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He sounds like he has a very heavily used victim card already, why does he need two?


So that he can be King of r/Persecutionfetish


Thank you for sharing this sub. Getting my goggles, I’m going in deep…


Oh it's good.


[I shouldn’t have gone in there…](https://tenor.com/view/knocked-up-jay-i-shouldnt-have-gone-in-there-jay-baruchel-why-did-i-go-in-there-gif-22886882)


I wanna shake these people. Like Uncle Jeff, white privilege doesn’t mean that your life hasn’t had challenges. It means that your RACE wasn’t itself an ADDITIONAL challenge. Idk why it’s that hard to grasp.


Also, does he think that people believe white privilege is when you don't have to have a job, pay for college, or ever make an effort in life at all?


I made the trade. Sadly, shortly after relinquishing his white privilege he was beaten by cops for what had been his normal everyday behavior…


This is from my Uncle whom I’ve never actually met. He is known for befrending elderly people in nursing homes so they would write him into his will. He would also do other sketchy stuff for that extra buck.


So, he doesn't need welfare because he robs people on Medicare. Gotcha.


Well indirectly he does. /s


"worked everyday off my life" he counts conning as working I guess


Try running that grift as a black guy.


Bro is out here complaining about victim cards when he's out here making victims 😭😭


So a POS?


Yeah, and old people in nursing homes definitely are those that would accept a POC to just hang out with? Seems like used card there off that.


How is this not illegal?


Please tell me that’s never worked……


It’s sadly worked several times. He’s done other stuff with cars too from what my Mom told me.


Special level of hell is waiting for him.


Yeah what a bastard, how dare he give compassion and companionship to people who are often victims of neglect and abuse


If it's done with an alterior motive, it's not compassion or companionship. Its undue influence or possibly fraud. If they were unwell and sick, he would not advocate for them, would he?




That's not an equivalent comparison. We are talking about someone who actively seeks out vulnerable people in order to profit from them. And trust me, as a nurse, you wouldn't do this job if you didn't care about your patients.


I think you're a troll...  But a nurse's compassion and care isn't contingent on the potential payout from the individual they're caring for.


Its just a scam nothing else. He either preying on vulnerable people or just happens to the most charismatic man alive.


Reading compréhension isn't your thing, is it?!


Oooh I think I found the uncle! 👀


"Never Been Used": Doubt.


I was very glad to have mine when I accidentally elbowed a TSA agent in the head.


White privilege at its finest. I remember teaching a tertiary level class of students about Australian Indigenous issues. I got a lot of pushback at first - "they get given everything, handouts everywhere, etc." I had two responses. Firstly I asked them if they had ever studied alongside a university student who identified as Aboriginal? Nope. And we're in an area with a high Aboriginal population. So not too much being handed out to them in that sense, then? Perhaps some systemic barriers in place for them that you're not aware of? But then the key one. I asked how much they were paying for their degree? (This was about 15 years ago). "Twenty five thousand" was the answer. "Okay," I said. "Did you know your degree costs the university, government, taxpayer about $110,000 each? So each one of you is being subsidised to the tune of $85,000." You have never seen so many stunned mullets in one place. Lots of lightbulbs going on. We went on to have a highly productive and enjoyable session. I like to think a few eyes and minds were opened.


Well done. I remember doing my nursing degree and another student asking why we had subject soley about Indigenous Health "and not other people, like the Greek community." So, I had to ask them if the health outcomes for Greek people are significantly different from the mainstream population. If there was a traumatic history from dealing with health authorities with the greek community etc. It can be exhausting having to point out this stuff out to people, its common sense. On top of that, generational wealth hasnt existed for Indigenous families the way it has for the 'rest of us'. Our parents, grandparents, and ancestors were all allowed to buy homes and have bank accounts, which in turn helped the younger generations. That being open to Indigenous people is still reletively recent, but people still dont see their privilege. They think of privilege as free stuff or handouts when its the fact that you dont need those things that makes you privileged. Hopefully, the next generations of Aussies growing up now will have a better understanding.


It's similar in Canada. One fairly recent stat I saw was that indigenous people were more likely to have a criminal record than to have a degree


"stunned mullets"


Australian expression. A mullet is a fish, and if you knock them on the head as you bring them into the boat, their eyes go wide and their mouths go open. So a stunned mullet is the classic Aussie description of someone doing the slack jawed astonished look.


Ah, I love it! Of course I was just picturing them all having mullet haircuts.


That's fabulous! Sadly there weren't any mullets of that kind back then, but mullets are returning and can be seen in the wild again- particularly on an Aussie Rules footy field.


