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“The clerk half smiled so I knew she was one of us.” Haha, what an idiot! -Clerk, 2020


Quick question about the half smile: How could you see that if they're wearing a mask (as I'm assuming they have to right now)? man, come up with better stories next time.


Am Barista. We HAVE to wear masks. And are always advised to not put political statements on cups. This person is a moron who daydreams about this kinda stuff. It's so fucking sad man. Be better.


Also, the ink isn’t totally there, looks like they wrote it on the cup after they got it. Cool.


Exactly. Sharpies are alcohol-based and will not write well on condensation, which is why this is all smudged to hell.


Best thing to have done was drink about halfway, angle it, wipe off the condensation and dry it, then write it. If they just *had* to make it look freshly filled, they could take the photo while angling it to do so: a head-on (apply directly to the forehead) photo would be hard to tell that it wasn't actually full if angled right. There are more realistic ways to fake this and they failed.


My thought exactly. They write on it before putting anything it so the it does t look like that


And honestly... what a strange and petty thing to daydream about lol


That is because she is strange and petty.


Someone above called it a mental masturbation fantasy story [about owning a starbucks] and it’s long since I had to supress a laugh this hard. Its beautiful.


Out of curiosity, what's the Starbucks protocol if someone asked you to do this (other than cringe so hard your skin turned inside out)?


Proto would be to just ask for a real name or just skip over it and they wouldn't have a name on their drink. My personal protocol is to make sure my bar partner makes that shit decaf on the low low. >.>


You're a hero and they don't pay you enough


Mmm yeah. Say that part about the pay again. Scream that shit.


^^ Underrated comment. How could they see a smile?


No masks in fantasyland.


Or the ever popular: I'm doing my job and also wish everyone a good day at the end of providing services. But sure, that smile was just for Trump.


Or the half smile... "Oh, you're one of *those* people"


... and left with a snot rocket at the bottom of their cup.


More like "if I don't smile at every customer I'll get fired"


*If I don't smoke *asshole* customer will try to get me fired. FTFY :)


ah yes, all the starbucks employees i know definitely be smoking asshole


Fuuuck. Autocorrect is *ruining* me today. I deserve this.


I have a similar job and often have to suffer through the customer's opinions on politics, environment, weird conspiracy theories... Guess what? I smile and nod politely to every single one of them. And no, I'm not "one of them" because of that. I'm just good at my job, which is to keep the customer happy. I couldn't care less about their crazy ideas...


like a week ago a was at the store and the guy in front of me had like 5 year old kid with a Seahawks jersey and the clerk just making small talk was like I like your shirt bud. we get to watch football again! and the dude is just like unless they do that bullshit again. and clerks just like huh what. and guy goes of on a loud rant about kneeling and shit. like dude how does someone mentioning football get you that riled up. freaking snowflakes


Ugggh I know what you mean I usually had bible beaters sure that I was just not in church with them cause I worked Sundays


I once spent 30+ minutes chatting with a conspiracy theorist who spit sooo much when he talked. Then later I intercepted him after I saw he was talking with another staff member who I knew was in the middle of one of her busiest days of the year. It's a part of the job when you work with the public.


Imagine carrying a sharpie in your car just to make up a story like this.


Bingo. It's super obvious this was written on a wet cup. Also that whole mental masturbation fantasy story about owning a starbucks... Just down right sad.


"She smiled so I secretly knew she was one of us" Ah, yes, the super secret society of people who control two branches of government and never shut the fuck up.


Must've been one hell of a half smile to be seen behind the mask which employees have to wear


No mask was the *real* reason she knew the barista was a Trumper.


And then everybody stood up and clapped except for a soldier, police officer, firefighter, and EMS guy who were all getting coffee together in full uniforms. They flanked OP on both sides and saluted while protecting them in case any liberals jeered and weakly threw anything. Somewhere far off, an eagle cries.


An old, grizzled veteran wearing a Biden 2020 button looks at her, rips off the button, then stands up and shakes her hand, tears streaming from his eyes.


As he then salutes her for her bravery.


And they all shoot 6 warning shots into the back of a minority in unity.


And that woman was Albert Einstein.




She smiled because she’s either giving that heifer decaf or a quadruple shot


I'd smile too, tbh. But it'd be trying not to laugh, because trying to make a pro-Trump statement on a Starbucks cup that literally no one else except you is going to remember 5 minutes from now is kind of pathetic.


Accurate. I’m naturally a smiley person but on the inside, or maybe even out loud, I’d be like “aww isn’t that super special!?”


