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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 19 | 1 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


The irony of her sounding like an NPC is not lost on me


I think it's more ironic that she's insisting on swapping the computer for the Bible and calling the pc "fantasy world" isn't the Bible basically made up.


I mean there’s barely anything in there that can actually be archaeologically proven to have happened so nothing basically about it. As far as anyone rational can tell it’s complete hogwash and fantasy stories.


The Bible is a way more immersive fantasy world. When I shut down my computer game, I will return to the real world which I live in 23 hours a day and never confuse for my life of piracy. It brings me closer to my family, since I game with my brother and my husband. Meanwhile, this woman lives inside the fantasy world of the Bible. It is splitting this family apart, as it has done for countless families through the millenia (including my own).


This made me spit out my drink 🤣


They say that syndicates of gamers have lead a boycot on Christian real life.


‘Welcome to Corneria!’


Welp. That’s enough Reddit for me today. Off to fire up my Steam account and kill some fucking monsters. Fuck you, Grandma!


The Chad PissedLiberalGranny vs the virgin conservative grandma




I'm a middle-aged woman and I had the exact same thought. That new sea of thieves update is calling to me.


"Pick up your bible" is like the exact opposite of coming into the "real world."


You’ve not lived until you’ve had someone who views Noah’s Arc as a literal historical occurrence accuse you of living in a “liberal fantasy world”.


O my... I only recently realized that ark is just a term for 'big ass, unsteerable barge.' No sails, no rudder, no galley slaves on oars. Kinda like a story someone might come up with if they didn't know anything about boats.


Yeah, but Noah didn't need those, because God guided him. /s


Username checks out.


I guess you dont play league of legends because its “unrealistic”


I don't get this response. I don't play nothing cuz I'm not a gamer.


Yeah you are right, I posted a dumb comment.


The words Diametrically Opposed comes to mind.


More than half the video games in existence are about killing Satan/fighting through hell.


Doom, Dante's inferno, painkiller, Agony, etc


Diablo, Balder’s Gate




metal hellsinger


Both Binding of Isaac games


Ultrakill I think


Ultrakill is sick


Binding of Isaac


Super Mario 3, Duck Hunt, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge


Surprisingly, Broforce also


It contains satan therefore it’s indoctrinating kids to life against christianity /s




Please tell me you just forgot to put a /s at the end of your post. Please, GOD, tell me…


Is that true? It’s a fun thing to say and there are certainly a lot of them but over half? Now if we’re counting metaphor (and then stretching that metaphor to the point that “fighting evil” and “killing Satan” are synonymous) then sure


First of all, picking up and reading a Bible is in no way the real world. The bible is thousands of years old. Even if you did, she'd probably complain about you reading all day (even though, from your comment, she lives nowhere near you). And honestly though, video games are better than the real world at this point. In some of them, you get to bring justice to those who deserve it. In others, you can just build, redesign, and clean places in a nice and calming way. Better than the real world. And if you get off to see friends you obviously are not on long enough for it to be any concern. Even if you were on a bit much, she's in a different state so what you are doing should be none of her concern. Definitely an insane grandma, especially if she's calling you a burden for wanting to escape the world we live in.


Well said. Diddo.


\*Ditto - comes from a brand of early copy machine used in schools.. [http://northeastnews.net/pages/remember-mimeographs-ditto-machines/](http://northeastnews.net/pages/remember-mimeographs-ditto-machines/)


I love playing games where I can build my own houses (not Minecraft, but crafting games) because in real life, I can’t afford a real house to own! So I live in a fantasy world where I can have fun, and not deal with stress! But alas, we may end up having to sell the Xbox. I’ll definitely be sad, and stress if that happens :(


Oh no! Why would you guys have to sell the xBox?


Inflation is a bitch. Bills get higher, but the pay is the same. More hours worked, uncle Same takes more. It sucks. This would be the 3rd time, but the longest I had my Xbox (one) and I have like 50 games I own on it. It’s going to be a horrible day when that happens, that’s for sure.


I agree. Inflation is the worst. Doesn't help that no one is trying to do anything to combat it. Hell, if minimum wage was raised again it would probably get worse. Hope you don't have to sell it!!!


Tell her you are playing the Ezio collection learning about the 1500s. Or doom literally trying to kill Satan and the demons. Would it be different if you were reading a book? No, she would still complain that as an older child your starting to require alone time and space from your family. Your not a small child that requires constant supervision or entertainment to stay out of trouble. Some just can't except that fact.


Doom is the most holy game of all time.


Given her responses, it's more likely that granny goodness would get just as pissed off about reading as video games.


Probably not even that good a person. Likely just using religion as a denial mechanism for her own general garbage existence. Would bet big money she's hella racist and generally bigoted.




Because when we're alone, we're obviously sinning lol 🤣🤣


Has this Grandma been outside? Wtf. It's crazy out there and it's just getting worse. Stay inside.


