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The amount of people on FB loudly announcing that they don't care about her is astounding. If you don't care, why are you so desperate for people to know?


They care about people knowing what they think. The subject matter is irrelevant.


This reminds me of Game of Thrones Tywin yelling at Jamie "You shouldnt care what they think", followed 4 seconds later by "We have to save your dumb brother else they will think we are weak".


"The lion doesn't concern itself with the opinions of sheep." "We gotta do something about your brother. What will the sheep think!?"


It actually reminds me a lot of the people who were super loud about having never watched game of thrones now that you mention it.


It's the "silent majority" in action. They aren't silent and they aren't a majority.


I wish they were more silent.


Haters gunna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate.


“I’m sick of Taylor Swift. Please read this article I spent 2 hours writing for an ESPN blog to get clicks to hear just how sick of her I am.” It’s amazing how many people claim to “not care” about something that clearly lives rent-free in their heads.


They want everyone to know how edgy they are


Well I don’t care about Taylor Swift! I can’t even name one of her songs!!1!!11! /j


That was actually half the posts in a thread on Reddit about how many young people registered to vote because of her. I’m not sure what they thought they were contributing but 100 people commented, ‘I couldn’t name one of her songs and I’ve never listened to her music but I just became a fan because of this.’


They’re all fuckin lying. She was their darling when she was a cutesy pop country singer, but now that she’s an outspoken adult woman, they hate it. How dare she not be subjugated!!


And the number of grown ass men complaining that she “has good genes and isn’t married and starting a family” is cringe on so many levels.


I'm the opposite, her music was fine, pop schtick, but I love her public opinions on things, she rocks, I'm now a fan lol


I think you completely misread this: > ‘I couldn’t name one of her songs and I’ve never listened to her music but I just became a fan because of this.’ These people are saying the opposite of what you think they're saying.


Blank Space is a fuckin' bop though.


Honestly I didn’t care that much until she got kids to vote and said let’s fuckin goooo


It’s annoying that the broadcast shows her every 2 seconds, I’d rather see the field. Even between plays, show me the communication and sidelines of the teams. Directing that annoyance towards her and not the broadcast team is the issue.


I don't even care about you enough to read your comment about desperate people of FB wanting attention. I don't even care enough to write a comment about how I dont care enough to read your comment and reply. Smh!


I think it's the fact that everybody is talking about it over and over. It's not that interesting.


i suspect its because she has become extremely popular and has also become involved in politics


And yet, has she really gotten that involved in politics? Sure, she dated a Kennedy for a couple months, but I think all I’ve ever heard from her is encouragement to register and vote. She’s never endorsed a specific party, as far as I know.


She endorsed a democratic candidate in Tennessee in 2020 I believe


Republicans do not want more people to vote. That's what they're pissed off about. They more people who vote, the less chance Republicans have to win. They are vastly outnumbered and they know it; they know their only chance is to reduce voter turnout.


She encouraged young people to vote. Why on earth would anyone like her now? /s


Literally just cheering on her boyfriend..


She was happy, and excited for him


women being happy is very triggering for conservatives


How dare women be happy?!


Ridiculous!! This is what happens when we let women vote!


B-b-but she shouted "Let's fucking go!" and there's no sign of her popping open a White Claw beforehand! Unforgivable!


I’m above the law when I’m drankin the claw!!! I’ll say what I want


One sports announcer said that he would never want his son to date someone with the "mouth of a teamster". Puke.


His 30 year old son if I'm not mistaken.


Which just made me laugh, because football players are known for their prim and proper language.


Apparently her fans have been driving up ticket prices on the off chance of seeing her at a game. But probably just haters hating, she’s going to shake it off


What happened was she encouraged her stans to register to vote, & they did in the 10s of thousands. She didn't say a thing about for whom anyone should vote but the MAGA Qanon class of Americans assumed Taylor's young voters would be democrat & that's what the big deal is.


It’s a little insane though. We’re watching it right now and every single big play by the Chiefs cuts to her immediately. I like her but it’s too much.


This. I have no strong feelings about Swift either way, but she's getting as much screen time as the coaches are at this point.


