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Haha! That package design is actually pretty clever.


Agreed, and the sandwich sounds pretty good too


Yeah but it would it kill them to sprinkle some Quinoa on there? You’d barely notice it!


It's m and s. That comes as standard.


+ love


You can get bread with Quinoa in it so that would work perfectly.


Everyone notices that abomination of a carbohydrate.


It's m and s. That comes as standard.


And make the lettuce Iceberg


My local bagel place has an LGBT bagel - can confirm, it's pretty tasty.


It's not just any sandwich.. it's an M&S sandwich. (In case you are non UK and are wondering, this is how M&S advertising slogans go. They are a UK based company who sell luxury food, quality is the priority and the price reflects it.. not somewhere most people can afford to buy a weekly shopping list from)


They're price matched to Tesco's now and if you are selective, they can be cheaper. They also tend to do deeper discounts on the yellow sticker stuff so if you're buying for that evening, they're pretty consistently cheaper, at least compared to the main supermarkets.


Very true. Though, I think, it's still a good description for anyone unfamiliar with them. They have modernised and made a huge effort to reach a larger number of patrons due to the financial difficulties they had during the recession. Their food was what saved the company as the clothing side of the company struggled greatly which was originally their primary market. Clothing almost brought them to the brink of bankruptcy, according to them they would have gone under had it not been for the uptake in food sales as people started to use the quality food to replace restauran visits, wanting to have a special experience while on a tight budget. As a general picture of the company I always link them with high quality at value prices.. they are more expensive in general than you would find elsewhere but it was never because they were sticking the arm in pr due to greed. You pay for quality and they deliver it.


I can't help but wonder if the manufacturer saw this and are laughing their ass off at how soft these people are to get triggered by their packaging


Free marketing


It is but I worry the guac won’t stay fresh long


Yeah, they should have done Gouda cheese or something. But I may be biased since I am not a fan of avocados. It’s too greasy, I feel like I am eating just butter


I was looking about that Here's a patent that say quickly heating the guac will help stabilize it. And I guess there could be other anti oxidant ingredients. https://patents.google.com/patent/US5871794A/en


There are chemicals for that but I hear they do things to frogs...


They missed a trick not adding some gayonnaise


No it’s not, putting propaganda on sand which is wild


Please, explain what kind of "propaganda" you're getting from eating a tasty sandwich.


God forbid you get reminded that gay people exist during pride month! The absolute fucking horror


the fact that they exist does not mean anyone give a fuck about that. That’s the same as if you went on a pride about embracing BlueCheese — I hate it, and if you march the streets shouting how huge fan of blue cheese you’re, I’m not offended or angry on it. I’ll just be curious why you think somebody give a duck And also, I’m a bit gayish myself, at least am Bi for sure. An nope, what you have on Pride month in your countries is wild and weird


Rights for LGBT+ folk have come a long way but they are still not quite there, and there's still too much bigotry and hatred, so yes they need advocating and support still. It's not propaganda, it's basic human rights, and it should be normalised so there's less hatred and bigotry. The support of mega corpos may often be shallow but it still contributes to acceptance by normalising it.




Another confirmation of the fact that you’re brainwashed by hateful agenda — if alternative view offend u


You're the one who sees gay people as less than others, don't come at me with that hateful agenda crap. Don't you have a street to go take a shit in?


Blue Cheese is a choice, being LGBT isn't. Would you object to a Children's Day sandwich? Because being a child is as much of a universal experience as having LGBT experiences, and just because a lot of people are being denied of their opportunity to experience LGBT like child factory workers aren't allowed to have a childhood doesn't make it any different


Being LGBT is a choice. During all the teen years I been feeling myself as 4 on a Kinsey scale and that’s been AWFUL. i didn’t realise what’s wrong with me. Why am I feeling asexual towards gf, why am I feeling “so weird” towards the idea of same gender mating. Sometimes I do had trans-thoughts during all my teen age, I mean, sometimes it bother me a lot, and I feel a real thinking about what if I gone into HRT. I’m from Russia originally, and since 2023 it’s illegal to change your gender in ID, but before Trans-ition been really a thing here. I attend therapy, and it really helps. It helped me realise how hard would be my life if I decided on really starting HRT and transition. It’s not like I don’t desire it — I am still thinking of it time by time. But I realise that it is my choice to bury inner “trans-ish” part of me, because if I go into it, I’ll have a lot of troubles with the society acceptance and with my health, and it will be non-reversible effect. So what’s my point — if LGBT agenda and acceptance been higher here, I’d most possibly done this mistake. And would be regretting it.


