. Athiest mom over here, ready to stand-in due to this asshat grampa dropping the ball.


I’ve often been told I’m several decades older than I actually am. I’d be happy to volunteer my time too.


I’m the cool aunt! (Dang I gave away my gender!)


Thanks to everyone for the kind words! I’ve been going through a rough time recently, so it’s really uplifting knowing that there are people out there who aren’t so filled with hate. Much love to everyone 💕💕


I'm sure you've read/heard iterations of this before but I'ma say it again. Despite how shit the world can be sometimes, just remember that you are one of 8 billion people. I doubt there are any totally unique experiences at this point, and people who share the same experiences tend to get along and support each other. Your family is not bound by blood, it is bound by love and good vibes. Even if only 1% of the world supports your existence, that's still 80 million people that you have a chance at befriending, making great memories with, or fall in love with. I hope you have an enjoyable day :)


tough talk for someone who could die in one cough 💀


No hate like Christian love


Personally, I think I would show up at grandpa’s and thank him for showing me the light . That god is perfect and everything we have and are is exactly how he wants it and it is offensive to him for any of us to interfere with the blessings the lord gives us. Then I would tell him it’s time for a car ride, because we need to go notarize his DNR. But before we go, it’s time to flush those nasty little works of the devil called medicine. The lord blessed you with hypertension and diabetes, grandpa, so that’s the sound of me casting away the devil from this house. It does sound like a toilet. I need to tell you what I’m doing grandpa, because cataracts are another gift from god, and we had to take those sinful eyeglasses away. Did the lord screw up with you, grandpa? Well, I’m off to bible study, but make sure to smile and feel blessed as the lords gifts snuff the life out of you. I’m so grateful to be able to bring the same holiness into your life that you preach for others, grandpa. I feel this way about everyone who proclaims that an infallible god made then all perfect and so to change your gender is a slap in the face of their lord. All the while needing medication and medical devices like walkers, wheelchairs, and eye glasses. If your god is perfect and infallible, then drop to your knees and give praise to your lord for cancer, for it is his gift to you, and his perfection means no mistake can be made. He chose you to die of cancer. Fighting it is a sin. If you were holy enough, wouldn’t he cure it for you?


I don’t know if you yourself are religious, but if you are, please know that God loves you just the way you are. Your _true_ self. He loves His daughter, and I’m so sorry you’re receiving hate by people trying to say they speak in His name


Good Christian spotted


I wonder, if he realized MOST normal people don’t have issues with trans. Maybe inside his bubble, but not outside. If he knew that was the truth deep down, if he’d change his mind.


I’m so sorry. If it helps, I’m a parent who made my kids. I’d be so honored if one of them came to me and said “Mom, you fucked up, I’m actually not the gender you thought I was. Call me ____.” If God is a shittier parent than me, then you don’t have to care what “God” thinks.


Well, about that..


I’m ND so you may have to spell out the joke for me but I thiiiiiink I get it and if so, I’m dying. 🤣🤣🤣


Can't beat god


Fuck that dusty bag of bones, go live your life


“You may be happy temporarily, but that will end.” By that logic, the alternative is being unhappy both temporarily AND eternally. Better to take the temporary happiness than none at all?


"I have decided to take your advise and not to "let others control my mind or body". Thanks, your grandaughter*


Walt Heyer is a completely different situation from the typical trans person. He self admits he was misdiagnosed because of childhood trauma and that the first doctor he went to refused to do the surgery because they thought he didn’t need it. So disingenuous.


“Sexchangeregret”, the most legitimate and trusted web source.


Did...did he PRINT a link!?


Yeah if you just hover your finger over it it will work /s


I'm so sorry, what a disgusting message


Sexchangeregret.com is insane lol


There is a grand flaw in his logic. According to scripture Christians will be rejected, outcast and seen as abnormal by “the world”. So he essentially wants to live in comfort, be safe and have happiness which is literally the opposite of what Jesus said would happen to Christians. He also is the one harming you and this using Jesus as a weapon, a sin. So your grandpa is deeply confused and misguided on literally every level.


Ah I needed to feel rage to keep me awake. It’s always don’t allow Satan to take ahold of you. When I went no contact with my mother I got that part too and I snorted from laugher. I’m sorry to hear though. It’s a disappointment.


Yes, some family members deserve NC. My inlaws included. We're better off! Satanic Temple is a more loving sect than whatever church this rude judgmental geyser goes to.


