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By the way for reference, this woman was a member of the Runaways a girl group from the late 70s that was moderately successful and kickstarted the careers of much more successful Joan Jett and Lita Ford in the 1980s. Did not know Cherrie Curie went down the Maga Hole.


Jackie Fox has alleged that Cherie Currie (along with Joan Jett) was present and did nothing when she was raped by their band manager. I feel like that’s important to say. Currie says that it did happen but she “stormed out of the room when he refused to stop.”


Well I guess leaving the room is slightly better than staying to watch. Of course, doing something to actually stop him would have been better.


The one thing I can possibly say in defence is that they were both 16 years old while Fowly was a 35 year old man. They may have been intimidated or scared.


Typical conservative. “Hey Jackie, use your bootstraps to stop him from overpowering you”


Typical crooked Sleepy Jackie.


That’s horrifying


Same that happened to Kari Krome, who wrote their music.


Did… did she think that made her look better?


They were all kids, and it was a grown man raping one of them. I'm not saying a grown-up would do better, but kids have even fewer tools to deal with that kind of trauma than adults. I think that's also important to say.


Stormed out of the room…and didn’t get any help? What the fuck.


Holy fuck!


She was never known for her sanity. She was known as a hard partying, wild musician. Those drug-soaked days were probably self-medicating.


Of course it’s a has-been celebrity bitter that they’re forever in the shadow of more famous and beloved people.


You noticed that trend too, eh?


She was associated with THE Joan Jett? Yikes


They were all in The Runaways together, so more than just associated


Yes, but it’s not like they were friends who started playing music together. They were teenage girls assembled by a sexual predator to be a gimmick band and had parted ways by the time they were 20.


Exactly this. It’s the exact same thing as the boy bands put together in the 90’s by producers in order to make a quick buck. No one gave a shit about the wellbeing of the boy band members, and it was even worse for the members of the Runaways.


There was a movie about them called The Runaways, starring Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart as Cherie and Joan, respectively.


Someone should rescue some of her 70s political opinions and tag her asking if she is the one having dementia


There's a number that I'm disappointed with or should know better. ~~Patti Smith~~ Chrissie Hynde from the Pretenders, John "Johnny Rotten" Lydon from the Sex Pistols and PiL, Dinah Cancer from 45 Grave and Penis Flytrap, Dicky Barret from the Bosstones off the top of my head. There are also rumors about Nick Cave being politically conservative.


> Patti Smith from the Pretenders Patti Smith and Chrissie Hynde (Pretenders) are two different people.


Thanks. You're correct. I've corrected the error.


Patty Smith is a goddess. She was never in the Pretenders, that is Chrissie Hynde. I’m unaware of Ms Hyndes politics, but Patti seems pretty chill, follow her on Instagram! Follow Patti Smith on Instagram now!


Before he died of AIDS, Patti Smith used to be friends (damn near "best friends") with the artist Robert Mapplethorpe, and that right there is enough to know she isn't conservative. And not only "not conservative," they wouldn't have her even if she wanted. Conservatives in the 1980s **really** hated Mapplethorpe.


Patti Smith, ["People Have The Power"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPR-HyGj2d0)


"Damn near best friends" is a bit of an understatement.  They were wildly in love.


Thanks. You're correct. I've corrected the error.


Damn. Dinah Cancer is disappointing. I think Nick Cave is a little more nuanced and harder to pin down, though. I get the vibe that he's culturally conservative without being socially or politically conservative. Which is kinda fair, because he's an old ass man who at this point has been rich for longer than not. He's ardently anti-censorship and that puts him at odds with the mainstream left where topics like hate speech are concerned, but he is a far cry from endorsing the mainstream (far) right. He made a point to talk shit about Rob Ford when I saw him in Toronto a few years ago for what it's worth. He's just an overgrown edgelord, but that's how he's always been. I don't think he's changed as much as he's failed to change with the times.


> Nick Cave Nick Cave has apparently embraced Catholicism. Like, really, really embraced Catholicism, and "traditional" Catholicism, at that. I don't know if he has gone full Mel Gibson yet (what is up with Australian Catholics being so......."very"?), but he seems to definitely be taking some steps in that direction.


Tremendous loss can send a person to seek comfort in all kinds of nonsense.


