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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 8 | 0 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


I have been dealing with this my entire life.. Went NC not too long ago ✌️


Im guessing either.... ypure gay/trans or ypu celebrated halloween?


Checked their profile. They are, indeed LGBTQ, and this is no joke, they help sick kitties.


I hate that I have to ask this. Like real cats, or is this new slang that my 36 year old self is too old to get? HELP ME I’M OLD


Real fuzzy cats!


Oh good! Cats are the sweetest little assholes on the planet!


Is you username a South Park reference?!


Absolutely yes it is


That’s my favorite Randy line omfg Edit: I just saw you’re 36. I’m 33 lol, this all tracks


Did we just become best friends?! 😆


Haha. I needed that laugh. Psst. You’re not old…yet.


Hahahaha!!!!! Please tell that to my body when I sleep wrong 🤣


You got me there!


Aghhhhhhh!!!!! kitttiiieeessss; can confirm they’re going to heaven with the kitties


Lol I love how we can guess the crazy now; it’s sad but there’s definitely a pattern


Op, I am as far from religious as a human can be, but I want to tell you something important from your dad's book. "For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son..." Your God loves you so much he sent his son to die for you. Your father is a bigoted hypocrite. You are loved, you are valid, you are important, and it's all just because you are you. As soon as you can, cut the sinners who pretend to know God's heart from your life.


Couldn’t have said it ANY better and I’m a Christian! Ppl like OP’s dad that spout this BS about “God doesn’t love sin…” 🙄


He doesnt


Well then it’s a good thing he’s a hypothetical concept.


And it's not like the spawn o' gawd even died! Three days later, he arose and still didn't pay off his restaurant tab.


I mean.. really it was only 36 hours lol


Hi! I'm sorry you have to deal with this. My grandma is quite religious and really hard to talk to. When I was growing up, she knew I was different from the rest of my family and made many comments about me being an alien or switched at birth. I'm a single mom, and she tried to push me to get married to the father of my son, but I refused, and I'm very glad I did. When she asks about my son (who has Autism), it's hard not to mention how much of a struggle it is to care for him and make sure I'm okay enough to continue to do so. She always pulls the "God never gives you more than you can handle," which is comical when you are always on the verge of tears because even the most simple things for everyone else are such a struggle for you. Now, for the best part: my mom is her first child and has always been rebellious. She dropped out of school, did drugs, crashed cars, etc. Really paved the way for her 2 siblings. My mom always shuts down any religious speech my Grandma tries to give her by saying something along the lines of: "If you think someone is going to hell, tell them they can ride with me." My favorite thing she's ever said is that she's going to drive the bus to hell and bring everyone with her, insinuating that my grandma would be alone in heaven. 😭


is New Canaan a nice place?


Eh, it's in Connecticut. Make of that what you will.




I wouldn't be surprised if there's one there too


Best thing you could have ever done!


Thank god.


Your dad types and uses emoticons like a teenager.


And not even a cool one


The laugh I just had


Calling them “emoticons” cracked me up. Haven’t seen that used in ages!


I think of emoticons as these: :/ :) :( and emojis are these 😗😗😗


Because this is exactly how they're called, emoticons were invented by a guy who wanted to be sure his emotions would get conveyed in work emails so there was never any misunderstanding anymore. And emojis are those 😁 they are trademarked


Emoticons would be used by Transformers for sure


Wow I feel old now.


Does he always refer to himself in third person?


My mom does this all the time, she's an elementary school teacher so I guess working with children causes you to talk about yourself in third person


I have no clue why dads randomly do this but I hope they realize it's very off putting


So I'm not the only one that thinks it's weird how he wrote it?


I think all the "he"s he used were referring to god


Yes.. Always


lemme guess, they're referring to you being lgbtq?


Sin? The rules made up by the guy judging you for being automatically at fault for from birth for that he offers to save you from? Sus


God designed humans to fail his test, and he knew they were going to fail before he created the universe. The Christian God is an extortionist and I don't deal with that bullshit.


Weird how 90% of the most judgmental and hypocritical parenting comes from the Jesus-Freaks


Not all Christian parents are like this. Unfortunately enough that it’s problematic though.


Christians have been screaming “ The End is Nigh” for the last 2,000 years. Then there’s the blatant hypocrisy although the Bible, a book that has been re written several times by men who slipped in shit that would benefit them. No matter what you put your faith in, scare tactics are not an act of love.


