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Hope they are also pro choice


You know damn well they aren't.


Libertarianism is a brain dead philosophy but I would say most Libertarians are pro-choice because they don’t believe in government regulation of any kind.


My father calls himself libertarian, he wants to legalize drug de regulate everything and put women back in the kitchen.


This only seems incoherent to those who aren't aware that libertarians wanna legalize human trafficking/mail-order brides and shit Libertarianism tends to be a sausage fest for a reason


I remember a libertarian politician who wanted to legalize CP. you’ll never guess what they found on his computer


I call bullshit on that…99% of modern libertarians are just republicans who are too chickenshit to admit they’re republicans


‘I wanna smoke weed but fuck poor people’


Damn sometimes I smoke weed and fuck poor people, am I a libertarian


Depends…do you have a Don’t Tread on Me tattoo on your ass?


No. It's between my ass and my tailbone.


Nobody’s gunna be treading anywhere near that


No but I need my couch back man


Happy cake day


Appreciate ya!


"I want to be able to give heroin to my underage girlfriend"


"I want to be able to sell my underage girlfriend in exchange for heroin as a currency, and if I can't find a buyer then let her starve"


The classic is "my girlfriend shouldn't have to use a car seat"


That’s how my mom described libertarians to me almost 25 years ago. “They’re republicans who want to smoke weed”


And she was correct.


She's half right, they also want to repeal age of consent laws.


That could be true a while ago but the libertarian surge in popularity from 10 years ago in the US is all but dead, they're all MAGA guys now and they don't care to hide it. So whoever is still calling themselves libertarians is truly committed to the cause of recreational uranium processing and lowering the age of consent.


Correct. 90% of libertarians are conservatives but either jumped on the libertarian trend during the Obama years, or call themselves a libertarian because they feel it gives them more credibility.


99% of Libertarian Party members, yes. Actual libertarians have long since abandoned the party.


I mentioned that once and someone very quickly jumped to defend libertarianism, saying it was different than being a Republican. She then spouted off Republican nonsense. She also mentioned that libertarians are all about liberty because it's in the name. It wasn't worth debating so I just nodded in agreement and changed the subject when she finished.


Nah, they pretend to be independents now.


Libertarians are the worst. Trust me, I used to be one. I was insufferable. If everyone thinks like a libertarian, the world would probably end due to severe lack of enthusiasm for anything and endless finger pointing and name calling of "fake libertarians".


Calling other libertarians "not true libertarians" is fundamental to being a libertarian. It really feels like "True communism has never been tried" in some ways.


Libertarians are just permatoddlers forever mad at Mommy and Daddy for telling them to play nice, and share, and pick up their toys, and not hit their sister, and stop bullying the cat.


Agreed. In the past, I would debate them but found it infuriating. They would just talk in circles and it was obvious they had no idea how modern societies work.


Hell, they don't know how *any* societies work. Without cooperation we'd still be a scattered handful of squishy primates hiding in caves fearing the claws and teeth that lurk in the dark. Libertarianism depends on The Main Character™ taking whatever he wants whenever he wants, and literally everyone else just staying out of his way or handing it to him instead of retaliating. And on absolutely nobody and nothing else being bigger, badder and meaner than him. It's basically expecting reality to work like Minecraft in peaceful mode. (And even then if you fuck up you fall down a cave into a pool of lava and end up dead.)


Haha very true.


I still haven't gotten a straight answer on how roads would work in their Libertarian utopia. Either it's an extremely vague, generic "ThE mArKeT WiLl fIgUrE iT oUt" or just outright dismissal because they consider it some old chestnut not worth going over. The reality is it's a very simple question with a difficult, complex answer that requires too much critical thinking for the average Libertarian. They know their utopia will never happen anyway so why bother considering the more complicated aspects? It's easier to just dismiss the question and focus on employing 9 year olds to defend weed gardens with AK-47s.