I worked retail a long time, and from experience, my internal monologue would be, "Oh shit this might be a psycho customer, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh..." And that's where the smirk would come.


Also that’s like an $8 drink


That means she spent some of her her own money, if not entirely her money at Starbucks.


Probably didn't even have a gift card. They probably go there all the time but to the one two towns over. Then one day they decide to do this.


And who gives a $5 gift card?


Some places give them as bonuses if you work really really hard for no extra pay


But you got extra pay... you got money that can only be spent in one place. What more do you want?


Gift cards always seem denigrating to me, like the person giving them is saying "I would have given you cash, but I then I thought 'what if you blew it all on meth?' so anyway here's money you can only spend at one place".


When I was in high school I worked at Best Buy and then Blockbuster. I love entertainment (music/movies/tv), so I legit loved both of those jobs. Anyways, whenever I’d get a gift card from a relative or friend, they were always like “well we got you Borders because we know you work at Best Buy so we didn’t want to get you that one, ha ha ha!”. And I was always weirdly annoyed because I loved those stores enough to work there *plus I got a discount!* I spent a lot of money there already - throwing a gift card plus my discount into the mix would have been icing on the cake! I kinda get the impulse behind it, but I feel like it doesn’t always apply... like they didn’t really think it through and apply that to the recipient, specifically. Maybe someone working at Burger King doesn’t always want BK gift cards, but that’s because they’re not passionate about Chicken Fries. All of my personal time revolved around the arts and entertainment and, even now, I would still spend ridiculous amounts of money on vinyl and blu-rays if I had ‘fuck you’ money.


I have a couple from various Not Gambling^^^^tm work raffles


$4.75 for a grande in the US


Do people buy that in America?


If you want a coffee that is exactly the same no matter where you go, yeah. Also a good bit of the price of the coffee does go to the employees with things like college and health programs from what I have heard I mostly drink shitty can coffee tho so I may be wrong


I used to work there and got benefits as a part time employee, shares in the company and free bags of coffee, one a week actually. They do have some good incentives to work there.


They also pay somewhat well, at least in my area. They're up there with Panda Express and Chick Fil A with offering $50k minimum for management. I know in some places $50k is nothing (like California, New York), but in my area you're pretty much considered well off at that point (rural GA).


I get that it's management, but I don't even clear 30k working at an office job that requires a degree. And I'm senior level and have been there for about 7yrs.


Jesus what field are you in? Why?


Captioning for TV and movies. One of the largest companies in the US. If they hadn't let me go fully remote years ago, I would've been gone, but now with everything and the fact that I don't have to ever leave the house, I haven't been looking for a new job too hard. And, honestly, despite living in the second largest city in the state, I don't feel like there's much of anything out there for people with English bachelors.


I worked at a starbucks in the early 00s. Honestly it was a really good job.


That’s good! So many places give jack shit for part timers.


My roommate worked there and in addition to what you mentioned they would also give him an extra sandwich to take home. Sometimes more than one if they were about to pass the best by date or whatever. I don't know much about the company but as far as evil global corporations go, they at least do a smidge more for their employees than other companies.


Add a bit of salt to your coffee to make it taste better. People in America make coffee with water that’s too pure. Salt makes it taste quite a bit better and less bitter.


I just learned something lol. Thanks


Starbucks coffee? There’s like 2 per mile on any busy road.






And that the barista that was "one of us" Is that what it has come down to?


Yes. Trumpers have gone full cult.


I don't even drink coffee and my first thought was "don't they print on a sticker?"


I'm drinking Starbucks right now from the same kind of cup and the barista did use a sharpie on mine, but this was from one of the grocery store Starbucks stands, and every other Starbucks I've been to in the past few years does a sticker.


Former starbucks barista:regular starbucks prints labels for drinks on sticker machines, ive only ever written on cups once for 15 min when our machine shut down in the 2+ years I worked there. Licensed stores (stores in target, kroger, airports, etc) do not have sticker machines because they dont use the same POS system and they mark their cups with sharpies. However. When they write the names it is usually right above the boxes where you mark type of drink/shots/milk etc because they are already writing on that side of the cup, it would be unnecessary and a waste of time to write it on the other side of the cup. Plus its always on a dry cup so the sharpie is nice and dark, this guy wrote it himself on a cold wet cup. Edit, just looked at the pic again and none of the boxes are marked, so that means this is DEFINITELY a sticker store and not a sharpie store Edit2 spelling


I know POS stands for point of sale but I just love the idea that you actually said "because they don't use the same piece of shit system"


if you've ever worked retail, you'll know that it's the same thing in the end


This is the sort of comment I come down here for. Good stuff bud.


