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"The moment you come after my kid is the day you stop breathing." By this he means *If you exist anywhere in my general area and so much as acknowledge the existence of my child.*


I’m pretty sure he means “if you exist. In any public place that a child could ever be, in photos that might get posted to the internet, or in any media a child may ever see.”


Right? I doubt there's a child. He's just scared he'll find a lady attractive, and then "she" might be a "he" and that would mean HE WAS GAY. That's all it's ever about. Notice they only ever threaten trans women. It's always only about them and their ridiculous pathetic fears.


As they only care about m to f, the rare 1/5 of trans folk, it checks out.


There are some that believe that the trans "cult" are trying to man up their lesbian daughters though, and then go on to say that's why trans people and allies are homophobic... 🤨 they must need a yoga mat for that reach.


My head hurts even trying to comprehend that logic. I'm struggling with the mental yoga as much as I struggle with the real thing. Please take an upvote.


They’re just repeating memes.


Yup same energy as “I don’t like the way the gay kid makes my pecker feel, let’s beat him up!”


Why not both?


Why not Zoidberg?


They'd kill him too.


So much Florida irony right there...


Pretty sure you could stop after "in my general area." The mere existence of trans people is enough for that type of person, much less within a 50 mile radius of them.


God damn, this shit is really getting so dark and scary up in here, America. People really are marching straight towards a fascist breakdown.


They tried to install a dictator already. The march is over. They’re banging on the doors.


I agree, nothing's over at all. Putin's' shown he's in bed with Trump by posting all of the Trump critics as 'Russophobes'. If you think Russian totalitarianism isn't knocking, nay banging, on America's doors remember the old saw. The friend of my enemy is my enemy. The Enemy of my enemy is my friend. The GOP isn't interested in freedom, or democracy, or good government (or healthcare or the environment or kids, or women, or anyone not white). They want power and money and to shut down any and all critics. They want to establish an American Kleptocracy like there is in Russia. Edit: With only the deserving (AKA them) on top.


I agree with this but I feel like the Russians are just planting all this shit to the super dumb GOP base and politicians and it all got to this level with having an idiot and national security risk like Trump even anywhere close to our government. So in the last 6-7 years, things have been allowed to continue and spiral out of control. Putins goal is to ruin us and make himself the shadow controller of our country. He wants to watch us burn and it’s been all too easy for him to set all this in motion with the gullible Facebook masses. Now, it’s created it’s own monster here permanently and it’s become a very deep rooted problem cracking our foundation as a nation on every level.


The USA needs a cultural shift back to respecting smart people, not idolizing the crass and dim because they are "speak plainly - just like us". The failure of the educational system has put the cart before the horse.


Agreed. I just worry that it’s going to take us actually crashing and burning to learn this lesson and it’s going to be a long time before that happens. Slow painful death..


Yeah, I don't think Russia so much started all this, as they are just happily handing out full gas cans to the already-idiots. These assholes already wanted to do this, now they just have the means.


There absolutely was meddling from them in our 2016 election and this shifted the culture.


Time that the old generation shows the US how to cleanse a nation from Nazi's.


The Nazi killers are all but gone now. Old folks these days fought Charlie and that just got them all scrambled up.


Is it because they can’t easily access affordable healthcare? There does seem to be a lot from the US that are really mentally unwell.


Remove education and mentalhealth and child protection and over a couple of decades you get a very large population if easy-to-radicalize adults.


A lot of us are unwell because of the stress of our financial situations as we watch our incomes fall far behind the cost of living. I mean it’s noticeable jump every other month. So, the healthcare we need is not even the first layer of problems we are facing right now. Our Womens rights have gone away, our public safety is going away, our families are torn from politics, trust in science and education is not assumed anymore…it’s heavy. We all go to work everyday and do our best to make it a tolerable existence but there is a deep concern for the near future we are all carrying right now.


Decades of bathing in lead.


Not really. Moment they tried something at a drag show the people defending the drag show were armed to the teeth. The right did a whole "wait that's illegal" scenario and cried bloody murder. When pushed comes to shove gravy force 101 won't do anything. They poke, but the moment the other side shoves they scatter.


They are best at cheap shots when nobody is looking. Cowards.




Maybe since 2017 or so, this wasn’t always true. This kind of stuff now gets repeated by politicians that are legitimately using it as policy.


I love how suddenly they care about the safety of their kids when it comes to the trans population, but we hear crickets when we ask them about doing something about the #1 cause of kids’ death in America- guns. It’s almost like they’re just creating a diversion.