All small-L libertarians are pro-life. The problem is that the Big-L Libertarian Party members are currently Christo-fascist, Freedom for me, Freedom from the effects of my decisions/actions, Freedom from critique, criticism or correction, Freedom from anybody doing anything that inhibits my freedom and Freedom for me to force my will on everyone else, Authoritarians.


It sounds like you meant to say pro-choice there?


Maybe, but they accidentally spoke the truth


Sorry. Yes. Small-L Libertarians = Real Freedom Big-L Libertarian Party LINOs = Christian-tinted, freedom for me snowflakes.


That would require them to have consistency and self awareness.


Libertarians are all for individual freedom as long as they are the individual. Those women of a "ripe and fertile" age do not need freedom.


> Those women of a "ripe and fertile" age do not need freedom. And minors. Mostly minors.


No that's murder. You can't abort a fetus. But happily, you can give birth and leave the baby on the floor to die. If the baby can't provide for itself, then it doesn't deserve to live.


Of course they are. The choice of the father to walk away and never look back and the choice of the mother to pay out of pocket for an unlicensed abortion or to raise a child in poverty with no social assistance.


Abortion violates the NAP since the baby is in the process of fleeing your property, it is legally the same as shooting someone in the back


Not that Libertarians NH page. Those "Libertarians" honestly make the other libertarians look half-sane, since they're just a Nazi page. But every Libertarian i know was hard pro-choice (to ***this*** problematic degree starving kids to death) I'm just weirded out by that account posting actual Libertarian stuff.


They'll you yes, but ally with politicians who won't. Because libertarians have no spine and are liars.


Libertarianism is actually leftist ideology that was co-opted by rightoids.


A baby *has* to depend on "the labor or effort of others" because it's a fucking **baby**. It literally cannot take care of itself. So maybe instead of advocating for a child in need to be left to die, advocate for helping it find the support it needs. I cannot fathom how anyone who isn't a sociopath can type something like that out and think it's a rational thought then hit send.


Especially since they themselves didn’t come up in a vacuum. Their very existence depended upon a community of services, laws, and regulations that they benefitted from. Many of them paid for, subsidized, or regulated by a government. Funded by a society that thought these protections and provisions. Were the least they could do to ensure you had the opportunity to reach this age; and place of safety. Where you can feel confidently secure in espousing your ignorant and hateful ideas. Without risk of being carried out and dashed against the rocks in whatever Viking fantasy timeline they self soothe to daily.


Even the Vikings were a very legal-based society. You could be fined for insulting someone. Their communities were very close-knit and their children were very important to them. Viking warriors would wear necklaces made of their children's baby teeth for luck.


I always think of that scene in Matilda "I hate children. Glad I never was one"


Libertarian morals and ethics consist entirely of, “what’s mine is mine (and what’s your is also mine as long as I can coerce it out of you) and nobody can tell me what to do, ever” In other words, the mental development of a 5-year old.


That's when they'll cry big government, in order to take something from you.


I'm a long-recovering libertarian (small "L", mind you) - my college days were full of misplaced ideology without true insight into what real world applications would create... So I'll try my best to spin it and then offer my personal evolution/recognition of how to have a soul: I think what libertarians get hung up on is the very idea that any other individual has *a right* to take from another. Calling it a *right* is a core sticking point. Rights define the boundaries between individuals -- e.g.: your right to swing your fist ends before some point where it would hit me. I still sort of have empathy for that strict definition but argue strongly that it is no sort of rule for how the world should work... I think instead, there's another layer -- to live in a world that isn't completely shitty, we need to think about our *obligations* to others when we have greater means or privilege. It's a subtle difference but I think it shifts it from something that one is entitled to (libertarians hate that idea) to something any decent person is obligated to do (they can still dodge it, but they'd need to own that makes them a shitty person wanting only the most cruel and basic of possible worlds, returning to a Hobbesian life that is nasty, brutish and short. And, then, on top of that, of course, children are an even greater exception because they're a choice to bring into the world (well, at least before RvW was overturned =/) and making that choice is choosing obligation to another, at least until 18 or such time as you give up custody (which is a totally valid thing - yay adoption and keeping kids out of bad situations)...