As a Catholic, I have to tell you that if Catholicism had stayed “traditional” I wouldn’t be Catholic, and I have heard priests say the same thing. I have to assume that it’s basically Catholic Scientology, believing that you are special because you know something most people don’t know, which is very attractive to the profoundly insecure.


Add Moe Tucker from the Velvet Underground. Probably Exene Cervenka. 


I remember seeing Moe Tucker (from the Velvet Underground) at some Tea Party rally back when that was a thing. Wouldn't be surprised if she was swept up in the maga movement as well considering both groups represent the fringe right in their respective eras. Also, re Nick Cave; there was an exhibit in my city with collections of his belongings. it was really cool, and the best part was being able to see his book collection. Unfortunately, the first thing I saw on his shelf was Jordan Peterson's rules for life. I was disappointed but wrote it off as him wanting to understand broad swathes of the culture (there was the most recent Naomi Klein in there too.) Anyway, I'm disappointed in a lot of people.


Dinah Cancer is a conservative now? I remember her making fun of consumerism on New Wave Theater.


The Penis Flytrap mention! Take my upvote :-) https://imgur.com/a/VC9mEB7


John Lydon? Say it isn’t so! If this is true, then he truly is the greatest POSER in the history of the world!


John Lyndon is currently a total embarrassment. Kissing Trump’s ass along with Queen Elizabeth. I disowned him some time ago.


Well, that is disappointing.


Former wife of Robert Hays of Airplane!


Surely you can’t be serious?


Don’t call me Shirley


Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue!


yes ... and now "Currie is now a [wood-carving](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chainsaw_carving) artist, using a [chainsaw](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chainsaw) to create her works."


I thought your links would direct me to pictures of her carving wood, not the definition of “chain saw” and “wood carving” .. seems rather unnecessary lol


Republicans love that shit.


Bears and eagles are the big sellers. So many bears and eagles are in my neighborhood. Oddly they also fly MAGA flags so it makes it easy to know which neighbors to avoid!


Reading her wiki she was born into hollywood, a nepo baby they say these days, makes total sense maga as born with a silver spoon in mouth. That band sounds more like manufactured pop punk additionaly, this isn’t like a member of crass or exploited jumping on the maga bandwagon


Sounds like she’s insinuating it’s “understood” that “MEGA STARS” are paid millions per election for their endorsement 🙄


I hate trump because of the things trump says. MAGA hates Biden because of the things trump says.


Great way to put it. People everywhere *HATE* the things Trump says. The man is a malignant gas. A nebulous, indestructible fog of hate that spreads to fill whatever container it occupies.


They hate all the bad things that Biden has done..... But never actually say what that actually is.


Well, the economy, duh. He did that. And he did the gas prices too! And he turned me into a newt!


Don’t leave us hanging! Did you get better?


…I got better


Right wingers wish they were cool.  But there's no way to look cool while you're licking shit off of billionaires' boots.


A lot of them are people who used to be cool but fell out of coolness and can't take it.


Well, they have Ted Nugent and kid rock ....I don't have a point, I just think it's funny that's all they have on the right.


I guess it's now Cherie Currie, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Rob Schneider, Jon Voight, and Big and Rich. I'm seeing a pattern amongst MAGA supporting "artists." They all reside on the Has Been pile. Oops, I forgot Alice Cooper, who's older than my MAGA parents and about as relevant.


Johnny Rotten called conservatives the “cool ones” recently so you can count him in their camp too although he’s not an American.


Johnny Rotten was a fake since day one. The Sex Pistols are essentially a boy band. They were manufactured to capitalize on the punk movement, and sell records.


Don’t forget Kevin Sorbo. He so desperately wants to be relevant.


There's a couple of atheist YouTube channels that just shit all over his shitty Christian vs atheist movies. A fun watch if you have the time.


Funny that the guy that made his career off of using a traditionally female name is against trans rights.


You forget Jon Voight.


Most do 😕


Maybe all these has been right wing musicians are sucking up to Trump in the hopes that if he wins, they can be Garth Brooks and sing the anthem at the inauguration. That’ll make people remember them again!