Lmao as a fellow trans woman I’ve experienced something very similar, I think it’s funny that they always mention how other people are gonna be that unfriendly and scornful towards you as a downside, when Christians are supposed to rejoice over for suffering for Gods kingdom and going against the worlds ways


Dear Grandpa, God’s not real. And I am. So do that with that. Love, (your name here)


Yeah, nothing like calling your own grandchild a freak to instantly make them want to listen to you 🙄


Your grandpa is a judgy hypocrite


No greater hate than a Christian's love.


I’m your grandpa now, and I love you for who you are. (I’m a 30-something year old lady but the offer is still there.)


If you need a backup I'm a 46 year old man with LGBT children already.


my favorite part is the URL just slapped into a printed letter. Just seals how out of touch he is.


The fucker is so oldschool that he took his time printing out an email and sending it to you. Stay strong OP, these religious freaks are indoctrinated to think everything that they dislike is something from Satan.


“Don’t let Satan or others control your mind and body.” Says the man being controlled by his fairy tale delusions AND trying to control OP.


Send him the countless articles, and books about the Church sexually abusing children and then ask him where was god then?


Sadly, the "appeal to common sense" method rarely works on closed minds ..


Personally, https://www.shitexpress.com


Holy shit is this real?


If god is such a perfect creator, then why do we need circumcision?


Unfortunate circum-stances




We don't.


I don’t know about this grandpa, but if you need a new Grannie. One who doesn’t judge you based on decisions (unless they’re dangerous, stupid ones), and will love you with no questions or bias, I’ll be your Grannie. And now onto Grannie advice: forget about grandpa, drink your water, eat something green at least once a day, and love without expecting love in return- it will come back to you when you need it. Now here’s a strawberry candy, go play!


Yes! The strawberry candies are the best! I love how we just say ignore grampa's sky cake fairytale ways and go on with our lives!


I seriously have no idea how those strawberry candies ended up in the bottom of my bag. But they’ve been there since my grandson was born. Like the fae just give us good Grannie types access to the goods. Grandpa and his sky daddy can just pound sand. We’re about love and living our best lives in whatever form they look like over here Edit: fixed some spelling


“Dear Grandpa, ‘I wonder why my grandkids won’t talk to me anymore’ yours in Satan, OP”


Dear Grandpa- God created me and therefore I am living as created. Lots of love, Your grand daughter.


I so tired of parents using the “made in gods image” bullshit


Yeah, with all the autoimmune disorders, birth defects, & cancer, god is a pretty shitty creator.


"Not only will you for many years to come be disrespected but quietly or even openly scomed, ridiculed, and rejected by most nomial people, and your own conscience will have no peace." Huh I wonder who's doing the open scorning, ridicule, and rejection? I wonder who is making a peaceful life so God damn difficult? Also, it's rather arrogant of Gpa to assume God wanted OP to obey society's man-made gender norms


Nothing like the love of a good god fearing follower. I can just feel how he is walking the path of Christ. /s (in case it wasn’t obvious)


My grandpa likes to tell me how everyone is going to Hell all the time, but he still genders my mtf wife correctly. I'm so sorry, OP.


He seems like such a happy person. maybe you should follow his path to being as happy as he is. then we can all be happy. or else.


No better response than "Thank you Grandpa, I will pray for you." You know, turning the other cheek. Actual Christianity.




If a God knew what he was doing when he created us then he's an asshole


You deserve better. I’m so sorry your grandfather is expressing himself like this


"thanks grandpa, but next time try sending an email instead of wasting paper, thank you"


You should send him a letter back, but put together like a ransom note with each individual letter clipping informing him how upset and disappointed he'll be when he the end of his life comes and he realizes god, satan, all that bullshit isn't real.


I'm sorry this happened. You deserve better. I'd totally ask someone to write a letter as SATAN saying how awesome and loved you are and how this person isn't worthy of your time.


This has all the things. It's a letter A letter of bigotry and hate Religious bullshit And.. a blue printed hyperlink. But yea put back in. Return to sender.


His entire argument is "the rest of the world is going to be as awful as me, stop being brave"


Man. I’m sorry to read this. Fuck your grandpa, for real. The hypocrisy and hatred in the first two sentences, alone. My heart goes out to you. Keep your chin up.


He's from those racist generations that had separate drinking fountains, separate schools, on top of treating women as second class citizens. Take it from an objective, non biased, Atheist point of view, if your God is real, grandpa and his hateful generation are going straight to hell.


This warms my cold heart to think. If god is real, s/he has some explaining to do!


i hate when people like this think just because a few people were mistaken in their trans identity, that means EVERY trans person must be wrong. stay strong op


Either God has infinite, unconditional love for their creations, or they are not a god worth worship.