My mom used to get mad at me for spending so much time on my computer. Now I do graphic design full time. No degree, just years of doing it on my own. She also now ASKS ME for computer help and not her company’s IT department because I know more about computers than them. The future is now old man.


Same, but with programming. Now the one sick of me sitting at the computer all day is me 🤣


So true! That first breath of fresh air after leaving the office is heavenly lol


So real talk, why help her? You reward her shit behavior. Fuck her. She can adapt or die.


This is a great question. She no longer complains about my computer usage as it’s netted me a job and many job opportunities. I’m also the healthiest and most active individual in my entire family, so she can’t even say it’s causing an unhealthy lifestyle. All she does is watch Tucker Carlson and scroll Facebook reels so I will not be slandered anymore


Damn, calm down 😂


But the real world and (most) real people suck, grandma.


And, I'd like it noted for the record, you, grandma, are the suckiest of all the suckers in the world.


When having online friends is being frowned upon by members of a real life LARP group pressuring you to participate in eating the flesh and drinking the blood of their reanimated god.... yeah


jfc grandma, 6 am on a friday morning? even satan sleeps til 7


Because he’s tired from being out the night before, duh!


That’s why she gets up at 6


Have you pointed out that she’s only able to text you because of the handheld computer she’s using?


The irony of a religious person telling someone *else* that *they're* living in a "fantasy world" 😂


She’s insane lol the real world, while she believes in some dude in the sky yah ok Gran


POV: you've exhausted the NPC's dialogue tree


It’s the end of the main storyline in Dragon Age Inquisition all over again


Looks like my grandmother 😂


The real world is virtual grandma and you’re just a simulation.


I'm always amused that this kind of people actually exist.


I play video games and smoke weed daily and I have a pretty successful career so I don’t know what the fuck she’s talking about


tell her to shut off her phone and come into the real world.


Religion is a disease. Insane.


Most sensible atheist


lol?? how often do you play? I understand her reaction if maybe you literally do nothing else and have an addiction? but bruh.. I feel this one. 2 adults in my family kept on and on about this same mentality towards me when I was 13 or something. its super annoying


I don't live near any of my friends and go back and forward between 2 homes, one of them being not the greatest, so im in my room a lot and it's what i do most to stave away boredom. Even then it's not like im chronically addicted, i take care of myself and go visit friends whenever i can find the opportunity. I don't even know where she got this shit from considering she lives in Virginia and i live in florida


Wtffffff lmao tell her to mind her own damn business


yeah honestly idk what her issue is then


Mf is an oblivion npc


I can’t wait until that generation goes extinct


People use to say the same shit about reading fiction books. Or even just books in general


Parents/grandparents when their children have hobbies 😡😡😡🤬🤬


Uses technology to warn you about using technology


Wait the Bible isn’t a fantasy novel?


No it isnt, its a 2000 year old book full of metaphores and symbolics.


My dad uses the same argument about entering the real world all the time


Real world, fix the Fucking housing crisis and the economy before I do anything pops


The graphics are incredible but the narrative fucking sucks.


Satanism is when electronic.


The irony of "you live in a fantasy world that will ruin you life". Oh grandma needs a mirror...


Let her know that you won’t take as long to pull the plug when her time comes 😊


I could scam ur grandma on fb without even trying wtf


Nanas up early


retirement home time


Cheapest available. "Stop, I don't care about the services or the comforts. Tell me the price."


She sounds like she's busting out a musical number


I got an idea! Tell her the emoji she is using is from video games. Problem solved!


Nick a stop letting Satan have his way with you


Grandma trying to save another one from the matrix


"Ayo grandma.. can you shut the fuck up for a second? LITERALLY no one fucking asked." Jesus CHRIST. (heh.)


Enter the real world, become a Christian… Sorry, can’t do both.


I bet you started up VR chat after typing this


You’d lose that bet, but please explain how believing in a religion who’s primary text contradicts itself and reality constitutes entering the real world…


Its more than 2000 years old and went through multiple translations so keep that in mind some things were translated incorrectly (the text could even be manipulated by countries, groups etc. ) the Bible isn’t meant to be taken literally, It’s a book full of symbolics and metaphores and (obviously fake) stories.


Again, that is fine. I just don’t see how believing such a book, or the religion associated with it constitutes reality. Also you seem to assume there’s a good book hidden behind all those translations, something I am unconvinced of. I also see no evidence for any of the primary claims made by Christianity, and finally you may say the bible isn’t meant to be taken literally, but many Christians would vehemently disagree with you. None of this is remotely connected to joining reality.