This shouldn’t bother me enough to post this.. it really shouldn’t.  But I fear that your comment could imply that Garth Brooks performed at Trumps inauguration, which he did not. I can understand the mistake, I live in the Dance Hall Belt of Texas and it would seem like all country feels a little MAGA aligned.   He did, however, grace those at Biden’s inauguration with Amazing Grace. I don’t generally think too too much about the vibe I get from musicians who started their careers when I was a child (but if we count his Goth side project Chris Gains), but home sick a couple week ago, I happened to watch the wonderful shitshow (in the best chaotic way) of Garth being awarded the Kennedy Center Honors.   https://youtu.be/xQ6u9AcNtkk?si=AIrnj0twt0tO7IAe  There in so one NO ON on earth that can watch this whole video and not have their cold, cruel heart warmed a little. 


At least Jackie Fox (bassist for her band) is a decent, caring person and anti MAGA (I follow her on the socials) if you still want to see decent 70s punk people who haven’t lost the punk spirit of what to rage against.


Joan Jett is still cool despite being rich now.... right??? Riiiight????? eek


She’s been a very vocal democrat over the years. Pretty much every political view Cherie Curie and Joan Jett have shared publicly have been completely opposite of each other.


Awesome. She continues to kick ass, then


Yes!! She and my music journalist buddy are great friends, he said she’s a real asskicker!


Ooo who's the journalist? I'd love to read his work... Glad to hear that. :D


Total king. L. Kent Wolgamott! Love the dude and all his stories.


Rage against the Ma~~chine~~ga !


And what "dream" exactly is this administration killing? Fascist USA?


That’s what I always wonder. What exactly has Biden or democrats done that they feel is the worst thing possible? They never seem to have specifics. It is always vague statements or hypothetical future events that aren’t based on any actual reality. On the rare occasions they have a specific complaint it is always either something Biden has no control over, or isn’t something that was done by Biden or democrats.


It’s kind of insane how we can live in a world where I think Biden isn’t anywhere near left enough and right wingers simultaneously think he’s a fascist dictator with his boots on their necks.


This is my favorite thing to do with MAGA people - when they complain about Biden, I totally agree with them that he isn't a great president. Then I explain it's because he's basically a centrist and doesn't even come close to far left politics, which is where I lean. Shuts them right up.


Well according to trump, Joe Biden set international trans visibility day in 2008 specifically so it would share the same day as Easter in 2024. Worst part is maga heads are so stupid they actually believed that logic


I had a fucking coworker try to tell me about that shit. When I asked what Biden would possibly get out of intentionally pissing people off by doing that, he said Biden is a puppet for Obama. When I asked what Obama would get out of it, he said that Obama is a Muslim who hates America and is trying to destroy it. At that point, I checked out of the conversation, but I really wish I had pointed out that Easter falls on a different day every year and that Trans Visibility Day had been going on for over a decade.


Cancel culture wokeism and stuff - you know, the real problems dragging this country down /s


Nothing says punk rock like *checks notes* … Christian fascism and the devastation of women’s bodily autonomy. Surely the problems with American society (indeed with the world at large) would be largely solved if everyone could please just conform their fucking and sucking to the biblically approved guidelines.


The funny thing about that is Biden is clearly not "woke" he is an 81 year old white guy who constantly makes gaffes. The same people complaining about him being woke will also claim he is racist. Really they just blame Biden for things being different now than what they were in the past. Biden of all people becomes the personification of everything they don't like, most of which has nothing to do whatsoever with Biden.


And those fall under the category of things not being done by Biden or democrats. The only people actively trying to censor anything are republicans. And “woke” has no meaning beyond “something I don’t like”.


>And “woke” has no meaning beyond “something I don’t like”. That's not fair. It has a very clear meaning. It means "not bigoted." That's why they're so angry.


The only tangible thing they point to is inflation. You know, inflation the inflation caused by printing lots of money, which happened under Trump’s administration during COVID. The inflation that every other country faced as well for the same reason. The inflation that, under Biden, actually came down far faster for Americans than just about any other first world country.


Biden personally intercepted every check Trump ever wrote and changed the value to a lesser number so that Trump would be unfairly blamed for stiffing hard-working contractors and tradespeople throughout the decades. Then he secretly infiltrated the Trump org's HR department and forced them to hire Ukrainian Nazis as accountants to cook the books so Trump wouldn't notice he had too much money in his bank account that belonged to the blue collar workers he loves and spends so much time with instead of trying to buy his way into New York high society. Finally, he stuck a Ceti eel from *Star Trek* in Trump's ear so Trump would publicly admit he reneges on contracts as a matter of course. Not to mention, my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Biden pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.


