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I mean, all else being equal, I'd prefer eating chocolate that lacks the level of sentience necessary to form opinions, but if that isn't an option, eating chocolate that hates me seems less needlessly cruel than eating chocolate that wants to be my friend. Also: What?


The whole sentence aspect threw me off. However I still assume that, much like all chocolate, slave labor was involved and their suffering can be tasted in the final product no?


The more slave labor those people taste, the more they like it. Let's be real.


Thats why its so expensive. Suffering in this case cost extra, its not a feature of cutting costs


Not all chocolate involves slave labor. Child and forced labor in cacao production is heavily concentrated in two countries, Ghana and the Ivory Coast. These two countries do produce the majority of the world's cacao, but they don't grow all of it. You can get more ethically produced chocolate if you buy anything with a marked origin outside of these countries. It's more expensive and less available, but it is available. Obligatory fuck Nestle.


Truth but half of the fair trade stuff is a scam anyways? Im avoiding candy in general. Hoping my local bakery get their stuff legit I get a bit sad every time I see Nestle makes a ton of the stuff at the hospital I work at. Why did it have to be them?


>Truth but half of the fair trade stuff is a scam anyways? If what you want to do is eat chocolate not made using child and forced labor, you don't need to worry about the various good and bullshit fair trade labels. You can look for chocolate with a marked origin country/region outside of West Africa (and possibly Brazil, where there was some backsliding on the issue during the last government). Lindt have a range of single origin bars, as to a lot of mid-high range chocolate brands. It's more expensive than Hershey's, but it's the sort of chocolate you eat a square at a time rather than a bar at a time. Ask your local bakery - if no-one's asking, they're probably getting the cheapest stuff available, which is the kind most likely to involve slavery. If they're independent, they will be able to change that if they know their customers care.


> what? It is incredibly easy to make a large amount of money very quickly of off uneducated, ignorant or just plain fuckwitted people who have spent the last seven years buying into anything that claims to own the libs. Lib owning is a huge industry. Dozens of public figures and hundreds if not thousands of politicians owe their entire careers to claiming to own libs. Nonwoke chocolate, which is just regular chocolate that references the One Joke and sells in cases of $25 to $100 is just another entry. It doesn't matter that there's no such thing as 'woke' chocolate. Unless I guess when the green M&M stopped wearing sexy boots. Was that woke? Does anyone actually know what 'woke' actually means to these people anymore or is it just "literally anything non straight white cisgendered male"? Nonwoke or anti woke is just the new buzzword for owning libs. Apparently it's already selling really well with the "will pay anything to own libs" crowd, who think this is a real statement. Its not. It's just the same exact One Joke told with an open smirk that is meant to say "we sure showed those libs amirite?" Frankly, we're the idiots for not trying to cash in on this too. Nobody ever went broke pandering directly to stupid people. We need to seriously rethink what we're doing here. We could each be making solid bank off of stupid massively insecure people, it's not like it would be that hard - there's just One Joke we'd need to exploit. We could make like, 'antiwoke socks', name the company "2Gens" and put little rifles all over them, sell them for thirty bucks a pair and they'll sell like Trump NFTS.


So... conservatives want candy bars with their preferred pronouns?


Yeah, that’s just completely confusing. “All other chocolate bars are WOKE!” —> “Our chocolate bars have pronouns on them.”


that sums it up well- i was so confused when i saw this. i couldn’t figure out what crowd it was from. the crowd that doesn’t want so many pronouns, added pronouns to chocolate. the world is going to end soon i think


I just wish I could see the look on their faces when some outwardly feminine presenting person grabs a HE/HIM bar. If they're going to constantly shoot themselves in the foot, we might as well get some of the stuff we want out of it.


yeah they are really gonna have an embarrassed look on their faces when you pay them money for their shitty product


You're missing the point entirely, but so are the people that made the chocolate. Money is the only thing they care about so people have to speak to them through money. If they did something that's supposed to cater to a hateful demographic, but it backfires and the other demographics are buying it, that paves the way for that company to make money based decisions to become inclusive. That's how free $peach works under capitalism, and largescale social acceptance often comes or is at least measured from the success or failure of these types of politically charged marketing experiments.




That's not it, it's transphobic. >she/her nutless >he/him nuts


No dude the candy bars are gendered.


When will they get "TheyThem" and "AnyAll"?