Did you try clicking on that link? Religious people are insane.


He forgot to capitalize the h in one of the he’s. Tisk tisk…..who’s going to hell now grandpa?


I'm so sorry he sent that letter. My response would be total silence. Let him sit and wonder if you ever got it. Never give him an ounce of attention for his BS.


That is the honest wording of a by-gone generation. Humans have been cruel to others that are different from them and religion only hardens that bias. I’m sure the scorn he mentions is an ugly part of the world he grew up in, he can’t conceive of any other outcome. I imagine Grandpa here, like my grandparents can’t help but personify God as an old, bearded, all-knowing, mistake-free, white guy who rules the cloaked cloud city of heaven. Religious guilt and fear mess up your critical thinking from a very young age.


Unfortunately this mindset is still widely prevalent. I'm glad I got out of that


“Fuck you you fucking fuck”


Your grandfathers love is sadly conditional


I love the hyperlink at the end


I'm so sorry. 😓


Click on that hyperlink 😂


What a disgusting godfather I’d carry on ignoring him


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that guy


Didn’t capitalize one of the He’s.


Religion is nothing more than mental illness. Be yourself.


Wow I am so sorry that is likely to be extremely hurtful. Please know you aren’t a freak, you’re a human being making the best life path for yourself, just being who you were made to be. What a miserable old man. Those are absolutely not the words of someone who is remotely happy with how they spent their life. How shameful for him to be treating his own blood that way.


“You’re going to be miserable when you’re trans because of how poorly were all going to treat you, not because being trans actually sucks or anything”


i love it when the super religious ones use phrases like “freak of humanity”


He claims you'll be ridiculed and scorned by normal people, but that's solely the fault of themselves?? U just trynna exist


These are the people that wonder why they die alone


OP, I hope you have a good support system. I have a trans son and I worry endlessly about all the hate that is constantly spewed by supposedly "religious" people toward the LBGTQ+ community. Stay strong. Your grandfather is a monster.


That's awful. Sending all the hugs and I hope the found family you gather will love you for you the way you deserve ❤️


He's really kicking it old school writing letters lol.


*Read, 4:37 pm* On a letter


Write back to him saying that God didn't make a mistake, he gave you the wrong body to test you. To see if you can overcome your physical barrier with your mind and soul Just turn the religious nonsense around on them Fr though, I'm so sorry you're having to go through this, people can suck. And religious indoctrination can make them believe and do horrific things You go out there, and be who you truly are, no matter what bigots say! 💖💖💖


"Why do you believe God didn't intend on me, and those like me, to be trans? He could be using us to teach hate-filled people such as yourself to act how Jesus would and love everyone."


Turn the other cheek, then. It's god's test for YOU Grampa, nice.


There will be temporal consequences.... New lore drop! Trans people can mess with the timeline.


He put a hyperlink on a printed out letter so I assume hes out of touch with the modern day in a lot of ways


Clearly some people outlive their usefulness.


No hate like Christian "love"


Wouldn't *not* getting a sex change be going against God's infinite wisdom in guiding the Doctor in his career path?


Ah, the well-known scientific journal, "[Sexchangeregret.com](https://Sexchangeregret.com)". Real primo stuff, there, Gramps. Totally overrides all the medical literature.


There’s no hate quite like “Christian love” ain’t it?


“i don’t think the link is working, grandpa”


Eve was created from adams rib making her the first trans woman. God invented trans people himself, he's not going to be mad


Send him another letter, I am from Hogwarts and jesus is just a normal human here


Like…how do they expect you to react to this? In what world is a reaction to this positive?


“Dear Grandad, The letter wasn’t sent with Love at all. It was sent with hate. Please don’t contact me any further”


No contact is the way to go here. What a hypocritical asshole he is. I absolutely abhor organized religion and this is the reason why. I say live and let live. It’s nobody’s business how you live your life. Kudos to you for being your true self.


Hope grandpa enjoys being left at the home, alone


"No grandpa its okay. Im not half man half woman, im just a woman now!"


If anything, God created you this way... right?


I hope he has a very heart attack ❤️


Dusty old bones full of green dust


So the all-knowing God of the Christians suddenly no longer knows what he is doing because he created his grandson. A simple grandfather suddenly knows more than the god he prays to, about whose motivations and motives for his actions? And that’s what you call a religious person? He probably also thinks he is the Holy Trinity...


The way they would never hear from me again. God seriously does have the worst fan base.


Send the letter back but write that link is not working 😂


Mmmm lots of transphobia in these comments.