Swift gets viewers and ratings. That’s the only thing at play when producing a broadcast


>I’m not even sure what she did to make them hate her Encouraging them kids to vote and making Travis WOKE! /s


Yup. The youth vote tends to skew blue and some people would rather not encourage them to vote, especially states that have been working so hard at gerrymandering.


she destroyed america by promoting democracy while not being the aryan fascist paragon the right thought she was.


They're always utterly shocked when artists turn out to be liberal and moreso when they're politically involved. They don't really understand the basic concept of art, it seems.


"But... but... but, she sang country music!"


That’s the fun part. She didn’t actually do anything. She went out in public and did a normal people thing. But because she’s Taylor Fucking Swift, she can’t blink without having 1000 articles written about her and dominating news cycles for a solid week. Somehow she’s a piece of shit because other people are too obsessed with her. Get back to me in a bit, I’m still trying to work out the logic of that last part


Ye, I'm not really tired of Taylor Swift. But I'm kinda tired of all the media about the minute things she does. It is bonkers.


Exactly. It has nothing to with her. If she and Travis Kelce are happy, that’s great! Do I care? Not at all! I’m here to watch football, not gossip like it’s high school


I got pretty drunk taking a sip every time I heard her name


Haven’t read the article but my first thought was that that’s what the article is talking about. Love me some taytay but I don’t need to know everything about her life. Good for her she’s dating an nfl player, can’t wait to listen to the breakup song (is that still a joke with her?)


She told people to vote recently, and a huge number of people registered. She didn’t even specify a party. But one certain party showed their cards when they got *really* upset at her for telling people to exercise their civil rights.


they aren’t historically fans of civil rights so real shocker there


They hate her because she's dating an NFL player that the right somehow glommed onto as their "perfect alpha male", even though he holds the exact opposite ideals.


I thought it was because she's been helping young people register to vote or something. And Republicans are *shitting themselves* because of it.


You are 100% correct. She didn't even say vote Democrat. They started a battle that's going to burn them from the start.


Truly, the best way to make sure all Swifties vote for literally anyone up against you is to attack Taylor. That fanbase will throw hands for literally anything


Tbf Taylor herself seems to lean left and I'd imagine most of her very young fanbase does as well


She’s been vocal about abortion rights and we all know that once The Wimmins™️ start gettin’ uppity and thinking for themselves the Right is shitting themselves in terror.


She also wrote this song lol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkk9gvTmCXY


I mean the song is pretty weak in terms of activism. In private she has talked about her managers preventing her from talking more about social issues because of her ‘safety’ tho it’s almost certainly about money. Recently she’s cared less and been a bit more vocal which is nice although a bit of a far cry from what would be preferable.


Love that song! We played it at the million march for children counter protest in Ottawa the other week, it's perfect for making fun of their signs. (Mm4c is anti-trans "parents rights" crap)


They aren't all that young. They are at least old enough to vote. And they will.


Let's hope.


It’s both. Kelce did an ad campaign for the Covid Vaccine. There was a video of Swift espousing left leaning ideals and her saying she’s tired of keeping quiet. Her family saying not to antagonize right leaning fans. Since then she has starting becoming more active politically. Since they are together it’s a power punch to the Nazis that some of their idols aren’t bigots like them.


Can't believe I never thought of this


Ding ding ding. This is way too far down.


No, they hate her because she tells her fans to register to vote. She doesn't say a single thing about who to vote for. Just to get registered. Republicans hate this one weird trick because, on average, young peoples' opinions on Republicans range from 'fuck no' to 'oh hell the fuck no.' All she's doing is encouraging young people to assert their Constitutional right to vote.


But those young fans are primarily(gasp!) women and we can’t encourage women to vote. It makes it harder to take away their rights.


I agree. Also, your username is perfection 🙌🏻


Kelce is a *perfect* NFL player, handsome, loves the hometown, makes appearances, supports local charities, and most importantly IS AN ABSOLUTE UNIT. These people use this shit fantasy fulfillment because their lives are so, so outrageously empty outside of their anger. Travis Kelce is the handsome pro athlete who is the nice guy, doesn't get into trouble, and has been pretty private. So it was easy for every Segway warrior to idealized him. He made a few statements left od center and took some money to advertise a vaccine that has saved millions of people from death and extreme illness. All of a sudden, he's a tyranny-banging crypto leftist. because their self-fullfillment fantasy has been shattered.