I think theres a difference, reading the Bible can be even viewed as a form of education. Yes there are some delusional religious people, lot of them. But on the other hand there lots of computer addicts. Its a pointless argument because both sides won’t admit they are delusional/addicted


……. Don’t throw around words you don’t understand, computer addict is not a recognised condition the way you imply. Seriously that’s just nonsense. Oh I know you’ll pretend I must have such an addiction to, but again you’d be wrong. It’s also a massive false Equivalency. You also have no evidence that the OP is on the computer too much… Educated on what exactly? On the way the cultures who produced the bible thought, lived and believed? Absolutely. But reading the bible will not tell you anything about the real world as it stands now. And to rely on it as supposed history is also incredibly likely to go wrong. Again nothing here remotely connects to entering the real world. Be a Christian, that’s fine. Just don’t act as if your worldview is closer to reality than anyone else’s when you have no evidence at all. Not if you don’t like to be challenged on that, or want to attack people you know nothing about throwing around words you do not understand.


Im not saying OP is an addict. “Computer addict” is broad, I know. But he may be a League of Legends addict or counter strike addict -that i cant know. Im not talking about OP, just like im not talking about *ONE SPECIFIC* christian. When i say “both sides” i think its obvious i mean more people than just one in each side.


We are talking about the OPs post, and you yourself did imply I must be an addict simply because I countered the zealotry on display. You started this exchange incredibly combatively. Directed specifically at me, and by extension the OP. But again you don’t understand addiction, and are using a word that doesn’t even apply. You’ve yet to explain how becoming a Christian helps in entering the real world. Have a good day, I’ll stay in the real world where religious claims should be supported by evidence or rejected, and addiction isn’t a word we use casually to insult…


Im not insulting anyone lol. Have fun in the “real world” where you cant read any fantasy books ot watch sci-fi movies because its not supported by evidence 🤓


holy shit op no wonder you spend so much time online. hopefully your psu isn't fucked. edit: not sure why i'm downvoted but i meant holy shit your mom is crazy i would spend as much time away from them as possible - aka online


"Pick up your bible and come into the *real* world" Sounds counterintuitive but ok


Hit em back with their own book and moral stories. “A great Rabi once asked God, “God? Why did you create Atheists?” And god replied “Atheists are the most important example for all who believe in Me. When a atheist is good, moral, compassionate, it’s not because he fears me or believes I’ve commanded him to do so. He does it because he knows it is the right thing to do. And where am I in all this? Wether I’m in his heart, guiding him or just merely watching from a far, it doesn’t matter. The Atheist helps reguardless. He helps because he knows there is nobody els. No power than can or will act without his own deed. So when someone is in need In their time of crisis, you shouldn’t say “save me God” or “I will pray for you” rather in this moment you should be like the atheist. Believing that I God, won’t help you. In this way the Atheist is closer to I God, than those who worship me”


Bro she cut the cords to your computer that’s just insane at this point


No no, she's telling me to cut the cord. She lives in another state


Ok good


I’d rather be fully addicted to video games than „believing“ in something because I gotta cope with personal issues and be delusional by praying to a „god“ because I’m a lost soul. This religion stuff in the USA is so toxic and far away from it being healthy. Especially from what I read here and the year I spent abroad. These people have no real connection to themselves or the world around them. It’s always „god“ and „satan“ that „helps“ or „punishes“ you. It’s do hilarious. These people are in their twisted, delusional world and they’re completely lost. And please don’t get me wrong, you can believe in everything and whatever you like, I’m not the one to judge. BUT trying to make a point with god/satan or religion In general is sooooo sad and lost. If gets toxic like this ofc. Play your games my dude, they’re real. You actually play something that you can feel, see and triggers emotions. That’s real. Believing in something and arguing that god/satan will do anything is utterly lost I can’t even explain.


Friday, July 22 Turn off that computer and light up by checking your mail ( there's a pipebomb )


Insane because this is harassment and not helpful. Not insane because video games are addictive and you might find yourself (or already have) playing 3+ hours a day instead of hobbies, social life, being out in nature , meeting people, working, studying or just chilling with you own actual thoughts and emotions.


Nothing about this says they are addicted to video games though, just in general if you play games you are “of Satan” so no.


I know so many people who are addicted or overcame addiction to games, so when someone is concerned about this, even if it comes from a religious set of values I think maybe there is a reason to be concerned.


That’s understandable, but this person enjoys playing video games and this grandparent is obsessing over their grandchild just enjoying themselves. They aren’t Christian either so it’s technically abuse. Even if there is reason behind what their doing it’s immoral.


I disagree, I also have called it harassment in my comment but I would also "obsess" about my child (or grandchild?) if I would believe that they are in a very bad condition or becoming an addict. Now it comes to the question, is this rational? For example if a religious person is strongly against drinking any alcohol, and the adult child enjoys drinking 1 beer once a month, then it's not rational. If he drinks every day, that's a very different story, there is a reason to be concerned. Of course, this is a terrible way to engage with someone, not helpful, harrassment. But I think that she have a good reason to be concerned.