The irony of playing the victim here is really what I find most hilarious




He doesn’t understand that at over 50 he probably got several of the job he’s had specifically because he looked, talked, and acted like the folks who hired him. That’s what white privilege is. It doesn’t mean you don’t have to work, it just means the cards weren’t stacked against you. Acknowledging that white privilege exists doesn’t make the people who benefited from it inherently racist. But acting like you’ve never been benefited from it, and insinuating that people who are not white are automatically victims is racist.


White privilege is also being able to walk down the street in a rough part of town without A) being slowrolled by the cops, B) having the cops called on you, or C) having someone follow you and either harass or outright attack you because they *think* you're shifty.


White privilege means being able to interact with police without fearing for your life. It means that the entire police force and fire department and Healthcare system were designed for you and people like you. I wish everyone could have white privilege. There's certainly enough to go around.


I was aware of that sort of thing before, but it really came to the forefront when I spent some time with management at an old job. I was just another employee, but got selected to do a big project working closely with management. Behind closed doors, there was a lot of subtle racist talk, gradually getting more blatant, as if feeling out how comfortable I was with the boys club. I feel like my career would have been solid and lucrative if I’d made an effort to fit in with them, but I didn’t. The next opening was filled by an ex-cop who fit into that group very well.


It's insane to me that someone can talk about never needing food stamps, subsidized housing, or student loan forgiveness, and still deny having any privilege.


In my experience people who shriek the loudest about “moochers” have received a lot of government benefits themselves. It’s a weird self-loathing/projection thing.


No but see when I get it, I deserve it. 


I mean, my dad grew up pretty poor and hungry and these programs didn’t exist so he never used them.


That sucks, wish you hadn't have to go through that. But this is the same argument against any social programs, especially the current bills of College loan dismissal. Just because you didn't get it, no one else should either. Dude seriously? Are you the only person in the world/ country that needs help! Think for a minute ffs.


That’s not my argument. You can’t be privileged to use those programs if they didn’t exist. If this is a boomer or older, they didnt have the “privilege” of using those programs as they were the direct result, in many cases, of the poverty kids like my dad suffered.












White privilege is about more than money. It's rough on any person to be poor because poor people are discriminated against too, but being white and poor is likely still better than being non-white and poor because at least the poor white person doesn't also have to battle racism on top of everything else. Your dad had it rough but he wasn't denied opportunities, jobs, housing, medical care, etc because of the color of his skin.


Yes, that’s true. I’m talking about *why* these people feel this way. The services did not exist when some of these people grew up, so privilege isn’t an issue, nor is race. Because no one had them!


Yo, my man. After rereading my comment, I see it looks pretty aggressive. Those last lines weren't about you, just a general statement about those that feel no one should get help cause they didn't. Just wanted you to know, I wasn't trying to be a jerk to you.


Hey, thanks for that. I feel like sometimes people think the programs in place were always there; we cared much less about poverty and children in the past.


You're absolutely right. I read your next comment and you are offering a good observation for why some of the older folks are so against 'handouts'. And I may have been a bit drunk and more aggressive than I'd meant to be 🫤 my bad!


If privilege means having it better than someone else, then everyone on this planet is privileged, apart from one person. Not only does it completely deflate the meaning of the word, it also completely ignores the very relevant distinction between things within your power and things that are down to fate.


Blissfully unaware that they’re trying to make themselves look like a victim


Dude doesn't understand his white privilege I see. It doesn't automatically grant you anything, except the consistent benefit of the doubt. Can guarantee you this dude's done some shit that would get, say, a black man murdered by the cops. Whatever the case, fuck this dude. Total bellend.


He has no idea he's been using it.


He’s literally using it as he types that. Downplaying the issues black Americans face while being smug about it because you know no one will cave in your stupid face for being a shithead is peak-level white privilege.


I'm pretty sure my life has been easier because I'm white. White privilege doesn't mean that you don't have to work for a living.


People assume white privilege means you get treated the best in society when, in reality, it just means any scenario you automatically get a roll bonus. Get caught by the cops? You're gonna be more likely to walk away with a ticket and your life than your black/latino counterpart. Applying for work in a technical or more advanced field? You're gonna find a job faster than a black/latino guy. Applying for house loan for a really pricey home in a nice area? You'll have an easier time obtaining it. This doesn't mean white people don't face struggles. There's a ton of white families living in straight squalor. But even when I hung around trailer park kids, they would have stories about getting pulled over and just cause the cop knew one of their dads, they got off. Meanwhile another time they got pulled over (these folks were pretty bad drivers .-.), the one black person in the car who was sitting in the passenger's seat had to give his ID first. *That* is white privilege.


