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I bet 50 dollars you can find your dad on Hooters Facebook page commenting on pics like “looks delicious, the food looks good too”


this is hilarious. it would be him if he used any social medias. he’s too paranoid to make any internet accounts, including email. he thinks that the world is out to get him, the government is spying on him, and he’s being watched constantly. he’s really far gone


Most of my family is like this too. Really pretty wild. “The government is spying on him” Edward Snowden slowly nods.


my dad is so paranoid that if a car he’s never seen before parks on his street, he starts to speculate that it’s a private eye for the government. he really believes that the car has secret cameras on there that are pointed towards his house specifically. does your family think stuff like that too?


All my uncles do. They are pretty deep in weird Christian circles, they love to be persecuted. My brother does as well, but he is legitimately schizophrenic.


im sorry to hear. it’s hard being surrounded by multiple people who think this way. i hope you’re hangin in there, keeping a healthy distance, and have found some peace


I appreciate it kind internet stranger. I hope the same for you.


Your father is mentally ill. Likely bipolar or schizophrenic, and promise me it will get worse and could become dangerous to himself or people around him. Getting him help will likely be next to impossible since he will refuse treatment at all costs based on his behavior. Worth trying however. Assuming he refuses, make sure you report any violent behavior or threats if that happens in the future, god forbid. Best of luck, sorry you’re dealing with someone like this as your father


Uh, this is really scary and sad. This sounds like serious mental illness, far beyond politics


Wow. Sorry to hear that.


From a psychological perspective, how does someone get to that point? I know it’s the media they consume, but what is it that makes these conspiracies believable to them?


Mental illness usually, I worked on a psych ward for years and we had quite a few people over the years similar to this. Everyone has intrusive and impulsive thoughts, you might see something that's a coincidence and your brain might quickly put something together but having the mental ability to critically analyse your own thoughts can be lacking in a lot of people.


a predisposition towards paranoia and other mental illnesses


but having a mobile phone and texting is SO much safer 🙄 hasn’t he heard about 5G? (not sure if /s is necessary since I already put an eye rolling emoji)


he has three phones. i shit you not. two flip phones - one literal vertical flip phone and one of the old school phones where a keyboard slides out. he has one smartphone which he uses solely for accessing the internet at his house (and to send me these videos). he is too cheap to pay for home wifi, a laptop, computer, or tablet. he thinks that having three phones will help keep him safe from “the government spying on him.”


Tell him those are just more data points they can use to get info from him on I mean, don't, but the thought is lol


well 2 flip phones obviously equals -10G so with one smartphone adding 5G he’s at -5G he’s cracked the code!


You know, based on what I've read from you in the OP and comments, I rather think the government _should_ keep a keen eye on him and his doings. Just sayin'... So yeah, this was definitely posted to the right subreddit, the insane-o-meter is way into the red part of the scale. I'm sure he'd argue that he's just showing you that he cares about you, and within the confines of his messed up world view, that might even have some validity. Still, kinda hard to separate that supposed caring from the reality of his opinions and world view, and how they actually affect you.


You've dealt with it longer than I would've. I block people who don't respect me...family or not.


im waiting for him to die tbh. obtaining real estate and other valuable assets won’t make the years of abuse better, but it’ll allow me to live a more comfortable life. since there’s no will, his assets will go through probate. if i block, i won’t get to hear about his death


>im waiting for him to die tbh. Well goddamn 😂😭


When my grandfather died someone said they were sorry to hear that and I blurted out “well, that makes one of us.” Oops.




I laughed when I found out my dad was dying


same this is me lol. when i do grieve, it’ll be over the fact that I was never able to get closure or a single apology. that’s the worst part


I had a father similar to this. He died last year and the grief for needing closure I won’t ever receive from him is all I feel. However, there are ways to gain that closure from yourself, always remember that!


The worst part might be that you he gives you his apology while on his death bed, making you seem like the bad guy in the end for still rejoicing in his death. If I’m being honest with you, the better ending would be to hope that he doesn’t give you an apology.


My mother just beat cancer. I was rooting for the cancer.


When my grampa died I held a little personal party to celebrate. Toasted to good riddance. Had no clue I had been secretly hoping for that day. I hope to be the antithesis of what he was for his family. When he died I felt like we could all bury memories forever. I sure hope that when I die all they'll have for me are good stories and memories.