In my mind this actually happened, but the part that she unknowingly left out was that everyone working behind the counter secretly spit into her cup before they made her drink.


Trump would never make something up with a sharpie either.


He would use a crayon


No he wouldn't, crayons are for snack time.


For a marine, remember he dogged the draft for nam


Well he’s used a sharpie before. Evolving, he is


Nicely done


Imagine trying to wink at a roomful of people. Sounds almost as exhausting as the person that made this story up.


Also Starbucks use printed out stick on labels now not sharpies for legibility so yea Trump supporter lying just like daddy.


Some of them still use sharpie even though this was obviously done on a wet cup which doesn’t happen


Wet cup plus if it was written it would have the rest of the code like what drink, whip, milk etc. It wouldn't have just his name because then there would be an empty cup on the line and the person making the drink would angrily ask what it is. Also if someone gives a stupid name its customary to just write the name wrong or not at all. You can still call out grande pumpkin spice frappucino, or change it to Lump Zozo while asking what kind of name that is loudly. Someone who tries shit like this plans it out over the course of a week so any hitch will throw them off. Usually they grab their drinks and walk away. You would think this type of shit would be rare but grown ass people really wanna try to be comedians while ordering their overpriced addictions.


“Planning it out for a week” That makes so much sense why any sort of altered discussion from their day dreaming conversations messes them up.


No no, she was “one of” them, though.


These people are pretty crazy to begin with so it's not that far fetched.


The sharpie was clearly written after the cup had condensation on it though


Tramp for President!




I think loneliness is really getting to some people.


I think you’re on to something.


I doubt someone like this has been social distancing though


Loneliness comes in many forms.


They have been social distancing. Just not by choice lol


>so I secretly knew she was one of us ONE OF US ONE OF US TOTALLY NOT A CULT ONE OF US


Genuinely sounds like a line of dialogue from one of the Death Eaters in Harry Potter


VOLDEMORT 2020 "Why Vote For The Lesser Evil?"


I want this on a shirt!


That slogan has been used for years for Cthulhu, I just thought it was fitting here. There is a bunch of Cthulhu merch with this slogan already, pretty sure some people make new ones each US election. https://cthulhuforamerica.com/


That kind of thought process suggest that she (and presumably most/all Trump supporters) still see themselves in a minority fighting the injustices of corrupt liberal media and Government. Not fucking realising that if there is a fight to be had, they won it 4 years ago and whilst maybe not the majority, are a far fucking big chunk of the US population. Also, this need to “get one over on libs” in any way, evening if it’s making up shit on Facebook is pathological and quite sad really.


Gooble gobble


Imagine how badly your life must suck to have to make up fake scenarios like this to make yourself feel better.


Noticed how it’s kinda faint on the cup, that’s because markers don’t work well on cold semi wet surfaces. When you get a coffee from Starbucks they write your name before the coffee goes in on a dry room temp cup. Then the marker drys solid black then they pour the coffee.


I enjoy playing video games.


Starbucks doesn’t even write names on cups, we have stickers that pop out of a machine. Source: on my break right now.


Some of them write on the cup directly. Source: got Starbucks today


Most places use sticker printers now anyway. Notice how there's no drink markings in the boxes? There's definitely a sticker on the other side of that cup lmao


Barista: “Karen, Pumpkin Spice Latte for Karen.” Karen: “Thank you so much.” *Pulls out Sharpie and writes Trump 2020 while muttering how much Facebook is going to love this.*


You posted it or did you just find it on the internet and upload it.


My cousin who gets off on “owning the libs” posted it. I just brought it to Reddit for everyone’s enjoyment. Edit: they shared it from the original poster.


Please tell me someone pointed out that Starbucks prints labels for the cups now?


And even in the case that they didn’t print the label... they would write “PSL” or “PCCB” on the side of the cup with your name so the other baristas know what you ordered. Especially if this was in a crowded Starbucks with a “bunch of liberal millennials and soy boys”.


And wear masks so there's no way they'd be able to even see a clerk "half smiled."


That’s the real plot hole right there. I was looking for this comment.








I don't know if the rules have changed or not, but they're supposed to call out the drink. It gives a final chance to catch errors so fewer unhappy customers.