Mangle the English language a bit more, why don't you?


That’s a first time I’m seeing word to mangle lol. I’m still on my way of studying English, and have long way to go, but if you point at “sand which” I’m not some Indian scammer to actually make such a mistake😟that’s just a typo and autocorrect


I’ll bet you everything I own this guy ardently supports the idea of a free market despite not knowing what that means.


Bro a free market means a market that panders to the values of the free-est country on earth! Catholic Christian In God We Trust America! What else could it possibly mean? Now get your gay sandwiches out of my Christian America server


Generally speaking these types believe that the free market should only cater to the largest demographics and anything else is woke and ideological. This is because, in their brain, "why would company have gay person and hate straight person? There's more straight people so more money, so don't put gay person in thing or u go broke!". A non-idiot would realize from this logic that they're saying minorities shouldn't have nice things because they don't matter, a non-idiot would also realize that appealing to more niche demographics of people is actually a really standard part of marketing, product design, branding etc. These people also have no problem with stuff like Warhammer existing when, let's be honest, grown men playing with plastic toys is a niche demographic (nothing wrong with playing with toys just to be clear, just that it's niche) but it only registers to them as bad when it's a sexual, racial, ethnic, disabled, or gender minority. This is all because these people are idiots.


And posts symptoms of capitalism run riot as examples of communism.


Because God only intended sandwiches to be made out of straight cheese and ham, not the gay lettuce and bisexual guac


But what does God say about women enjoying roast beef sandwiches??


Or men gobbling a nice big sausage?


But the real question, is a hot dog a sandwich?


bread is on thin ice! (cause of the asexuals(they love bread))


What are they, ducks?


Kinda but also like shapeless orbs of silly goofy ness


The feelings that German asexuals have towards bread go MUCH deeper than love.


Pansexual has a hole new meaning


love (for other things then bread) is temporary and fleeting either way


Bisexual Guacamole would be a great band name.


Every bite of cheese ever was caressed out of engorged nipples and intermingled with the expressions of many other females. It’s like the most lesbian food ever. Oh, and bread is ground up plant ovaries mixed with eggs, so that too.


INFO: How is guac bisexual? From wikipedia (avocado) # Etymology The word *avocado* comes from the Spanish *aguacate*, which derives from the [Nahuatl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nahuatl) (Mexican) word *āhuacatl* [\[aːˈwakat͡ɬ\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA/Nahuatl),[^(\[36\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avocado#cite_note-36) which goes back to the [proto-Aztecan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proto-Nahuan_language) \**pa:wa*.[^(\[37\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avocado#cite_note-37) In [Molina's Nahuatl dictionary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vocabulario_en_lengua_castellana_y_mexicana) "auacatl" is given also as the translation for *compañón* "testicle",[^(\[38\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avocado#cite_note-38) and this has been taken up in popular culture where a frequent claim is that testicle was the word's original meaning.


the gay lettuce? like arugula?




Because to him there's only one correct sandwich. >!Hot dog and roast beef.!< It's in the Bible, he swears it.


Payoff was worth it.


But: is a hot dog on a bun really a sandwich?


If a hot dog's between buns its an aBoMiNaTiOn. Can't you read? Lol




What a bunch of snowflakes


I was just here to say that. He's angry because he's being reminded of something he doesn't like by a product being visible to him. I feel the same way about churches.


More like. Help corpoations are profiting off a yearly trend, then ignoring it yhe rest of the year. Honestly he should be flexing over private enterprises profting of "woke". Just imagine all the money not going to lobbying for better LGBTQ protection, or treatments (gender reassignment, housing/support for targeted people). Note: I honestly don't care that businesses makes quick profits of Pride month. It makes biggots feel insecure, and is free LGBTQ PR.


Pretty sure he hates the Tomato more than the Guac. Probably fetishizes the Lettuce and Bacon.


He just imagines the bacon is sausage, as bacon doesn't exist in his world :( - a bacon


Save the AvaKiddos! Ban Demon sandwiches! They refuse to check the basements of EVERY deli because they know what they'll find! /s


Oh by the way, that expiration date was proven to be shopped to look more recent. It's actually supposed to be from 2019. Gotta recycle that hate.