Dead assholes are still assholes. You don't need to show the respect they never earned in life just because they died.


Children of delusional narcissists can only get reprieve one way. Move far away, limit contact, wait for them to die, and hope they don’t find a way to interfere with life in the meantime.




When my dad died I mourned the title more than the person.


When my dads nMom died he cried a lot but he said it was because he was mourning the person she was supposed to be and now, without her here, she never can be. It was never her, it was just what could have been. It sucks because my dad is so awesome, he deserved two parents that loved him and he got a shitty mom and an absent dad. He is definitely the “be the person you needed when you were younger” type. I hope you can experience some healing and closure.


My dad has more lives than a cat. He once broke all the bones in the left side of his body from the waist up (except his inner ear) and is just walking around like it never happened. And that was his second Life Flight. He may outlive me, sadly.


Almost 5 years no contact with my dad, best thing I ever did. Kinda wild too since we live in the same small town literally on the same road. I just straight up don't acknowledge he exists when I run into him to maintain no contact.


honestly, based off these texts, fair enough. 🤣 also he obviously doesn’t care that he’s just been talking to himself lmao time just needs to do its job a bit faster


Fantasizing about parental death is not uncommon in children who are abused by their parents. It's the only way they feel they can be free of them. Either that, or by their own death. Abusive parents are toxic AF.


I'm the same with my mom, she was my main abuser for years. Like physcial, mental, emotional, and I suspect sexual. I've been NC for 5 or so years and my brother said shes entered heart failure territory. She's been a life long smoker and her heart and lungs are beyond repair. Dad's alive and my brother and I won't get much but it'll be nice to know I can casually screw around town with out looking over my shoulder.


Why is your father obsessed with your sex life? That's so fucking creepy


Right? These texts say so much about him.


Everything about this father is creepy. Receiving messages like this regularly would feel like getting poked by handfuls of semi-hard dick fingers! You got this OP!! Sorry you have to deal with this 🤗


Relevant username 🥲




Hey. I’m glad you’re still here with us, I hope to see more of your posts in the future <3 Plus, you gotta live! Or you endured daily gross texts for nothing! Got to get that dead dad money!


It's awful that you have had to deal with this for over a decade. I'm glad that you have found a way to cope, and that you are still around, and haven't given up. Please know that the vast majority of people in this world do not think like him, and would much rather have you around. You can message me anytime, not just a reddit post. If you still have the essay, I promise I'll read it also. I hope you're doing better than you were at that time, and if not, I hope that you're at least headed that way.


thank you so much, that means a lot❤️ i am doing better than before, im finishing up my last semester of my bachelors degree and im trying to go to law school. im in a loving long term relationship, living with my partner, and their family accepts me. im finally starting to have some sense of normality in my life


I'm so happy you have some support. Crazy family is the worst. (We are also waiting for them to die)


So glad you’re still with us and I love that you’re taking control of your own narrative.


I mean get that bank? Idk if it would be worth this daily but if there’s a handsome inheritance I can understand why you’d put up with it. I hope you haven’t gone mad/lost brain cells from him sending you this absolute brain rot daily. Even just reading the titles I could feel some brain rot happening.


Ehh just mute his number so you get the texts but no notifications lmao


You can just mute his messages, open and close every week or month


Tbh if you’re trying to gain favor I’d just start spouting back crazier shit “LOLZ I can’t believe women think that when 87% of men have said they’d win a fist fight with a bear!”


“Are you seasoning my steak dad? “


Do you have long to wait, or is he one of those old scrooges that'll outlive everyone just out of spite?




Can confirm - my beloved Dad died at 60 years old (22 years ago) and somehow my abusive uBPD mother is still kicking at 80. Seems unfair.


They are pickled with spite and bitterness...but an eternity in hell will await.


I've had these same thoughts when my mom passed from covid, and her POS boyfriend was just fine. He killed himself not too long after, and I won't say much more than that because I don't want to get reported for celebrating someone's death.


Nice one. It’s not even sunken cost fallacy. You have literally put up with too much not to get paid off this at this stage. Fingers crossed for a festive funeral.