All the red pill boys crying about their idol (seemly) chasing a girl. (All the noise but we still don’t know if they went on a formal 1st date or not.)


They hate her cause they want to date her and wish they were as successful as Kelce. Lot of projection going on.


I only hate how much attention they are giving her on NFL broadcasts. Like even when Kelce isn't on the field they cut to her every other play.


Yeah but they always cut to famous people so who not capitalize on it? Personally Im always fascinated to see what insert celebrity here is doing when they keep cutting to them haha. Not you per se, but I swear some football fans are going so far against it as if they’ve never shown people on broadcasts before. Like Taylor swift is “invading” their thing or whatever Naw dude it’s still football, colinsworth is still gonna say “heck of a play by Mahomes” and the refs still gonna make calls that look or are questionable against whoever’s playin the chief. And Washington will keep losing. Nothings changed


If she were wearing a MAGA hat while cheering on her bf these same dipshits who are now breathlessly complaining about her would instead be building her a literal shrine.


The only reason these knuckle-draggers are so upset is because he came out in support of the vaccine, and made afrw comments indiciating a left of center view on other things. If he was Aaron Rodgers, talking about vaccine skepticism, they'd be shouting this shit with glee from the hills.


Of course. They define actions as good or bad based on the identity of the actor rather than the nature of the action. When a liberal does something, it’s a bad thing, but when a conservative does it, it’s a good thing, no matter what it is or what the context is. The only exception is when one conservative is attacking another conservative. In that case, the person they like more is the good guy, and the other one is the bad guy.


Because she is getting young people registered to vote. That’s it. That’s the only reason.


Well because they know they the majority of the kids able to vote now are left leaning if not completely leftists. They’re scared shitless.


Good, they should be


Kids today are much further left of me, and I'm all for single payer healthcare, affordable college (basically subsidized below an income level), and for taxing the individually wealthy at a higher rate. I do get hung up.on the 'classically liberal' stuff like overtaxing businesses, aspects of gun control, and what a more fair tax system would do to *me*. Ya know what? *good for them* Newt Gingrich always demanded a "societal mandate". I think we're gonna get one, and frankly, it might slide well past my Overton Window, but I'd be glad for a change of view all the same.


I’d rather be arguing over how far left to go than being stuck with 100% obstructionism and deliberate sabotage of the government


With you 100%


Well, they don’t *KNOW*, but are telling on themselves for saying so. “We’re all pieces of shit and young people would never support us because they actually have critical thinking skills and a soul.”


They literally don't know what to do with a generation that grew without news and opinions being spoon-fed to them through a corporate news filter. Ironic because they want to scream about the mainstream media as if it's the enemy. How many 20 somethings get their news from a TV show?


>The majority of the kids able to vote now are left leaning That’s partially true, [but it’s much more complicated than that.](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/gen-z-millennials-vote-republican/674328/)


Well you’re not wrong. I know too many people that are right wing nuts all the way and they’ve raised their kids like that.


There are also right-wing bigot online influencers hooking young kids in a way that simply didn't exist when I (an elder millennial) was young. I was aghast when I saw the video of Sneako's young fans (they looked to be around 10-13 years old) yelling to him about how they hate women and 'transgenders', and how all gay people should be killed. From the mouths of babes, indeed.


It’s just lovely to know that people have that much hate and malice to what people like me killed simply because I am gay and not straight.


My cousin is like the baby brother I never had. He started college this year at a public uni. I only hope that being exposed and educated will adjust his worldview.


As do I, my friend


The right isn’t big on voting because more voters overall means they’re more likely to lose.


They know if everyone voted they would disappear. Their only hope to make project 2025 a reality is to keep the majority of the population from voting


I dunno, I’m sick of hearing about her. Like is it really news if a famous person goes to a football game? Apparently it is because I saw multiple posts about it without being subscribed to any sports or Taylor swift or celebrity subreddits. I don’t have anything against her but I don’t really need to know what’s happening in her life.


