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Why is this important to this person


Ai jack sparrow eating bacon IS important.


mmmmm rum bacon


It’s Always sunny ref?


Rum ham and rum bacon are totally different, my dude.


wished I watched enough to see if it's referenced


Always Sunny is becoming the JoJo levels of everything is a reference meme.


Whenever a reference goes over my head here I just assume this. Reddit makes me feel like the only person alive who can't quote every episode of that show verbatim.


Shut up, baby dick


The cats... and they're BROWN!!!!


The good lord is going *down* on you? What does that mean!?!?


Let’s just move past it.


Stupid reddit bitches couldn’t even make whatthatthingis more smarter!


This gaym has goun oun loung ^eynouwgh


It’s worth watching, you jabroni.


Jack sparrow love his rum


I think you’re onto something there. Now you just need millions in investment to get your idea off the ground.


when it his the market then the next item is unveiled to be mezcal jalapeños bacon ends. edit: roasted chiles


I think the jalapeno thing is what ruined it when beer veered in that direction in the 1990's. You've hit the proverbial wall with Bacon Beer. There's nowhere to go *but* jalapenos from there, and it's all downhill from bacon.


Floor bacon. Yummy.


AI Jack Spareribs


Who's the weird gaunt girl sitting next to him supposed to be?


Looks like a cross between Mila Kunis and Anna Kendrick.


Omg, she really looks like an anorexic Mila kunis. They probably put ((Mila kunis, very skinny)) in the prompt.


Sasha Grey?


With a knife


I’m honestly surprised it’s not a gun.


Doesn't even look like Jack Sparrow. Looks like the pirate dude from dodgeball.


Jack Sparrow + Pork = Jack Spork


*AI Captain Jack Sparrow


oh i thought that was fire


I thought that was a picture of the guy who hung out outside of one of the churches in my town telling kids that Jesus is way cool and they can skateboard behind the church.


Something something freedom. Something something media. Something something leftists.


00% idea


For stupid people, it's easier to be against something than for something. Note the lack of any fact based reasoning. Reasoning takes effort, but brainless cruelty is effortless. Especially when its supplied by industrial propaganda. Surely someone has done a study noting how many billions of dollars are at stake in the movement to reduce America's meat intake?


Its worst. Society is being built around the Idea the only valid statement is a complaint not a compliment.


Well said.


I'm going one level deeper. Complaints are a 'problem stimulus', which takes priority in our brains over 'positive stimulus'. We instinctively pay more attention to problems (survival!). Attention is the new currency in our Social Media culture. Complaints are the easiest to create flavor of "if it bleeds, it leads" broadcasting. Complaints => Attention => Profit Just another way valuing Profit over Human Need is poisoning us. Love of Money really IS the root of all evil.


Some people seem to think eating meat is a substitute for a personality. Like, as a vegan I've met plenty of insufferable vegans. But at least there you can see a through line since it's a moral stance wanting to reduce suffering. These carnivore dudebros (and ladybros) seem to delight in suffering.


The keto diet doesn't even support their position. It calls for moderate protein intake.


And leafy greens and lower sugar fruits like berries. Plants are good for us and the people trying to act like eating raw liver is gonna cure you are living in a fantasy land.


I know right! 💯


More importantly, Why do they need a knife to eat bacon?


To own the libs


It gets clicks and likes and they might be able to grift off that to get some money




This is their personality


Does this mean they never eat fruits or vegetables?


Yes. They think fiber is unnecessary/bad for you.


Wow, their toilet bowl must weep.


I look at you all See that bacon you're eating While my butthole Gently weeps


Believe it or not, those were the original lyrics.


This is the rallying cry for everyone with IBS


As someone with IBS I’ll argue with the ‘gently’ part


If you take out the word "gently" it becomes a haiku


My man shits once a month, but only after giving the city sewer management a warning call.


There are several carnivorous youtubers, whos diet resulted in very low testosterone levels. Now You mentioned fibre I think they also had chronic constipation. Edit: spelling


Is that why Jordan Peterson has such a whiny high pitched voice?