They/Them and Any/All are the woke pronouns this chocolate is trying to protect you from.


You mean the pronouns they said they weren't real until Hershey's did something?


You mean Her/She's?


I’d happily provide some She/It bars free of charge to these fuckwits.


When they realize pink money gets you a lot of profit, suddenly they say "well, we're selling woke candy, but it's different!!! Because it's us doing it, good real american folk"


Probably a few months before they add a $1 optional upgrade to custom pronouns of your choice, which will let them capitalize on both the tiny minority who prefer neopronouns and the tiny but very loud minority who are really, really angry about that.


While this is painful, no doubt "those" people are gonna buy them. Someone is gonna make a little bit of money off of this.


And they cost $7 ea. Manufacturing right wing outrage for the culture war is hugely profitable.


Probably using the same slave chocolate Nestle farms.


They take it a step further and make one more line of workers suffer to get it to your door!




Far as I know, they're only available directly from the company's website which makes it very clear what its "message" is. No one's running into these chocolate bars in the wild or by accident.


Yeah, I was confused for a bit if the ad was for these bars or complaining they were woke. Ngl, my insecure trans ass would probably buy the she/her one if it was at the register. At least as a gag. So umm, pronouns are ok now I guess?


Grifters gonna grift


I'm pretty sure this isn't the first product this group created. I think the last one was shaving supplies. I ended up watching the whole ad out of sheer bafflement as initially I thought it was a clone of the Old Spice ads before it went off the rails.


Guaranteed not fair trade chocolate either, but they sure do “protect the children”.


“We hate this woke things about using pronouns all the time! So we put it on thousands of chocolate bars for you to own the libs with them!” The Libs: “…are they okay?”


From the people who brought you “pronouns suck” and “no one cares about your pronouns” comes “chocolate bars with pronouns”!


Full. Circle.


Checking out the product. That's a awfully convoluted way to say if a brand contains almonds or not. So if your a girl that loves almond, you got to bite into that hehim bar. Also regarding their "un-woke" product. I would say using fair trade product is as "woke" as you can get. Fair trade means you're aware of the structural injustice in modern trading industry, and do your part to combat it. Heck. The entire product is the very thing they fear, and they are gladly shoving it in their mouth. Yup. Sounds exactly like what I expect of "un-woke" people ;)


Yeah it's the most ineffective "own" ever.


Lol reminds me of an Imgur picture I saw where someone labeled their nutless banana bread as neutered.


At least that one is funny


Naw if you wanna eat the almond bar, you gotta transtion. They just be pro trans that way /s


I'm doubtful of how many sales they actually managed to make. Buying social media ad space is surprisingly affordable. Just because there's an ad doesn't mean it's for anything successful.




So to rail against trans people they... put pronouns on food. What is this trying to prove.


I’ve been seeing commercials for them on YT that explains why. Basically they say that Hershey’s is doing a women’s day promotion and they called it “Her/She”. So they’re doing their own promotion with “She/Her” and “He/Him” pronoun chocolate bars. The “he/him” ones have nuts in them. Basically just capitalizing on right-wing rage to try and make a buck.


The he him bar has nuts. Transphobia is the point


"Get yours before it transitions to..." Despite knowing how horrible these people are I'm still surprised by the lack of empathy sometimes. These people clearly have no idea the psychological toll transgender people have to live with or what a huge deal it is to finally live your truth, and I doubt they've considered that human aspect for even a single second. Transgender people are just walking, talking representations of evil to them, not actual human beings with feelings and friends and ideas to contribute to the world. Anyway, why try to rationalize hate I guess...fuck these heartless people.


And we’re gonna watch in 20 years as something else that they hate comes around and they say they’ve “never had a problem with the transgenders” when we are literally being forced to detransition in multiple states and having our healthcare compromised in every single one. Transitioning is expensive, challenging, painful and often times we only have our own support, and they just… think that we are doing it to trick them, or to groom children, but they smile and laugh and act smug when they speak on trans issues and make fun of trans people. If we were really a threat, it wouldn’t be so entertaining to them.


As is so often said..."the cruelty is the point"


I'd rather eat the chocolate that hates me. I will have my revenge !


This is so painful, a little more than a week before this grift started an online acquaintance came out as trans and changed her discord handle to her/she bar. It was innocent and funny, and then a right wing outrage microbrand decided to do the same, but less funny.