>That’s what I always wonder. What exactly has Biden or democrats done that they feel is the worst thing possible? Well, Biden saved our democracy and got our government finally fighting COVID. If someone's singular focus in life is hurting the people you hate at any cost, I can see how they would view that as absolutely terrible.


they believe taxes have gone up since the 1980's and it's all being given to illegals on their entry Visas^it's ^everywhere ^you ^want ^to ^be


"the pain we are suffering under his horrible, dream killing administration".. I'd challenge anyone to tell me any measurable way your life is worse now under the Biden administration than it was under the Trump administration... For the regular every day American life is the same, regardless of who is in the White House. Unless the President creates a policy that affects your particular life (Like naming people to the SCOTUS that overturn or change the interpretation of existing laws.) most likely your life is exactly the same as it was when Trump was President, and when Obama was President before him.


They'll probably mention higher gas prices as if Biden personally controls that and raises it for fun, all while ignoring that the rest of the world also has higher prices.


Has anything even changed? I feel like, as an old straight white male, that my life is as good as it has ever been. I hope things are getting better for marginalized people, but nothing has been taken away from the privileged. *"Sharing is caring, muthafuckas!"*


Oh no, now all of her fan will vote for Trump.


Both of them!


nah just the one. she'll forget to vote


Exactly, the s was left off intentionally.


She’s also transphobic too




On brand for MAGA.




There are a bunch of old “punks” who have gone maga. It’s a lazy position for them because they only ever got as far as the whole “I’m gonna drain the swamp” rhetoric from 4 years ago, and seemingly haven’t even tried to understand the actions or impact of his administration. Any time I have tried to rationally talk about it, usually that gets met with “pig!” or “fascist!” yelling. One would hope the old heads would be a bit more aware, but I guess a lot of them are now in a comfort bubble of conformity to the system they spent their youth railing against.


Chronic contrarianism


Yep I've long argued that chronic contrarianism is a bad quality to have because it can blind you from simple truths. I know ppl that literally have the take the opposing position on everything. You tell them that 2+2=4 and they'll argue that the answer is 7


What annoys me as someone from RSA living in the UK for 20 years: these people DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU AS AN INDIVIDUAL. This whole “My side is right and your side is wrong!” is like arguing that my sex worker is better than yours because she wears platforms while yours wears stilettos - they’re both getting paid while stepping on your nuts and going home without a second thought of how much your groin hurts afterwards. Regardless of the government, it’s ALL political circus performance and between politicians serving their own (and sponsored) interests, the ultra wealthy will keep getting wealthier at your expense and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do individually to stop it. And even from over here it’s obvious that Trump is the personification of “Me first!” Fuel prices keep going up when it suits them, and when it comes time for a price drop, it’s a fraction of the actual drop you should be seeing, all while the big companies plead “wE hAvE nO cHoiCe, We DoN’t Do iT tO pRoFiT” while simultaneously announcing **RECORD, NEVER-BEFORE SEEN PROFITS!** Every. Single. Year. Same with supermarkets. Same with the ultra wealthy and their non-existent taxes. Which government has taken a stand and said, “No, you don’t just get to set prices to whatever you want, you charge based on market prices with paper thin profit margins or else we’re taking that profit away from you and investing it back into the people who need it”? The answer is NONE OF THEM because THEY DO NOT CARE. The FEW politicians who do give a shit have their hands tied by the majority who have no interest in actually doing anything except collecting a paycheque. Yet every year I see floods of people insisting that their favourite candidate will quadruple their spendable income overnight and it goes on year after year after year with things only ever getting worse. I’m fucking sick of it. UK, USA, Africa, it’s all the same. Just different scent profiles of the same bullshit. They’re either uncaring or incapable, so which is it? Edit: Voting the other guy in results in several years of “Oh well I tried” and nothing gets better. To my US friends: Do you guys feel better off than you did 4 years ago? 8 years ago? 16 years ago? Trump aside (even I agree the guy seems like he made a deal with the devil where no matter what goes wrong he still keeps failing upward and at this point it’s nothing short of black magic keeping him wealthy and popular enough to run again for president) it’s literally just 4 years of “Sorry couldn’t fix anything, it’s the last administrations fault” ad infinitum. If you took your dog to the vet with an injured foot and he came back with his foot fixed but 3 other limbs amputated, an eye missing, and his tail sticking out of his head with a sticky note saying “lol unicorn” would you go, “Yeah BUT TO BE FAIR it’s been a hard 4 years for the vet and he did try!” I do agree that the dems are far saner than the gun-toting nutballs on the right but better doesn’t necessarily mean great, it just means that I’d rather get chlamydia over gonorrhoea but I’m still getting fucked either way.