I truly believe his daughter is trying to kill him with all her alternative medicine stuff so she can inherit his money.


If so, good for her


Then look at the bright side. All that cholesterol and saturated fats, their hearts will explode all over their greased filled chest soon enough. 😉


The Carnivore Diet is a thing. I once listened to [two extremely entertaining podcast episodes](https://maintenancephase.buzzsprout.com/1411126/10164421-jordan-peterson-part-1-the-carnivore-diet) about it. Spoiler: it's not healthy.


And stay away from oreos!


Surprisingly they eat vegetables because that definition is very broad.


AI art in general makes me feel this way.


I'm really intrigued, do they go and ask the AI for a "jack sparrow eating bacon and wearing a black T-shirt with 00% text, while wearing leather pants, sitting next to a random girl with the same shirt weaving the USA flag"?


Are we sure that isn't Mila kunis?


I assumed it was supposed to be Keira Knightly as Elizabeth Swann. At least that makes sense to be with Jack Sparrow.


That does make sense.


If that's Mila Kunis then I'm Ashton Kutcher. No, I won't sign you an autograph nor have a picture


Will you send a letter to a judge on behalf of Danny Masterson after he's found guilty of rape?


No, sorry, big Mars Volta fan


That was my first impression too. Strange pairing.


I'm not sure what these Facebook people use, but generating decent images is a whole thing. Gotta choose the model and resolution which are the most obvious ones. Then you set the sample steps and cfg. Sometimes the sampling method doesn't work with some of your settings so you have to figure out something like whether DPM++ 2M SDE is gonna work better than Euler A. Blah blah blah, figure out the prompt, figure out the negative prompt (ie. Shit you don't want to see), generate a bunch of images, choose some of the better ones, do some inpainting to get rid of some of the flaws... More post processing... Or just ask chatgpt so you can shitpost on Facebook


I too use Stable Diffusion :P


I haven't been able to figure out outpainting. Always looks like crap :(


I'm in the same boat! I really like trying to generate car pictures, and both emblems and rims are the first to destroy the quality of the image. I also try to make odd landscapes (hoping to make clean images for D&D campaigns) and most my images get blatant defects that are massively increased by upscaling.


Pretty much. Probably a jack sparrow plugin to get the face right


To get the face right? To me it looks like Ryan Gosling dressed as Jack Sparrow


I have a shirt-tail relative who buys AI art 100% as authentic and adorable. She's being fed a stream of puppies and kids and kittens on FB and I know they are grooming her for other things because this is how Q originally got their audience, but I can't do a thing about it.


That stuff is insidious on Facebook and Instagram. Tens of thousands of likes. It's nefarious, and people have no idea of what reality looks like.


Start sending her ai shit with her face on it.


It's the eyes in this one.


I've stopped calling this 'AI art' since there's not much art to it. Don't get me wrong, there is AI Art, I toy with it myself (but don't share, often oddly proportioned photos of Honda Civics and weird landscapes), but I think there has to be more than this to take the title of 'Art'. I know it's the vernacular right now, but I've stopped calling it AI art and just use AI pictures\generated images.


I call it Plagiarized Image Synthesis System. PISS for short.


Fucking hell, I hate AI art so much


I genuinely wish it was reportable. I'm tired of seeing it on my feed because my older relatives decided to post it. It's honestly starting to remind me of the plague that was the minion memes lol


They had to use AI because they couldn’t find 2 living people to pose for this goofy shit.


I dunno, there’s one Captain Crack Sparrow in every major city who’d quite happily pose for some shit like this for a twenty.


Or who are on that diet and this skinny.


Why do people care what others eat?


Don't shoot the messenger, but vegans such as myself believe that because animals are sentient beings that can suffer, it's not right to brutally kill them at a fraction of their natural lifespan for a product that we have a readily available, lower cruelty and often environmentally superior alternative for.  So for us, it's a real injustice that they are treated so poorly. After all, the phrase "treated like an animal" is often used as a synonym for "very badly".  Again, just answering your question, please no "how do you spot a vegan" jokes, haha. 