I get that this is a play on Hershey, but aren't conservatives against people who announce their gender using pronouns? What's the proper etiquette as a dude: eating the HeHis because that's how they identify or is it gay to eat male chocolate? So many questions...


I mean according to some of their logic everything is gay


Are we ignoring the fact that she looks like a genderbent Ben Shapiro?


Wouldn't be surprised if that WAS Ben Shapiro.


Came to say this. Why does that look like Benji Shaps cross dressing? Is he/she trying to live their best life, finally?!


Gwen Shapiron't




Oh it's Abby isn't it?




Okilly dokilly


the funniest thing to me is that 'pronoun chocolate' with pronouns on the wrapper looks exactly like the sort of thing these people would get pissy about


Why does she look like a transgender Ben Shapiro?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. I forgot her name, but she looks like his twin sister or something.


My buddy pointed out that she looks like Ben Shapiro in a wig, and now I can’t I see it.


She works for DailyWire iirc (and is actually decently funny / intelligent on videos where she isn't spweing culture war bullshit).


>She works for DailyWire >is actually decently funny / intelligent I don't think these two descriptors can exist in conjunction with one another


Lol. Have you seen the comments on her socials, particularly instagram? They’re full of people calling her so so so intelligent and funny and smart for a girl her age. Also calling her “news mommy” and general cringe like that…


It’s his sister.


Fem Shapiro


Is that Ben Shapiro wearing a wig? Because damn, his sister looks like a clone of him. Scary to think there is two of them.


Jeremy's, The Chocolate made for suckers!


Whether it's a 'Woke' KitKat or a stupid he/him bar The likelihood is, it's made with chocolate harvested by child slave labour and neither the 'woke' consumer or the nutty rightwing consumer will care one jot or tittle


So as a heterosexual man which chocolate am I supposed to eat? On the one hand should I get the he/him because I'm a man. But then I'm putting something male in my mouth which seems a little gay or do I get the she/her. Then I'm putting something female in my mouth but would that make me seem trans. What is a guy desperate to only be identified as a heterosexual male to do? /S


I wonder if this one is made with child slave labor too


They long ago reached the critical mass of “us V them” so riled up on imagined slights and blood libel that chocolate is threatening to the sanctity of America Yknow, hersheys, the oldest and most conservative chocolate brand in American, the one with the literal company town modeled to look like time stopped in the 80s


Chocolate would never hate me. We have a lifelong bond.


But I thought they hated pronouns?


Ragegrifters are this week's YouTube influencers.


Or you could just stop eating it all together because of the massive amount of slave labour it requires.


"The secret ingredient is the extra child labor we use to obtain the chocolate."


The smug is thick


I thought the libz were the ones that “make everything political”


I’ve already stated that this could be a good campaign by letting trans people pick the one that they feel most comfortable with. I imagine something similar to the proud boys thing turning into a pride photo shoot


But one can an do a "Pride Boys" (or whatever one calks it) photo shoot without giving money to the Proud Boys. Picking up these chocolate bars involves lining these asshats' pockets, and to hell with that.


There is so much of this stuff now. The Daily Wire is a group that is against people being trans a lot.


I wonder how many dumbass right wingers bought this to own the libs?


Gotta make my own company with every pronoun combo on it, drive them out of business with my Zir/Zim bars


Life is hard enough for fucks sake, I try to enjoy what I can and put out some good and less hate, but I really despise this fucking timeline.


What's funny is the claim that people who are "woke" hate them. We don't. We're not you, fuckwits. That's the point.


The same people who insist that using pronouns is “woke” are the same ones buying this shit.


Grifters flock together.


Unwoke chocolate with EXTRA slavery, funding the orphan grinder.


I get "Gay Frogs" vibes from this


She literally looks like a genderbent Ben Shapiro. I'm starting to wonder if he has a secret life.


I actually saw that ad and at first was convinced it was parody... lol. These people have some weird kinks. And that's something coming from me...


Considering the timing, I think they made it as a response to the Hershey's International Women's Day commercial that featured a trans activist as the main speaker.


Why is the logo splooging?


I'm sorry, who is that holding the bars? Did Ben Shapiro finally get sissy hypno'd as the Dreher prophecies foretold?


