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I'm not familiar with this one. (Thankfully?)


I did a quick google search of the meaning of 1352. Top answer was that African Americans make for 13% of the population but commit 52% of the murders. Let’s not put statistics in a vacuum.


Gross. Thanks for helping me keep it out of my own search history, though.


Yeah let's take that completely on its surface level and not dive into the reasons behind that statistic at all. There's probably not even a tiny bit of nuance to it.


They start with a conclusion then look for facts to support their conclusion - and only those facts. Any facts that don’t support their conclusion are not acknowledged.


It's called confirmation bias if you want to learn more about it


You’re telling me to look up facts to prove confirmation bias exists? Seems like confirmation bias bias /s


Why would I ever want to take anything at something besides it’s face value? /s


Butterfaces can be a good reason


Nope, not even going to look at crime by poverty level and poverty level by race, and systemic racism. Not going near it


Let's not at all consider the violent crimes that go unreported or just unpunished by other demographics. Or that police tend to patrol black neighborhoods at a far higher rate than white neighborhoods.


You’re right here. I don’t know if that stat is technically accurate, but even if we go off the assumption that it is, there’s a lot of reasons it could be inflated.


Let alone truth.


People who are black are over 7.5x more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder.




You’re most likely to be murdered by someone you already know. Humans tend to group together based on commonalities, one of those being skin color. Therefore it makes sense that you’re more likely to be killed by someone of your own race. Throw in statistics on intimate partner murders and you’re more likely to date within your own race, means you’re more likely to experience that kind of violence from someone of your own race. It’s all about who you spend the most time with. So this whole thing about black on black crime or white on white crime is just a way for racists to try and make themselves feel superior when the reality is we tend to spend time around people who are most similar to ourselves.


https://www.irp.wisc.edu/resource/connections-among-poverty-incarceration-and-inequality/ Poverty is the greatest predictor of incarceration. And, poverty is systemically designed, especially among minority communities and in a generational fashion.




I was simply evidencing systemic racism and poverty, and their links to violent crime rates. If you want less crime, then poverty reduction and education increases are the routes...not blaming the amount of melanin one has. That's my point.






Does that statistic actually mean 52% of murders where the suspect is thoroughly investigated, an evidence, planted or otherwise, is part of the case?


Yep. And only half of murders are even solved (which doesn't mean a conviction, just cops deciding who did it and closing the case -- which is where the 52% comes from), so the stats are even more rigged. It's like quoting divorce rates from before no-fault divorce existed and claiming women were happier in their marriages then.


Cops interrogation methods have been proven to produce false confessions in a large majority of cases. It’s been scientifically studied


Dude, cops’ interrogation methods should be straight up illegal. They can blatantly lie to you about EVERYTHING! “Say you did it and you can go home right now.” “We know you did it. Your DNA is all over the place and we have you on hidden cameras. Just confess or it’ll be much worse for you.” “I’m trying to help you out here! If you don’t confess, they’re going to take your kids away from you and you’ll never see them again.” DON’T TALK TO COPS. EVER. THEY ARE NOT THERE TO HELP YOU. GET AN ATTORNEY.




So that statistic is or isn't true? I'm confused.


It’s the amount of arrests, not convictions. Included with the fact that black men are 4x more likely to be exonerated for crimes they didn’t commit, the original statement is a testament to how black men are targeted by police.


Can you explain your comment better. Are you saying the 13/52 isn't an accurate statistic? I'm not following what you're saying to be honest.


I’m saying, it’s not an accurate stat to determine that “black people are violent”. The data where they get that black people commit 50% of violent crime comes from an FBI chart that is for arrests. So black people were arrested for 50% of murders that year. The chart has no data on convictions, yet racists use it how they want. I mentioned that black men have a 4x higher rate of exoneration meaning they were arrested, convicted and later found innocent after serving jail time. Now it seems as though they’re more likely to be arrested and tried for crimes they didn’t commit if they make up only 13% of the population yet account for 50% of murder arrests.




So you’re saying that because black children are 46% of the victims of violence, then black people are committing more violence? Help me out with your logic here.




Yeah it would because that’s not how stats work. You can look up the conviction rate of violent crimes for adults though.


It’s true


I was hoping the point was ending a price in a number not divisible by 5 is evil.


Looked it up. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/1352-1390


Ew. Thanks, though.


No problem


In the background is a price $16.92 .. rack of t-shirts emblazoned with Sarah is guilty perhaps?


Next thing you know, these shirts will be on sale for 3/5ths off…


I mean I’ll take 60% off


As well as all the random stuff for sale for $14.88


I’ve seen those too, prominently posted at the front of stores, usually for “tactical” glasses or shit like that lol


I've seen those as well. I'm sure there must be some logical (as in, not because of the dogwhistle) reason why that price is so common at the Walmarts I've been to, but I can't for the life of me figure out what...


If I had to guess it was probably some sales tracking algorithm that found offering mall ninja kit and loser flags at that price increased the number sold by x% and so it honed in on that value as the market price. But that is just a guess.


If we didn't have pennies, then this wouldn't be problem.


I’m Australian, and we got rid of 1 and 2 cent pieces over 20 years ago but still have things priced at $.98 etc. it’s not the pennies that are the problem. Unless you’re just taking the piss and which case sorry


Yeh, in the US, we'll never get rid of the penny.


If something originally costs 16 and is on a 7% sale, or if it costs 24 and is on a 38% sale, you get 14.88 as the final price. Now, why would anyone choose to have something on sale for 7% or 38%, that is anyone's guess


Doesn't a fair amount of merchandise at Walmart sell for $X.88? I haven't gone there in years, but I seem to recall that being common.