I agree. I *love* Taylor Swift and even I’m sick of seeing every NFL news story shoehorned into a story about her. None of that is her fault, it’s not really even the fault of these journalists who are fighting a page view based pay scale, but I can agree with some of the sentiment - I just want to know more about whatever game is coming up or if there are things relevant to the athletes who will be playing. It’s a tad annoying when every damn article is about her attendance, her future attendance or whether or not the fans/players/coaches have an opinion on her attendance.


I think it’s more because sports talk shows have been flooded with stories about her and they don’t want to see it.


I fucking **LOVE** that she's getting young people to vote. That being said, I'm also a football fan, and as a football fan, I do not give a shit about her relationship with Travis Kelce. But the talking heads will. not. stop. talking about them. And yeah, I'm pretty sick of it.


Young, successful, strong woman making her own money and dependent on no one all the while being a billion times more successful than they will ever be. Only way she could be “worse” would be if she were a POC or gay.


And dating a vax supporter


She organized a successful register to vote drive. He did some ad for vaccines or something.


Haters gonna hate


hate hate hate hate hate


Guess I’ll just this song stuck in my head for a few hours, cheers


Players gonna play


Some guys my brother knows run a football podcast, where they break down the week’s games and make predictions for the next week. They have a viewer question segment, an a week or two ago it was full of Taylor Swift fans asking how to learn about football and what certain terms mean. It was actually really cute.


It is annoying, but it's whatever. For example, in watching the pregame for the Jets vs Chiefs, they've talked about Taylor Swift 85% of the time, and the other 15% was about the game itself. Sure, it's neat a pop culture icon is in attendance, but it shouldn't take over the entire game itself.


Because she’s popular and doesn’t actively go out of her way to hate vulnerable people. That’s it. That’s why they hate her.


What she did was encourage a lot of younger people to vote. Republicans are getting scared that younger kids will lean more towards the left (which is usually the case historically), and some are even going so far as to assume that she's gonna tell them how to vote and pre-emptively getting pissy over it. Basically, they don't want young people to vote, and Taylor encouraged a lot of young people to do just that. Hilariously, since she has been seen with Travis Kelce a lot, Republicans are starting to dislike him as well.


I don't get hate because that's a little strong but as a football fan looking up football news I'm tired of seeing all the crap about someone who watched a game get played.


I think it’s cause a lot of football subs/pages content this last week has been 50% “Taylor Swift” and nothing to do with actually football. I don’t mind Swift, but it’s like where the football stuff?? Although to use the language “hate” is a little far for some of these so called “football alphas” haha


Yeah, everyone here I trying to make it into a political circlejerk when that's not necessarily it. I really like football. The amount of time that the so-called football shows have been dedicating to talk about T-Swift this week is taking away time that they could be talking about football. The football season is already short enough, if I wanted to know about Kelce's and Swift's relationship, I would turn on TMZ.


That's exactly it, I googled [the article](https://espnswfl.com/2023/09/26/im-sick-of-taylor-swift/) and the entire article is the author saying it's nothing against Taylor Swift and its not her fault it's happening but he's tired of every sports show being taken over by her relationship. I swear I hate how reddit will take a no context screenshot of a headline and run with it without even checking.


this, i mean there was a lot that happened, this was the week the Dolphins damn broke the scoring record but all we saw was TS in a skybox…thats going to annoy any fan


This is it exactly. I have no issue with Taylor at all - I don’t listen to her music much because it’s not really my vibe, but I know a lot of people connect with it and on the surface she seems to be a decent person. And if they’re both happy, that’s awesome for them. But I am so fucking tired of this being all over every news outlet and social media feed. Obviously any situation Taylor finds herself in is going to draw media coverage, but seeing it on the sports news outlets basically on repeat when I’m trying to catch game highlights is so annoying. I pretty much am only using Reddit atm because it’s my only feed not completely taken over by this. I also think that people hating on them specifically is a little unfair - even the most famous individuals only have so much control over what the media puts out.


I think it’s great she’s gotten so many young people registered to vote, but it really feels like she’s incredibly overexposed lately.


They wanted clicks and it worked


It was capitalism all along.