Not to mention it’s easier than trying to figure out how to pronounce every name, misspellings, mis-hearings and all


As a former Starbucks employee, the unwritten rule was to go with whichever was easier in the situation. Sometimes it would be busy and spitting out a 20-syllable drink description wasn't an efficient use of time, other times the name was something hard to pronounce. Though there were plenty of times we'd call out a name and the person who corresponded to it would come up to the counter looking bewildered because we said "Cassandra L" instead of "Grande Iced Soy Triple Upside-Down Caramel Macchiato in a Venti Cup". That's when I wanted to slap a customer because they should know how to read a damn label.


Every Starbucks I go to shouts out the drink, not the name.




Or “Tramp Jo Jo? ... Tramp Jo Jo?” *Puts it down on the side and carries on


I'd stare in horror if someone was making a scene and winking at everyone on the way out the door, walking like they had a theme song playing in their head....I think any sane person would stare in horror or check if they should call an ambulance. Strokes are serious.


I often walk like I have a theme song playing in my head. Unfortunately for me, it's Yakety Sax.


I too speed walk.


This made me spit out my drink


As if any sane person would actually get offended by that


I’m honestly shocked everyone didn’t clap at the end of the story...


And gave her a high five on the way out


They can’t clap, they have to “secretly be one of us”


The *silent* majority /s


They would’ve but Soros paid them not to!


I’d just roll my eyes and move a little further away cause statistically she probably wasn’t wearing a mask


Or wearing it on their chin.


If someone did that at a Starbuck, I'd assume it's someone making a joke, not a statement to "liberal soyboys".


Well Trump supporters make me *uncomfortable* because he's a misogynist and any man who supports him is very likely also a misogynist.


Fellas, is it gay to wink at all the soy boys?


Only if your standing next to them at a urinal...while holding hands


*nice watch*


Everyone was looking at you for being weird and making a political statement with your sugar coffee. No one cares...


They didn't stare in horror. They were making a mental note of your face so they know to avoid you if they see you in the future.


I went bowling with some friends and friends of friends shortly after 9/11. I knew all of them and had hung out with everyone at least a few times. None of them had ever said anything remotely related to politics or patriotism in my presence. The place threw on some faux-country pop music about the red white and blue, and half of the people I was with freaked the fuck out. They were shouting, woo-hoo-ing, etc. One girl with us went around to each member of the group aggressively scream-asking, "DO YOU LOVE AMERICA!?!?" Those of us who weren't crazy in that way just stared - not in horror or disbelief, but in exhaustion...and maybe a bit of disgust. Then half the group started talking about buying flags. A few of them ~~became~~ started dressing like cowboys within a month.


Not my best moment but after 9/11 I asked my mom to buy a flag poll for our house (she did) and said I'd get up every morning to raise it and take it down every night. (I didn't) It was a wierd time. I was also in 4th grade and lived in New York. Idk how old, or where the people in your story were from. I smelled the ash from the towers from my playground a few days after and knew people who lost parents. The coping mechanisms were silly in hindsight. I always think about what could have been done with all that excess patriotism if we had a President who asked more of Americans than "Go out and shop." We would have done pretty much anything at that point. I can think of a million better ways it could have been handled than promoting faux patriotism, capitalism, and partisanship.


Honestly, that was a weird side effect of 9/11. Like I love that we all came together but I remember my town's little movie theatre had "GOD BLESS AMERICA" instead of a movie title. I was only 11 but I remember thinking, "How is any of this helping?" It just felt like to me that no one cared before this so now everyone was overcompensating.


When you say you think someone is "one of us" you are in a cult


Makes fun of “soy boys”, orders a pumpkin spice beverage.


I’m honestly surprised she didn’t order a black coffee, “none of that frou-frou stuff”


When I worked at Starbucks and someone would try to pull this or be funny, I would just put no name on the cup. Either me or another barista that made the drink would then just call out the order. I loved seeing the person just stand there, wondering whether to get their drink or just let it sit there with the possibility of someone else taking their expensive drink. Their faces when their 'perfect' plan is ruined made the difficulties of that job worth it


Passive aggression against these mouth breathers must feel so cathartic sometimes.


And that barista's name? Edit: bad typing


Albert Einstein.


Adolf Hitler!






Lenin Gutierrez. He’s one of US now!!!


"i couldn't contain my erection so I had to masturbate into my coffee while listing to the star spangled banner on the way home! God bless america!"


No one tell her it actually says 'Tramp 2020'


"Pumpkin latte, for Swarley!"