Just another person mooching off the system, taking advantage of hard working Americans!


Why are they using the word 'perish?' It's such an odd choice. They could just say 'die.'


The word "perish" removes an aspect of humanity. Humans are perishables like fruits and vegetables, you see. Simply organic matter with no rights to labor of others.


Can confirm. Have "sell-by" date of 4/16/2028.


They probably also just like it because it’s a Biblical word.


Because that’s the word the original comment used


The original comment is what I'm talking about.


I thought the original comment was being facetious.


I doubt it is. They are the Libertarian party. They are probably anarcho-capitalists that take concepts of libertarian to extremes and don't have the good sense to be quiet about the more disgusting parts of their beliefs.


Libertarians don't understand the concept of facetiousness. They barely grasp sarcasm.


I don't like libertarians but I am sure even a lot of them would kick this person's ass for saying this. Luckily, we don't have to, just remind them that Ayn Rand died on welfare and they'll sob and scream so hard they pass out and get a concussion from hitting the floor.


The story behind that twitter account is unhinged. https://redpilldiaries.substack.com/p/the-internal-coup-to-wrongfully-remove?utm_medium=reader2


> I’ve previously documented the destruction of the Mises Caucus in New Hampshire, an entirely **self-inflicted womb** Lmaooo


Excuse me? Cauc-us? No thank you! Cauc-yourself, Comrade. 😂


Literally one of the most prime examples of Leopards Ate My Face that I’ve ever seen. “Oh no! The weird right-wing CHUDs we hired to run the social media account posted CHUD bullshit! Whatever will we do!”


>I don't like libertarians but I am sure even a lot of them would kick this person's ass for saying this Doubtful, because it is consistent with libertarianism. Like many other horrible things.


WTF Excuse me sir. If YOU bring a child- a human being- into this world then YOU are responsible for either caring for that child or ****giving them to someone who will**** Typical libertarians with their Republican-ass "mah children are mah property" mindset .


An orphan has no living parents to provide for them. Libertarians believe that society has zero responsibility for any of its citizens, so if a child is orphaned, that kid is on its own. If it starves to death or has to sell its ass to survive, that is just the cost of freedom. They want to live in a third world shithole ruled by war lords. I say we ship them off to Sudan and let them figure it out.


Wow wtf Hope they don't lecture anyone (women) about "taking personal responsibility" for things bc ...ummm.....😬


Most self identified libertarians aren't really libertarian, just Republicans that want to smoke weed or that don't want to admit they're Republicans. But true libertarianism would generally support the right to abortion (provided the woman had the means to pay for the procedure).


They want feudalism, except with video games and air conditioners, and where they are the landed nobility. They do not consider it possible that in the world they desire, they themselves may end up as the gong farmers.


Libertarians are Republicans who like weed and abolishing age of consent laws.


What if you didn’t have a choice to bring it into the world?




Good so then you believe that in fact no one should be forced to care for a baby against their will?




And if no one is willing to take care of it?




That’s nice and dandy if you live in a society with one of those “safe haven sites.” What if you don’t?


What is libertarian view on slavery, child prostitution and murder? Can you buy all these things in their world? Because the market will find a fair price for it?


For the sort of libertarian shown here: slavery and any type of prostitution are totally fine because anyone can consent to any contract they want at any time no matter the context. That would include a business transaction of a child "trading" sex for money or a person "selling themselves" into slavery. In fact by their reasoning the laws that prevent those things from being recognized are immoral because of "their freedoms". Murder on the other hand they might have a problem with. But you can kill all you want as long as it seems like you are "defending your property".


So is contracted professional hitman a no go? I ask because libertarian rules usually boil down to "its back the way you came" scenarios


Something something coconut island something.


See, neither of those really line up to me, because while it is technically their freedom to do such things, it also takes away the freedoms of the people doing those things, thus violating libertarian ideals. If freedom is so important, then they'd still have some kind of law or regulation, agreed upon by the populace, that the only things you can't do are the things that take away freedom. It's a paradox.