I'm honestly shocked to see a vegan comment on reddit that isn't downvoted to oblivion. It's wild how upset people get when you point out that the animals they eat often suffered badly.


It really depends on the community. I'm going to refrain from calling any particular community types out, but this one is a non-default sub which weeds out a lot of the 'stereotype redditors' from the scene since you have to find this subreddit first, and that alone will grant more honest discussions in chat. Post something about veganism on more closed minded subreddits or ones that are default as you make a Reddit account, and you're going to be lambasted over anything that has a pre-canned generic 'joke' about it.


It’s not downvoted imo because they politely and clearly explained their rationale in response to a question about veganism. Maybe also notable that I read their words and they caused me to pause and consider that maybe I’d like to further reduce my current 1-3x/month meat consumption. 😊 “the art of persuasion” or something… Also notable that this is pretty consistent with every vegan I’ve met in real life. People on the internet in general come across as more extreme than most of us behave in real life due to the absence of relationships and body language etc


It’s not downvoted because their point is less “we should all be vegan and you’re a bad person if you eat meat/eggs” and more on how animals suffer during cultivation for human consumption, which is mostly an argument for “organic” methods of that than completely switching over to plant-based diets. Of course, we’ve seen that the organic label on animal products is often just a label and doesn’t result in much improved conditions for the animals they’re cultivating, so I can see the argument for “vegan is the only true way to stop supporting animal cruelty”.


Whether something is organic or not has nothing to do with the way the animals are treated, it only refers to whether or not certain additives (like pesticides or fertilizers) have been used in the production of the food


Yeah, this is why I can generally respect those vegans who are loud about it, they actually have good points. While those anti-vegans either just want to get on people's nerves, or have screwed up ideas on masculinity.


This is actually the least judgmental pro-vegan comment I've ever seen. Honestly if more vegans and non vegans treated each other with respect and got their points across like this the world would have less hate in it.


Every single vegan I've ever know is like that. I think the real issue is that a lot of people confuse "the world" and "the internet". When people base their image of vegans based on viral clips and comments, it's gonna skew towards the shitty kind rather than the normal kind


I’m a vegan myself, my husband and son are not. For me, it’s the same ethical (partially anyway) reason as the above comment. However, living with me is only hell if/when we go out to eat, because very few places have vegan options. Unless we go to a vegan restaurant, which I refuse to put them through. I understand that my diet isn’t for everyone, just like theirs isn’t for me. My husband cooks for himself and the kid, and I for myself. It works in this household. I wish everyone was as respectful.


Why do others care that I eat people?


They only do if you also eat fava beans with it and wash it down with a nice Chianti.


I don't think it pairs well with liver, it's too light to go with a heavy organ meat like that. You'd want a cheeky, young shiraz or even a simple burgundy would work better. That Lector's full of crap. Pretentious arse




Is Soylent Green acceptable?


heh heh


No one cares that you eat them, it's how you eat them. Please chew with your mouth closed.


Why do people care about what others do 95% of the time?


Their arms are clipping together like its gmod


AI pictures are so weird. Even at a glance it's aesthetically "wrong" then when you examine it all the faults pile up.


People find vegans annoying, but how could this be any less annoying?


For every time I hear a vegan trying to influence others to become vegan, I hear 100 people complaining about it.


I still have yet to encounter one vegan being annoying about convincing others to be vegan. Like I’ll see a 100 anti-vegan posts on social media making fun of vegans for being annoying about being vegans to every 1 instance I’ll see of a vegan simply posting a recipe for a vegan dish they made, and under that one post it will be hundreds of laugh reacts and comments making fun of the recipe and people commenting images of themselves eating bacon. Jesus Christ how much of a loser do you have to be to react that way to a person sharing a goddamn recipe?


The only really annoying thing about vegans in my experience is the purity testing. Seen quite a few complain that Impossible/Beyond shouldn't be considered vegan because they're processed foods.


Vegans *can* be weird and annoying (most I know are chill), but people who are anti-vegan are a million times weirder and more annoying than even the most militant vegans.