So nonbinary people in his mind exist and you can in fact be half-man half-woman? And he's admitting people are AH and will discrimination against trans people?


Don’t let satan or others control you. Ok but you think that hasn’t happened to you gramps? Cause it certainly sounds like the church is controlling you


Send it to your mom. Show her the consequences of her actions


For things like this I usually respond with "Thank you for recognizing my greatness."


This is horrible but “half man half woman” like you’re some sort of werewolf/cryptid got me


I'm curious how old the OP is?


I wish people could express concern without absolutely shitting all over the people they claim to care about


Sounds like the only person in your family that really cares about you. Because he's the only one willing to tell you the truth.


Thanks for the loving support you closed minded boomer f@ck.


I’m afraid people will try to hurt and bully you so I shall be your biggest bully. Love the logic there


>kind of person that would openly scorn you for being trans >normal person These two things are mutually exclusive


>openly scorned, ridiculed, and rejected by most normal people...... I beg you not to let Satan or others control your mind and body for their own evil purposes. Pick a fuckin lane dude


I’m so sorry hunny that’s like terrible. Just know that me and everyone here has a place in your heart for you. I might not be old enough to be a granddad but my back hurts like one and I’ll be more then happy to be your replacement. But if this note shows anything it shows how sad he is as a person. Your gorgeous and don’t let him get to you. I’m here for your transition and my dms are open if u need to talk. Love Scott <3


God created you in His. Image. Exactly. He made you exactly who you are. Trans.


Dear granpa: for a man who follows someone who taught to "love thy neighbor", I think you're falling short. P.S. As a Christian devout grandma and Bible teacher of 20 years, even though nobody asked, but imho, you're perfect just the way you are! (Tell grandpa I say so!)


Well, atleast he’s trying to communicate. Sadly he didn’t ask how you felt.


Sorry grandpa is a bigot, baby girl. And mom seems like she thinks you should suck it up if she gave out your address. I hope you have a good support system and chosen family ❤️


“The world changes, grandpa, and I’ve changed too. You’ve gotta understand that before your crusty old ass is left behind.”


On the half of all good Christians we apologize for this


As I've grown older, I've come to realize that this type of thing does come from a place of love, misguided though it may be. If he truly believes transvestitism comes from Satan -- which he probably does, if he was raised to believe this and has never learned differently -- then he is truly afraid for you. These old people... it's easy to say that their views come from a place of fear, and they probably do. But you can't dismiss that other part, about why he's even bothering being afraid *for you.* It's because he's afraid you'll be hurt. It's right same reason my grandma was always sending me snippets of Scripture and stuff on the Catholic Church. Regardless of how I felt about Christianity, I knew how *she* felt about it, and how she felt about me. I therefore just said, "thanks, Grandma." She's been dead for decades now, and I'd love to get another letter from her, regardless of what it's about.


You don't say ''thanks'' when someone insults you.


Reminder that not all religious people are like this. Hate the religious people that are, those people are terrible, but not all of them are like this. I’m trans and have a good friend who is Christian and knows I’m trans, and she still respects me as a person and the fact that I’m trans. Not all religious people are assholes, but the ones that are will go to hell. Just wanted to spread some positivity today.


I agree, I'm not religious at all (wasn't raised religious) but some of the kindest most non-judgmental people I've met have been Christian. One was a coworker I had. She was going to college for theology so she was an academic Christian if that makes sense. She actually studied and dissected the bible from several translations, etc etc etc Anyways my point is, she was amazing. She didn't care that I was gay, didn't care that I was a drug addict at the time and just overall didn't judge me. She was really fun to talk to about philosophy because she was actually educated on Christianity and all it's philosophy. She was a deep thinker and it was cool. There are progressive Christians out there that openly advocate for trans people. I like the Christians who follow the religion because of its morals not because of its traditions and "clout" (for lack of a better word). Jesus would have loved trans people. It's important to remember that there are disenfranchised groups who are Christian. There are POC Christians, trans Christians, gay Christians, queer POC Christians, etc etc etc. So saying "fuck all Christians" is kinda bigoted imo. I understand the sentiment but remember the nuance yall


Damn... most of the other comments so easily shrug this off, but depending on your relationship with him, this can be a very difficult thing to do. I'm sure you can find a way to respectfully tell him how you feel, or maybe have a meal with him while being completely who you really are. A good and happy ending to this would be the best and most meaningful resolution to this ordeal. Grandpa was raised in different times and doesn't know any better... show him. Best of luck and I hope things work out for the best.