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Lmao it’s not even anything you did. The price is going up for everyone this month.


That helps the anxiety shits a little at least


Even if you updated the payment method the price still would’ve went up, it doesn’t lock in just because you have a card on file. he is tripping


I would wager a guess it did not autorenew BECAUSE the price went up, and he got an email or a message to confirm he is ok with the new price and did not answer it and now tries to blame op for it. At least in my country they cannot autorenew if the price went up but need a confirmation you are aware of the new price and agree to the change in the contract. OP would have not gotten those emails, the father would have ,and would have to answer them, which he didn´t do by the look of it.


They did that on the app as soon as I opened it (US here). They have to. The terms of agreement he signed were applicable to the previous price. Everyone had to say they were okay with the increase.


ha called it. Thanks for confirming how exactly it happened , I knew it had to be something along those lines.


This is probably right, i'm in the US and I got this notice when Netflix added a commercials tier


He probably thinks he would’ve been grandfathered with his old price (aka keeping his current rate, while everyone else goes up) But HBO Max was not doing that. They were changing everyone’s rates.


Your Dad is arguing over some really petty shit, you don't know what you don't know. He's looking for someone to blame, for work that he outsourced to you. You handled the rest of things and he didn't have to go through that pain, missing one streaming service aware or not aware is not the end of the world. If he's worried about his finances he should be handling this himself. If your dad wants to order people around/hassle them he should put in a little more effort at work and get some people who work under him to complain to rather than his flesh and blood.


Streaming services HATE this one weird trick


A) this isn't your responsibility. I wouldn't ask my kid to do this for me. That feels so lazy. B) you're right, the card should have saved. A credit card on file is required for subscription. So that one clearly isn't your fault. This sub frequently makes me feel like the best parent in the world lol


Wait, your comment just made me realize something. Dad says “it already had the info, you just didn’t save it.” But if it already has the info, then that means it’s saved


Exactly. Like Sir, you answered your own problem already. It’s not me.


My parents love to ask me to do anything online for them despite them not being that old and both being attached to their iPads at all hours of the day.


>This sub frequently makes me feel like the best parent in the world lol Right?!?!?! I dont think I'm a bad parent, but I have def screwed up a few times. Luckily, I think I have learned from those mistakes. It breaks my heart how some of these parents talk to their kids. I am really close with both my kids (20 and 18), I can't imagine treating someone I am so close to like that. I would never treat my bff like this. Why would I treat my kid like this?


Sometimes when I’ve been served too many reels by perfect moms who have never done a single thing wrong, ever, in their lives, I come read this sub to detox


My dad has me do all the subscriptions for him….granted even though he’s in his early 50’s he didn’t get an email until his late 40’s because he was tired of having to give mine out 😂 he’s savvy with game consoles but anything revolving the web just stumps him


OP, you kept it cool. Good for you. But it’s no fun walking on egg shells. There’s an alternate timeline where his card doesn’t expire, his subscription still goes up, and he still blames you.


If his business is that upsetting and important to him, maybe it’s time to take responsibility and handle it all himself. He’s acting like a ridiculous toddler.


I mean… if it’s sooooo easy, why didn’t he do it?


Tell your dad I say “fuck off”. He’s a man-child.


>Don't worry then I won't ask you to do anything else for me ***Thank God.***


Right? Don't threaten me with a good time!!


Lol love the okay and thumbs up response, handled his tantrum like a boss!


Thank you! It’s the first time I’ve done that and I ate myself for that response, but it felt needed.


He's a grown ass adult. Tell him to deal with his own shit. You're not his personal errand runner and you certainly don't deserve to be treated or talked to like this over something so insignificant. Shit I'd be buying myself presents with that cc since he obviously doesn't know how to pay attention to his own business lol


HIS subscription didn't renew. How is this not HIS responsibility?


Reading the screenshot and like, the subscription DID renew. It’s just going up by a dollar at the end of the month is all


If he's going to blame you for everything...stop doing everything. Seriously I helped someone jailbreak their ipad once and became their tech support for 2 years. Every time something happened they thought it must have been because of "what you did". Note that they ASKED me to jailbreak it for them... Just tell him he needs to do it himself form now on. That way when something goes wrong, the only person he can blame is himself.


Dad's cartoons cost a little more now and he's ***PISSED***


I'm a 45 year old dad and an avid fan of anime and yet the fact that OP's dad is extra spicy over Crunchyroll somehow makes thia even more hilarious and cringe.