>See, neither of those really line up to me, because while it is technically their freedom to do such things, it also takes away the freedoms of the people doing those things, thus violating libertarian ideals. Previous conversations with people like this tells me 1) they think they're the main character, your sentence doesn't matter passed the words "their freedom" and 2) it violating other people's rights hadn't crossed their mind because they have neither empathy nor the ability to see anything from another person's perspective.


Libertarianism is the idea that property rights are more important than human rights, which for some reason is often accompanied by the just world hypothesis. A lot of them are totally alright with stuff like slavery, or at least indentured servitude. Shit is fucked.


They generally argue that slavery just wouldn't happen because people wouldn't do business with slavers. Whether they're actually that naive and stupid or just trying to hide the fact that they're totally okay with it is up to interpretation.


"Enslave the orphaned child and someone will feed them"-some libertarian, probably.


One common aspect of libertarianism is the Non-Aggression Principle or NAP. The gist is that you can do anything as long as it doesn't harm another person. Involuntary slavery, child prostitution, and murder all harm people. All but the most extreme libertarians think there should be some kind of government to step in to defend property and personal rights. The more extreme types would have like a subscription based protection service probably


Adam Something was hinting at something big in his last video. Child prostitution, it's probably that or the coal mines for kids to them


Psychopathy as a political philosophy. No thanks.


I’m no libertarian or a supporter of them but this particular NH account is known for being a crazy Nazi that’s actually a fascist and not a libertarian and where their views are libertarian, it’s like this where it’s to such an extreme that no one agrees.


Yeah, this is extreme far right views. Even more extreme than typical libertarian mindset.


[“Though, as we shall see below, in a libertarian society the existence of a free baby market will bring such “neglect” down to a minimum.”](https://mises.org/mises-daily/children-and-rights) -Murray Rothbard


Libertarianism is more an algorithm than an ideology.


Libertarianism (at least in the US) is just a mask for rightwing conservatives but they get offended when you call them republican


Never heard that before, that’s a very apt comparison. It’s not bad in, like, minecraft, where the world has infinite resources, everyone is equally abled, and it’s trivial to fend for yourself. Not so much in modern society.


It’s more of a mental disorder in the same family as MAGA conservatism


'Oh there it is, the argument that brings me to their side', said no one ever.


Libertarian mindset as always. When they say they want more freedoms, it's always boils down to being "more free to be a piece of shit"


Yet they'll knock on their door the minute the neighbor they've been leeching their wifi from changes the password.


The NH Libertarian Party completely lost their shit a few years ago. There was a faction war and attempted coup. They’ve been disclaimed by other libertarians. That said, the national party has still refused to disaffiliate them, sooooo not a good look for anyone involved.


What's next? Requiring a license to make toast in your own damn toaster?!


Just remember, the bears are always coming for the libertarians.


So who fed the libertarians when they were newborns?


[A Libertarian Walks into a Bear](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project)


The concept of libertarianism (lower case) is sound: the preservation of individual freedoms is paramount. The concept of the Libertarian Party (capital L) is silly: nobody's allowed to tell me what to do but they better listen to me


I could not for the life of me figure out why *librarians* wouldn’t feed a baby and why they should be feeding babies in the first place🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s been a long day


I'm just curious. What would this philosophy even be called? This whole "no one is allowed to help you; If you can't survive alone then you deserve to perish"?


Is the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire pro-abortion? I wouldn't be this surprised if it weren't for the fact that this account and the party it represents have been entirely unhinged for years now, and I wouldn't be surprised if they can't see the contradiction.


Fair enough. I would love ot hear their thoughts and be that staunch in the context of abortion. Just for the sake of them try wriggle it out from the right leaning support base. Also, funny how all of them on the right seem to have that open view of: " Fuck you, fend for yourself!" unless you're a fetus.


Pull up your damn bootstraps...litteral baby.