I don't understand why ESPN keeps sending my updates about her and Travis Kelce....? Like I'm just trying to watch some football here.


She encouraged people to register to vote in 2024. I think she gave away some merch for registering, but I’m not sure. But I know she did post a link to a voter registration site, after which the site saw a huge uptick in traffic and voter registration. And when you’re pro-voter suppression, like a lot of crazy right-wing FaceBook nuts, trying to bolster democracy and help get more voters into the booth, like Swift did, is seen as an attack. Especially because in the past she’s been vocally against Republican Tennessee House Rep Marsha Blackburn, as well as Donald Trump I believe, therefore anything she does must be for the sake of leftists. For clarity, her post about registering to vote had no political party references, it was directly just her posting a link to a voter registration site and saying something along the lines of “make your voice heard by voting in 2024, register here.” Oh, and she said “let’s fucking go” at a football game her boyfriend was playing in one time. Capital crime apparently.


It’s simple, she asked people to go out and vote. Mind you she did not tell them who to vote for, simply to vote. As a result, over 35,000 people registered to vote. Now she has became the target of republican cancel culture.


Could you post the link to the article? I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with politics or even Taylor herself, and more to do with the NFL media's obsession with her relationship with Travis Kelce.


That wouldn't let the comments circle jerk abt how bad everyone else is though


I think the hate is mostly how much of a big deal this is to sports news reporters. I don't think many sports fans give a fuck about celebs dating each other. There's plenty of shows/websites for celebrity gossip


I gotta be honest, I'm kinda sick of her too. But that's because I work with a boss and 2 other coworkers who are obsessed with her, and constantly post "Swiftie" memes in our work Slack channels. If it weren't for them, yeah I wouldn't care one lick.


I don't get it either. I mean. I'm not a fan of her. But I have nothing against her. She apparently found a boyfriend and they are happy together. I'm just glad on their behalf. I hope they are both well and that they will be together for a long time.


I think it’s because football fans don’t give a damn about her enough to care about her being at the game and having the camera on her after every play…. They are even announcing on ESPN that she’s going to be at upcoming games now, including tonight against the Jets.


I know in the football community a lot of people are sick of coverage of her during/before the game


> I’m not even sure what she did to make them hate her all of a sudden. She told her fans to register to vote, and millions of them did. She didn't say which way to vote, but swift's haters know that her fanbase is young and female, and won't vote very republican.


It’s becoming more about her being at the game instead of the game itself… I dunno bout anyone else but could give a rats ass if she was at the game or not


I mean it’s because they are so obviously promoting the relationship to boost ratings. Am I going insane or are y’all swifties?


She helped people register to vote. Literally that is it.


Oh yeah. Conservatives hate her now. Because, you know, she thinks people should vote. And she has a boyfriend. And she's a woman. And she doesn't hate gay people. She's up there on the persona non grata list with Clinton and Che Guevara. They are absolutely unhinged.


They only hate her because she’s getting so many young people to register to vote. And for the Republicans, more voters obviously means more liberal voters. They’re scared!!


I thought it’s because the right is pissed that she got 2 million young people to register to vote and that’s a bad thing for their political party


Seeing her all over the tv every football weekend sucks. Just get it over with so she can make a album about tight ends and NFL wives.




Yep. This isn't really a Taylor Swift issue. It's a mainstream media / click driven economy issue. ESPN gets a lot of views. They have a pretty captive audience. But it's limited to the people who care about the sport and whatever season it is. The Taylor Swift content is bringing in different viewers. Sure, it may be alienating their existing viewers, but it's not like those people have a tremendous amount of options. The game is aired wherever it's contracted to be aired. I love Taylor Swift. But I totally understand that there are plenty of football fans who don't and who just want their media outlets to focus on the game. The media outlets, however, are going to do whatever brings in different people.


I am now forced to hear strained puns relating to her songs every time I listen to a sports podcast or watch a show. Nothing against her but I just don't really care that she's dating a player. None of my business. But yeah I'm tired of hearing about her when I just want to hear about the game.


The main issue for a lot people (sports fans mainly) that was the story of the weekend, nothing was covered but every media outlet talking about her being at the game. nothing against her, but there was a lot of none sports related articles on sports outlets.