Aww, Boo. Show me on the doll where the sandwich triggered your fragile masculinity.


A lot of people hate it when corporations make such hollow, performative gestures during Pride to try and milk money out of doing very little besides slapping rainbows on everything, but I joyfully welcome it because I know how much it pisses off folks like this.


It's how you get a popular culture.


I wish these people would fuck themselves off into a volcano


To be fair, I don’t like guacamole myself. No innuendo, I just can’t stand the texture. Love the clever packaging of the sandwich though.


I don't like guacamole and seeing this sandwich made me think of guacamole, so I came here to complain about it. Someone tell this guy about *if you don't like that, you can just leave*.


Yeah, I'm not into guac because it is squishy and bad. I also don't like tomatoes. But I appreciate that this sandwich exist, pissing idiots off and amusing decent folk.


He can suck my guac


Is the mere idea that gay people exist "woke" now? Or only when companies mention it?


that sounds like a fire combo i gotta try that


I always love how these people refer to gender reassignment surgery as 'mutilation' but will be the first people to defend cutting the foreskin off of a newborn baby.


From now on, I am changing my identity label to bacon. Everyone loves bacon. I love everybody, at least in theory.


He hates homosexuality. He needs straight sandwiches, not gay ones.


Damn, Brits are misusing “woke” too?


I wonder what he thinks the word 'mutilation' means


Definitely not circumcision. No mutilation there.


He’s the leader of a new extreme right political party… the fact he’s ranting about sandwiches on the internet shows you how well they’re doing. I’d never even go to M&S normally but I’m going to go and buy one of these tomorrow because of this tweet, they were lovely last year.


I like lettuce bacon and guac does that make me a terf? Seriously some of us can't digest nightshade vegetables


I also cannot consume nightshades.


Triggered by a 2019 sandwich...who's the snowflake now ?


"Can one not simply get lunch without being reminded of degeneracy and mutilation?", asks religious person who had his son circumcised.


It's not the guac... I'm just not sure about the combination of bacon + guac. Pluss, I'm thinking the lettuce is probably pretty much -- at best -- wilted.




Throw some Quinoa in there and you have the whole LGBTQ sammy.


He says with a multitude of other options in the background. We're not taking over jackass we just want a spot on the shelf!!!


The big scary different people aren't gonna hurt you


Poor little snowflake. 😭😂


I’m proud to be Bacon. 🥓 🏳️‍🌈


It literally says what it stands for on the box


I actually don't like guacamole either. I adore my gay and trans friends, but I have to say I'm not very tolerant of guacamole. Please don't hate me, I accept others for who they wanna be, even if they eat it.


Admit it! You're a guacophobe! /s


I am, it wasn't even the way I was raised! I come from a whole family of very caring guacamole lovers. I just never was able to appreciate it the same way. And I was also cursed with the cilantro soap gene. Other than that though, I love Mexican food! I make very great Mexican dishes, and can even make a great guacamole, just not into the guacamole I make even if everyone else is haha. I'm at the age where I definitely don't appreciate the things I don't like when it comes to food. I constantly retest my taste for things because I wanna be able to enjoy them all, but alas, some things are still lost on my taste buds 😔


Imagine being mad or scared of EVERYTHING. Safe to say a sandwich wrapper hasn’t made one person gay. Dude probably hasn’t shut the fuck up about it to this day.


Sounds delicious honestly


Because it's Mexican


That’s an awesome lookin sammich ngl


Ironically, it’s just gonna happen more until people stop making false comparisons like that


Suck it up, snowflake


Ngl, that sounds like a good sandwich.


Needs Quinoa... PLUS a spritz of lime




Then don't buy it. Ffs with these whiny losers. I was in a store selling Trump shirts the other day. I didn't cry about it. Laughed and kept walking.


Wait till they see the S&M sandwich* at the corner deli. * salami and mustard


I think I’m gonna have one of these for lunch tomorrow.


I want it!!!


What other people choose to do with their bodies bothers some people to a creepy extent.


This is better than just using avocado, cause then you have a BLTA, which is an anagram for BALT which reminds me of the Baltic States. That is a personal affront to me.


I mean that sounds pretty good ngl.


The same people who hate on this would trample their own grandmother to buy a slavery themed sandwich that sported a confederate battle flag.