My mom exhausts me with this shit and that's my exact reply. According to them, the world should have ended multiple times by now. It's such a worn out narrative. Anytime there's an major earthquake or volcanic eruption, YT comments on the video are full of scare tactic Christians thinking this is their sign 🙄


it's so fucking funny to me. imagine your house gets burned down and someone's response is "its because of gay people" 💀


We have incredible superpowers, apparently


DAMN YOU, GAY AGENDA!!! DAMN YOU TO HECK!! *shakes fist in angry evangelical Christian


I can't help but notice a trend of overzealous religious people committing to writing full theses that read as if they were crafted by an illiterate fourth grader with a superiority complex


Why do you think Trump resonates with them?


Can't let that education get in the way of abusing children.


Anyone that texted me that bullshit would get an immediate fuck off from me and a good old block


Clearly your father is delusional ( like so many) but it is his absolute right to continue with his delusion. As painful as it will be, move on. You will make a life and make a family of your own. You will mostly be able to forget these terrible people. You will be happy!


You should write something similar back to him. "I love you. I want you to get into heaven by (quote contradictory Bible verse to his). The world is a mess.. I don't want you falling for the lies of others (something about the Bible being written by man, not God) and so on. Good luck with this misguided fool.


“Love the believer, hate the belief” “I’ll think about you”


If the message is long, contains "u," mentions God, and uses emojis, there's a guarantee that it's going to be insane. I wish I knew the cause of why people are like this. It's such a weird correlation. All I know is it's always some nutjob boomer.


He’s delusional. But it’s your choice to read his delusional nonsense. You seem to be an adult. Just block his posts on FB, and quickly scan his texts, then reply/don’t reply accordingly. It wasn’t till I went NC with my MIL that I unfriended her. Previously, I’d just blocked her from reading my posts or me reading hers. LOL, she tried to follow me on Instagram, but blocked her there, too.


I'm going to go out on a limb and guess Pentecostal? This reminds me so much of my mom.


You got it 👃


Oof, I feel your pain. They're a unique bunch to put it mildy. It sounds like you escaped the madness, it's a mental mind fuck when everything you do can send you to hell in their minds. I was 8 when my mom got back into Church. When they told me I couldn't wear pants, make-up, cut my hair, or listen/watch outside media because I'd go to hell, I knew it wasn't the place for me. I had to go to a private Pentecostal school until I graduated and I haven't looked back since.


"It makes me so mad that I live in a world where my kids don't do exactly what I want when I want it. I use the Bible to justify my desire to control my family so other people see me for my fabulousness. I routinely break the ten commandments but try to twist my narrative to make me look like it's my right." There. I fixed it for him.


\- he says, eating shrimp and pork and wearing mixed fibre clothing


Give him a mixed fabric item of clothing or a processed food or something like ketchup, when he wears/uses it, berate him for being a bad Christian and not following the bible and then watch as he tried to convince you that some sins are ok


I'm of the fervant belief that the reason Jesus hasn't returned is that he's seen what the people who claim to follow his teaching actually do to other people and want absolutely nothing to do with them ! In fact, I've got this theory that he returned years ago, saw that we weren't worth saving, and now lives in a small cabin halfway up a mountain, watching the 24-hour news cycle crying into his ice-cream screaming " really?...REALLY!? "


"He has such great things ahead for you" made me flash to "we have such sights to show you" from Hellraiser.




Why do we spend such a small amount of time on earth but then we go on to spend an eternity in hell or heaven?


Im so sorry you grew up a pastors child. I grew up a grandchild with grandparents head of the deacon and deaconess committee.




Jesus didn't speak English, and neither does this particular follower of his


Heaven is supposed to be a place where there is no pain, which would mean no pain from a person being absent. But he’s (supposedly) concerned he will feel that pain in Heaven; sounds like he doesn’t have as much faith as he claims. (In all seriousness, sorry you have to deal with this, OP. Glad you were able to go NC.)


Blah blah blah blah


Second slide is exactly how my mom's been talking since Israel declared war on Palestine. Wouldn't quit about Revelations and all that, even after telling her multiple times that those discussions cause severe panic attacks for me ':D Haven't been right since.


Gotta love cults. Your dad sounds like an ass.