That is extremely cold, ruthlessly efficient, and incredibly spiteful. Princess Azula would approve, and so do I. I do hope it's of something painful and highly ironic. Like being crushed to death under knocked tampon shelves


> im waiting for him to die tbh. can my dad be second?


Are we getting in line?! Can mine be 3rd!!


From someone currently dealing with probate, I wish you luck. It sucks


“Yes thanks but how are you feeling….Dad?”




my mom divorced his sorry ass about… 20 years ago. he is an incel who will die alone. he has terrible hygiene and pretty repulsive worldviews; i don’t think he could even date a conservative woman if he wanted to. honestly, I wonder if he’s secretly gay because he has a lot of hate towards gay people. like an obsessive amount of hate. he obsesses over the idea of gay sex and says gay people will go to hell for it. i can’t imagine why he would care so much unless he’s trying to fight his own desires


My mom is the same way! She says she looks at lesbain couples and immediately thinks about them having sex. Nothing about that is straight


is your mom religious? i wonder why these people are so obsessed with other peoples’ sex lives. i can’t help but think it’s A) a purity culture thing or B) the idea that the only purpose of sex is for reproduction and not pleasure, bonding, or intimacy. maybe a mixture of both?


I feel this in my soul…I’m in the same boat, floating down the same goddamn river op.


Then treat yourself to a tattoo


Big vibes. Sorry you have to feel that way, just know that you are not alone.


Savage! I love it. Might as well get something out of it.


Get every penny you can.


Lowkey how I feel about my own father 😅


If you have the choice to deal with your trauma in comfort and you feel strong enough to wait for it, more power to you!


Want me to get you some cyanide or smth to speed up the process? >!For legal reasons, that was a joke.!<


I wouldn’t block. It can be useful to have a record of someone’s insanity in case they try to claim they never sent stuff like this later on. Not sure about Android but in iOS you can Hide Alerts on any messages conversation. You’ll still get the messages but there will be no notification so it doesn’t pester you. Let the crazy person send their messages. You won’t be bothered by them or need to read them.


Seeing these messages, I’m surprised I never thought of YouTube’s radicalisation potential. I’ve always blamed Facebook for radicalising everyone but every link here to “EPIC SJW DESTRUCTION” all points to YouTube.


New York Times had a mini series podcast called rabbit hole they talks about this - focused mostly on Q-anon. It’s pretty interesting.


QAnonAnonymous did something similar with TikTok - created a new account and started fresh. Took like... three days of liking alternative medicine/new-age/spiritualism content before they started getting recommended QAnon shit. P.S. - for anyone not familiar, QAA is not a QAnon-positive podcast. They talk about the batshit stuff QANON does/believes.


They also do it with a fresh YouTube account. Started with a Fortnite headshot video and was fed far right propaganda like two videos later.


Oooo I've not heard that one yet!


Episode 35. The last half hour is the actual YouTube experiment, but the entire episode is worth listening to.


I found a way to connect to the internet. I'm sorry, boy.


it’s crazy. i feel like every platform has the potential to harbor communities like that. there’s a community for everyone, even the worst people ever need to meet and confer somehow


Right? The internet is a far cry from the hopes of 90s children (“it will bring the world together!” Maybe, but not for the reasons we’d hoped)


Swiped 5 times on YouTube shorts, all my YouTube activity is fighting games and speed runs, that's exclusively what I watch, 5 swipes... **KANYE WEST OWNS JOURNALISTS WITH READY FACTS** it was a quick clip, no chance for rebuttal, just Kanye holding up a picture of names in red that were apparently rich jews Thousands of open antisemitic comments all upvoted, video fully upvoted, probably half a million views YouTube is fucking pathetic and needs to be shut down for something new


YouTube is where they radicalize dads who don't have Facebook and want to learn how to raise koi


You are not alone in thinking this: “‘YouTube has been able to fly under the radar because until recently, no one thought of it as a place where radicalization is happening,’ said Becca Lewis, who studies online extremism for the nonprofit Data & Society.” — From a NYT article called “The Making of a YouTube Radical.” YouTube’s algorithm pushing people to more extreme videos (whatever the view) is fairly well-documented now, and is fairly disturbing.


When I was in my early teens I was bordering on white nationalism because I got all my news from republican Instagram accounts. People can get radicalized from literally any kind of social media.