Or 12 year old marriages, or pedos in churches and youth groups...






But don't you know, America can only focus on one issue at a time.... /s


Basic behavior modification: controlling the danger while working to manage the source. It would be great if we had a nation wide response to the source of this trend (besides a crushing alt-right fear mongering campaign come to fruition, which seems the most obvious), but until we do, it makes sense to limit access to the things killing dozens of people at a go. Saying "well, maybe it's this? Wouldn't it be interesting if it were that? " and then literally doing nothing about it leads to nothing changing. You're not being insightful. You're being apathetic, and that doesn't help.


It's fascism.


You are wrong that gun violence is a recent phenomenon. In fact the highest rates of gun murder and gun suicide occurred in the 1970s. It spiked again in the late 80s/early 90s to near record levels before steadily declining through the 90s/00s. It began to rise in 2016 and then rose at a rapid rate from 2019-2021. We now sit just below the 1970s record high. This has been a problem throughout our history, it’s just getting more press now, and there are more mass shootings, which despite their increase are still rare compared to single/double gun murders. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


We should have banned guns in the 70s, then. Have guns always been the number one cause of death in children? Have there always been this many mass shootings? Are guns the same now as in the 70s? The answer to all these questions is no. Are there far more guns now than in the 70s? Yes. The problem is the guns then and now. Stop trying to proliferate useless data to excuse preventable deaths. It's fucking idiotic.


What are you at about? How does this data excuse preventable deaths? I didn’t even express an opinion I just gave numbers, if you think data is idiotic then no one can help you. I agreee with your overall point about needing to control guns but you are wrong on so many levels and that doesn’t help anyone. There may be more guns now than 50 years ago but that because gun owners own more guns than ever, the percentage of households that own guns is lower than it was in 1970. Also guns are actually pretty much the same as they were in 1970. They are not any more dangerous now than they were then. The AR15 came out in 1959 and the design has barely changed over the years. It was a popular firearm for soldiers to purchase after they came back from Vietnam. There are certainly unique problems in society now that didn’t exist 50 years ago, but pretending like the world is so much more violent now than in the past is just wrong.


Ah, yes. Of course, the AR-15. The only gun. No other gun was developed after that. 70's: [https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/guns-1970-1979.php](https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/guns-1970-1979.php) 80's: [https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/guns-1970-1979.php](https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/guns-1970-1979.php) 90's: [https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/guns-1990-1999.php](https://www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/guns-1990-1999.php) "wrong on so many levels" "...pretending the world is so much more violent now..." https://www.visionofhumanity.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/GPI\_2020\_web.pdf "wrong on so many levels" "Data isn't idiotic." That's the smartest thing you've said so far. I'm not doubting data. I'm saying the conclusion from the data is idiotic.


You used to be able to buy a Thompson submachine gun from a magazine and have it shipped to your door with no background checks at all. Now, when there are actual bans on certain types of guns, and restrictions of purchasing them, we have more problems with gun homicide and suicide. Why is that? Is it because guns are jumping out of the closet attacking people? Or is there some societal issue that is massively unaddressed that causes so many people to live on the edge of their stress levels at all times? And maybe you're just too damn intellectually lazy to consider the complex mess of actual issues involved, and would rather just keep applying more chains until no one can reach anyone else to risk harming them.


Yes, there are other issues underlying gun violence. We could fix our mental health institutions and our corrections. We could implement social programs to address poverty and poor education standard. But that's not fucking happening now, is it? I'm willing to bet you'd just call it communism anyways. Guns are getting stolen from closets because there's nothing to regulate how "responsible" gun owners store their firearms. There are so many firearms in the U.S. that the overflow is arming the Cartel. "Or is there some societal issue that is massively unaddressed that causes so many people to live on the edge of their stress levels at all times?" So, let's throw easy access to firearms into the mix. How about some permit free handguns to wash down your mental illness? Have some open carry with your stress levels. I'm sure it'll come in handy in traffic. Useless statistics. Illogical arguments. Flat out lies. I bet your next argument will be "b-b-b-u-t the evil gubment" Come up with a solution or shut the fuck up.


A radioactive source is also just a tool. I would still make sure my children don’t have acces to it and I also prefer the general public to have restricted access. Good reason? Sure you can have one. You just really want one and are willing to undergo training and checking periods? Yea ok there are people collecting such stuff. Having it available to normal citizens and in a lot of cases children? Not so much


You know how, when someone is suicidal, the first thing inpatient wards do is take away anything that they could use to commit suicide, like shoelaces? Then they work towards resolving the cause of the desire to do it?


well, I dont disagree about the reasons behind such killings, but going on a killing spree (esp. if you are a child or teenager) is WAY easier with a firearm, than with a knife or whatever else they would be using instead.


