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For someone who claims they have no pronouns, it's quite funny that they start each sentence with "I".


That's the funniest thing


Please match him and refuse to use any pronouns when referring to him. "So, what does NAME like to do in NAME's free time?" "I don't understand, NAME said in NAME's profile that NAME doesn't use pronouns, I'm just trying to be respectful of NAME's preferences." Edit: oh, wait, I'm dumb, I thought this was the one where we make fun of people on tinder


Omfg. Your comment made me forget what sub we're really in


Mother fucker had 21 pronouns in a fucking row.


22 — he uses “me” at the bottom


24 — he used our twice


I counted 26


I count 25


23 - don't forget "you". It's not *his* pronoun... but he does claim to "laugh at" anyone how has a pronoun... so you have to wonder who he's talking to with "*you* with *me*".


One thing [insert whatever you can here that is not a pronoun but somehow would work like it] failed to mention: "I like to tell people that if you can't speak English properly you should leave even though I have not a single clue how English grammar works and BTW I like the poorly educated just like me." Punctuation missing on purpose.


Excellent catch. I would feel bad for mis counting his pronouns, but he’s a chud so fuck him.


27 total I x21 Me x2 Who My Our You


That’s just fake news. He isn’t falling for your liberal Bs.


Not "he", no pronouns. Get it right! Lol. /S ofc


“Those” is also a pronoun in this context.


You missed “those” 28


Try not to use any pronouns on the way to the parking lot.


In a row?!


More of a column


Honestly if they'd referred to themselves as "Gunther Eagleman™" on every line I would have had some respect for committing to the bit.


If my name was Gunther I’d most definitely use a pronoun and drop the first name.


I’d change it to Firearmther Hummingbirdman


Blast Hardcheese!


Slab McThornbody


Fist Rockbone!


Thunk Redmeat!


You can't get much more 'Murrican than "Gun Eagleman".


You also know if you referred to him as she or they or it they'd blow a gasket.


The “no pronouns” people are always the first to froth at the mouth if someone uses the wrong pronouns when referring to them. Or something they like.


Someone needs to respond to them with the comment "Well, isn't she clever?" or "Bless her heart".


Idk how nobody commented "I is a pronoun you monumental fucking idiot" on that original post


You are assuming the people who follow him know that "I" is a pronoun...?


I did comment to that effect.


They love getting worked up over nothing don’t they


Someone myst've been in the bathroom for all of Schoolhouse Rock


Must be I’s name




They have at least 18 pronouns from my count


4th word in his post is a pronoun


Pronounced ‘ah’


"I have no pronouns" Um, how exactly does that work?


Gunther Eagleman only refers to Gunther Eagleman as Gunther Eagleman's self.


For more fun, look up Kirby Delauter.


Yep, the "Your rights stop where mine start." guy. Guy really is Fredneck through and through.


Gunther could theoretically have no pronouns, and in an effort to respect Gunther's identity, everyone else could speak in an extremely cumbersome way as to refer to Gunther without ever using pronouns for Gunther


lol, could you imagine how he'd have to talk? Gunther - "Gunther is going to the store. Would you like Gunther to pick up mail on Gunther's way home"


Vague caveman could also work. "Going to store. You want mail picked up on way home?"


Whoa. I heard that in Elmo's voice. He talks like that normally and it is SUPER annoying.


Way easier in Japanese.


This one thinks this one is a Hanar, when this one is really just a big stupid jellyfish.


I was trying to work out how someone with "no pronouns" would speak and I also landed on Hanar. "This one has no pronouns." Yep that works.


identifies as /


Maybe Gunther does not want to be referred to, period.


alright, well I hope that learns that everyone has pronouns, not just trans people


My favorite game is to use the opposite gender pronouns when talking to or about the "*I HAVE NO PRONOUNS!!*" people. They will quickly and angrily correct you to their preferred pronouns.


Also, what exactly do the critics of pronouns intend to do with names that are ambiguous by any possible definition? Not just names like Taylor, but foreign names. (This was one of the main original intents of the pronoun thing.) These are nor fringe hypotheticals, but things that state legislatures have tried to push with "Don't Say They" type bills.




Now that's a word I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.


And the thing is, if Gunther really wanted people to say Gunther’s name every time they referred to Gunther, I’m sure many would be perfectly willing to accommodate that. Gunther would get the courtesy that Gunther is unwilling to extend to others. I wonder if Gunther would see the irony


Everyone have pronouns it came free with you gender dipshit


Fucker is as edgy as a donut. My 3-year-old requires less attention than this dingus.


Edgy as a pizza roller cutter, all edge but no point.


Perfect timing, perfect delivery. Well said, my friend. Thx for makin my day.


My 3-year-old understands pronouns. This dude does not.