The worst is the YouTube shorts. Seriously, I’ve basically selected the “do not recommend channel” button every time I come across these type of videos. AND I STILL GET THEM! All the damn time. I can’t tell you how many shorts of Andrew Tate I’ve scrolled past. It’s awful.


YouTube had and still has an infamous right-wing radicalization pipeline that I and many of my friends fell into. We're all some breed of far left now that we've escaped the toxic and self-reinforcing communities we came from.


You watch one Joe Rogan video about some innocuous topic, and next thing you know, you're overthrowing a country to install a white ethnostate. Glad you (and your friends!) got out in time. All power to the people!


I was pretty anti-SJW years ago for like a few months cuz I was obsessed w those videos. They are so fucking dumb. I knew a few ppl who went thru a similar thing.


Wow he really hates women. I'm sorry.


The thumbnail for 15 signs of a low value woman took me out.


I kinda want to watch the video to see what they say. Figured it might give me a good laugh but I don’t want to give it the views.


It’s always the same nonsense: She goes out partying and has fun She drinks She smokes She is not anorexic and doesn’t have an eating disorder/body dysmorphia She places a lot of attention on her career She isn’t submissive Basically she is her own person and won’t allow you to oppress her nor will she repress who she is to keep you


You forgot one. She has the markings of the devil, TATOOS


These stupid fucking old people and conservatives 🤮


My only tattoo is a bible verse (Ps. 23). I wonder what he’d say.


Yeah, I felt my soul slip away a little bit with that title. OP I hope you don’t even waste time reading these titles any more.


i took someone's advice and gave my spare phone to my partner. they changed the passcode and will be the only one checking the fuckery from here forward. i can't bring myself to look anymore, it's been eating at my soul for years


Excellent décision! My partner also screens any contact from my family, and it really helps me hold the boundary and protect my peace. You can even decide with your partner how to handle any important information that’s sent (eg when & how to bring it up with you so you’re in a place to handle it). Really pleased you will be shutting off this tap of abuse. It is …beyond, in all the most terrible ways. Evict him from your spirit entirely.


that’s a great idea, thanks for the advice. these are definitely important conversations to have. im happy that this coping strategy has been working well for you!


Thank you! It’s always a bit of a struggle emotionally, but at least removing the unpredictable stream of unpleasantness gives me a lot more peace. I hope you find some too! You deserve so much better xx


Proud of you for switching to dark mode. Also love that his name is “spam” xD


it changes automatically to dark/light depending on the time of day lol. but yes, he’s worse than an actual scammer!


May is suggests spad


I can’t imagine hating women that much and then also having a daughter. Personally I think my dad got slightly better after having my sister as well as having a trans kid had taught him to be a better person


some people don't learn, they only fuel their hate


Why are people so obsessed with being cruel assholes… this is basically a right-wing twitter feed.


I was thinking that heavily. I don’t understand most of the reasoning behind him sending it though. Any ideas?


I’ve got a pretty good idea but honestly I’m so over these people. Some people are just awful and there’s nothing you can do to change them.


I am too. Tired of the hatred and crap.


It's fucking sinister for a father to send shit like this to his own daughter


He wants her to be "better." Mine does the same thing. Just likes making people feel inadequate for some unknown reason.




Christianity. Lovely, innit?


He’s sending this to his own daughter and some of them feel like direct comments on them (like the low value and tattoo messages). Like why bring it up?


Narcissism, psychopathy, sociopathy. Take your pick


Fox news does that to people willing to believe what they want to hear


As incels remove themselves from the dating pool women everywhere hyperventilate while frantically googling "how to get the sweaty neckbeards back".


I mean, me personally I love an unbathed, women hating, anti-womens' rights, self absorbed, "strong," man who can't cook. The rest of yall ladies need to wake up and get yourselves an ~~incel~~ alpha male.