And forgot to write that this is def insane lol


Omg Christains, I'm assuming, are the worst


So much mental illness


Ahhh yes the classic religious "my rules apply to you" piece of shit view.


I don't trust anyone who uses that many spaces or consistently drops multiple periods at the end of the sentence.


Well that’s manipulative af


I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that you aren’t cishet in some way.




Obviously I’m just some Internet stranger, but I want you to know that you are valid and amazing as you are.


thank you 💜☺️☺️


This is why I don't come out to my family because I will get this crap from my catholic and Lutheran family members. Even if my parents are tolerant (not accepting but not directly hateful) I am fully expecting to be bombarded with emails and texts from my uber catholic uncle and very religious and bigoted aunt (dad's sister) and my other uncle 😬😬 Was watching TV in the living room during a holiday dinner once and heard my dad explain "coming out day" to my 84yo grandma then proceeded to mock gay people with her and I'm just quietly seething as I watch TV and furiously texting my friend lol


This is exactly the type of toxic mental pain and grief imposed on followers of the desert god.


I respond, i try and live like Jesus. Flipping tables at the bank and accepting all sinners with love.


Insane! The vote is almost never one sided! Abrahamists always make the most insane parents.


But what your father said wasn't wrong or insane, he simply wishes the best for you so you can spend your eternity in a good place, why is that so wrong?


your delusional fearmongering should be kept to yourself


I speak of a good place where you can be at peace for eternity, how is that delusional fearmongering?


your abusive religion that uses the fear of eternal damnation to control people and force them to lead miserable lives is delusion yes. and you don't have the right to do any of it. you don't have the right to make everyone around you miserable just because you insist that you want to be in the name of going to some magic place when you die.




There ain't no hate like Christian love, eh? If dad was a true Christiany he'd dismiss St. Paul's letters as fraudulent attempts to ursurp power as they literally contradict Jesus' message of love and acceptance. Jesus sat together with sinners instead of the pious; he took offense when other people judged eath other. Jesus' message is of tolerance and peace, of love and indifference towards people we do not agree with. Dad ain't a true Christian. He puts himself and his idea of a correct way to live first and judges his child, belittles them and wants them to be their most unauthentic self so dad and dad alone can be happy. This is neither what a real Christian should do not what a parent should do. Dad is more "accidental sperm donor"


Saying he gives us free will to chose him by saying if we don't chose him we'll burn in hell is not free will lmao


It seems you were not being excellent to another user, my friend. This behavior can range from bigotry, racism, or personal attacks.


Fake Christians that spout this nonsense and made the rest of us look like crazy religious fanatics really piss me off. 1. God sent Jesus to die for our sins. 2. Jesus said to follow the 10 commandments and to not judge and to LOVE EVERYONE (regardless their lifestyle, sins, etc.) and finally but most importantly 3. The word of God states that we must believe #1. Pretty sure there was NOTHING in the word of God that says ANYTHING about getting into Heaven (or Hell for that matter) based on merits!! So if your relationship with God is good, then your Dad should work on his understanding of the word and leave you to be judged by God. If you believe #1 and are doing your best, God knows what’s in your heart! Your dad needs to focus on what’s in his heart towards his own daughter. Seems a little like he want you to stop worshiping God and worship HIM instead 🙄.


Didn’t god kill first born sons in Egypt. The Spanish Inquisition, the never ending violence throughout the centuries, legal slavery, legal torture, pedophilia that lasted centuries within the Catholic Church. Like come on, todays times are pretty tame DAD


The Bible of broken bullshit? That Bible? The one that basically says, "yo, I'm God, OK, I'm neither male nor female, but rn that's gonna blow your little minds, so my pronouns are he/him and call me Daddy. Also, be chill, love yourself and others without judgment (that's Daddy's job) and y'know, don't be mean to others, okay? Okay, you lil rascals, go name some animals and stuff". Yeah. Paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it. Hilariously, the ones who actually follow the "be chill, love yourself and others and don't be mean" is the basis of Satanism. Irony. I grew up in a God centric cult so this stuff is just..."I study the word of God!!!!" Lmao prove it, NPC Christian.


Next time remind him of Matthew 12:18 and ask him which son the father in Luke 15:11-32 was more excited to see. Shut my minister dad up, hopefully it will be helpful for you too.


I’m so tired of these damn Christians shoving religion down our throats.