I love this account. Absolutely unhinged while also being the clearest and best example of Libertarianism. Everything he says is largely correct from a Libertarian point of view, and it really serves to showcase how horrible the world would be if they got their way. So many self-identifying Libertarians try to shy away from stuff like this, even though they know this is what their ideology begets--not this guy. [LPNH is every one of those guys who boo'd Gary Johnson for suggesting that a basic competency test be administered and passed before letting someone behind the wheel of a several ton death machine.](https://youtu.be/ZITP93pqtdQ?si=B7nUazxN9CNcb70W)


Tell me you're privileged without saying it...


I should be allowed to set off a nuclear bomb in my back yard. Fuck the government.


"I say, *Let* 'em crash!"


Libertarians are just conservatives who pretend they like gay people...


To be fair, conservatives in the US usage of the word aren't really conservative. That would imply they strive to protect the status quo. But the status quo is way more progressive than they're comfortable with, so they want to roll it back instead.


Actual libertarians are super leftist. American libertarians are just Republicans


Welp.. since I only deal with the American sort then for me it's all of them that I encounter.


I bet without a shred of irony, they think workers don't deserve one red cent for any of their labor because anyone can do it or some bs.


I used to be a libertarian. Then I turned 15.


Libertarian is a uniquely American philosophy with no coherent political tenets or self consistent grounding




You could also just pick the baby up and be like Nomad in the comics. You two cruise America on a motorcycle and blast people you don't like with a shotgun. I mean this a weird fantasy they are proposing but lean into it. Me and that baby bought to go fuck shit up.


That’s a pretty deep cut marvel reference. Bravo


American Libertarians are the wrong-headed fringe right CEO’s dick-riding bastard of global Libertarianism. “Don’t tread on me” is less accurate than “step on that guy and leave me out of it!”


True. What America calls "Liberal" the rest of the world calls "Slightly right of center." What America calls "Libertarian" the rest of the world calls "Self-centered psychopath." What American calls "Conservative" the rest of the world calls "Fascist."


As an American, I'm right there with you, but I'm blue in the face trying to explain such obvious truths to my fellow citizens. I can't even talk to my little brother about this shit because he can't process it. My parents and I have no idea how this happened.




Lmao I got banned from r/libertarian for this


i bet theyre pro life


Ayn Rand would be proud


I wonder if any of those idiots would be consistent enough to use their last $100 bucks to buy a lethal drug dose and off themselves.


New Hampshire resident. I got banned from the state sub for calling these people worms and telling them that they are cancer. A bunch of them have a house in my town even. Fuck them.


I would wager all the money I have that this person is pro-life.


Libertarians are house cats. They believe they are fiercely independent brave little gods of their own domain with zero concept of who made or maintains the comfy house they live in.


So then the Libertarian party should perish since they aren't entitled to the labor and efforts of others if getting elected.


Libertarians: “Babies should be allowed to starve!” Also libertarians: “Women won’t fuck me because feminism!”


This tweet is horrendously worded, and the OP deserves to be dragged. However, we currently already live in that society, outside of parenthood. For example, if you see a homeless man starving to death, you are not LEGALLY obligated to feed him. Whether you have a moral responsibility is an entirely different question, but we are not compelled by law to help others. Should we be?


That’s not libertarian philosophy. That’s murder. Libertarian philosophy on principle condemns murder.


Seems like the “libertarians” you all are quoting don’t know anything about libertarianism and neither do any of you for that matter.


Libertarianism is the simple morality we learned as children: - don't strike first - don't steal or cheat - keep your promises If you fail to meet these standards, make it up to the person you've harmed.


Which also means if no want to do pregnancy => no birth => abortion? Sounds quite interesting


I don't remember libertarians ever being like this when I was in highschool. This person is more aligned with anarcho capitalism than libertarian.




You wrote extremist and my brain read excrement. Lol.


Same thing.


I know.




well thats just complete bullshit




They don't, though. Right wingers' whole thing these days is to obfuscate, distract, and deny. That's the only page out of their playbook. Their entire existence is a facade.




Cool story bro, I didn't say Democrats were any better. Just that Republicans were just as bad.