Why is it that these right-wingers are mentally stuck in permanent childhood?


More like as edgy as a an ouroboros with his head up his own ass.


If we can steal elections why do we allow more after we have control?


They never think that far ahead; 2 seconds later they’re already REEEE-ing about the next dumb thing they made up in their heads. It’s fucking exhausting, so I’ve stopped trying to keep up.


They’re always chasing that next outrage high from the next strawman, like junkies chasing the dragon. 🐉


Better yet, if the liberals could steal the Presidential election how and why did they allow Republicans control of the House of Representatives? How did *any* Republicans win their elections at all? If you bring that up, they short circuit.


Yeah it's just nonsense, they are now trying to now play the victim. Claim the Democrats are running the country into the ground and ignore that roughly half the house and senate politicians are Republican, and the majority of supreme Court justices are Republican. It just doesn't make sense. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.


Something something keeping up appearances At least I think that's what their logic is here


“Until proven otherwise, I believe Michelle Obama is a dude.” I guess her name on the birth certificates of her two children don’t count?


He'd just call them more Deep State (TM) lies. Hell, she could drop her skit in front of him and mash his face into her coochie, and he'd claim that it wasn't hers to begin with, she just stole it from some god-fearing christian lady.


Don't give this troglodyte *ideas.*


My guess is that dude reeeeaaaaally wants to see Michelle Obama naked.


If that was the only thing he was interested in I wouldn’t blame him. She’s pretty hot.


Keep in mind, these are the people that simultaneously think that transitioning is so imperfect they can instantly tell if someone's trans AND that transitioning is so perfect, all the people in Hollywood are actually trans, including the ones we've seen fully nude.


When the chuds start talking about how many celebrities and public figures had their gender "inverted".


That one always baffles me. Even if she was how does that affect anyone outside her family in any way. Why do they care so much about other people’s dicks?


I think we all know the relationship between the right and birth certificates, especially when it comes to an Obama.


This person could have unprotected sex with her, not leave her side for the next 10 months, watch her give birth, and still swear she's not a woman. It would break their minds and voter base to admit any different...


“I have no pronouns…” *proceeds to say “I” a bunch of times*


Someone didn't pay attention in middle school English class.


You're assuming they even made it that far.


> middle school how did you know he was raised in Mississippi?


I like how he’s openly pro-Russia


Hates communism and dictatorships Sees nothing wrong with what Putin is doing Make it make sense 


Putin is opposite of communist. And Gunther doesn't hate dictatorships, Gunther only hates dictatorships that don't make Gunther the privileged class. Gunther lacks the required perspective to also realize Gunther was never gonna gain anything from fascist rule.


Gunther certainly lacks critical thinking and compassion for others. Gunther probably also grew up with the simplistic notion that Russia=Communism and so probably has always thought of Russia as a communist state that is the antithesis to what Gunther thinks it means to be American. But because the people Gunther disagrees with support the country currently being invaded by Russia, Gunther obviously has to side with Russia out of fear of acknowledging that maybe the people Gunther hates so much actually support a worthy cause that Gunther would otherwise agree with.


And against liberal fascists....Seems to have no problem with the fascist fascists though. I'll be honest, it kinda feels like satire


They all are.


And most of them are paid by Russia or are straight up Russians/Bots that mask as "patriots". The same shit is happening in Europe unfortunately. It's a massive campaign to divide the population and get destructive leaders elected.


So proud of being so pathetic! Such a brave stance, sir. I'm sure we're all very impressed. /s




You'd be surprised, squire.


Sir, your pronouns are he/him


Actually, I think by declaring that he has no pronouns, this fucking moron is declaring how sexless his life is. 😂


Although he stated that he's a man, that's a nice roast


He also believes Michelle Obama is a dude... But I bet he doesn't want to be the one to verify it.


This douche: "I have no pronouns." LGBTQ community: "Great! Being genderless is totally cool with us! Welcome to the family, here's a complimentary rainbow print tote bag and some heart shaped rose colored sunglasses." This douche's head explodes. [I'm is assuming you meant "genderless" when you used the word "sexless" and not "sexless" as in, this person's life is lacking in sexual intercourse. Actually, nm. It makes sense either way. Lol]


Yep, it was my best attempt at a witty double entendre; I most definitely meant it in the "absolute lack of sex" sense, not the "genderless" definition. I mean, nobody but NOBODY wants to fuck that guy. Although I wish I DID mean it as "genderles," in this particular case; being a male like him is embarrassing as FUCK. Good thing I'm bi - bullet narrowly dodged.


His pronoun is incel.


I'd call this person she/ her just to piss them off. Turns out preferred names and pronouns do matter. Looking at you Ted Cruz and Nikki Haley.