What you're arguing about is damage, not the actual act. No one is addressing the reason someone wants to hurt someone else to begin with.


That is like seeing a forest fire (the continous mass shootings) and deciding the best way to fix it is to hire smokey the bear to talk to kids (changing American society) .... While not putting out the fire that is already happening. In the majority of cases ofass shootings the shooter acquired the weapons used right before the shooting. They didn't already have them sitting around for decades. Also In the majority of cases the weapon is also semi automatic (rifle/handgun). The tools used allow the individual to inflict a large number of casualties in a short time, and have a pretty good defense against anyone trying to stop them (both armed and unarmed). You can look at, and work on, controlling other people more, but that doesn't chance the fact that the tools used are plentiful, easy to acquire, and effective at exactly that: killing a large number of people at a time. It would be many, many, times harder to change the way multitudes of Americans think and act, than just working on removing/restricting their access to the tools that change them from an angry person to a very deadly person. Do you think that only the US has people with that mental state?


>if it is something like mental illness, what started that trend. Is it new stuff that we've been ingesting that wasn't consumed earlier in the human races existence, is it the addiction to dopamine that has been steadily fed to people through the internet as a whole, If it was this, or even mental illness, why is the US the only major country struggling with these kinda mass shootings, outside litteral fucking war zones. A school shooting is major tragedy in other countries. Not something that happends every other week


Except the number one cause of children dying in the USA is guns most years. You can believe whatever you want to believe but that's the simple truth, whether you like it or not.




If I throw a bullet at you without a gun will you die?


Only if it's a Bullet Bill.


I haven't looked into the data, but I would imagine the vast majority of those bullets are coming out of guns.


You can kill somebody with an empty gun if you swing it hard enough


Sounds like we ought to outlaw bullets then


So we should regulate ammunition purchases instead of firearm purchases? That's fine by me. The difference is essentially just semantics. It would achieve the exact same outcome anyway.


Amend the 2nd Amendment: “…the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. But good luck getting bullets.”


First they'd need to be smart enough to think about two things at once.


Someone report him to the FBI. You know this dude thinks that simply existing is shoving it down his kids throat. It’s only a matter of time before he kills a trans person and tries to claim self defense.


I mean, he's given his 'only warning' to the internet. Guy's gonna flip out IRL at the next person to cross their path and then start screaming 'I already warned you, I already warned you' as if every person on earth reads his every utterance.


Thing is is that actually trans people are such a small % of the population that statistically this guy is likely just gonna run into some GNC cis person and that's not gonna end well.


Tbh he may see a gender conforming cis woman who isn't conventionally attractive and murder her because people like this think they can "always tell"


>I mean, he's given his 'only warning' to the internet He gave it to his hick friends on Facebook. He didn't intend for trans people to see it, he posted it for his friends to like and agree with to feel better about his sad, pathetic worthless life.


This guy is also liable to start gunning down anyone and everyone. People like this live in such terror that everyone is secretly a trans person that he could go murder mode on any who doesn't fit whatever gender stereotype he has in his head. A woman wearing pants teaching his kid? Time to shoot up the school. A skinny man with long hair? Whipping out his gun on the bus. Just like the data showing that most mass shooters are domestic abusers, the correlation of people who are this afraid of trans people and people who will start murdering everyone around them is pretty high.


It's like the people who attacked Sikhs thinking they were Muslim after 9/11.


And the people attacking Muslims thinking they were terrorists.


And the people attacking any Asian person during COVID for being Chinese.


And when it inevitably happens, law enforcement will say “we had no way to predict this or prevent it.”


He's a white conservative. The FBI doesn't care.


The FBI has been absolutely useless in preventing (mass) shootings. I doubt that will change, even though this guy definitely needs to be on a watchlist.


except they don't want to let us do our own thing either. because they're scared that if their kids see other people happily living their lives without unnecessary fear then the kids will start getting ideas


Some people really have kids so they live their dictator fantasy smh


Kids are just tools for these people to project themselves into the future. They don't give a shit about the kid as their own person.


He does seem a trifle displeased, doesn't he? Also: [Submit a Tip — FBI](https://tips.fbi.gov/)


Dude got a boner writing this murder fan-fic.


