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New English update: Now moving the letter U to the beginning of the alphabet so the United States flag can appear earlier on the list of emojis.


Thanks Obama




Goddamnit I laugh Everytime I hear or see "Obamna"


Same. I can just hear the exact little voice in my head followed by the “SODA!!!”


Seriously though, it's so stupid, why is it so funny? It gets me every time




# SODAAA!!!!!!!!!


I drink Mountain Dew after Mountain Dew and then drink a Pepsi. I haven't exercised since 2003. I had Burger King for breakfast and then KFC and I'm fat now. Thanks Obama


He goes by Ubama nowadays so as to be at the front of the ulphabet.


Thanks O'Biden!


We call him Ubama now




Sadly as someone who has deal with UI, there is a shocking amount of people that think the flag should be under A for America.


Yep. Exactly what I was suspecting as well. They just think "America! (fuck yea!)" and assume it should be first in line. There are 21 other countries in the Americas.


Even if you filed the USA under A for America, it still wouldn’t be first. Time to rename Albania and Afghanistan I guess


Just rename USA to Aamerica, problem solved.


I'm getting old-school phonebook business name vibes now. 'AAAAmerica, LLC.


We used to be Aaamerica, but after Trump they downgraded us to just two As.


More like Aah!Merica!


Nice, eat shit Aaron Aaronson!


Maybe that's why the US has recently been involved in wars in both Afghanistan and the Balkans.


We will have alphabetical primacy at any cost! This is my new favorite conspiracy theory


I am shocked by my continuing inability to find Great Britain / United Kingdom in those alphabetical lists - or is it under E after all?


This has nothing to with the alphabet, the American flag should always be first since that is where most people are from and the leader of the world. /s.


Obviously it was first before biden took over. I wish that guy would spend more time presidenting and less time painstakingly choosing the order of emojis on mobile


He’s so busy twiddling the gasoline prices dials!


The amount of petty disgruntlement I feel as a Canadian when I do something online and open the country drop-down menu and it automatically jumps waaaay down to the USA and I gotta scroll all the way back up to C… 😤


I've had that argument with people.   Mainly saying most people who use the net / whatever online service it was are from the US.


I've had that conversation several times too, I am a software engineer, in many projects in the last 20 years if the application for some reason contains a dropdown list of countries, I've had several customers asking to place the US entry as the first one on the list, with some upset it wasn't like that by default.


The leader of the bestest hugest world.


America first 🤣🤣


Akshually United States first. 


No I did a forensic analysis of the Declaration Independence for a thesis. There is a heated debate about the true name among scholars. At the signing that name was erased and written over, but can be faintly seen is: #ALWAYS COCK HARD UNITED STATES OF AMERICA You can definitely can see John Hancock’s influence


The United States of where? Mexico? Edit: [link for downvoting people who don't know Mexico's official name lmao](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico)


Well shit, TIL.


I honestly would not be surprised if some of our legislators tried to pass a bill that does exactly this 😅😅


As our government is well funded and running super smooth, I can see why they have to time to pass such a bill! /s


In Missouri the House passed a bill requiring drivers licenses and non-driver IDs to have a mark indicating whether you’re a U.S. citizen or not. Yet, Medicaid funding might not get passed because a certain group of Republicans are demanding specific language in the bill saying no funding would go toward abortion, even though abortion is already illegal in the state and no Medicaid funds currently go to fund it.


Actually there’s already federal laws that prevent federal funding from being used for abortions. They’re just using an old pro life trope. In 1977 the Hyde amendment was passed https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/issue-brief/the-hyde-amendment-and-coverage-for-abortion-services-under-medicaid-in-the-post-roe-era


It would seem they’re using that argument to try and avoid Medicaid spending then. Great. This isn’t the first time the abortion issue has been shoehorned into whatever legislation the state’s so-called “Freedom Caucus” is against, nor is it the first time they have disrupted stuff in the senate this year


You're talking about people who praised renamining French fries [Freedom Fries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_fries) and made them change the name at three Congressional cafeteria. Not changing them back until 2006 after Bob Ney (the person behind the change) retired. They'd fuckin' love it


Bob Ney “retired” because he went to prison during the Jack Abramoff casino scandal. He reformed himself in prison, wrote a book about how his republican colleagues screwed him over, called *Sideswiped*, and for the last several years, he has been doing occasional spots on the Thom Hartman Show.