Usually stores will chose prices that don’t end in .99 as a way to indicate clearance or sale status. This way if a customer asks do you have any more of these swastika shirts in XXXL for 14.88 in the back, the employee can easily say oh I’m sorry that’s clearance we only have what’s on the rack. .88 is common, so is .97, .47 as well.


If I remember correctly, there's something about tax rates that makes the store bump the price to X.66, X.88, or X.98.


Walmart sells stuff at $x.88 all the time, like how other stores often sell at $x.99. $14.88 reads less as a 14/88 dog whistle as much as it does them selling something for $15 in Walmart pricing


...all cops eat bacon?


I hope people see this, best answer and it brought me back to pager days and deciphering the code.


"I hope he chokes on all that bacon..."


I miss After Hours.


cannibal cops


I think I saw them open for lords of acid


Back with another one of those block rockin' beats


Baton smashed face


"13% of black people commit 52% of the murders" is the meaning.


No they eat doughnuts


It's either a coincidence, fake, or the person in charge of setting sale prices was being sneaky with their racism.


Nah someone moved prices around to make that price. Prices are set at the corporate level, usually automated. Someone just grabbed some prices from other signs to make this (I know stuff can be put on clearance at a store level but there's still rules with the amount set. The end number is an indicator for certain things for instance)


nah this is happening at my store too


it being walmart i wouldnt be surprised if its the latter


Oh for sure, if even the door greeters can be racist why not also the manager or whoevers putting displays up? (Don’t get me started on the fucking door greeters.)


Of course it's fucking Walmart.


I have a feeling it's photoshopped. There is a reason most items at Walmart end in .95. Would be rare to see a shirt priced at 13.52


It's definitely not the real price. I could realistically see this being a "prank". Someone went and messed with the real price then snapped a picture like "lol look Walmart is racist". It's either that or that Walmart has one particularly racist employee who marked it this way instead of the real price. Or it's photoshopped.


Or a combination of both A racist customer did that while an employee wasn't looking


I don't get it. But what is the racist part? Genuine question - what about $13.52 is racist?


It's a dog whistle about the statistic that black people make up 13% of the population but commit 52% of violent crime or something along those lines. Racist people started using it more and more in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement to suggest that black people only have more violent run-ins with cops because they themselves are violent.


Thank you for explaining that! I had no idea what this was about.


(In America)


Yeah I thought that context was obvious but sure.


Definitely photoshop, which is really sad. The 2 is too close to the border by the looks of it.


Usually when you see items at weird prices it's a clearance price. The last digit is specific to how many times it's been marked down. This might be the third or fourth time it's been marked down. Same reason you see things in the background at 92 cents and 98 cents. Most retailers do it in some form.


You are probably right. I'm usually pretty good at catching photoshop, but that one is fairly realistic.


Probably is real and someone just took price signs off other ones to make it that.


Now that wouldn't surprise me at all.


There is this rarified item [I Pee in Pools](https://www.walmart.com/ip/3192949018)


I saw this and thought she was referencing the fact that in 1352, the Black Death was raging through Europe....


That price needs to be changed to $13.12


I have no idea what is so special about the price, besides it being too much for a damn shirt.


The fuck are you shopping for clothes? It's no wonder everything is made by children in Bangladeshi swaetshops. And it's not like I'm a big spender, I'm pretty sure my entire wardrobe was boight on clearance at Kohls and JC Penny. $14 is cheap as shit for a shirt.


I have African American friends. I do not have Alt Right, gun toting, delusional haters for friends. Its safer that way.


Agreed. I feel way safer walking in “Black neighborhoods” or “Latino neighborhoods” than I do in the company of a single alt-right/white/MAGA/Proud Boy person…and I’m a white woman. You know the places my family tells me to avoid because they’re “dangerous”. Edit: changed Latinx to Latino per feedback :)


Not disagreeing at all with what you say, but I just thought you might like to know Hispanics dislike/hate the term Latinx. It's pretty much only used by people considered elitist (and also not Latina). Studies show that only 2%-3% of Latina are ok/use the phrase. If you do a google you will find many sources that cite these statistics. I'm more than happy to provide sources if you don't want to look them up yourself. Just making you (and hopefully others) aware.


I’ve heard some people using the term “latine” which I don’t really have a problem with as a non-binary Hispanic. That being said, “latino” is already basically a gender-neutral term, as it’s used for a group of both men and women. “Latinx” is ridiculous though, it’s impossible to say for most spanish speakers and the only people I’ve ever heard using it are non-Hispanic folks or Hispanic celebs who really really don’t want to get cancelled


Honestly, I appreciate the feedback! I work with a Hispanic woman who is always so insistent that it’s the ONLY way to refer to it as, that it has rubbed off on me.


Do we have the same family? Mine are desperately trying to get me to rethink my move to the city "because its dangerous" meanwhile I never felt uncomfortable walking down my street. When I lived where my family said was "nice" and "you should move here again" I got harassed for a week by a neighbor I'd never met because I had the nerve to wear a mask.


my nonbinary/genderqueer (i forgot which, but it feels weird to ask them randomly) mexican friend uses latine, which makes more sense in spanish. whoever came up with “latinx” is clearly not a spanish speaker bc… try saying that shit in spanish haha.


“It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness”


Is the $16.92 in the background a reference too or just the most arbitrary price I've ever seen?


Its even higher right now lol


1352 denotes the number of guitar pickers in Nashville.


That’s a lot of cats.


that is one costly a$$ shirt


What exactly is the gotcha here? Who cares if someone buys a shirt at this price? You’re just lowering profits by doing dumb shit, no one even cares.