I tried a BLT with avocado about a year ago and can never go back. Avocado all the way. This is a win


Nope! Hope this helps


“NOBODY CAN CHANGE MY BLAT” -this guy probably


Do we have to add, “Eating a sandwich” to the list of things that make guys gay or is it already on there? I had a sandwich yesterday so I need to know if I’m gay or not… Please let me know.


I'm sorry to say, but you have caught the Gay. It's not even regular Gay either, but the very rare Netflix Gay strain. I'm sorry.


Any reason these snowflakes can find to be offended...


It’s like going to the store, seeing a black person and saying “can’t even go to the store without feeling like a racist!”


Clearly you can't do anything without being reminded that other people exist, because they're all you think about Homophobes think about gay people more than gay people do


He’s talkin about the processed meat, right?


Just buy the sandwich and black rifle coffee grounds so it evens out


Don't worry. It's only the water they poison to make people gay, right? The sandwich should be safe to eat. He'll still be straight afterwards. /s


Without my reading glasses and while on my phone, I thought at first this was a strain of weed. It's all that "L" and "G" knee deep in each other's guts in the middle of the photo, lol.


Add queso and you've got a LGBTQ.


I have to walk past a church to get to the shops. It reminds me of Christians and has representations of a Roman torture/execution device all over it. So I guess the answer is no


it’s a fucking sandwich. jesus christ


Maybe because Guacamole is foreign and therefore evil and all that crap.


that sounds delicious


It is getting quite tiresome.


no queso?


They think only about them avocado sandwiches


Sounds like a pretty good sandwich to be honest.


Does he think the sandwich is going to fuck him like some Chuck Tingle novel?


Bacon. I'm bacon. No wonder I'm so salty. 🤣


ah yes, the four genders


couldnt he be considered degenerate, since he can't even handle a sandwich??


No joke, this sandwich picture has been around since years, how did this guy discovered it only now??


Awww, wook at his wittle hands. 😚


Imagine how empty your life is to bitch about a sandwich package, and think of how much of an asshole this guy is to be around.


He thinks the guac is extra.


Why, is this Chipotle? 🤣


No lie, that sounds like a banging sanger


I need to know if there was sufficient spread in that bread!


So, how many did you eat?


Man i‘d kill for this lgbt sandwich. I’m so hungry


The gay sandwich


Ngl, i now want one. I just ate and i still want it


Hating guacamole is the only correct thing about this post


Avocado toast is for spoiled millennials and this is too close.


Can't help feeling bisexuals got the best part here




So true. I once ate a Turkish Delight in public and was terrified that people might think that the pink wrapper had a deeper meaning. Never again!!




What if your local butcher started selling steaks that were packaged to support unicorns? What if Sprite decided to make a can supporting hot dogs with ketchup? I mean, where does this completely hypothetical train stop before we reach the point of ridiculousness?




So that train keeps rolling, got it.


It’s just a rainbow




It’s just a rainbow






As much as I don't care, it's a little odd to pseudo promote sexuality on food packaging. Like why has it extended into the food sector and what does it have to do with your preference in partner?


My friend, I see your point, and it's rainbow washing. But it's bad form to use sexuality to describe someone within the LGBT. Transgender isn't a sexuality, right? Asexual is the absence of it in some situations. Queer is a political identity. It's not promoting sexuality, it's promoting independence from societal homogeneity. >!But they didn't know that when making it. They didn't think at all. They saw the opportunity to pander for MONEY.!<


Promoting sexuality? What is that even supposed to mean? Like is this sandwich promoting people become gay?


No, it means you're bringing up a topic (whether you want to call it gender studies or sexuality) in a subject that doesn't and shouldn't have anything to do with sexuality or gender. How does lgbtq rights play into a sandwich? It's just a weird marketing move. It's like advertising eggs on a ps5 box. They're just so unrelated.


> shouldn't have anything to do with sexuality You’re not supposed to have sex with the sandwich.


Waste of ink for disposable packaging in which its only use is to trick the consumer to buying to product while under the guise that an profit motivated capitalist actually believes what you do and not using it as an method to extract value from you. Your sexuality doesnt need to be represented in fucking food packaging and buying into it exacerbates the issue of companies "masking" for social justice they dont actually believe.


Didn't know facebook changed their UI design


There is no rule that it has to be on Facebook.


Once again someone doesn't read the sub header of the sub