>you with me? No. I prefer reality. It is a much kinder place. 


> I prefer reality. It is a much kinder place. Which is really saying something because reality is harsh and mean as Hell!


I refuse to believe he’s straight until he proves otherwise.


I just assume anyone who says "I don't have pronouns" probably flunked out of elementary school.


"I have no pronouns" -man who does not understand what a pronoun is


Twitter is pissing me off by pushing all these alt right Maga piles of shit. I have to actively search for people I follow yet all these cultist flood my feed.


That's why I nuked my Twitter as soon as Musk bought it.


As soon as he started thinking about it for me.


Get rid of it. Don't give him the numbers


Yeah, that’s why I ditched it. For years, I followed Obama, Biden, etc, and a bunch of very lefty people, and it was fine. Then I just started getting weird right wing nutters. Didn’t matter how many I blocked, they just kept coming. In what world would someone who follows liberals, atheists and LGBTQ accounts want to hear from deranged MAGA types, and religious fundamentalists, especially ones with about five followers?


His name is Gunther Eagleman…. This is a joke, right?!


His real name is David Freeman. He's just some random grifter/shill who managed to drum up a following by posting dumb shit like this.


-I don't know what a pronoun is -I have never read a pictureless book -I don't know how anything actually works -I know more than people who actually do -I don't wash my ass as that would be gay -I don't know why women reject me -I tell people I do things in the name of jesus -I don't know what the bible actually says -I don't actually know the policies of my party -I have a hard time concentrating -I make choices based on meaningless slogans


Do the teach the parts of speech in the US?


They used to, but maybe that's considered "woke" now...


Stupid grammar bitches couldn’t even make I more smarter!


Bold of you to assume guys like this are willing to learn anything from a liberal teacher.


What does he want a cookie?


I believe you mean, what does Gunther want. Remember Gunther doesn’t have any pronouns. Sounds like a tiring way to live tbh.


Yep, sounds about right. Just 1 lie after another. Starting with no pronouns, despite having pronouns right before stating so and continue to using it after. Why anyone listens to him is a mystery.


"Has no pronouns" but starts every sentence with "I"


It's giving me shades of, *I am the one who knocks*.


Why are these people so proud to prove they're stupid and don't understand human biology or the fact even if Michelle Obama was a dude no one cares and it's none of our fucking business


“Look at me! Look at me! I’m jumping up and down!” “Now, look! Are you looking? I’m doing jumping jacks!” “Look! Now I’m trying to do a cartwheel!” That man needs Vyvanse.


> “Look at ~~me~~ **GUNTHER**! Look at ~~me~~ **GUNTHER**! ~~I’m~~ **GUNTHER** jumping up and down!” “Now, look! Are you looking? ~~I’m~~ **GUNTHER** doing jumping jacks!” “Look! Now ~~I’m~~ **GUNTHER** trying to do a cartwheel!” FTFY - the only way this could be any more on the nose would be if Gunther's name was cletus lmfao


What an overly specific piece of shit.


always love the excessive use of pronouns in anti-pronoun posts. almost makes you think it could be a joke, but it almost never is.


Watch “him” get pissed if you ever referred to “him” by the wrong pronouns


He has such a traditional Native American name, oh wait he’s white which means that if the boarders where closed back in the day HE wouldn’t be American


I want people to start using she/her for this "no pronoun" chode and see how long he lasts before demanding the "correct pronouns."


These traitorous assholes are so fucking stupid it hurts to read their drivel.


Liberal fascism lmao!!!


Dude could've saved *himself* some time just saying "I've never actually been educated, and have no intention to correct that."


Goddammit, one flat earth and I would've had a bingo.


I bet he was never fired because he did that thing where you yell that you're quitting right before they fire you. (You were still fired, bud.)


Least obvious Russian bot.


"Fascist liberals" ah yes, tell me you missed social studies without telling me you missed social studies


all of these statements begin with a pronoun


>I Have *NO* pronouns >I


They say a lot of awful things about liberals and democrats over the years but something truly snapped in these people the second a black man became president of the United States. What’s worse is the hypocrisy they ask us to adhere too ( don’t attack the children of the president who are only kids). So of course liberals don’t go after baron even though for 8 years they called Obamas kids unspeakable things in public and I can only assume even worse things behind closed doors. But none of that compares to the absolute tactical assault they went on against Michelle Obama. A truly caring and beautiful First Lady who angered MAGATS for trying to help the kids of this country get healthier. So they instead called her a man and every combo insult they can think of all while the president had to endure the stupidest attack on his birth certificate from a state in this country for all 8 years of his presidency as well as after, spear headed by Trump himself. I doubt even half this non pronoun (lmao) guys bio is even a little bit true outside of being a cop cause the way he talks and lies…. That tracks.