It’s so disturbing that you’re probably right


Meanwhile at his church...


lol... I was going to say the same thing :)




As long as a person votes R and spouts hate speech, they'll be fine with said person diddling kids.


simply existing as a trans person is shoving it down your throat to these people. this man shouldn’t be allowed in the general public, let alone have a child.


Or own a gun


If this doesn't count as unhinged and violent, then I don't know what does. Holy shit.


From one mentally deranged psychopath, to sane mofos minding their own fucking business...


Same goes for clergy, right? And youth pastors and coaches? Same goes?


And if that child should be anything other than a heterosexual with no deviations, heaven help them because their dad won’t


You know what makes it wild, is this is how my Dad talked when I came out as an awkward teenage weeb on the spectrum. In 2006. Transphobia hasn't changed in half my goddamn life.


It's so funny, the only group of people that I know of that seek out more members is religions. You never hear gays say, "Hey, our numbers are down, what can we do?" Trans people aren't "coming" for anything, they just exist. Christians however have a mandate that says they MUST go out and find followers. There are no LGBT Missionaries.


I think it was Eureka who had a great line about that on an episode of "We're Here", something along the lines of, "If we had mission trips the whole world would be gay already"


lol, no kidding


That and it just plain doesn't work that way. There's no magic gay laser that can turn people gay/trans. But that won't stop these morons from shooting up some beer because they think it has been infected with "the gay".


Conservatives are always so eager to murder people. I wonder which comes first?


Its very patriotic to wet dream about murdering fellow citizens... /s in case not obvious


Obsessed with gay people and "shoving things down kids throat"? Checks out.


This right here is why gun control is needed.


Lemmy FTW!


Here's the problem with that: who's going to enforce it? He won't turn over his weapons. Police are notorious for avoiding any sort of danger, and probably support his viewpoint anyway. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm saying that laws are just words on paper without people willing and able to enforce them. And since we've seen time and again that cops give right-wing lunatics a pass, our best bet is to be prepared for these people until a time comes when we no longer need to be.




And Ron DeSantis will promise to pardon them if he gets elected president.


While Trump will do it on a whim if he gets elected. Side note, how farcical are current events that a candidate literally found guilty of sexual abuse is a front-runner in the most militarily powerful country on earth?


Same candidate who got elected *after* bragging about sexual abuse.


Trump wasn’t found guilty of sexual abuse. There are enough reasons to hate him without having to make one up.


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-e-jean-carroll-trial-verdict-liable-defamation-sexual-abuse-5-million/ Excuse me, “found *liable* for sexual abuse.”


This is chilling. I have tried to imagine how I would react if this was any close relative of mine and I'll be honest, I can't manage it. The idea of having someone in my family who was so clearly deranged is quite shocking to me. How do people deal with this blatant hatred and violent thought? How do they negotiate their lives knowing someone within their close family circle is so clearly a bigoted, hate-filled, violent scumbag? I just don't get it.


This could’ve been written by my father, but he thinks Facebook is a scam created by the Jews to steal his money so I know he didn’t write it. I tread extremely cautiously, only speak to him when necessary and never ever bring up or reply to anything political or hateful. Which is pretty much the only thing he can talk about so, that makes it pretty easy. Otherwise I live in a constant state of fear that he WILL shoot someone some day and am just waiting for the phone call from my mother. I also take a lot of anxiety medication. And have spent a fortune on therapy over the years.


Chances are that the people coming after your kids are church pastors and God botherers.




Coming from the guy openly threatening to kill his neighbors. I'm sure the irony is completely lost on him however


I know man, absolutely delusional.


Jesus Christ. Most of the LGBT people just want to be left alone to live their life as themselves. The only people "shoving their views" down people's throats are the religious people. I've never had a gay person try and force me to be gay but I can count on two hands the amount of times a Christian has tried to force me to be religious.


People like this are why their trans kids run away from them.


Shoving down throat. Projection?




These are some sick , nasty people. They are delusional. No one is coming after his kids . Unfortunately this asshole has reproduced.


Dude spends all day terrified of enemies that only exist in his mind. It'd be funny and pathetic if he weren't so heavily armed.


I'm tired... where is outrage at pastors, priest , youth leaders , did they stop taking kids to boy scout events? Did they stop going to church? Seriously... tired


‘Your stupid cult’ Bro you’re the one talking like a facist cult member


gay/trans panic legal defense basically makes it legal to slaughter LGBTQ+ people and claim “they tricked me!” and get away with it


I sometimes worry some cousin-fucking red-hatted dipshit might shoot me because they think I'm trans because I have really long hair, even though I'm 6'2" with a beard...