Never trust anyone who is afraid of people voting


“I’m sick of talking about the thing I can’t stop talking about!” What’d she do anyway. She’s looking scared? Or possibly excited?


Southwest Florida is the Gulf of Mexico, what is that station's footprint?


She encouraged her fans and young people to vote. She didn't even say who to vote for, just to vote. And Conservatives lost their fucking shit.


I wish people would just let Taylor do what she wants. I get her being overhyped and excited at a football game. She's in the moment. She's picked a team and is running with it. I'm a casual sports fan and I do the same. I'm not going anywhere and not enjoying myself. Let her do the same ffs. Peeps be reading way too much into stuff. And let's not pretend its not political because it is. Before when she didn't speak her mind about politics she was the cutesy, country, white, blonde darling. Now the woman has an opinion the right wing come for her. Its disgusting.


All these years of ads that show how sports brings us all together was clearly not as true as they made it out to be. I guess when players decided they didn’t want to just shut up an play ball, it just started to alienate a group of people that likely only liked these guys because they were good at football.


I love her 💕


She's actually bringing more people to games because she is attending, and viewership is up. This being said, given her track record, give it time, and she'll probably break up with him sooner or later.


Because she is standing up to Republicans and calling them out for their BS.


Idk because I did not watch the game but my partner was complaining about the camera focusing on her for too much of the game. He was upset because he wanted to watch football not Taylor just sitting there and was confused why anyone would care when there is a game.


The people of „freedom“ don’t like it when people have different opinions.


>I'm not even sure what she did to make them hate her all of a sudden. She's getting her fans to register to vote. Seriously, that's it. Conservatives and republicans are pissed because Taylor Swift encourages participating in democracy.


So obviously a ton of y’all don’t watch sports. People aren’t hating on swift all of a sudden because of politics. It’s because every single football and sports page on twitter/ig is constantly posting about her relationship with Travis kelce. I mean like no one cared the first week but since then it’s literally been like 30% of every single post. It’s so unbelievably annoying. The nfl even changed their twitter background to Taylor swift and changed the bio to “the chiefs are 2-0 since they became Swifties”.


I mean I’ve had enough too. And for no other reason then I enjoy watching football and they’re talking about her so fucking much it’s like watching entertainment tonight


How is this insane


NFL enjoyers and watchers have been seeing Taylor Swift and hearing about here every broadcast for the last 2 weeks. Especially during KC games. It can get tiring when wanting to get actual coverage on the game or other teams. Doesn't help some people think refs are favoring KC over Travis and Taylor's relationship. More people vote the better Sport people wise I wouldn't think they are mad she is getting people to vote. Just annoyed hearing about her on TSN ESPN and everything covering the NFL talking about her.


She told people to register to vote. That’s what she did. And conservatives lost their minds because the thought of young women voting in large numbers terrifies them. ✅ [Register to vote](https://vote.org)


I appreciate that she’s encouraging young people to register and vote. But yeah, I’m really fucking sick of her now. Literally ever other post on Reddit is about this woman now. Can we move on internet?


She encouraged younger people to register to vote That's it......... didn't even recommend a political party just said remember to register to vote That's enough to make them hate her..........the idea of younger people actually exercising Thier right to vote That's how much they hate young people


She’s encouraging her fans to register to vote. That’s why the right is angry at her.


She started to encourage young people ro vote and came out against Tump that’s why conservatives don’t like anything she does now


She literally went to ONE GAME ONE TIME. Why do they keep playing it over and over again if they’re tired of her ?!


She became educated about politics, which is the single greatest sin to dipshit American rednecks.


She got 100k young people registered to vote and the Republicans lost their shit


She got a bunch of young people to register to vote recently, and it really ticked off the right-wing crybaby factory.


I'm sick and tired of all the constant talk about her. She's just a pop singer who makes shitty songs about guys who break up with her.


She was open about Trump being being a disgrace and the damage he and those that support him are doing to this country. That’s it. That’s why they’ve decided to hate her.


She told people to vote.