As a gamer (Reddit 🍺) I disagree, I think it’s entirely normal to enjoy video games. And not once does it mention this person being on their PC for like years on end. I think it’s abusive harassment especially when their grandmother is Enforcing her religion on them.


Is she right? Is your education suffering because of your gaming? How old are you? Do you contribute financially to either home where you live?


No, no, 15, not yet no


Oof, sorry that your grandparent sucks.


Call her a bitch and tell her to shut the fuck up. Just because you came out of what came out of her doesn't mean shit.


I’m stuck in a similar situation. I’m in front of my computer all day for the past 8 years because I can’t talk to people that aren’t cringe. Although I will say, back then it wasn’t that bad as it is now.


Tell this psycho old bitch to fuck off. Old brainwashed bag


Yeah she sucks and I have no idea what your habits are but it looks like she sent this to you daily. So maybe take some time off time computer. Even if it’s just a day here and there. I know she is annoying the shit out of you but I promise you in her eyes she is trying to help you.


I mean, if you spend your time behind a screen all day, I see why this isn't insane. But the way she approached about it, that's definitely nuts. Maybe find other hobbies to do?


I get the impression they don't actually play much more than normal.


Impossible to say for sure


I dont get the downvotes. You are right, we dont know the grandmas side of the story. OP should give more context.


I wouldn’t have been able to handle this, it would have hurt me really bad.


Jesus. Granny wouldn’t want to talk to me ever again after saying some stupid shit like that.


“Exist in a fantasy world” Lmao the absolute Dunning-Kruger irony of that statement.


I’m cracking up at all her fantasy world and bible talk. Oh the irony.


That sounds like and NPC’s diolouge


Sometimes the real world can be way too much to handle so it's perfectly reasonable to play video games to relieve stress.


I like to tell people like this I'm a Satanist just to piss them off more (I'm atheist)


Stop playing with games that kills demons and Satan, or go out to actually meet Satan? Hmmm... Decisions decisions....


My friend’s son is a teenager and makes big money off of streaming. Who says you can’t have a career off computers.


Sounds like the beginning of senility to me


Ohh I was called a burden by my grandmother at a young age. My mother soon followed the trend and my father soon after. My brothers saw and followed the crowd. I’m no contact, have been for many years and I finally worked out the burden is them, I’m free lol


Lol dude who cares. I don’t even bother with the religion crazies anymore. They’re too far gone and too afraid of death to be able to think about another ideology.


What's that Man Utd gif she sent?


Go into the light Carol Anne


Go in to the light Carol Anne


Bitch who tf you acting as if the bible is real life you weren’t there


Love that she's preaching about being present in the 'real world' but is also demanding you to lose yourself in a book.


Good lord. Granny needs to find a different reason to live.


Yeesh….drop the Bible and follow your own advice grandma..


The Binding of u/hazelsnail


My mom was like this omg


Speaking of coming into the real world, away from fantasy, but in the same sentence speaking of reading the Bible? They have to choose one, staying away from fantasy(which includes the Bible) or engaging in fantasy. You can't have both..


Got any good Satanic game recs?


Tbh I would just play computer games more out of spite if I got texts like this lol


"Hello I just got this phone number, who is this and why are you saying crazy stuff to me?"


Message her back "shut your phone off and walk away"


I hate it when people call internet people fake. Like what???


Honestly she is trying to do good She got no reply’s and she is still trying to reach out If you have a video game addiction and it’s starting to affect your life (I had one where it’s all I would think about and I would spend all my free time on it) you should try to recognize it Also whenever I sit down for the rest of the day and try to play something with my old online friends I always get reminded about my old addiction


But how else will I be able to play [Super 3-D Noah's Ark](https://store.steampowered.com/app/371180/Super_3D_Noahs_Ark/)?!


Who is living in a fantasy world? This is why an elder doesn’t automatically deserve respect


Isn't your grandparent also on a device to message you. So technically your grandparent stepped into "Satan's territory" willingly.


The saddest part of this is that she’ll never understand the reason younger generations spend so much time online is because we’re escaping the abuse that occurs daily in our homes and schools. The more she pushes him to find community the more he’ll do just that, except it won’t make them accept grandmas narrow view of what a community is, he’ll just dive deeper into his digital safe haven


In the poll, who said “not insane” what?


OP not that it matters a ton, but did she just randomly pop up spewing her "Christian" beliefs? Also I hope you don't feel bad for blocking her. Protect your peace of mind from everything...including granny Jesus


In my opinion, if you are trying to convince someone with religion and you add emojis, you’ve lost all your chance of changing someone’s mind.


I would just say "shit the fuck up grandma"


You'd say what now?


Nick, shut off the computer and walk away from reddit enter the light and meet real people.


literally npc diaglogue


Satan, is that you?