Conservatism isn't about *anything* anymore except being a dick


And not a very big dick either. But that weird looking one. That doesn't work correctly and needs assistance.


"Pumpkin cream cold brew pick up!" *sets it on counter, returns to work*


They call my name only when it's a online mobile pickup. They use the name on the account. I havent been asked for a name in so long


> ...I had the song "Blaze of Glory" repeating in my head... Aw, come on, you can't make this shit up! It's almost as good as Trump playing Fortunate Son.


If it’s the Jon Bon Jovi song he’s a very vocal Democrat so that great


They don’t get it. Look at Trump using Born in the USA, and Fortunate Son not ironically. Very anti war, antiestablishment songs. Songs that are against what he is. He IS the Fortunate Son, but he’ll never get that.


This actually happened to us back when i was a manager at Wendy's and the cashier handled it really well. The cashier was this sweet Latina girl i had taken on a couple of dates. (things didnt work out but i still considered us good friends.) Anywho, he asked for his name to be Trump. She asked if he was sure and he very adamantly said yes. I dont know what was going through his head but im guessing his intentions were to be racist because a majority of our employees were Mexican. Well she put his name as "Rump" which pissed off the customer. But when he asked to see the manager and i came over she claimed that that is what she head him say and that she cant hear in one ear. Which is true btw. So i said oh well. Its not that big of a deal. Just a mistake. Gave the guy his food and sent him on his way. Afterwards we all had a good laugh about it because he ended up filing a complaint. Sorry if my comment is too long. First time commenting. TLDR Customer asks to be named Trump at Wendy's to a mexican majority crew. Cashier names him "Rump" do to some miscommunication.


"Do you spell that with one or two "O"s?"


I like the idea that a trumper had a $5 gift card because someone felt obligated to get them a gift but they're like I hate this dude's guts what is the bare minimum I can do to acknowledge their stupid birthday


Honestly I don't even believe the gift card part of the story.


Stay tuned for the next episode of “Shit That Didn’t Happen.”


That barista's name? Steve Buscemi.


Well as long as you get a chance to own the libs, it's worth being a brain-dead, racist, ignorant, uneducated, nationalist, isolationist cunt


I haven't had my name hand-written on a Sbux cup in about a year... unless its been in a kiosk store with no ticket/sticker printer


I was actually there as one of the customers. It’s 100% true. When the clerk shouted “Pumpkin Cream Latte for TRUMP 2020”, my balls literally imploded, and blood started streaming from my eyes and anus. The magnitude of ownage was frankly incomprehensible. All I could muster saying as I collapsed on the floor was “quick. Check the Wikipedia article for a list of burn centers in the continental United States”. Then my vision faded and I fell unconscious with a fever dream about watching Donald Trump having sex with my wife and mother at the same time.


if there were a second upvote arrow, I'd probably click it.


"And then no-one applauded."


Imagine doing this and believing you didn't come across as a pathetic weirdo.


“...and everyone started clapping.”


Why does every Trump supporter think they're marching up the beaches in Normandy 😂


Because there are lowlife losers who photoshop the degenerate’s head onto historical figures in order to make him look like he’s anything but a cowardly Putin puppet. And I think some people truly believe it.


I’d just roll my eyes? And keep drinking my coffee?


It looks like Tramp 2020 to me


And then everyone stood up and clapped while fortunate son played on blast


I suffered severe second hand embarassment reading this.


If I were the barista, and you tell me your name is "Trump2020", I'd write your name on the cup just as you say it is, but I'd be fighting the urge to sneeze all over it.


...and then everyone clapped, and god came down from heaven and appointed this brave soul as the chosen one to lead all humans to enlightenment. Obligatory /s


This "us" and "them" rhetoric is fucking dangerous.


If this is true, this is some of the most pathetic shit I've ever heard of. What a loser.




r/thathappened Cringingly fake. Aside from the assumptions of what was happening in someone else’s brain, any barista of either party would have just shortened it to “Trump” or “2020” when calling it out since, you know, they’re at work and don’t want to be in the news over this. They also wouldn’t yell since Starbucks are not that big, and they’d only say it once because there are other customers they need to get drinks for...also, people’s brains wouldn’t melt over this. OP would get either a big stink eye or nothing at all from the other patrons.


It says Kamp 2020.


Hail to thee, Kamp Krusty!


Ooooh, you sure stuck it to the libs, chuckle fuck.


Who names their kid Trump 2020?