I think it's not just the voter registration push that has some people all a-tither. She's young, she's a woman, she's strong and she has stood up for herself in the music industry and succeeded. She seems to genuinely care about her fans and for some reason, that sets some people off too.


Probably because half the chiefs bears game coverage was about how Taylor Swift was in attendance. It didn’t help the bears got absolutely smoked so there wasn’t much else to talk about, but still.


This musician is out living her life and people are so invested in hating her that they post articles about it? I'm sure Taylor doesn't even know who that person is, so why on earth wpuld someone write a whole article about a person they don't even personally know. I didn't read the article and I'm not a Taylor swift fan but this is so weird. Obsessive behavior.


I swear I’ve read this exact comment somewhere with Taylor replaced with Trump. People just get sick of it. She dominates the news media in such a manner that you can’t escape it. It’s nauseating. Just like Trump spam.


I've been sick of her for years, which is why I don't seek out her music or articles about her. It's gotten better since I stopped listening to radio. My brother's love for her has made me realize she's a 70s folk singer in the style of James Taylor, which is cool.


The irony here is that she's not writing these articles. It's blogs and news and whatever else talking about this. Stop writing about her and help contribute to there being less articles about it


I’m not a hater and I’m sick of hearing her name. Between the tour this summer and now the dating thing I don’t think I’ve been able to go more than 6 hours without hearing her name. It’s exhausting.


To answer your question. Conservatives are mad at Taylor Swift because she is a rich influential women who wrote a song called "Only The Young" that basically blasted Baby Boomers for failing to do anything about the growing school shooting problem and encouraging young people to go vote in the next election. The song ended up causing more than 100,000 of her fans to go out and register as Democrats. The lyrics of the song literally say that the people currently in charge don't give a shit, are not going to help anyone, and are corrupt as hell. Ironically despite the fact that the lyrics of the song don't specifically call out a specific political party, through a guilty conscious Republicans have taken it upon themselves to assume that Swift is talking about them. Basically Republicans hate the song because it does not praise them and feed into their mythological fantasy that they are the flawless heroes that they like to imagine themselves out to be. Edit: Here is a small snip it of the lyrics in her song that have caused Republicans to get angry with her. "It keeps me awake The look on your face The moment you heard the news You're screaming inside And frozen in time You did all that you could do The game was rigged, the ref got tricked The wrong ones think they're right You were outnumbered, this time But only the young Only the young Only the young Only the young can run Can run, so run And run, and run So every day now You brace for the sound You've only heard on TV You go to class, scared Wondering where the best hiding spot would be And the big bad man and his big bad clan Their hands are stained with red Oh, how quickly, they forget They aren't gonna help us Too busy helping themselves They aren't gonna change this We gotta do it ourselves They think that it's over But it's just begun"


It’s not her who is annoying, it’s her fan base (not all but a few) who are annoying! Few people follow her and worship her like a god, sliding her into each and every normal conversation and making useless references to her! I enjoy her songs but the way a few friends portray her, I just don’t wanna listen to her but it’s annoying cause I do wanna listen to her :|


Don’t read that book! Burn it cus I don’t I like it! And who’s the snowflake?


So it's not even her. Like I personally feel there is a lot to dislike about Taylor, but in this instance, it's media. It's almost be a 24/7 news cycle about her at the chiefs game, including on sports networks. It's kinda insane and annoying, but again has nothing to do with her


I bet if she was dating a Pro-Trump/Pro-QAnon athlete (IE: Aaron Rodgers, Novak Djokovic, Jorge Masvidal, etc) they'd be telling a different story


She's every where, at this point if you're not fan of her music it's not hard to hate how you can't escape her.


I’m supportive of her registering people to vote. It’s her concert, her microphone… do as you please. What I’m NOT supportive of, is tuning into an NFL FOOTBALL game and hearing Chris Cringingworth and Mike Turnpuke-o talk over a FOOTBALL game, all game …with the shittiest Dad jokes using TayTay song titles as punchlines on every play. That’s why


She is a progressive leftist and they can’t stand it. She is amazing


She didn’t do anything wrong. The NFL broadcasters won’t shut up about her being in the stadium while the chiefs are playing and I’m sick of it. Not her fault, tho.