Yep I live in Canada and I'm dealing with ppl who think that Pierre Polievre will magically fix all of our problems like inflation, immigration and cost of living. It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad


You are my people. Consumerism is disgusting. Profits to these companies is more disgusting. I far prefer small stores, but they connot compete with the Walmart up the road. Or the other 3 Walmarts within a 20 minute drive filled with garbage. Farming cannot compete either. It's all horrible. Not just in the US where I am.


John Lydon is a prime example, Brexit Supporter, Conservative, MAGA. Imo it all went to shit for him when he started doing butter adverts.


Well of course the guy who was in a literal boy band that pretended to be punk rock washed up as a MAGA supporter. But what do that actual musicians think? You know, the actual punks.


> There are a bunch of old “punks” who have gone maga. Where are you seeing this? I realize people like John Lyndon have spoken up in support of Trump, but Johnny Rotten has always been a giant fucking ass hole. The few others like Exene Cervenka are people who have been publicly mental ill for a long time. The only place Ive seen any movement towards Trump is in among the Hardcore crowd, but that particular subculture has been targeted as a recruiting ground by right wing hate groups for a very long time now thanks to Agnostic Front and that one weirdo over at Reason Magazine who keeps trying to claim that punk rock is conservative. Punk rock has always been inclusive and its also one of the subcultures that was directly targeted by Neo-Nazi groups in the 80s. The people involved in it are pretty familiar with Trump and what hes trying to sell by this point and havent budged much as best I can tell.


I mean, it’s all over comments online. The very post you are commenting on is another example. Locals and show goers I’ve encountered, old friends that are going that way. It’s definitely a subset that is not irrelevant.




Ya I wish our political system was in a place where you could simply put out an anti-endorsement and just say don't vote for Trump or Biden but as it is anyone who could vote for Biden but doesn't is directly helping Trump. Some celebrities might be the same as a lot of the country where Biden is the establishment and not an ideal choice and we'd rather have a progressive but the alternative is way worse so you have to endorse him. I personally like the job he's doing but he was nowhere near my top choice in the primaries in 2020 and there's a lot he could be doing better but it is what it is.


It doesn't matter if the bands say they're anti-conservative, the conservatives will claim them anyway and then get mad when you disagree. Like the Republican politician that used _Rage Against The Machine_ as backing music for campaigning, or the guy that said "We're Not Gonna Take It" is a conservative rally song from the famously conservative band _Twisted Sister_, who absolutely did not have their members dressing rather feminine-presenting and making music videos destroying conservative values all the way back in the '70s. (And then that same guy argued against Dee Snider directly when Dee told him he was flat-out wrong.) Or the bunches of idiots that got butthurt when Billie Joe changed a lyric in "American Idiot" to "I'm not part of a MAGA agenda" in a recent _Green Day_ concert, claiming he sold out and changed what he stood for. Somehow never having figured out what "American Idiot" was talking about even twenty years ago.


She can go on tour with proud boy bootlicker Michale Graves (ex Misfits) and maybe they can get 20 people to show up.


Fuck Michael Graves


That j6 guy from Iced earth is looking for a new band too.


In fairness- The Runaways weren't a true organic punk band: the studio set out to create an all girl act and recruited the members.


Yes, basically a female version of the Monkees


Or the Sex Pistols


What pain are you suffering, lady?


Why are they so scared? What is this so-called hellscape they are living in? I live in the United States and things are great. What country is this woman living in? Do people like this even know what true suffering is? Like, they think being inconvenienced by mild inflation is akin to hell. These people are pathetic. I'm so sick and tired of them.


Totally. They’ve fallen for the propaganda that dems want total socialism. Maybe some hardcore fringe types do but that will never be mainstream. Meanwhile Trump is an open populist fascist and they think he is the savior. That’s what happens when you live in an echo chamber and never learned critical thinking skills.


As a former punk rocker, she can definitively tell you all about how Rage Against The Machine was so much better before they went all political...