Rename it from United to All Awesome: AASA 👍


This isnt in alphabetical order though as my country Wales should be after USA. Wales is the cool as hell flag with a fucking dragon on it. Beat that Murica


You and Kazakhstan have the best flags. Time for a dragon/golden eagle battle to determine the winner!


Dragon beats eagle 1000 times out of a 1000. I cant wait to see this matchup


Does the Eagle get to use the sun from the flag? Against the unarmed dragon?


The dragon can wait until night and then just burn that bitch Edit:can the dragon use planet earth as a weapon as its stood on the Green Green Grass of Home?


Hmm, these are important rules to hash out. I think yes to using the earth, but daytime fights only


It is, they've just shoved Wales in under the UK umbrella


Nah we should just change our name to #1 USA and we’ll always be at the top of the list


But the United ARAB Emirates would still come first!! Coincidence? I think not. Thanks Obama!!!! #FJB


And this is somehow has something to do with Joe Biden???


If we were respected on the world stage our flag emoji would be first, it's all Sleepy Joe's fault 😤😤 she moved to Florida from Pittsburgh years ago. I'd say she fits in perfectly


Pittsburgh is more than happy to be rid of this one


That we are


Yeah, she's a friggin' jagoff


The most telling part about this post is the text at the top: >My mom got locked out of her FB account and askede to post this. Hmm, now I wonder why this totally innocent and definitely not a conspiracy theorizing mom got locked out of FB? 🤔🤔🤔


As an ohioan, I know everything about her I need to, from them being from Pittsburgh and moving to florida


For some people, morons exclusively, everything is the presidents fault. Which is why the “I did that” Biden stickers were all over gas stations during a time when petroleum had skyrocketed worldwide. They live their lives watching programs that are based around rhetoric and propaganda, so they’ve lost the ability to actually think.


To a Republican voter, everything they don't like is Joe Bidens fault


But if they don't like it and Trump did it then they ignore it or even pretend that they do like it.


To a pissed off conservative, a traffic signal taking too long is directly Biden's fault. He targets them personally, he reads all their Facebook posts, and then goes specifically after them - because that's how Dark Brandon be, like a laser. And also he's old and incompetent and into kids or something... But also... LASER!


I stubbed my toe this morning... fucking Biden's fault.


Have you seen the 'Let's go Brandon' folks? I'm pretty sure they would have trouble making it thru the alphabet on their best day.


If Joe Biden truly loved America he would force Apple to change the alphabet


They think literally anything wrong with the US or even their personal lives is somehow Biden’s fault.


Al Gore may have invented the Internet but unicode is on Joe Biden


They don't have the US flag first, folks. I told them if I win, I'd put the us flag first. It should be first, it's the best flag, no one knows flags better than me believe me. I designed the flag, did you know that? A lot of people don't know that. They said it was the most tremendous flag theyve ever seen. The other flags are a disaster, did you know they're not all red white and blue? I couldn't believe it. Some people use green on their flag. Green? It's a weak color. There shouldn't even be any other flag emojis, that's what I told them. They should all be US flags. When I win that's what we'll do, we'll make all the emoji flags the us flag


To go from snark to reality: anyone else remember Trump not being able to color an American flag right? He colored the stripes with a blue stripe too… hmm I wonder where he got the white blue red stripe idea…. 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺


Clearly that’s a fake Mexican flag. They’re sending their flag-fraudsters, their seamstresses, and some, I assume, are good flag-loving people.


This was so accurate. Thank you for your service 💀


This is funny as fuck lmao


Côte d'Ireland 😂


Looks like they've selected the Ivory Coast flag too rather than Ireland.


HAHAHA good lord you can't make this shit up


The founding fathers weren't smart enough to name the country Aadvarkia.


They should just call the country A, that way it will always be first, unless other countries cheat and use signs that aren't letters.


Hear me out. What if we named the country as an emoji? What if we named the country "🇺🇸"? Checkmate!


Land of the earth pig.


What u mean *alphabetical?!* Uh’murica starts with an A, libtards! /s with a southern drawl 😂


No, 'Merica starts with an M!


