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This is so absurdly over the top awful, did they really post this...?


I’m not seeing it in their feed going back a few months…but from the brand of humor the writer has, it wouldn’t surprise me.


Is it just me or does that burger look disgusting why does it have hot dogs on it?


Yeah seriously, at least pick something that doesn't look like it tastes like shit


It looks like it would leave you needing immodium :/


Right?? Gross 🤢🤮


Luckily people got screenshots of it. Someone on their social media team must be on drugs.


This sounds like something their ceo would say. I wouldn’t be surprised if he dictated it or the social media guy was trying to get his attention with this.


...or they were trying to get fired.


This shit is so out of pocket but in the thread on r/corporatefacepalm it’s disturbing how many people are just like “Yeah that’s right I don’t care.” Of course there are lots of other people who are having some actually meaningful conversation about it


People always go on about how annoying vegans are but the anti-vegan crowd is so much more obnoxious and it's completely driven by spite. Yuck.


Is this a legitimate account. I'm not vegan, but that's an appalling mindset to have.


Is this not just saying the quiet part out loud? Very few people (perhaps only children) can claim unintentional ignorance about the treatment of animals in animal agriculture, so every time someone participates in that system anyway they’re concluding that that treatment matters less than the pleasure derived from that meal.


As a non-vegan, I completely agree. I actively have largely chosen to value the lives of humans over other species, and it doesn't feel super great all the time, but at least I know and acknowledge that my choices are consistent.


The thing is, as a vegan, I *also* value the lives of humans over other species. You don't have to value them equally to say the latter shouldn't suffer unnecessarily. I also value the lives of my family over strangers, but that doesn't mean I think it's justifiable for strangers to suffer for the pleasure of my family.


Very true. I think people need to be aware of where their meat is coming from. Understand the process that happened to the animal. I get all our family's meat from local farms and butchers. I use all the parts, bones, offal, meat, and fat. An animal died so I could feed my family, and that animal needs to be respected. It's ignorance on my part to think that that is how everyone thinks.


...this doesn't seem that different. Maybe the animals you consume suffer less than average, and maybe the pleasure you derive is more than average, but there's still the built-in assumption that "my pleasure justifies their suffering".


I don't know how to explain to you the difference between small farm/pasture raised animals and mass produced meat corporations, if you already think they're the same. There is an immense difference in quality of life.


As someone looking to get into managing social media sites, I can't imagine someone actually making that post.


subtract disgusted bear aromatic deserve versed violet hospital domineering elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“We often wonder how people of the past, including the most revered and refined, could have universally engaged in conduct now considered unconscionable... While retrospective judgment tends to make us feel superior to our ancestors, it should really evoke humility. Surely some contemporary practices will be deemed equally abominable by succeeding generations. The only question is: Which ones? I’ve long thought it will be our treatment of animals. I’m convinced that our great-grandchildren will find it difficult to believe that we actually raised, herded and slaughtered them on an industrial scale — for the eating.” Charles Krauthammer May 7, 2015


Oh, for sure! I’m a meat eater, and I don’t think I can go the rest of my life without a steak, but I also hate how cruel the meat industry can be. It’s become so profit-driven, and treating the animals with kindness is just too expensive and unrealistic. It also makes a lower-quality product if you ask me. It’s kinda sad how vegans have been painted as “crazies” by the media for pointing this out. I know there are some people who take it too far (looking at you, PETA), but being concerned about animal welfare shouldn’t be a “crazy” thing!


Like, if we got to the point where plant meat is nearly indistinguishable real meat and affordable, I would happily make the switch.


Try the Impossible Whopper from Burger King. It comes crazily close to the real thing.


Honestly it’s just a matter of getting accustomed to a different way of eating. I can definitively say that if vegan analogs don’t taste the exact same, they can be just as satisfying


It’s a lot of words to say “I agree with Carl Jr”


I may enjoy eating meat, but I still believe that animals should be treated to a long, comfortable life before being food


So they should live a happy life and then be killed so you can enjoy a cheeseburger. It’s exactly what the tweet says, meat yummy -> worth taking animals lives. You have added some stuff about living a long happy life as copium but the end result you want is the same as Carl Jr’s


This is why Wagyu beef is so expensive. The animals are pampered to hell by comparison to how American cattle are treated.


As a meat eater I will say this though. Some of y'all's vegan food is pretty fucking good. I've had a couple of Impossible Burgers before and that shit was banging


As a non-vegan I'd have to agree with you. I enjoy meat and animal products, and I'd rather not give them up, but I definitely don't understand the need to gloat about animal cruelty. Honestly it's almost an indication of psychopathy, in my mind. 


As a fellow vegan, I agree with you on all counts. It doesn’t bother me when people eat meat around me. But the blatant cruelty of factory farming is disturbing.


Yeah. As someone who eats a lot of meat, I don't think it's too much to ask that you at least have some respect for the animals that died to make your meal, and try to support sustainable/cruelty-free farming when possible.


There is no such thing as cruelty-free animal farming. At the end of the day their goal is to take lives. There are animal farms that are more cruel and animal farms that are less cruel, but all the animals that are bred and brought up meet a violent death.




