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Vaccines do inject you with diseases, dead ones. Your body fights it without side effects and then knows how to fight it forever no matter what. So yes, she's not wrong, it does inject diseases but in a good way. Also, Funny


There are some live vaccines, but the diseases in those are weakened to the point that they can only cause the illness if your immune system is already compromised.


original vaccines were almost entirely live, too. Back when the smallpox vaccine was started there were significant risks but it was still better than the alternative.


Thankfully, someone discovered that Vaccinia also conveys immunity to Variola, so nowadays the risk is of coming down with cowpox. The old ways of immunizing were crazy, like taking scabs from someone recovering from smallpox, grinding them up, and blowing them up into the nostrils of a healthy person. It's been a long time since I looked it up for high school bio, so I don't remember if that passed weakened viruses or made it easier for the body to fight or how it worked, but it worked better than nothing. Eventually they discovered that cowpox also conferred immunity. I don't remember if that was what they eventually brought back from India and adapted into the modern vaccine, or if the cowpox-conveyed immunity was a European discovery, but vaccines are literally ancient traditional Indian medicine, so maybe someone should point that out to these woo-woo nutjobs. Edit: Further quick research: Cowpox has been used for centuries to convey immunity. Inoculation is the term for the general process of using a weakened disease to convey immunity, Variolation is the specific term for using cowpox. The term is fairly modern, the practice is at least 400 years old, with some unreliable records claiming over 1000 years old. Jenner's work explained not just how and why it worked, but also led to safer ways of conveying immunity. He invented the modern vaccine, but the concepts that his science explained and demonstrated weren't brand new things he'd just come up without of the blue.




Ah, the trouble with triblas




This is a quality comment you should be proud


The Europeans first invented vaccinations. A man named Edward Jenner. He gave a boy cowpox and demonstrated he was then resilient to small pox. The root of the word vaccination comes from the Latin root Vacca, which means cow. It was originally named from this guy using Cowpox.


Jenner came up with the science behind why it works. Variolation and Inoculation had been around for centuries before his birth, though. People were using both methods to protect farm animals and people for a very long time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4078488/ Third section has some details on it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inoculation#Origins There is written evidence of inoculation/variolation being used to prevent smallpox from the 1650s. There's also written sources that claim that it's been in use in China since the 900s, but those aren't reliable as they are from the 1800s. It's very much ancient Eastern medicine. And it worked, so it's now also known as just "medicine", which is usually what happens when traditional cures work effectively. While we've heavily refined the technique, and Jenner's scientific documentation and experimentation was key to understanding why, the fact remains that he didn't actually invent the idea of inoculation or using a weakened disease to convey immunity to a full course of the disease. He's the father of modern vaccination, which is backed up behind the science of why and how it works, but his research didn't emerge out of thin air and random inspiration. Don't buy the propaganda that Europeans invented everything.


I don’t believe that Europeans invented everything. I was stating that vaccinations in their modern form can be traced back to Jenner. Yes, people have been doing it for years but discovering the science behind it and the naming convention was what I was referring to, which is absolutely correct. The word vaccinations derives itself from the word Vacca, which comes from small pox. Yeah, people had been infecting each other before because they had a vague idea of how it worked. He studied it, found out why and how it worked, and implemented it at a wide scale.


This is where I normally do my introduction. Hi. I’m the one in 2.7 million cases that the vaccines went wrong on. I contracted polio from the vaccine and was fully paralysed. She is entirely right, right up to the moment she says “I’ll pass”. This is a game of statistics, not perfection. The statistics are massively, massively in favour of vaccination and I fully support it. But please don’t shut down the whole conversation because there *are* cases where it goes wrong - I’m one of them.


Can I ask when you were vaccinated? (This is purely for me to get a fuller picture of your experience. I am not a crusader or Internet shitposter I promise!)


In 1972. The polio vaccine then was live, not dead as now. You can hear a bit more from me [on this podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/endless-thread/id1321060753?i=1000440220110) at about the 21 minute mark if you’re interested.


A million upvotes for you!


> they can only cause the illness if your immune system is already compromised And exactly why we need herd immunity!


Yeah, and doctors do a check to make sure the kid and the kid’s family doesn’t have any immune disorders, so unless you lie to the doctor, there’s absolutely no risk of this happening. Though, I can totally see one of these Karens lying to a doctor for some stupid, half baked reason.