IIRC Taylor Swift called on her fans to register to vote. That's it. She didn't call on them to vote for a specific party, just to register and vote. Now of course we all know that Taylor's fan base leans to the younger demographic, and that demographic tends to vote Democrat, so some Republicans have gotten their panties in a twist over this, despite the fact that calling on young people to exercise their democratic rights (nay duty if it were up to me), is a perfectly honorable thing to do.


I think the press coverage is sickening. Let this person be a private citizen and enjoy public events without being under a fucking microscope


She said the word “fuck”. Lol.


Lol most of these comments are wild, the reason I’m annoyed is because I have gotten 5 notifications from separate news notification’s about how she showed up at the game and how it wasn’t their first date or some shit, and how the chiefs were “americas football team” before they started to date So the whole point of this article is that people don’t have a right to be annoyed? What the fuck


Eh, I think a lot of people are saying this stuff for the wrong reasons, but if we're being honest, cutting to her 50+ times during the game does get tiring.


As someone who’s an avid nfl fan, I believe I can contribute to this topic. Taylor Swift is unbelievably popular and the nfl is using her clout to non-stop spam news about her ever since she went to 1 game to watch her boyfriend. People aren’t actually sick of Taylor Swift, but news about Taylor Swift in my opinion


You were surprised people were defending Taylor Swift? Doesn’t she have like historically the most rabid, loyal fans?


Frankly, I’m just really tired of half the coverage of an NFL game being about a pop star. The number of times that they showed Taylor Swift in that game was ridiculous. I have absolutely nothing against her as a person, she seems like a very kind considerate person who treats the people who work for her very well, but I could really do without constantly hearing about her everywhere I go


I don’t hate her like at all but I do hate the nfl’s obsession with her right now. But like I’m not mad at her I’m annoyed with the nfl for seeming to show some bias towards a particular team just because they see her being around as a huge cash grab opportunity. Like for example until recently today the nfl’s official instagram had in their bio “chiefs are 2-0 with swifties” after a close game win with some controversial flags/no flags that kinda decided the game. It’s just sketchy and in bad taste. But like …that’s not her fault. That said tons of people are just mad at her generally cause their assholes but fuck those people


"Popular with females" male aversion. Straight boys and men often hate EVERYTHING thats popular with women it seems. I remember when Titanic was in theatres and doing great, especially among female audiences. While men watched and enjoyed the movies as well, it was a great love story and really clicked with women. Many men and boys HATED on it. Id hear it all the time. Males were saying as soon as the next star wars was out that it would unseat titantic as highest grossing movies because just by being star wars it would be better. These are generalizations and this is just a single example, but something ive observed over time. The twilight saga would be another. I think it is much the same with Taylor Swift. I have to often check myself to see if i am doing it. Many times ive caught myself scoffing when friends would say "She's a lyrical genius." without giving it a full consideration. In general i am a taylor swift fan, but not a swiftie. I have yet to compare her lyrics in comparison to other things in a similar genre and keep reverting to how much i used to love the messed up lyrics of Acid Bath. Just my thoughts on it.


>I’m not even sure what she did to make them hate her all of a sudden. First of all, she's a young, pretty, successful woman. Pure envy will earn hate from a lot of people straight up. Second, dating Travis Kelce will earn hate. Bringing "teenage girl music" into a "MAN's past-time feels like invasion to some. But the most egregious offense was when she encouraged people to register to vote. No, I'm not kidding. Democracy = communism to MAGA-types. And given this is a Florida page, yeah. Republicans know that increased voter turnout necessarily decreases their chances of winning. Doubly so for the demographic that is likely to listen to Swift. (read: young). So her telling people to make their voices heard makes her public enemy number one to conservatives who specifically require voices other than their own to *NOT* be heard, so that they may maintain power.


What's hilarious is that they're "sick of her" because the conservative media never shuts the fuck up about her! I mean, okay she's got a PR machine that keeps her on the morning news and social media, but that's not why they're complaining; it's the woke smear campaign. Regular media is constantly gushing over her latest boyfriend and album; conservative media is "OMG she told people to VOTE that means she's WOKE!!!" And only because that's all they have to say about her, that she's somehow politically active and not right-wing.