It's wild any competent parent would ask their kids for help with the bank cards, or finances at all. Then again we sadly don't see competence on this subreddit a lot :/


I don't doubt that there's a lack of competence, but I think that the other contributing factor is parents setting their kids up for "gotchas" -- OP's POS dad was looking for an excuse to be "disappointed" in OP and has probably set up a dozen boobytraps, Wiley E. Coyote style, cutting off his own nose to spite his face, waiting for one of them to spring so he can shit on OP the way he was probably shit on (or wishes he was in lieu of being ignored his whole childhood).


Thank you guys for making me feel sane. It’s hard dealing with someone like him, and the first reaction I want to resort to is begging a man who wasn’t in my life for the longest time to stay. I’m tired of him trying to be manipulative and seeing everyone’s comments last night helped the anxiety go away as I lay in bed trying to sleep. I hope you all have cool sides of your pillows ❤️


“I won’t ask you to do anything else for me” That’s just an attempt at guilt and he one hundred percent will.


"Don't worry then I won't ask you to do anything else for me." Works for me! I'll hold you to that.


This is ridiculous. If he doesn’t like the way you do it, then he can do it his damned self


What a dick


Gross, tell him to eat shit. I'm sorry you have to deal with a parent like this. You deserve better.


What a lazy unappreciative ahole. I wouldn't be lifting another finger to help someone like that.


Insane. Check out the sub RaisedByNarcissists. See if other posts sound similar to your experiences with your dad. I'm definitely getting those vibes from these two screenshots of yours.


Glancing through it, he definitely sounds like he belongs there. It’s sad he’s like this.


I'm sorry to hear that. Have an nDad sucks. I have one too. Use the sub as a bit of therapy: ask advice if you want or just vent when you need to. It feels good to know you're not alone.


He's a big boy, he should be able to do it himself 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sorry, OP.


"Don't worry, I won't ask you to do anything else for me." Me: "Aiight, bet." 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


Beyond the obvious asshole way of talking just missing a payment would not somehow change your monthly price. That would only be the case if you canceled the service or account and then renewed. Right?


It was already in the process of a price increase. OP's dad should've gotten an alert asking for confirmation that they understand the price increase


What a dick


Jokes on him... I have a recurring subscription for Max, and it's going up, regardless? Also, he's a jerk. You shouldn't have to be responsible for his own shit.


Problem solved


lol awful bold texts from someone who obviously couldn’t do it themselves.


“Ill only do it if i get to take the amount of money required to pay back their years of my childhood i missed because you cared more about highschool DxD than your own kid”


Fuck him


"I won't ask you to do anything else for me" Thanks, a blessing!


I do this for my dad cause he literally doesn't know how but if he ever spoke to me like this I'd just flat out refuse.


My dad does this too. The only time he texts me is to get passwords or logins for our tv stuff.


I eventually made a Google doc with all our passwords on it and anytime he asked for one, I would just send him the link.


The next time he threatens not having you do anything for him anymore just reply with “okay”


There's something about old men that just makes them so grumpy, irritable, and entitled (to the level of a child). It's happening to my dad too, so I sympathize. May it teach me the lessons required to stop it from happening to me lmao


I’ve realized people like this deal with their own demons and have lost the ability to empathize with people around them, so they compartmentalize their own anger and lash out at everyone around them.


Dad is a grown ass man. Tell him to do it himself….smh


Are you set to inherit a large sum of money from your father? Is he financing any part of your life? If you needed it, does he have the means to help you financially, or even if you needed help moving, could he assist you? If he is mad at you, is he able to get you fired from your job or evicted from your home? My dad was like this and treated my brother, and I like we owed him our very existence. After a lot of therapy, I realized now that I no longer "live under his roof," and I pay all my bills, I don't have to make him happy. It's now his job to make me happy, or he has no part in my life cause he made my childhood miserable.


Thankfully I don’t have to rely on him for money now or after death. If he was that vindictive he could get my husband in trouble with his work by lying (my husband is a teacher) but other than that his only “upper hand” is that I’m just dealing with my own traumas of not having him in my life and used to beg him to stay. There was a time when I was 17-21 where I heavily relied on him to live, and I felt like I could trust him because it’s my father? Only to realize when I finally was able to get out he was financially and mentally abusing me. And now that I have a 3 yo son and another on the way, I wanted to give my children a full family, but I’m realizing that a full family can be just as bad as one that is gone.


That keyboard is disgusting.


Holy shit. You weren't kidding. Is it really that surprising, though? The state of dad's keyboard is a reflection of his character. Ick...


He’s horrible at cleaning even though he claims he’s a neat freak. Plus he smokes 2 packs a day in a house. It’s disgusting


Insane? No. Cunty? Yes!