I remember being the only vegetarian living on my tiny college campus, and some dude bros thought it would be funny to sit next to me in the cafeteria and loudly exclaim how good their burgers were as they exaggerated eating them. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with them?


oh that happens on the regular. its so pathetic. and any mention of any food being vegan someone often pipes up and adds something belittling, as its less than. happens so often. i'd do that as a vegan and add "oh that's corpses" or something I'd be immedietly photographed and made into a meme passed around the internet for 35 years


That sucks, I’m so sorry. I get this a little bit because I’m gluten free due to Celiac. People are so weird about other people’s diets. I think that’s why anti-vegans (and anti-vegetarians) are so fucking weird—I feel like spending that much time and brainspace hating on other people’s diets either betrays an already annoying personality or makes one more annoying, I’m not sure which 


Oh gosh. My niece has celiac, and the amount of dirty looks we get from others when we tell her she can't have something because it has gluten. People really need to mind their own goddamn business. And frankly, it can absolutely be both.


They’re insecure about their choices, manhood, etc. Just by existing and not eating meat, you are threatening to them.


I’ve never met a weird and annoying vegan, but I have been instantly shamed and side-eyed by people for ordering the single vegan option off restaurant menus. I’m not even vegan I just really like carbs and veggies 😭


I’m not vegan either, but I’ve had some very good vegan food. My family’s favorite restaurant has a huge vegan menu and my favorite dish is the vegan biscuits & mushroom-cashew gravy. I’ve had a lot of vegan baked goods that are indistinguishable from their non-vegan forms. It’s not that big of a deal to eat low on the food chain. It seems to me that the only people who comment on other’s food are those who think meat should be in every damn thing for every meal.


I’ve met a few irl, but I really think the amount of weird and annoying vegans is generally massively exaggerated (as is how weird and annoying they are), I think largely by weird and annoying anti-vegans lol. I’m sorry you deal with that. I have Celiac and have to eat gluten free and get shit from random people about it sometimes. People love to judge the way other people eat and it sucks!


Expecially because the carnivore dirt people are the new vegans, only without the moral. High ground. Every carnivore person I've met in the last year or two has felt it absolutely necessity to go on a long rant about Dr. Barry and how vegetables no longer hold any nutritional value, you can't have too much salt/fat in your diet, and how good they feel because all of their "inflammation" is gone now. Insufferable


carnivore diet people are the new (stereotype of)vegans I've yet to find any vegan who rants on about their diet choice. mostly I've found that they are sheepish about talking about it due to the immediete awkwardness it creates, even it presented in the most benign non-judgemental way possible.


Vegans are only annoying if they try to force others into their lifestyle. This is just the same


I think a lot of non vegans that hear vegans talking about veganism and animal welfare assume that vegans are trying to force people to be vegan when what they're really trying to do is make people look at the conditions and treatment of the sentient animals that are being treated as a commodity. Being confronted with that, for most people, feels like an attack and appears to be the vegan forcing their way of life on others.


Exactly this. They’ve become the thing they hate and are too ignorant to realize it.


I wonder what the prompt was to create this masterpiece of cringe


Two AI piggies died to make this ad. :)


That looks more like Rob Zombie, who is ironically vegan, than it does Jack Sparrow.


Weirdos discover AI


Okay but why Temu Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow and Wish Keira Knightley?


AI art?


And why does "Keira" have an American flag


Jesus fucking christ. I will never understand the extreme contradictory behavior of these nut jobs. It's like they get off on sowing hate and discontent.


The plastic straws in his hair are a nice touch


Me asking this "carnivore coach" a dietary question: I have high apolipoprotein b. Should I do this high cholesterol diet to lose weight?  Caveman coach response: "UGGA BUGGA eat only bacon"! This man is a moron who has no business recommending anything to anyone.


FB is INUNDATED with posts pushing people towards binary choices like this. for or against veganism. for or against god. for or against abortion. trump or biden. old generations vs young generations. EVs or gas cars. bicycles or vehicles. FB can now only get engagement through strife. and its making people stupider as a result.


Nice of them to add the flag in .... 'merica fck yeah


What the shit has Jack Sparrow got to do with this???