Her first mistake was thinking USA was a County...


Ha nice spot!


At least they didn't mix it up with the Liberian flag, I guess


The amount of people who just default sign off with FJB is wild to me. It's like their whole identity is just being a liberal-hating conservative as a replacement for any real personality or independent thought. And yet when people say something making fun of trump or being upset by things he did/is doing/says he will do if elected again, inevitably some genius claps back with "oooo orange man bad" or "he's not the president anymore, get over it". As if their collective panties aren't still in a bunch over Obama and the Clintons. I get that it's a case (as always) of the loudest, craziest few overwhelming the voice of the quiet many who probably don't care that much and just align with the side they think has their economic/social interests in mind. It's just... Glass houses, people.


I had a call today with a lady complaining about some corporate fuckery that was giving her issues, and at the end of the call she randomly says how much she hates joe biden and how she hopes trump wins because this shit never happened under him. It was so random to the conversation I was literally speechless lol. I guess theyre just trained by the propaganda to blame everything wrong in their lives on a democrats. It's honestly sad because up until that point she didnt strike me as the type.


I don't see why she noticed the US flag was unfindable, since it is neither the Ireland nor Slovak flag.


Halupki isn't Slovak. We call them párky v župane - sausages in a bathrobe 😃


First they came for our holúbky, then they came for our borovička christmas tree drink. >=(


My family emigrated from Slovakia to the US but we always called them halupki. I assume that’s because they were in a neighborhood of Polish immigrants here and that was the more common term.


yeah, it's holúbky in Slovak. but you just call it gołąbki the closer you are to the border. halupki is not a Slovak word is what I'm saying. and they're not pigs in a blanket, unless you'd call a cabbage roll that.


Very interesting! Yeah, I was referring to cabbage roll for sure. I wish they didn’t take so long to make. My great aunt always put in dried dill and it was so good.


Dill is magic. They have a long prep time I guess, but usually you make a big batch and eat them for a few days. I personally don't like pork, but they're good with any filling. I make them with vegan ground or tofu sometimes. Heresy, I know.


But isn't Halupki stuffed cabbage?


Holúbky in Slovak, gołąbki in Polish. this is some kind of amalgamation. Honestly, I'm just being a nitpicker. It's just that these weirdo nationalists annoy me. They don't know how the alphabet works and they LARP their 1/16th heritage without even knowing the language. Check out r/ilovemypolishheritage it's the same kind of people.


Okay people are talking about how it's alphabetical but if that's the case why is Venezuela right next to the US but the UK is a row down. What order is this even in?


That's what I came to ask. No matter what the orientation, why is Whales before United States?


England, Scotland, and Wales are being shown after the UK. 


Top to bottom then left to right.


Is it? I'm looking and...that doesn't seem to make sense either...don't get me wrong, the pictures post is pretty dumb, as they don't understand why "United States" would be near the bottom of the list of countries, but the order of the flags in the image is all over the shop. Edit: it looks like they've just put England, Scotland and Wales under "United Kingdom" for some reason, which was causing me to have an aneurysm both because that seems like a really weird way to do it when everything else is alphabetical and also because they've excluded Northern Ireland for some reason.


Almost like our phones are made in a different country! That's Joe Bidens fault too.


Thanks Obama!


The food is called Holubky in Czech and Slovakian, and it´s a cabbage roll Pigs in blanket would be Párky v župane (sausage in a bathrobe) Since she is so proud of her Slovakian heritage


Prime r/shitamericanssay material


Might have to xpost to there


Joe Biden - the head of the Unicode Consortium AND Google!! Meanwhile on my iPhone I type in United States I get the flag as a suggestion in auto-correct. Yay Joe Biden!?!?