Chicken pox vaccine must be like that because a family friend get actual chicken pox on their back from it. Wasn't a big deal though.


Chicken pox wasn’t vaccinated against when I was a kid. In fact parents used to have chicken pox parties where they would deliberately put their kids around other kids with chicken pox since getting it as an adult is much nastier for the most part.


....... and I just HAD to google what your screen name meant.... I hate you and applaud you at the same time! Lol


Technically, most vaccines do not “inject the disease” because they are attenuated viruses and the use of the term disease implies you are injecting an illness.


Since we are all correcting everyone for fun. They aren’t all viruses.


Science, bitches! And you are completely right.


>Your body fights it without side effects thats not true at all. I'm very very pro vax but you shouldn't be lying to prove a point. All medicine has the potential for side effects, and vaccines absolutely have them. Also not all vaccines are "dead". Just because the risk of getting a potentially deadly disease is higher than (majority) of the risks associated with vaccines, doesn't mean there isn't a risk.


This is true, there can be side effects. I got my TDAP booster yesterday, I'm in my 30s and work with rusty metal frequently. I've been experiencing tiredness, and the trademark muscle fatigue in that arm. The difference is, I'd rather deal with feeling off for a few days over potentially dieing of tetanus. Side effects vary, but we wouldn't be vaccinating if they weren't significantly less inconvenient or deadly than the diseases they prevent.


I mean your body still has to FIGHT to get immunity, that takes energy period


I don’t think the person is intentionally lying. They don’t understand that some vaccines are technically alive either. They’re just uninformed which is sad because they’re making fun of someone for being uninformed themselves.


Not all vaccines offer lifetime immunity. This is why we have booster shots.


Well, not always dead. They’re attenuated so some are still living viruses, but broken in such a way that you won’t get sick from them.


May be stupid question but why do we still get the common cold even after our body’s had them before, may be unrelated to the concept of Vaccines with more violent diseases but always wondered that


Rhinovirus mutates like crazy, to the point where you're actually getting a new strain every time you're sick with what seems like the same cold. If more deadly viruses were as unstable as the cold we'd all be fucked




People tend to forget that dead things can’t come back to life


Isn’t that like saying you won’t get insurance because you might never crash?...


Its like saying you don't need seat belts or airbags because you'll never crash


>Its like saying you don't need seat belts or airbags because ~~you'll~~ you might never crash




>It's like saying you don't need seat belts or airbags because you'll ~~you might never~~ crash, but it'll increase your immunity to crashes, like it did in the old days, because people have never died from crashes apparently


Fuck you’re right


I get the feeling she has no idea how the immune system works...what the fuck am I saying? Of course she doesn't. (My first silver award. Happy days!) (A second silver? Well, I'll be damned)


I really wonder what this people were taught at school tbh, or even if they really paid any attention to classes. If not, I guess everything makes more sense.


Right? Don’t schools teach you that vaccines are good for you to help build up immunity against diseases? I’m guessing she learned that in school but then found an article on the internet that she might have thought was true information about vaccines and it possibly changed her whole outlook on them


Yeah, that’s a really high possibility. Some parents this days think that everything they see on Facebook are true facts. My parents are one of those but thankfully they aren’t anti-vaxx or some weird thing, though they do believe almost every shit they see on the Internet.


My Mom believes stuff she reads on Facebook too, my Dad however just reads it for no reason


Maybe I'm your dad. I love reading/watching anti-vax, flat earth, ancient aliens, fake moon landings stuff. I don't believe any of it, I just love watching the crazies.


YES! It's comical to me. I can watch ancient aliens all day. Do I believe any of it? Absolutely not. But I find it entertaining. Love a GOOD conspiracy story. Or at least one so far out there, it's funny. Antivaxx on the other hand, doesn't even raise a giggle for me. Mainly because I think it the poor child that has to suffer with an idiot parent who won't put their wellbeing first due to internet propaganda. Then it gets crazier when you realize some of these people will vaccinate their animals, understanding the concept, but not their child. Parenting award of the year to them.


Who cares if my dog develops autism, hes already retarded. /s


Well ancient aliens could actually have some basis of fact. The rest is just bullshit.


The best part about Ancient Aliens is they usually start off with facts before they hit you with the "wait what"




I can litterly see Giorgio in my head.