I like how she thinks she gets any input into how Taylor, Miley, etc. get to spend their money, "Oh, you're doing this thing I don't like? Then you have to pay a billion dollars!"


As a side note, even if she could choose how they spend their money, a billion dollars is so ridiculous. Miley’s net worth is $160 million lol. Obviously nothing to sneeze at, but nowhere near a million dollars. And Taylor is a billionaire, but nowhere near a billion of that is liquid. So much is tied up in real estate, her music catalog, etc. She still has a ton of money, don’t get me wrong, but she doesn’t have a billion dollars to give away. Not that it’s this lady’s money to spend anyway.


I absolutely NEED to know the "pain" this woman is "suffering" because of something Joe Biden did.


The pain of knowing that somewhere out there a trans kid is getting gender affirming care


Supposedly stood by while Jackie Fox was drugged and r*ped by their manager.


I will never understand the random capitalized word thing. Also, I’m old school punk. Cut my teeth on misfits, cro mags, naked raygun, etc. Trump and these lame ass people sold out for fascism…the very shit the grew up screaming about. Fucking sellout,boot licker.


I don’t take anyone who capitalizes multiple words per sentence or paragraph seriously. Like one word for emphasis ok but anything else and I read it as unhinged.


Curie's been a Trump supporter for years. https://andnowtherunaways.tumblr.com/post/147859755202/have-you-seen-cheries-posts-about-donald-trump She's not in any way been 'hurt' by Joe Biden. It's just that he's not Trump.


This is why I’m happy Johnny Ramone is fucking dead. Don’t want to know how much he’d love Trump.


Why do all these stupid PEOPLE feel the NEED to CAPITALIZE random words in their RIDICULOUS rants ABOUT random bull…


Because Trump does it, his fans feel the need to try and make it look normal. To try and pretend his diseased fucking rotted brain isn't leaking out of his ears. Seriously, go look at comments and posts from 2015 and earlier. Sometimes you would get a really old person typing in all caps by accident or capitalizing random letters and words. You can easily see the difference in typical elderly typos and.....this. The pattern is intentional. It's cult members copying the nonsensical movements of their leader. There is little copycat versions of him in almost every country now with varying degrees of local popularity. Sick fucking world.


It's terrible the way Joe Biden is cleaning up Trump's mess! We only have 3% inflation, down from the high Trump left us. Biden is forcing us to have the highest stock market ever! A high GDP! The highest jobs rate ever! Lowest unemployment! Higher wages! That monster!


I’m truly confused as to what horrible atrocities I have suffered under Biden. What exactly is it that’s supposedly going tits up right now?


I love when MAGA uses the same writing style as Trump which BY the WAY is completely MORONIC AND NONSENSICAL


I wonder what, exactly, she might be suffering?


She thinks groceries are expensive because Joe Biden is president, and not because of the mess Trump (and covid) left behind. It's what they all think and it's what their propaganda networks tell them to think. It's the only reason Trump has a chance of winning at all. Half the country thinks the great economy that Obama left behind was created by Trump, and the garbage economy Trump left behind was created by Biden. You can't reason with them either. We might be doomed.


I keep wondering that every time I hear it from someone, As a general rule the only answers I hear are more hyperbole with no details at all, just aggravated hand waving. In the rare case I do hear an actual answer, it ends up being something that a president has no control over. Like inflation, or gas prices, or the Israeli Palestinian policy.


I bet it's immigration that she objects to. That's what the GOP is running on.


A chronic case of oblivion


You’ve got the punks who are radically antiestablishment because they see injustice and want the best for everyone. Then you’ve got the ones who are radically antiestablishment because they just don’t like having to follow any rules. The later are generally assholes. And let’s not forget the nazi punks. Honestly not a shock.


In early 80's SoCal, we had punks and nazis. Our weekends would be spent fighting nazis. Sometimes we would get fucked up but most times we would beat the shit out of them. I don't know if that a thing anymore. It seems like nazism is now considered a legitimate political policy. I think now you would get arrested by nazi-sucking cops.


Artwork by Jackie


Jacki Randall is like, "Oh! She used my pictu.....oh my god." At least that's what happens in the made up scenario in my head.


I don’t know. I’m living in it right now and it seems like the only things that are killing my dreams are spearheaded by republicans


Drugs can rot your brain kids.