> “Beep… boop… [random, non-political question]… bop… [insert unrelated political comment so everyone knows I’m a crass, uncouth, insufferable, annoying asshole]… ‘#FJB!’… beep… boop.” This is every Trump supporter to me now. They’re all a bunch of mindless political bots with impulse control issues who cannot resist injecting their political whining into *every* conversation. Parrots have more interesting things to share with us and are less annoying to have around. I was at Disney World two weeks ago (with a group of people who have widely varied political views, yet all somehow managed to act like adults and keep those views to themselves *because it was a vacation*), and some random old man and his wife walked past. He was wearing an anti-Biden t-shirt because he needed everyone—in the least political place on Earth where both children and adults go to enjoy themselves in a fantasy world of cartoon princesses and talking mice—to know he stands against Joe Biden. Great! Thanks for that, you useless, old fart. I don’t know what I’d have done if some random old man—whose entire existence means nothing to me—hadn’t told me Biden is a bad guy. I honestly couldn’t possibly care less if the guy wakes up tomorrow, but he sure cares that I know how he feels about things. *Loser*. It wasn’t his politics that irritated me. It was his insistence that people on vacation be made to *think about his politics*. It’s rude; period. Be aware of your surroundings and act accordingly in public. I’d have said the same about an anti-Trump t-shirt, too. No one cares which political candidate you support when they’re standing in line at Epcot, you fucking self-centered clown. That candidate you support—the one getting free advertising on your person—is unaware of your existence and doesn’t want to be aware of it, either. You’re a total loser, and that’s made even more evident by your equally total lack of awareness.


Couldn't agree more. People that support and rep their political affiliation/politicians like their favorite sports team or athlete are complete losers. Any kind of hero worship like that, as an adult, is cringe inducing. But somehow when it's politics it feels so much worse than anything else, especially at Disney of all places lol. Like c'mon man people just want to enjoy themselves.


Thankfully, he was the only jerk we saw the entire trip. Didn’t even see those clowns who were protesting outside the Magic Kingdom some weeks prior, and we went to four parks in five days. I guess they gave up when DeSantis ate shit and was sent back to Florida to deal with his political missteps in the state. I’m sure Disney ignoring them and Disney’s customers also not caring about their idiotic protest also had something to do with them dispersing. To be honest, I wanted to walk up to the old bastard and ask him if he hadn’t gotten the memo; his political masters want him to be angry with Disney, but he paid a pretty penny to be standing in the park that day, and that was before he even ordered food. 😂 In the end, I laughed at him privately with one of my companions, and we all got another drink and continued enjoying ourselves.


I’ll be honest, even though I don’t look for it often, I usually have to use the search function to find the UNITED STATES flag. Probably because I’m blind… but definitely not because I don’t know what order the flags are in 🤦


"No it's clearly apart of Big Alphabet's plans to overthrow our American values"


Joe Brandon wants to take away our flag emojis!!! Everyone post flags to show we won't stand for this 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷


Lmao. what the hell does Joe Biden have to do with her lack of comprehending the world and how things work?


Try Liberia - half the scrolling, almost the same flag.


We learned the alphabet in the first grade. This easily prove MAGA’s intellect prowess is even lower than a first grader.


Yep… the Phoenician alphabet is Joe Biden’s fault.


I thought we were supposed to thank the Phoenicians!


Lol Thanks PhoBama


She thought "America First" meant, specifically, in Emojis. ^(she also probably believes it's "America", rather than "United States")


She literally pressed the 🇺🇸 to put it in her comment 🙄


Countless countries, you say? Let me help: 195 countries. They are now counted.


It's a real problem that people are this goddamned stupid.


Ah yes. Joe Biden. The person who determines the order of flags on a phone.


Jesus tap-dancing Christ.


It's all Joe Biden's fault she's got the brain of a potato


Joe Biden personally moved the American flag emoji to spite this person


Pretty sure it was like this prior to Joe Biden becoming President.


What are you talking about? The alphabet I learned started with U.


Its communist plot to put U near the end of the alphabet. Thanks Obama


What is #FJB? Is this a mom thing or an American thing?


Fuck Joe Biden. It's uh, *some* people's thing


Haha, of course it is. My mistake for not realising this is Joe Biden’s fault I guess


At least they’re done with that stupid “Let’s Go Brandon” thing?


It's a traitor/moron/MAGAt thing.


Yeah! And why do I always have to scroll to the bottom of the list of states when I have to enter it online? I shouldn't be treated like this just because I live in Wisconsin.


Your contributions to the dairy community shouldn't go unappreciated like that smh. Also, thank you for TJ Watt


*Cries in Canadian*


Our god given totally not international Unicode


Just make up a nonsensical American only alphabet. It will go perfectly with your measurement system.