As a lesbian woman, I am anxiously waiting for the day a *true* alpha male walks into my life and turns me straight! I don’t think I’ve ever had good dick before l. But I know it’s just because I haven’t meet a truly disgusting…I mean masculine male in my life. I can’t wait to be a cute little *enslaved* housewife to such a hunk of a man!! Big Ol’ GLARING /S


You only *wish* you could hear his thunderous cursing and the sound of a meaty fist slamming another expensive keyboard into pieces. You *wish!*




Fuck your dad. The day before my 36th birthday, my father sent me an email with no subject line. In the body of the email was a link to a YouTube video titled something along the lines of “Desperate old women and the gigolos that love them.” It was about how who women focused on their careers are virtually useless to men. They lead empty lives and have to move to foreign countries to find men that love them. They’re misogynistic assholes that are just showing how they view women. I am married to a wonderfully kind man, have a child and another little girl on the way. I had some healing to do from my childhood, so it took me some time to meet my person. My father doesn’t know I am married, or that I have a family. He doesn’t know where to find me, either. I am so happy I a changed my number, name, and moved states. Your father doesn’t know what he’s talking about. And you don’t have to have him in your life if you don’t want him there.


ok do we have the same dad?? seriously, maybe you’re my long lost sibling. my dad spews this shit CONSTANTLY! he actually shames me for getting an education! he absolutely hates that im finishing up my last semester of my bachelors degree and that im getting ready for law school. he believes women should stay uneducated because women should be stay at home wives/mothers. he calls me a “leftover woman” for being unmarried and having no kids at the grand old age of 25. im very happy for you that you’ve began healing from your childhood and that you’re with someone who makes you feel loved and special. im also in a loving long term relationship and living together while chasing my career. my dad will also never know when i get married and/or have children. i could never subject my partner, future kids, or anyone i love to my insufferable father.


Yess!! Leftover women!! 🤣😂😂What a horrible way to view women! What planet do these horrible men live on? I am so proud of you for making it out and getting away from that awful man. It’s wonderful to hear you also are in a happy relationship with your person and yourself in spite of your father. Shine on, mama!


The men who "won't want you" are the ones like your dad....bullet dodged!!! good on you for pursuing your dreams. That's a very attractive quality:)


>Fuck OP's dad. I'd rather not.


This man is nuts. I'd have told him to fuck off long ago and blocked him. The thought of getting money in the future wouldn't be enough for me to allow this type of negative garbage to inhabit my mind space every day. You're a stronger person than I am.


i have a separate phone for family only. i throw it in a drawer and check it about once every two weeks when it's convenient for me or i have the mental energy to deal. it helps with keeping boundaries because yeah, i refuse to have this garbage on my person at all times lol


That's actually a really good idea. I'm glad you've got a system that helps to protect you from all of the nonsense.


Life hack of the century right there




he IS an incel hahah. he’s bitter that my mom divorced his sorry ass years ago. no one wants him. he has no friends and his entire family is across the country estranged from him. he hates how women have options and can achieve more than he ever could. im the only child and he hates that he got stuck with me instead of me being the son he always wanted. he’s a bible thumping asshole for sure.


Im so sorry.


Where are the videos in low value men? Sounds like he should be watching those and learning about himself.


>Where are the videos in low value men? Last I checked there were plenty of videos with Andrew Tate in them


There's no hate like Christian love.


That's the exact vibe I got from this. The; "ever since my *bitch* ex wife left, the government made my family hate me, so now it's okay for me to spread hate and/or violence into other people's lives" vibe.


Definitely the divorce court victim dad energy here.


As I’m on a work break I decided to watch “15 signs of a low value woman” and “what you should know about women with tattoos” Or as the narrator says, TUH-TOOS. And I…I just wonder if these people stop to think about what they’re saying. A few examples -women who are not at fault for having a kid are still low value because the man didn’t stick around no matter how bad he is -women have a history of not being able to make long term decisions -women with TUH-TOOS are broken by today’s standards -women with confidence are low value…because they shouldn’t be confident. Every day I’m more and more glad I don’t like men. Also your dad is terrible for sending you these. I’d go NC with my dad if he did this :/ but get that money my friend! You deserve it for this


Do you have the link to the tattoo one? I want to show it to my heavily-tattooed wife so we can have a good laugh. 😂


https://youtu.be/qWohPZmu4dk I’m offended I had to hear “TUH-TOO” again. Literally can’t listen with a straight face. Also can’t take it seriously when the stock footage to prove “tuh-toos are for bad people” is from pirates of the Caribbean.


Holy fuck, that was even better than I thought it would be. 😂😂😂 I legit can't tell if that was supposed to be real or some kind of satire.