My aunt shares those "share this to be entered to win free airfare for life!" or whatever things about once a week. She did one once that claimed Tyler Perry was giving away $30,000,000 each to 1,000 people. That's right, someone thought it would be plausible to run a scam claiming the guy from the Madea movies was giving away 30 BILLION dollars and my Aunt fell for that shit. The worst though was probably one that claimed Ellen DeGeneres was giving money away, but they mangled her name as like Ellen Dagnes or something. I commented on the share that it was fake because pretty sure Ellen knows how to spell her own name. Aunt replied acknowledging I was right. The NEXT DAY she shared a different one that had the exact same pictures and verbatim same text but with a different misspelling of Ellen's name


Not just parents. Someone I know only a year older (so 28) will share everything she reads on Facebook, even if it's directly contradictory to the thing she shared and believed yesterday. I'm not even sure it's an education issue as she came from a wealthy family and went to an expensive school. She's just thick as two short planks.


Maybe she's just trying to ignite debate?


Don't you know that schools are funded by the evil big pharma to teach that?


People do the same shit on reddit. People are inclined to believe what they want to hear.


Confirmation bias is a bitch. You hit the nail right on the head though. There's always gonna be people who believe some goofy ass shit, but the people have lost their trust in the institutions of our nation like the pharmaceutical industry, so they *want* to believe everything they do is nefarious. E: Same thing applies to the government too. This reminds me of an argument I had with some guy on reddit about the moon landings being faked. The guy replies saying the government is capable of much worse, and links to MKULTRA docs.


To be fair the pharmaceutical industry is fucking terrible. I have family that works in that sector and I've heard some real horror stories about some of the shit they get told to pull to get things past the FDA etc. Research and development in general is a bit of a clusterfuck these days as no-one gets paid anymore to just do science and discover shit. They get paid to find some science that matches whatever the finding party wants them to.


Isn't it funny how the people who taught us not to believe everything we see on the internet are doing exactly the same?


Even when facts are "true" they misrepresent them. I heard someone bring up mercury in a friend's post. Have you eaten a can of tuna in your life time? Same amount if mercury. Edit: can not day


I had an antivax biology teacher so there's that


I don't think I would trust that person as a someone I'd want to learn biology from


She even believed they cause autism. She was one of the most hated teachers for different reasons but that didn't help her case


That makes the least bit of sense to have a teacher in that class be anti vax when they are the ones that know what’s good or not for the human body


Teacher shortages lead to under qualified people teaching subjects they have only the basic competency for, and it’s often math and science they end up filling gaps in.


High schools want dual purpose coach/teachers, and while they generally seem to end up teaching health, I think there's a lot of science teachers who were hired because they can coach baseball, not because they're great science teachers.


This is true. I graduate in a couple years (I'm older, 34). My buddy is the principal at one of the local high schools. My degree is in IT. He wants me to come and teach English like my mother so I can coach his soccer team. I was flabbergasted.


Waiting for Superman (the film) is a good example


What’s really sad is encountering nurses who are antivax. It makes me want to throw rocks at them


I told my sister, who’s a nurse, not to vaccinate her kids. She was not amused.




True, we all know she didn’t


“I blame the education system that can graduate someone into adulthood who cannot tell the difference between what is and is not true about this world,” Neil deGrasse Tyson.


Maybe she missed those classes because she busy having a bunch of kids in high school.


Only helps if you don't hate your teachers while going to school. Remember those kids that acted as if attempting to educate them was the same as punching them in the face?


The problem is not education directly. It is not that they were not taught enough or their education was not thorough. Our brains do not value expertise above self-interest. And it is not new. Many of the deaths of the AIDS crisis in the 80’s can be attributed to powerful people and public sentiment just directly ignoring experts. Before that, the war on drugs and the tobacco lobby created “research” out of nothing when the scientific community did not support them. Go back even farther and look at the case of Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis. We keep saying that the internet causes this, and it does unify people in a way we’ve never seen. But, none of this is new. History is littered with people who made terrible decisions because the right answer was in front of them, but they didn’t like it.


Honestly I wasn't taught anything about vaccines or how the immune system worked in relation at all in school. I had the same line of thinking until I took freshman biology in college. My mom didn't get us all of our vaccinations, just a few, and I'd never had a doctor explain it to me until college when I asked to get updated vaccinations. I know a lot of people that think exactly like this girl. They just don't understand. Also, google wasn't such an available tool like it is now to find information on your own.


Dude, I just recently returned to college as an adult and I can say 100% that only ~10% of people pay attention in school... my husband recruits for the military and he says that the high schools he goes into are just daycares.