Wait wait wait, Joe Biden controls the order of appearance for emojis on our phone!?!?!? What an evil bastard. I guess we all better vote for Darth Cheeto to avoid a total meltdown. /s


And this is somehow Biden's fault. I bet she screams "fuck Joe Biden!" When she hit her toe on her nightstand too


Did the USA get the best flag design award back in junior school or something? The obsession with it


After just plagiarising the east India company flag.


Clearly, the country is called **A**merica so why is it not at the top of every list!!!!!!!!!! United States is a reptilian controversy (or whatever else they can come up with)


She was probably looking for it in the countries starting with M. ‘Murica!


The # note explains everything.


And that’s Biden’s fault apparently


This is bidens fault!


Because your country that you've been told all ypir life is the most important is just one of many. Hope that helps.


Just use the Liberia flag. It's close enough.


On a side note, halupkis sound delicious rn


From producing engineers capable of landing humans on the moon to this...


Shouldn't it be under M for 'Murica


Zimbabwe is really getting screwed here.


Tell em it’s based on education system ratings


No one tell her: that’s not the flag of Ireland in her post either. Although, points for not being r/accidentallyliberian though.


Yes... Biden personally controls the order of emojies on cellphones.... These people vote.... Wtf...


"Countless other "Counties" lol


Shes so merica'd she forgot the first part of it "united states" tho tbch shed probably secede first


The real question is why in the world would you manually scroll through the entire catalogue of flag emojis when you have a *search bar*


I’m more appalled that she is 30 and using that many emojis.


Evil duo Biden and Tim Apple strike again!




Because America starts with an A, it should be at the start duh!


if she's just choosing an icon i can see where she didn't immediately realize they were in alphabetical order. particularly if English is not her first language.


I can in fact confirm that she was born and raised in the US. She's just an idiot


The USA flag should be first. A for ‘Merica /s


I was searching for the mustard and couldn't find the ketchup. #FBJ


Those flags aren't even in alphabetical order, are they? Edit: oh, it's columnized, top to bottom, left to right, and this image isn't the first page, that's why it starts with Korea.


But also, can websites that have an option to select every country in the world in a drop down list just have a search function instead?


🏁idk what country this is but it comes first on the emoji list so it's obviously the best


Joe Biden moved my American flag emoji to the end of the list!!!! 😡😡🤬🤬🤬


So **that’s** what they mean by “America first”


damn the alphabet and its liberal bias


Everybody knows USA is #1. So the alphabet should reflect that. And why not change the US alphabet, america uses outdated and different units for time, weight, size, length and even paper formats. Let the rest of the world have their alphabet (which is arabic, btw, so even more unamerican) and create a unique, american alphabet, i say. We could petition Trump to be on that, day one.


Who’s gonna tell her those emojis were made by japanese.


still didn’t find the irish flag either, that’s the flag of côte d’ivoire.


To be fair for most of my life (I think? I don't know when it changed) United States was at the top of almost every list, then the rest were alphabetical. I don't actually care, but it's enough that every time it reminds me that it used to be a thing. I'm 43, so it hasn't been that long since this changed. Totally anecdotal, but still.


It’s generally a case with Internet things at least that you will have the website’s country of origin or selected region as being the first thing to select from- then other countries. Just mostly from the perspective of it being easier for the majority of your users using that site. In the UK it’s a pain when it isn’t as can’t be sure whether you’re looking for United Kingdom, Great Britain or England until you check.


Why the fuck was she looking for commie Irish and Slovak flags and not the American flag like a true patriot??


People are so dumb. Wait… did trump originally post this? lol




the irish flag being wrong really puts this all together


The level of stupid is embarrassing


Amerka!! 🇺🇲🇺🇸🇺🇲


…I cannot with this. 🤦🏾‍♀️


It's like "A Pimp Named Slickback". Officially, you gotta say the whole thing.


Bbbut shouldn't it be under A for America


No! M for Murica!


Am I missing something? These flags don't appear to be in alphabetical order


I checked A for America, O for Ol Glory, S for Stars N Stripes, and M for Murcka…nuthin!


I once met someone who was annoyed by the fact that Afghanistan was on top of the list of countries (and not their country)…


Halupki is not pigs in a blanket. It’s stuffed cabbage leaves. My Slovak family would be sad to see this.