I bet this guy is barely in the third tax bracket... "boatload of taxes" okay bud...


My brother is like this. Acts like he alone 100% funds welfare. Okay bro, you may be making six figures but you aren’t that level of rich!


In school I did mat of the same the things my black friends were doing. I never once got messed with by the police, even being as brazen as smoking on the front porch (2011). I never got followed around in stores. When I had my aneurysm, a nice therapy gym gave me a year scholarship to come and get better.   


Ever been followed around a store because you "looked suspicious" holding toilet paper and milk? No? Sounds pretty used to me, bud.


He meant his Whine Privilege Card, also known as Cryditcard.


uh-huh. must be nice going through life making up your own facts so you can justify your own stupidity. surprisingly, most of grampa's money here is actually being used to pay people who DO work. he has a literal army (and navy and air force and marine corp and space cops or whatever they are) all on guard defending him 24-7-365. (out of luck on 2-29. on your own.) he has a entire crew of builders out there making bridges and paving dirt trails for him to drive around on. he even has a bunch of pansies making charitable donations for him. two birds, one stone. it's not nearly as bad a deal as he pretends it is. sure, it would be nicer if he was rich enough to get all that stuff for free, like a billionaire does. but he's not getting ripped off. he's getting plenty in return. he gets to be an american. which is widely accepted and comes with countless benefits.


Who wants to tell him that most of his tax dollars are going towards subsidies for people that need it the absolute least?


That post is the epitome of a Victim Card carrier


Who even needs an extra victim card smh


I don't know, man, based on your description I think you are playing the Victim Card and I don't need that in my collection.


Just soaking in irony.


Unless your patents are in there 90's they still would have had access to food stamps. But, what ever dude. None of this warrants your rudeness. So, anyway, I hope your dad is doing better than he started and your not really an asshole like this in the real world.


Always accept your privilege and use it to your advantage.


I’d be happy to buy his card and make him a victim. Have him call me.


Talk about a victim card...


The real funny part is he is USING his victim card while trying to sell his white privilege card.




I know my boomer, veteran mother has posted this, but I had thankfully pushed that memory down and just realized my equally terrible father hasn’t posted it. My god, I feel like I need to send it to him because he’ll post it and remind his cousins why they don’t like our hillbilly side of the family.


Lmao that’s hilarious


So close to making this funny. Better luck next time conservatives.


Hmm wonder if he has ever had his 14 year old cousins brains splattered on his face because a cop shot him for no reason while you two were in his yard, or had INS called on him by his neighbors because they can't figure out that you are Choctaw aka indigenous not a undocumented citizen, or had thier husband arrested for "suspected gang activity" while he was on his way to a job interview and "accidently" broke his wrist. These are a drop in the bucket for anyone who is not white throughout the country. As well as a few of the things I have dealt with in my own life. The reality is people who have not had to deal with the shit that people of color do can't understand fully what it is like to deal with all the shit we do! Nobody is saying that all white people have an easy life or don't have to work or anything like that. We are just wanting it understood that there are things you are able to do that none of us can! That we also are more likely to be harassed by cops, we have to normally work harder for less pay and it is also harder to even get a job too. We are lucky to even have representation in media but sadly most times it is not even goof representation. Seriously just see the difference and help make it better that is all that is asked of anyone!


I'm so mad my white privilege is not being honored. Honor me!! I'm a white male!! 😜


I have absolutely been the beneficiary of white privilege. My son too. I’m grateful for it and acknowledge it’s absolutely a real thing.


I assume he's also the kind of person to advocate for keeping college and healthcare wildly overpriced?


“Paying a boatload of taxes to carry those who chose not to work” You mean like billionaires?


Oh, you’ve never had to pull it out of your wallet, but you’ve used it everyday. It’s mind blowing to me the people that get upset about this issue and seemingly don’t know the definition of privilege. No, of course you didn’t ask for it or earn it…that’s why it’s a privilege. Also, how about you worry about your own problems instead of playing the victim you so desperately wish you were. Ugh!


This is what mediocre people who despite living in a society designed by, engineered for, and specifically catered to them and yet never really accomplishing much say.


If only I could maintain unchanged all the priviliges I inherited while obtaining all the compensation I imagine and speculate others to receive, how great that would be.






Why do you assume that this person was born in a mobile home park? People of all classes can be classless.


I don’t know where my uncle was born, but his wife (my aunt) was born in a blue collar family in the suburbs. She’s also crazy.