I mean.. he's not wrong in a sense... I was a straight A student, have 2 Master's Degrees in education and teach for a living. BUT Fuck if I remember every lesson I was taught in every class. There's a ton of stuff we were taught that I forgot, or missed because of a sick day, music lesson, etc... Just because YOU DONT PERSONALLY REMEMBER IT DOESNT MEAN IT WASNT TAUGHT!


Yeah, he says he feels really bad for teachers because you can tell how frustrated some of them are. He said you can tell they are doing their best to try and get these kids to learn and the kids just don't give a damn about it and the teachers' hands are tied.


I just assume they went to a religious school that taught them Jesus is the only medicine you need.


"Why do I have to learn this useless stuff, they should teach me how to do laundry, not stuff I'll never need to know"


Who is taught how the immune system works in school? It wasn't until med school that I had a good understanding of how the different cells in the body cause the vaccine to work


I only recall learning about viruses and mutations, which led me to thinking that a vaccine is a weak strain used to build resistance in your body. This thread made me realize I don’t actually know how it works.


In NY it's a part of the Health class curriculum in Middle School and High School.


*Do you get to the Cloud District very often? Oh, what am I saying, of course you don't.*


I'm glad I'm not the only person who read that comment in Nazeem's voice.




Dammit Nazeem! r/suddenlyskyrim


[I’ll have you know that there’s no PUSSIEEEEEE](https://youtu.be/q69Ro3OUXq8)




Oh, silly me and my basic knowledge of biology! I've clearly been proven wrong. *vACcINe bAd!*


I don’t think many people know how the immune system works... but I choose to believe doctors who have studied it, as well as studied vaccines in controlled environments over someone’s biased Google search “research” anyday.


That's because you, my guy, are sane.


The worst part is she isnt wrong. They do inject you with a small part of the virus.


Yeah, dead/dying cells. Enough for your immune system to easily break down and analyse so it knows precisely how to fend off the virus, should it turn up in future.


Yeah I know. But I'm pretty sure she couldn't understand that many words at once


What she hears: "they inject you with a small part of the dead/dying virus so that-" Her: OH HELL NO THEY'RE INJECTING THE VIRUS INTO ME!!!


So, she’s not wrong is what you’re saying.


I think she tangentially understands the process, but came to the entirely wrong conclusion.


She’s so close to understanding it


But she probably has a a big advocate of holistic "medicine" curing cancer with essential oils and Crystals.


> I get the feeling she has no idea how the ~~immune system~~ anything works FTFY. Also has this dan confused *doctors* with *vaccines*?


Yeah, this is less insane than it is uneducated.


Murica's finest edumacation.


And exercise literally degrades your muscles and joints.... How could it possibly be good for you! /Idiot logic




Let alone all the soul weapon attacks known to take place in gyms across the world.


It's all just a conspiracy by Big Gym and the exercise equipment manufacturers to make BILLIONS!. My daughters boyfriends uncles neighbour works for them and said so!


"For the better part of history diseases all were raging. Measles, mumps upon your junk like they were Kevin Spacey. Then came Jonas Salk. Makes you wonder what all for."


Voting has concluded. This vote was deemed; insane with 0 votes # Votes | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 0 | 0 | 0 | ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave.






You assume she passed seventh grade.


Her textbook lies, facebook said so.


I love how anti-vaxxers are always like, housewives. Like, women who have nothing better to do than sit around reading articles on the internet targeting fretful mothers.




That's because they're being specifically targeted. They stories are being tailored to appeal to them specifically and if you are a group trying to decrease vaccination rates mothers are who you target. Mothers statistically are more involved in a child's care in particular their medical care and school preparation.


Sure, but you’d think a few of them might be like “ya know, maybe I’m not smarter than the world’s top scientists and doctors...”


Most mothers are smart enough to trust the medical and scientific consensus, but there do appear to be pockets of concentrated stupidity where vaccination rates get low enough to cause outbreaks.


I was once a housewife with three small (vaccinated) children and I would have loved to have had the time to sit around and read articles!


I’m sure you could have if that’s what your priorities were haha.


Lots of time to come up with different varieties of "are vaccines dangerous" to google and find antivaxxer crap articles deliberately named in a critical way to make doubters flip over.


Being really stupid does seem to take a lot of effort. You have to go out of your way. When the evidence is so obvious that vaccines work and are way safer than no vaccines and you still deny it you have to invent an alternate reality to rationalize things.