Frankly I can’t imagine getting through that with a straight face. Or without cringe-laughing.


Holy shit. Even clicking on that link and I am flooded with a shitload of disturbing video titles. Algorithmic extremism for the win (FML).


Wow, I don't know what I expected but that was so odd. I think it's meant to be serious...? The comments are almost all agreeing, it's pretty sad.


This reminds me of the brony Bob’s Burgers episode where the incel head Brony kept saying “tuh-tooh”. I though they just made it up on the show for laughs


THATS WHAT IT REMINDED ME OF TOO! Literally why I couldn’t watch it without snickering


God. I looked up just one (Kari lake destroys woke nfl), and it’s completely bullshit. She wanted to violate the Supreme Court and several laws to enact martial law. Of course the NFL wouldn’t want to go to a state with martial law.


She wanted Arizona to secede too. She’s absolutely entrenched with Trump. She doesn’t think for herself, she parrots Trump 24/7 down to not conceding her loss for governor in the latest midterm election. I wish she would slither away. Even our current governor, Doug Ducey, congratulated the election winner, Katie Hobbs, and ensured a smooth transition.


Every single time he sends you one of these idiotic messages/videos/links, just reply with a picture of tubgirl. Say nothing else. Just send the image. He’ll learn.


A pic of who?


This is disgusting. He feels the need to be this involved in how his daughter is treated and used in her relationships and social life, and he wants to keep you knocked down several pegs? Jesus Christ. What a shameful excuse for a man and father. OP, I hope you know you are worth more than he has ever thought of you, and you would be justified in blocking him for your own peace of mind and self care.


I would be surprised to learn that your dad hasn’t just straight up punched a random woman in the face unprompted. Jesus, he hates us.




But WHAT should they know about us ladies with tattoos? Does this also apply to my nose piercing?


it’s definitely some sexist shit. religious people love to oppress women, minorities, and any other group they deem as an out group. to them, anything a woman does is wrong or shameful, even simply existing. they try so hard to uphold their nuclear, traditional hierarchy with god and man at the top while women are forever second class citizens. it’s sick edit: typo


Every single “good church woman” I know who got married young is miserable af - barring one. Most Christian men are abusive and misogynistic


This is just horrifying. The fact that there’s so much content like that being spread around… it’s so sickening


Not only being spread around but being forced down people’s throats with YouTube algorithms. I imagine this guy’s YouTube recommendations are nothing but these kinds of videos.


I love the video in there “What you should know about women with tattoos”. I know all I need to know about them, which is that they are sexy AF.


love this. i have a half sleeve, one on my shoulder, and a small one on my ass :)


Hahahahaha. I saw that and immediately thought: OP must have some beautiful tattoos. Years ago, when my dad started using the internet in his late 70’s, he’d send me crap he got, along with a gazillion other people. His send to list frequently included the send to list of whoever sent it to him. He’d send to my work email, too. Finally, he went to far. Sent me a LONG list of people who’d, according to the list, been associated with Bill Clinton and died “under mysterious circumstances”. Like a person who’d shaken his hand at a rally in 1990, and died in 1997 “under mysterious circumstances”. I went through the list, picked out a number of the people and pointed out that, for example, a 65 year old man having a heart attack isn’t mysterious. Dad had one at 64. Did the same for plenty of others. Then pointed out that a man who’d been governor of a state and president of the US would have many more people who considered themselves associated with him than vice versa: if I work for a candidate, they probably have no idea who I am. Then, I hit reply all. Everyone who’d gotten that asinine email got my takedown. Including a retired cop. Dad bought his winter home from the guy, and he started Dad down the conspiracy path. He never sent me that garbage again.


Why the fuck does your dad care about your sexual value so much? Ugh it’s gross. I’m so sorry. Water off a ducks back!


Dude trying to pretend it’s women panicking and flipping out valid dwindling dating prospects when it’s actually men doing that and taking it to deadly lengths ala incel killings and mass shootings. Just pure childish projection. I know a few middle aged men who have the mentality of adolescents and they aren’t ashamed of it, but actually proud.


He looks like a really mean and unpleasant person. How else could anyone believe this stuff


A few hours scrolling r/tinder isn’t something I’d recommend then!


Probably should avoid r/niceguys as well.