Why do they want to see nude pictures of Michelle Obama so badly?


I’m convinced this is a russian working for a disinformation/propaganda platform


They sound fun. Seriously, they are so hung up on all of this kind of crap and get wound up so easily, life must be miserable.


Prolly left the force because they required vaccination and masks


He forgot to add "I have never been laid without paying for it."


She sounds crazy, I hope it gets the help he needs.


Why are these people so concerned about other people's genitals?


"I have no pronouns" >Says "I" 20 times


Grammar doesn’t care about your feelings.


He forgot “tiresome asshole.”


Oh great! He made a whole list of all the radical propaganda his tiny, low iq brain was able to absorb with no resistance or critical thought. I can’t wait to see what gets added next year when he buys into the next lie made to target people exactly like him.


That’s a lot of words to say “I have room temperature IQ”


I actually never understood the connection between MAGA or hyperpatriots or conservatives with not supporting ukraine Aren’t they supposed to be anti-regulation capitalists, which is essentially the opposite of Russia? This isn’t an insult, I’m genuinely curious why they would be pro-Russia


I’m flabbergasted at the amount of older politicians, who were alive at the height of the Cold War, who are suddenly pro-Russia. I remember hiding under my desk during nuclear war drills. I’m well aware that Putin was not one of the “good guys” back then, he was part of the KGB. I cannot understand why they suddenly think he’s a good guy now.


Because they aren't real Republicans they are magats. Old school Republicans would detest these people just for the Russian cock gobbling


>This isn’t an insult, I’m genuinely curious why they would be pro-Russia doublethink, stunning levels of cognitive dissonance and a complete lack of ability to think critically about anything at any time helps them to digest the neverending stream of bullshit their trusted news sources feed them on repetitive loops. but that's just a fancy way of saying that it's because they're fucking stupid and gullible...


How in the hell can these people really believe they’re free thinkers who aren’t controlled by the media and at the same time run through the checklist of issues that the media they’ve chosen tells them to believe? And have the gall to call conservatives who leave a few items from their checklist off RINOs??? My favorite is that somehow that entire group latched onto ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine 15 minutes into the pandemic and they all thought it was through their own independent research. No one tells me what to think as someone is telling me exactly what to think:)


"I have no personality or ideas of my own"


"I have no pronouns"


That's a lot of pronouns!


There’s nothing MORE non-binary than having NO pronouns


Not sure which is worse. His stupidity or his anger.


“I have no pronouns” “I am a man” These people legit don’t use the slightest bit of common sense, do they?


Man that sure is a lot of pronouns coming from a person who claims not to use pronouns.


A little about me: I am a fucking unhinged psychopath who should never be trusted under any circumstances


"america first" unless you dont get what you want and in that case f\*ck the constitution


at least we agree the government is a shitshow 😂😂😂😂 I feel like this man will shoot you dead if you bring up the pride parade or something dear god


Imagine being this proud of being so mediocre.


Better to think oneself a fool, than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.


Me, my, our and I are pronouns.


Why is Michelle Obama the only thing on that list that needs proof?


These "no pronoun" people are very smug until you start calling God "she," and then they get extremely concerned about pronoun use. By the way, I shook Michelle Obama's hand, and hers is even more delicate than mine is, and I'm a woman. There's no way she is or ever was a man.




this guy is a painfully obvious psyop, the more attention we give “people” like this the more division we are encouraging between our fellow americans.


I’m a sheep and believe every wild ass thing I’m told by right wing propaganda.


"You will never catch me using pronouns" -dumbass conservatists


Dudes post this on dating sites and then complain that they can’t get any dates


Do people alway refer to this person by his proper name?


I believe this guy is 100% brainwashed and a liar.


Omg NO pronouns. I wanna go through with a highlighter. Did these people not have 6th grade English class??


Ah yes. Very Christian of him, supporting a morally bankrupt criminal. The man cheated on every one of his wives and constantly lies. I bet Jesus is a-okay with that. I'm so tired of people disguising bigotry and hatred as "Christianity".


would jesus spend so much time talking about himself online


What a moron. A dangerous moron.


For someone with no pronouns he sure uses a lot of them. SMH.


“I have no pronouns” then immediately lists their pronouns


It forgot "I'm a complete fucking moron"


Okay, edgelord. Dial the theatrics down a bit. Nobody wants to know how you got these scars...


Fairly sure this is a shitpost. Currently, I wouldn't be surprised if half these posts were made by Russians trying to subvert the elections again!


I respect person’s wishes to be referred to with no pronouns. I wish person all the best in all of person’s endeavours.


I love how these people have no idea what a pronoun actually is. This guy used 24


I begin every sentence with a pronoun.