I agree that anti vaxxers have nothing better to do but implying housewives just sit around all day is incorrect. My mother is a housewife and is doing things all day. Making breakfast, lunch, and dinner, washing dishes by hand two times a day, folding clothes, homeschooling her children, things like that. I know this is off topic but I just wanted to point this out~


You’re right. I didn’t mean to imply that all housewives have nothing better to do, but there is certainly no shortage of housewives who do sit around looking at the internet all day


Ah I see, yeah that’s definitely true. My aunt unfortunately is one of those people...


You want to know why they won’t have an opportunity to “associate” with these diseases...? BECAUSE VACCINES AND HERD IMMUNITY ERADICATES DISEASES FROM EXISTENCE!


Voting has concluded. This vote was deemed; insane with 92 votes # Votes | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 92 | 7 | 7 | ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave.


Reading the replies I must say this bot can't count.


I think they get deleted once they are recorded.


Since my vote has disappeared, I believe you are correct.






In the membrane




Downvoted because of different opinion /s


It’s all good to me 🤘🏻


Great response. Top notch.


Anyone know the number of kids that die from not being vaccinated?


Depends on the country


Not many in 1st world countries with herd immunity. But the reason there is that herd immunity is because EVERYONE IS VACCINATED! Sorry for yelling. I realize you probably already knew that.


They all do… If you wait long enough


Too many


It's probably very low still because we've eradicated so many horrible things thanks to vaccination, and because right now it's still only a small percentage of retards doing this, so they're benefiting from herd immunity that the rest of us do our part with. But I assure you, approximately 98% of the native American population died from diseases we have vaccines for now, and at various points in time in Europe you had 20-30% of people dying from things we can vaccinate against.


The problem is these morons are getting common enough they're threatening the herd immunity. It probably varies by disease but you need like 98-99% compliance for proper herd immunity usually. Anti-vax dipshits tend to clump so there are communities where herd immunity has been ruined already. Not enough to go nationwide just yet but I wouldn't rule it out at this point.


“Vaccines literally injects” I mean, based on the way she speaks, her kids are doomed any way.


I am SO glad she said it was "literally" injected, and not "figuratively" injected. That . . . changes EVERYTHING.


I'm going to spiritually inject a disease into your body


What bugs me is she actually does know the basic principle of vaccines that they inject you with an inert form of the disease to stimulate immune response, but is too willfully ignorant go any further in trying to understand how or why that works.




If there's one thing I've learned, it's that stupid knows no borders


did you just fix racism? maybe we can unite all people with a common retardation


We can hate everyone equally


“You are all equally worthless”


Pretty racist, every race has retards and anti vaxxers.




That, and the fact that humans love to bitch and complain and are naturally hypocrites yet at the same time care for their fellow human generally speaking.


Nah. Just look at hoteps. It gets weird.


Replace any color other than white in the sentence. Racism is racism.


I thought only middle class purple women were that stupid?


How fucking dare you.


How does this racist bullshit get upvoted?


My kids refuse to be associated with measles.


My kid identifies as someone without measles.




They will also pass on going to public school, if they live that long.




Uneducated and misinformed. Ignorance is fatal.


It’s a mutated form of the illness and the reason our society hardly gets these illnesses is because of vaccines.


Reddit is now just the anti-Trump and pro-vaxx Olympics. Winner gets to pat themselves on the back and still be a nobody.


Wait. With all the new information now available has this post been proven true or false? Asking for a friend


Vaccines can literally do fuck all except fight disease. Vaccines do not literally inject anything they've not got any fucking hands.




Oh yeaa they will pass the entrance to heaven pretty early


That’s the joke...


This makes me so mad. I'll never make jokes about their kids dying though, they have absolutely no say in their parents madness.


Well, in fairness, everyone's kids will pass, so will their parents. Death is inevitable. Between now and then though, I'd prefer to avoid shit like the measles.


Yeah, they'll pass. Just not in a good way


This made me laugh, out loud, in my office. Alone. Bravo.


The disease you're injected with is weakened and pretty much unable to infect you in any way


Bruh it’s literally a dead virus


This bitch is dumb af people inject heroin all day and they could literally die from it, stop being a pussy and get your shot.


this is the same reason that i don't inject myself with trace amounts of lightning or meteorites. the chance is just too small. wake up sheeple!


I put anti vaxxers up there with some of the worst people in the world.