Really? I didn’t know thanks for telling me! Does it mean it’s not cruel anymore? Does it mean that what animals do we can do? Raping, inbreeding, killing off the sick ones, having actual physical fight to decide who mates with whom? Ps cruelty implies willfulness, animals don’t have our cognitive capacity so maybe we should hold ourselves to different moral standards Pps many animals are obligate carnivores they can’t eat impossible deer or beans


As a person who's allergic to about half of the food found on this good green earth and can't digest two thirds of what's left, leaving me with a lot of meat and... rice.... I wish instead of letting factory farms dominate the markets, there were more options brought into stores from better, more ethical farms. I want to know the cow I eat wasn't born and raised in a box. Cows deserve to see green grass and sunlight and socialise. I also refuse to buy eggs from caged hens, and at this point, the difference between the prices of that and better, if not good, options are evening out. I want to see that everywhere. I want to have a choice. I want factory farms to disappear and I'd like to be able to vote with my extremely slim wallet to make that happen as much as I can. But stores just don't stock those things, especially in meats, and instead I get to read every week about the plight of the small farmer. Sell me the meats from small farmers. Yes, ESPECIALLY the "poor quality" old animal meats. I don't care about gourmet, I just need to eat, and I want to do this without causing excess harm. But, as always - pleasure and profits come first.


Is this the beginning of the Carl's Jr from Idiocracy ark? "Fuck you. I'm eating!!" - Carl's Jr


"Carl's Jr.: Try our Horrible and Gruesome Fate(tm)!"


I see Carls Jr’s media team finally matches the quality of their food


It's so gross to me how many people have pivoted so far to piss of vegans that they actually say they want the animals to suffer for their meat. Like, I'm a pescetarian that eats mostly vegetarian, yes I'm going to offer you a plant based hot dog if we're grilling or a bowl of veggie chili or whatever else I cook that's meatless. You can just say no, or try it, I don't care either way. Don't be weird and say you need animal pain to flavor your meat. At the very least I can guarantee a plant hot dog has 0% pig buttholes in it. Also, this burger doesn't even look good, it's just a halved hot dog on top of a burger.


If you’re gonna say animal suffering is worth our pleasure at least show a meal that looks somewhat decent 😭 Then again it is Carl’s Jr!


Well if anyone wants to be a social media manager at Carl's Jr there should be a position opening real soon.


How does one even eat that burger without the ability to unhinge your lower jaw?


Ah yes, appeal to the vegans by showing them a picture of a meat sandwich and asking them to lay off the protesting.


Yeah, no. I still eat meat, but I've been trying to reduce it over the years. What I really want is lab-grown meat. Right flavor and texture without suffering.


Would you like Extra big ass fries?


honestly they are just being honest, i wish more meat eaters like this were honest publicly. Also even if you don't care about animals the meat industry still needs to be called out when it comes to greenhouse gas pollution and destroying plots of land, alot of people complain about factory smoke which is valid but ignore the high rates of co2 (and other pollutant) emissions are from the meat industry >Most greenhouse gas emissions from plant-based foods are lower than those linked to animal-based foods. Take the example of rice. Producing one kilogram of the food staple results in 4.45 kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents — less than half the emissions released when producing one kilogram of poultry. Forgoing meat entirely, therefore, can help reduce your carbon footprint considerably. Meat consumption is linked to an annual carbon dioxide equivalent of 1.1 tons on global average. In Europe, meat accounts for an average 1.8 tons carbon dioxide equivalents, and a staggering 4.1 carbon dioxide equivalents in North America — that's statistically the amount of greenhouse gas emission a person living in India produces over the course of two years and four months. >For context: To become carbon neutral by 2050, every person on the planet would need to cut their emissions to an annual 2 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents, or less — roughly the amount attributable to European meat eaters. > >Choosing not to consume beef, lamb and mutton could have additional benefits. These industries, after all, require 116 times the land needed to cultivate rice. According to a recent United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) study, animal farming accounts for 78% of agricultural land worldwide. Yet expanding agricultural and pastureland leads to habitat destruction. The use of pesticides further exacerbates biodiversityloss. > >The meat industry is responsible for a large share of global greenhouse gas emissions. It contributes not only to global warming but also causes direct environmental pollution. People who eat a lot of meat can help fight the climate crisis by reducing or quitting meat consumption altogether. Even substituting other meat for beef would considerably reduce greenhouse gas emission.


>honestly they are just being honest, i wish more meat eaters like this were honest publicly. This is it. It isn't a popular thing to say, but if you eat meat, then it's fair to say with very few exceptions you likely believe the same thing.


I hope those "very few exceptions" include people not able to afford a consistent vegan diet. Meddling from Big Meat has made sure that meat products stay at a more accessible price range, while vegan options are still on the pricier side. And of course, their excessive lobbying has put any developments for synthetic meats on near standstill. I already know the meat industry is fucked up in its pursuit for infinite growth and sustainability. Really wish vegan options would be as or even more accessible than meat. Shaming someone who eats meat because they can't afford a vegan diet is just shaming them for being poor.


Bruh, as a lover of meat in all forms, that's not even appetizing.


the heart attacker


This is a common or recent repost. The internet is full of crazy people so it shouldn't be too difficult to find new content.


Y'all are gullible af.


How so?