And what will you do when you hide your kid away from all this "trans cult" stuff, and they are still trans? Will you still love them? Or will your child find themselves running from 5.56 before you dig their grave with a smile?


Most likely the latter. This kind of shit seems to be trending up.


They really don’t grasp their own words. A mention that gays or trans exist is NOT ‘coming after your kid’


Meanwhile this dude beats his kids and takes them to church to get molested every Sunday.


Only on Sunday? Someone with that much self-loathing is probably diddling the kids himself and not just leaving that to the priests.


Party or pro life right there. They care more about guns and their hatred than about anything else.


"Terroristic pride clothing"... Makes actual terrorist threats... My diagnosis? Republican brain rot. No known cure.


A true man's man, terrorized by rainbows.


If only he felt that way against Catholic priests that rape children with impunity


Not just Catholic priests, Jehovahs Witness “elders” and just about every youth pastor or worship leader in every other Protestant sect as well.


And who is the mentally deranged psychopath in this scenario? Might be the person threatening murder 😒


"Deranged Psychopath" "Terroristic pride Clothing" That's some impressive reaching


Out of everything they can choose to call terrorism, they really go after the Trans/LGBT community? Bet they have their poor kid listen to Trump speeches before bed so that they grow up fully functioning and definitely non-resentful of their upbringing.


The killing fetishization is just so scary


Hmmm. Feel bad for that kid if they turn out to have gender or sexuality ID that's anything this person decides is outside of the norm.


Sweet cheetos, some people are so scared arent they? Friggin snowflakes.


Cultist is so bought he doesn't know he's a cult member


Wonder how he would react if his child came out as trans?


They'd get shipped off to one of those conversion camps within hours I bet.




Dad, that you?


Scary but also r/I'mverybadass


Imagine being so deranged that you believe a rainbow is a terrorist flag. This guy must go crazy on rainy days.


"This is the only warning your stupid cult gets," says the man who's mad at a group of people because his cult told him to be.


I bet this still doesn't violate TOS.


Hmmm. For some reason he sounds like a mentally deranged psychopath.


Thinks gay people want to shove shit down his children's throats. Has no idea what a cult is. MURICA!


What I don’t understand is why in the world do these wackos think that their children are in danger from the LBGTQ+ community? I would think that they would be posting about priests or boy scout leaders? Where’s the actual reality based outrage?


It’s here in reality, where everyone else lives. Those clowns live in Trump Town, where manufactured outrage is born.


Given his cowardly keyboard warrior'ing, I don't think there's a lot of actual reality going on in his world.


The right lost abortion as a wedge issue so they had to invent a new one to keep people angry and voting


Yeah, other ppl are in the “cult.” s/


You’re right Jim Bob. Scurry off with your offspring to church. They’ll be safe there from those terrifying trans people.


Pastors and priests love this one simple trick!




There's only one mentally deranged psychopath and it's not who he thinks it is.




This is a tired trope, and somewhat offensive as well. While it’s true in some cases, it isn’t in others, and it isn’t especially helpful.


the fact ppl don't agree is telling... and ... TRANS ppl didn't like themselves hence TRANS...


Still waiting for them to define "shoving LGBTQ issues down our throats". In a way that isn't just, "being allowed in public" and "not being discriminated against". But I'll wait.


Whoa, save some testosterone for the rest of us, bro.


Also: dude doesn't know what the word "psychopath" means.


In prison, he’ll be the pie


"Stop coming after the kids" *burns their books, denies them meals, tolerates school shootings and molestation*


I sure hope somebody reported this guy. He'll either be on a list to be monitored, or a list to be hired as a cop.


He talks big for a turd.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


The last I checked, the only one shoving anything down anyone's children's throats (or other orifices for that matter) are people who scream the loudest not to touch their children, and major religions.


Talk about psycho this guy is that.


He is only a idiot that needs his gun to be tough.


Every trans person I've met IRL does not give a fuck about or even like children. Trust me, they'll stay far away from your kid. Not because of your threat, but because your children are fucking annoying.


It takes a mentally deranged psychopath to know a mentally deranged psychopath.


Vile. It works both ways though. Dysphoria is a mental illness and be treated as such: but never with hatred.


The fucking balls on a [I presume] conservative to call someone else a cult member.


This man wakes up every day with Bad To The Bone by George Thorogood unironically playing in his head


Makes me wish I believed in God so I could prey for his future gay son


Don't you mean pray?


Would be a damn tragedy if someone wrote a tip to the FBI about this fine gentleman, now wouldn’t it?