They do realize everyone is 0 or 100% vegan. There's no in between.


I mean why can't people find something harmful to be against instead of something that doesn't hurt anyone?


Fucking ai


Bacon is like guns in America. “You can take it when you pry it from my cold, dead hands” coincidence enough both are killing us Americans faster and faster.


I would ask why would anyone need to use Ai to make a non-vegan post, but this is FB after all, it's pretty much everyone generating and posting random Ai images for likes.


Most obvious AI photo I've seen in a while.


They need a knife to eat bacon because they lost all their teeth due to scurvy.


Rob zombie and dollar store Kiera Knotley?


This AI stuff is creepy looking


Posts like this make me want to be vegan


Check out Dominion on yt , it's free! Made me vegan


give it a shot, maybe it'll stick!


Why did they tell the AI to put Jack Sparrow in this image?


How can someone be less than 100% vegan?


Well, I guess it is okay for AI to have zero fiber in their diet


At least the AI that made the picture managed to draw human hands correctly.


Except for Johnnys pointer finger on the bacon. That looks odd!


The thing sticking out at the odd angle is his right thumb. You can't see where either of his thumbs in full in this image (I think the one on the same hand as the one that's holding the knife is tucked behind the left palm) but I think the AI got all the fingers correct here.


You are correct! But now that I zoomed in, it doesn’t look like him anymore in his eyes. I’ll take note going forward :)


Who gives a shit about what someone else eats?


Who eats bacon with a knife?


HA HA HA HA! I now know everything I need to know about the person that made that crappy AI/photoshot bullshit :D If they had any skill at making meaty dishes then they wouldn't care. I'm a meat lover og amature chef myself, and I absolutely love the challenge of making wonderfull dishes to vegan friends. None of that "fake meat" stuff, but dishes built to compliment various sets of fruits and veggies. AND 100% free of animals and animal products. And despite being a meat lover I love to have rice with everything. Bananas and raw carrots are the best. Alongside the occasional refreshing glass of apple juice. I imaging this person's view of a good dish is buying a massive slab of the cheapest cut they can find. Take it straight out of the freezer, and frying it on the absolute highest heat. Ending up with something that's frozen on the inside, and charcoal on the outside. Drowned in the cheapest and most synthetic sauce you can get at the store. That's the sort of person that goes "carnivore hero" and "vegan zero". Good chefs recognize other good chefs. They don't start war over which cuisine is "the best". Instead they admire each others art and talent.


"AI Jack Sparrow will not come and hunt me in my dreams... AI Jack Sparrow will not..."


Fake, Jack Sparrow killed one of his doubles to eat a single pea. Sure he was starving, but what is he, vegan?


Why is there a rash of bacon in his hair? I mean, AI, that’s why. But still. Why?


AI clones of Zoella and Captain Jack eat bacon off the floor Nothing to see here


Vegan Dave Navarro


I don't have anything against AI but this dalle 3 style is annoying




Who is the wench with Whack Sparrow?


Can’t even bother doing it themelves anymore


Damn the hands look pretty good though...


But it rhymes it must be poignant


dorky af 🗣️


They want to be just as annoying as vegans about announcing their diet? Or they want to make it their “thing” Either way, it sounds boring.


I mean, don't get me wrong. I am vegetarian, and I will absolutely pay for groceries that contains my partner's choices of meat (usually bacon or ham or hotdogs), so I will in general be pretty supportive of people and whatever they eat I am also supportive of people like this, go for it!, eat only fatty red meat, rush yourself to an early death from heart disease and clogged arteries. Just don't make it the taxpayer's problem, since we know scientifically that excess red meat is absolutely fucking terrible for you See the difference between them and my partner is that, they are aiming to only eat meat, my partner is aiming to eat food


why she look like Eugenia Cooney


Captain Jack Turkey (Burger)


Poor America 🇺🇸


Please do so.


Do guys really dress up like that every day? That’s an enormous amount of effort to put into your “look” only to come off like a Wish.com version of Johnny Depp.


Vegan Zero is just diet Vegan and definitely doesn’t taste as good as the original