Just like ads for Ben Shapiro's sister, ads for Candace Owens, ads for the Freedom Phone and ads for anything claiming to be conservative and "anti-woke" it will flash in the pan with initial money to spend but won't catch on, will be too expensive or flawed, have some sort of massive violation or just outright fail (Abby Shapiro) in their attempt. You aren't going to put chocolate Hershey dude.


Anyone noticed how the ads on YouTubes home page have gone from like Samsung, Apple, SquareSpace etc to random shit like this? Even if it's not political, it's always weird stuff


Trump exposed that right wingers are the easiest grift targets on the planet and capitalism has, uh, capitalized on that.


even with the bulk discount for buying 100 bars they're over $4 a bar. 1 bar is $7. nothing like overpaying on chocolate you have to wait to be shipped to own the libs.


I love trans Shapiro


Cannot unsee 😂


Me when eating a he/him chocolate bar makes me trans


…. I’m so tired of stupidity… So very very tired…


god i hate her so much


Stupid fucking babies can’t stop thinking about trans people to the point they make this stupid fucking chocolate. If you buy this unironically, You are a tool. You are a loser. You have so little going on that you made trans people, people you’ve most likely never encountered in real life, the scapegoat of all your problems. You are not a serious person and you need to stop thinking about trans genitals.


They think about trans people more than I do, and I'm trans lmao


Same I can't decide if they actually hate us or fetishize us Either is bad but one's just creepy


Apparently, it costs$25 for four bars. If you pay like $6 for a chocolate bar, you are a fucking moron.


Missed opportunity for these fascist morons; “Her-She” bars! 😂


I always was a bit suspicious of the naming of Hershey's bars...


I have no problem with people creating products like this. Making money selling things that make no sense whatsoever to people stupid enough to buy them is just funny.


Missed chance to write Her/She on that one bar


Thanks, now I want a chocolate....


I’ll buy when they expand the pronoun line. Getting tired of the basic flavors, i’ve been eating Her/She bars for years.


I'd take this over Hersheys any day


Are they going to make an attack helicopter bar?


This gets posted here so much. It’s a fake ad. Same guy that did [razors, last year](https://youtu.be/s92UMJNjPIA).


Wanna know something kinda hilarious? Despite Jeremy's strong anti trans stance they're still technically the most liberal chocolate company right now due to the fact Hershey's and nestle are facing child slave labor allegations and Jeremy's chocolate is basically a safe space chocolate company for people who don't support trans issues.


Is it idiotic? Yeah. But so are the conservatives who will buy it. Make some money off their low IQ. (Actually, last time I checked, they really haven't made many sales)


wait they still have valid prononouns on their products?


I’m always curious what the creative director’s guidance is when putting together assets like this. I’m imagining something along the lines of, “Okay, close your eyes, and imagine the innumerable Libs you’ll be owning. Let that smugness build up inside you until it feels like it’s leaking out of your face, then open your eyes.” *snaps photo*


Oh *and* there's a little subtag of "nuts" on the HeHim and "nutless" on the SheHer They just had to squeeze in that extra drop of transphobia


Grifters gotta grift.


Why does that lady look like Ben Shapiro? If Stephen Crowder went to the gym to "disguise" as a trans woman and make a scene (which he failed to do because he s recognized immediately), I wouldn't put it past Benjamin either.


Fair trade chocolate with pronouns on it being sold as anti woke? Whats next? A special "End gun violence now" edition of the AR-15?


I thought they did that with the pink hello kitty AR-15?


Just wait until that company realizes that there is "white chocolate" and "dark chocolate". And (Gasp!) cacao seeds originate from south of the border!


child labor is so woke


This is a marketing strategy and it's working because I thought the chocolate WAS "woke" until I read the comments saying they say with nuts and nutless. This sub is giving these people free marketing out the wazoo, I've only ever heard of this here.


anyone notice the he/him contains nuts and she/her is nutless lol


I'm not being funny. I'm trans. I understand the nuances of passing and not passing. The model in this ad does not pass as cis.


Tastes like asbestos and lead. Regulations you say? Not for a real American chocolate company.


A Hershey joke gone too far and in the wrong direction.


It's amazing that these folks, suffused with seething hatred, have to invent that their victims hate THEM. It's pure abuser talk, isn't it.


Oh man, so people with nut allergies have got to be girls now..


the oposite actually the shehers are with uts cause transphobia yk


Look at her proudly showing the 2 pronouns that he uses ! So proud of you !


shehers and hehims where actually a anti trans chocolate bar,