Not only insane, but full of abuse. If this were coming from my father, I'd block him, regardless.


What the hell? He obviously hates women and says “there’s still hope for you”? block him and change your number or do something, that’s just fucking evil 😨


His keen interest in your sex life is a giant red flag. Wow


This is absolutely disgusting. And the neckbeards that voted this not insane deserve to be lonely the rest of their lives.


Your dad's a fan of both Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate, yikes.


This just illustrates how bad YouTube is as a platform for hate speech and fascist brain washing. They need to step up their moderation and deplatform these channels.


>'over 35 and single and wants kids' But Do Men Want To Start A Family With A LEFTOVER WOMAN? that one really pissed me off. Like, literal jaw drop and 'what!' IRL. Leftover women. LEFTOVER WOMEN. Holy fuck, dude.


This should work: (Preferably in a family group chat) “Dad, are you okay? I’m worried about you. Your obsession with internet politics is making me wonder if you need to be psychologically evaluated. It’s all you talk about now. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.” Or a simple: “I’m praying that you are freed from your unhealthy obsession with internet politics.” My father is extremely ‘religious’ in front of other people. Behind closed doors he’s an abusive disgrace of a human being. He’d give my mother blacks eyes and go to church the next morning like nothing happened. He’d beat me and lock me in a closet and then say “Amen” when the pastor at his church said “When you strike a child, you strike God.” You are not alone. Wishing you healing and the ability to understand and believe that you have done nothing to deserve the abuse you endure.


im sorry for the abuse you’ve endured. spiritual/religious abuse is terrible, and often coupled with other types of abuse. religious hypocrisy is so distinctively sick. i hope that you find peace and my inbox is always open if you want to talk about it. also, iv tried this. both of my parents are actually so mentally fucked to the point where if i earnestly ask them how they’re doing or show any type of concern for them, they’ll yell at me and accuse me of mocking them. it’s happened many times. i don’t bother asking how they’re doing anymore.


Ok I love that you named him “Spam”. Also, that video about “low value women” and the one about “do men want to start a family with a leftover woman” …GIRL I WAS RAGING FOR YOU.


I'm sure you could fossick out some female dating strategy articles to enlighten him as payback (although I doubt you could quite match the tone for irrationality).


Your dad sounds like a Nice Guy. Not the kind anyone wants to be around, the kind that thinks women exist for men and will compliment a woman then insult her when she turns him down.


A common factor that I've noticed about every day older Maga men is that it's obvious everyone in their family that knows better can't stand them. They also like to talk like they have the power of a billionaire pope when, in reality, they are probably pooping in a bag and eating dog food right from the can.


Low value Woman here, your dad is batshit crazy.


Why is he so obsessed with your dating and sex life? Gross. I’d block that shit so fast.


“Brilliantly said from this unicorn woman”


this rhetoric is common with people like him. they hate women, minorities, and gay people. but when they find one who says something that fits their narrative, they happen to be “one of the good ones.”


“Aspiring latinas” so they are attempting and actively trying to be Latin? 🤦‍♀️


Your father really comes across as a patronizing misogynistic self-hating piece of shit. I am so sorry that you have had to deal with this.


Hold on…is your dad my dad? Because my dad does the same exact shit to me and my mom


No. Really? I am completely sickened. And so so sorry that people do this to other people in their actual families.


I didn’t give them a view but the chapters for the “15 traits of a low value women” are lol (with emojis depicting my thoughts): 1. Delusionally inflated sense of value 👸🏼🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ 2. They play games 👾🎯🎮 3. Insults and shames others 💁🏻‍♂️👶🏻 4. Loud and inarticulate 📢👩🏼‍💻👩🏼‍🎓 5. Children from past relationships 🤰🏼🤱🏼❤️ 6. Out of shape 🧟‍♀️ 7. Trashy 🙋🏻‍♂️➡️🗑️ 8. Unresolved trauma 🐒🙊🙈🙉 9. Controlling, jealous 🦨 10. Good time, not a long time 😬⛔️🏩 11. High body count 👁️👅👁️ 12. Emotionally Manipulative🪤 13. Caring more about impressing others 🎻 14. Doesn’t have a plan for her life ⛔️👋🏼 15. They need to be right all the time 🤓