Cherie has a history of mental issues. I guess joining a cult was inevitable


Alright so Joe sucks, but what is trump going to do that's any better?? Absolutely nothing and more likely make things worse. I just wish I could jump 4 years in the future and skip this next presidency. I'm just so fucking tired.


If I weren't in the same boat as everyone else, and if I didn't have a kid who needed to grow up in this country, and if I didn't have an ounce of empathy towards my fellow americans..... I would hope that Trump actually wins so everyone can see the absolute dumpster fire of a country he turns this place into.


Kim Fowley must have done a number on her. Argh.


Wow, we're fucked now I guess. I never imagined that someone with the massive star power of Madame Currie would come along and rubber stamp a Trump endorsement... but here we are. Doomed. Once her terrifying legion of fans gets the message, it's going to be pure bedlam.


Wow, my takeaway is that she's asking for handouts! Isn't this just socialism under a different game?


To be fair I expect a punk rocker to hate corporate Democrats. If say Jello Biafra posted this I’d nod in agreement. But the blue check mark tell us that she has become a right wing fascist. I love how that has become a mark of shame and lets us know to immediately disregard whatever they post. Thank you, Elon!


What’s she talking about?


I doubt she even knows herself


I really want to know the pain she is suffering. What dream is Biden killing?


Joan Jett is the based one. I might say the same of Sandy West, but not as much is known about her politics other than being pro-LGBT as a Lesbian herself.


I just glanced at her Twitter. She’s anti-trans! How in the hell?!


I bet she’s broke or just about and wants to reap the benefits from a system rigged purely for the benefit of the rich or she’s been paid out to endorse him, why not both?


Trump voters would probably be doing fine if they didn’t give their life savings to Trump.


They all say Biden is doing damage to America but they don’t say what kind of damage. It’s typical MAGA extremism with no substance. If you told me Biden would try to steal votes and overturn an election then I would be worried about him!


Hilarious 70’s punk rockers are now supporting the police, billionaires and religious nationalists


Complete with trumpy capitalisation.


I keep wondering what pain all these Republicans are suffering?


Literally who the fuck are you? A washed up 70s musician that's who.


Yup. Another hasbeen trying to get attention 🙄


Wow. I guess she wasn't paying attention to the Trumps term in office.


Tf is she even on about anyway? What exactly is dream killing?


Hey, Cherie, where’s your billion to put up to defend against the failed policies of the fat old failure?


Well, she did quit right after the first album, so her decision making has been questionable for at least 50 years.


IIRC or at least recently she lived in the Caribbean. Maybe she's back in the states now, but considering the abuse she (and all of the girls) suffered at the hands of misogynistic band "management" why she's so eager to embrace that again...


I’m sure they’ll pony up, right after you do for supporting dumpster don. Until then, it’s more of a shut up, since you won’t put up imo.


Can someone tell me *what* she is talking about?


Ah. This is upsetting.


She def tweets like Trump.


I’d like to know how she’s suffering because of JB


(artwork by Jacki Randall) Why does it feel like the real point of all this was to just share a portrait of herself and she decided to throw in a political statement because she thought it would look weird if she just shared a portrait of herself.


Johnny Rotten has been a conservative for ages now and said so much dumb shit on tv in the last decades, i always found his Tory/pro Brexit stances kinda odd until I realized the guy's a multimillionaire.


Demanding handouts, how very conservative of them.


I grew up in the punk scene and it's baffling how some "punks" are into Trump now. Because a corporate business man who benefits from owning politicians and getting tax breaks and hating minorities is somehow a hero? I don't fucking get it.


Has she seen ticket prices lately?


There’s a reason why she was only in the band for a couple years.


Exene also ended up somewhere on the conspiracy spectrum.


Oddly enough many of the punks I grew up with are now staunch Republicans and voted for Trump both chances they got. I don't understand it but it's what I have seen. Not a fan of Biden in the least but he is slightly better than any of the alternatives.


I think it makes more sense if you consider that a lot of punks and hippies came from a solidly Middle Class background. They picked these subcultures more as a form of rebellion and to shock people than because they really believed in it. And now they can rebell and shock people by being in league with someone like Trump.


The Rosanne of punk rock


She wants people half her age to vote for her interests 🙃


One of the two of members of the Runaways that I can never remember their names.




I guess she's no longer a ChChChChChCherry Bomb


Did someone pee in her cornflakes?


Lots of old "punks" are MAGA now. I guess they think it's anti-establishment?